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Plague Poll


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Love it. I spotted the world boss in Outlaw's den up and we filled a 24 man op group within minutes to go kill it. Then we killed the other 2 world bosses in rapid sucession. After we killed the guy you spawn with the skull, we went over the nearby republic town and took over the place, killed all the guards, and all the players inside, just because we could.
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I'm lvl 14 and got infected, it was ok until it killed me inside The Esseles... =(


At my level, is there anything I can get other then death?:confused:


Kind of stupid event if it kill low level people when they can't do anything... and the medic droid sell stuff for 2k... yay at my level...

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LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Bioware needs to reduce the time it takes the plague to explode, (while decreasing the amount of DNA recieved per death; depending on how long the event is)


and for those whiny brats that dont like the plague, I'd say suck it up!....buy a vaccine and run around happy and oblivous. although selling the vaccine in limited quanities, every hour makes things a lot interesting.


it's an mmoRPG..if any dev wants to make your virtual world a life and death struggle. THIS is the way to do it..

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I'm lvl 14 and got infected, it was ok until it killed me inside The Esseles... =(


At my level, is there anything I can get other then death?:confused:


Kind of stupid event if it kill low level people when they can't do anything... and the medic droid sell stuff for 2k... yay at my level...


When you die you get DNA . Sell it for 10k a POP. Bam money.

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As a rule, I don't like "events" when they are not fully integrated in the game setting, both cause, development, and consequences. The cause is integrated, but the development and consequences are not - it's a "mad rakghoul entertainment day" kind of event, and that kind of event irks me.


As a general rule, I don't like events so much as world changes. Rakghoul plague outbreak is OK - it should start one one planet, and maybe progress to others as days and weeks go by, go back and forth. Each evolution step should modify conditions, with quests added or deleted on a weekly basis, with corresponding quarantine zones added to existing planets if needed. but an event that only affects players while the rest of the setting stays as it always was except for the occasional NPC bursting out of its clothing and spewing acidic spit ? Sorry, it's just like Halloween entertainment : a transient fad uncorrelated with the ongoing world at large.


And I concur with another poster : rewarding people who *spread* the plague is stupid beyond belief as far as I'm concerned.


Not impressed in the slightest. It's even worse than I expected, and I was not expecting much.

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Love the event.


I particularly like that you can do everything (as far as I can tell) without having to be top level. It always irked me that other games always seemed to reserve the most fun parts, and the best rewards, for the highest levels. Here, provided you are high enough for Tattooine in the first place, you can do everything.

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I have one question regarding this. A couple of my guild members was thinking of doing this but they keep reading that it is pvp and they hate pvp and will not doing anything pvp related.


So is this world event only for pvp??



Thank you


Not really. If you play on a PVP server, Id suggest traveling in groups.

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