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Does Palpatine have a first name?


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Gadzooks! I just noticed that we've all missed something. I found his birth records and discovered that his given name is Pal Patine. But, due to a clerical error in elementary school, it was mistakenly taken as Palpatine. No one ever bothered to change it since he like people calling him by both names all the time rather than having to be called "Pal" by people he didn't even know. :D Edited by AlienEyeTX
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Its just one of those things Lucas is holding close to his chest, just like we don't know what species Yoda is.


Also known as, he doesn't have the foggiest idea, hasn't thought of a name, and won't let anyone else do it either.

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In some of the earliest drafts of SW, he was called Cos Da**** (Sounds like: Cause of the ... problem). A classy placeholder name, that. According to wookieepedia, He was renamed Son Hhat for the first serious draft.


So, some of the fanon has his first name as Cos. Which sounds like a variety of lettuce. I prefer Sunhat Palpatine myself. Keeps that idea of covering the galaxy in shade, and all that. Also allows for dialogue along the lines of "Listen, Sunny, I wouldn't be your apprentice if you were the last Sith in the universe."


ETA: Some call him Frank, as in "I must be Frank, Your Majesty ... " But since this line only exists in the prequels, it may not be definitive for your version of Star Wars.

Edited by vian
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The Phantom Menace Visual Dictionary gave his first name as "Ethril."


His father's full name was Cosinga Palpatine


Smells like poo...


Lucas vetoed the Ethril name before the Visual Dictionary went to print.

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It's the closest thing to an official name for dear ol' Palpy.


Also the furthest away, if GWL vetoed it. Names he hasn't specifically vetoed, like Flossie and Buttercup, are actually more likely, inasmuch as he hasn't ruled them out.

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