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If BW stops runing PVP, they will stop bleeding subs


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lets face it 1.2 was highly anticipated as a game update that would save pvp and save BW from the coming onslaught of D3 and GW2


but ppl at blizzard are probably now celebrating this month since they now know taht Game update 1.2 has made pvp an abomination



BW, bring back pvp as it was pre 1.2, and keep the current system for gearing with warzone comms,




im pretty sure by this december ppl at BW will be pointing fingers at each other on how the PVP team made swtor became the fastest F2P mmo

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lets face it 1.2 was highly anticipated as a game update that would save pvp and save BW from the coming onslaught of D3 and GW2


but ppl at blizzard are probably now celebrating this month since they now know taht Game update 1.2 has made pvp an abomination



BW, bring back pvp as it was pre 1.2, and keep the current system for gearing with warzone comms,




im pretty sure by this december ppl at BW will be pointing fingers at each other on how the PVP team made swtor became the fastest F2P mmo


You mean, the people leaving WZ's, camping nodes for medals, and otherwise quitting the fight have absolutely nothing to do with the current state of PvP?


You do realize that if all 16 people entered the WZ, played to win it, and stayed until the end, all but one of these *problems* vanishes completely. The reward situation can be easily fixed, and should be.



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I think their issues are deeper than that. This is a console experience.


There is no MMO aspect here. A "raid", level grind or a gear grind does not make a good MMO. Everquest has been around for eons because the players identify with their toons, and are interdependant on others to play the game and thusly have made friends and alliances in the game.


In SWG I fought against the same Imperials for over 5 years, a few for over 6!!! I rarely if ever see the same imps here. Reward/quested items are better than crafted, and crafted items are usaually in my experience whatbrigns guilds together. They need to PvE to get the items to craft for that uber weapon or armor. That may exist here to an extent, but I've yet to see it.



PvP here had masked how bad it was, now that we spend more time dead and in the holding area's WZs are becoming more of an annoyance than a mask of how bad the MMO experience is.

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You mean, the people leaving WZ's, camping nodes for medals, and otherwise quitting the fight have absolutely nothing to do with the current state of PvP?


You do realize that if all 16 people entered the WZ, played to win it, and stayed until the end, all but one of these *problems* vanishes completely. The reward situation can be easily fixed, and should be.




that is a symptom of the sickness that is 1.2. there is no reason to stay in warzones that are lost causes anymore. i used to stick them out because i enjoyed the challenge of mounting a comeback and i was fairly compensated for my effort.


not i am lucky to get 500 credits and 40 comms in a loss. its just not good design

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Have you been to Tat yet and gone to the Ragoul areas?

Open world pvp heaven. On my server (Helm of Graush) just earlier today there were 50 lvl 50's on pub side, and even more imps, vying over the dailies. They have multiple steps, and both factions were locking out areas to keep the other from completing the dailies. Most fun I have had in open world since 3 months ago on Ilum.

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that is a symptom of the sickness that is 1.2. there is no reason to stay in warzones that are lost causes anymore. i used to stick them out because i enjoyed the challenge of mounting a comeback and i was fairly compensated for my effort.


not i am lucky to get 500 credits and 40 comms in a loss. its just not good design


No reason to stay? If you aren't likely to finish what you start, then you shouldn't start it in the first place.


If you are just looking out for yourself, then you really should not be joining anything that requires a team effort. Doing so kind of defeats the purpose, don't you think?


Somewhere along the line, parents stopped teaching their kids to either play right, or don't play at all.


THAT is what is killing PvP in this game right now - nothing more, nothing less.



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lets face it 1.2 was highly anticipated as a game update that would save pvp and save BW from the coming onslaught of D3 and GW2


but ppl at blizzard are probably now celebrating this month since they now know taht Game update 1.2 has made pvp an abomination



BW, bring back pvp as it was pre 1.2, and keep the current system for gearing with warzone comms,




im pretty sure by this december ppl at BW will be pointing fingers at each other on how the PVP team made swtor became the fastest F2P mmo


i unsubbed before 1.2 i checked 1.2 and i can defunatly say this game is not worth wiping my backside on.


i cant beleive i wasted £130 on the collectors box set no way of getting that refunded either :(

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i am confused.


there is alot of talk and stuff about some kinda thought police type dealio on the forums and stuff like people cant say their piece. i dont understand if people get to like say what they want all the time and can like just keep doing it because like their opinion is more important than other people's and stuff.


i mean...



If you have said your piece and believe in it, let it be. If you truly value your opinion why waste it on what you may consider deaf ears? Surely your energy could be better spent - especially considering the high level of intelligence evident in some of the more detailed posts concerning 1.2. I fail to see the need for idle threats either. The continuing "unsub" comments joined with the cries of censorship are laughable. Nobody on these forums, to my knowledge, has the level of foresight or influence to accurately predict the future of this MMO or any other, or the ability to cause an alleged 1.7 million players to unsubscribe simultaneously. The calls of censorship reek of entitlement. You are not entitled to your opinion any more or less than any other on these boards within the ruleset established and outlined in detail by EA/BW.


If you feel that you have expressed your opinion to satisfaction and not been heard, move on or unsubscribe. For me it makes no difference. I thank you for your opinions - often they have given me insights, but to continue on in a ramble or idle threats is infantile. You do not do yourself any honors. Either way I feel its a win. If you move on, the boards move on to other opinions, perhaps removed - perhaps not; this board is the property of a private enterprise. My posting here is a priviledge of subscription, not a right. If you unsubscribe, I also win, no matter the outcome of this game. Your vote with your wallet will count in the free market for the good of us all. And either this game will increase in value or fail, to be replaced by a better game, which I may purchase.



...like i said tho i just dont get it. i mean even my opinion is only as cool and stuff as they say it is on these boards and stuff with their rules, and I mean like, you know if I dont like this game and stuff i can go play another right?


Choice is cool, liek ice cream.




Edited by Geglad
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No reason to stay? If you aren't likely to finish what you start, then you shouldn't start it in the first place.




I start a WZ with the understanding that all classes will be balanced and I will get rewarded for my effort. Since this is not the case, I am forced to stop what I am doing and immediately look for a new team that allows my underpowered class to have an edge and create balance on my own. It's not quitting, it's just taking part of what the game has become.

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You mean, the people leaving WZ's, camping nodes for medals, and otherwise quitting the fight have absolutely nothing to do with the current state of PvP?


You do realize that if all 16 people entered the WZ, played to win it, and stayed until the end, all but one of these *problems* vanishes completely. The reward situation can be easily fixed, and should be.




QFT. I played lots of WZs today and I could tell from the first 10 seconds of the match if we were going to win or not. You could tell when team members just didn't have their heart in it. That and you get this constant stream of players entering and leaving the WZ.


They always say that the empire is overpowered. No. It seems to me they are just more coordinated.

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I think their issues are deeper than that. This is a console experience.


There is no MMO aspect here. A "raid", level grind or a gear grind does not make a good MMO. Everquest has been around for eons because the players identify with their toons, and are interdependant on others to play the game and thusly have made friends and alliances in the game.


In SWG I fought against the same Imperials for over 5 years, a few for over 6!!! I rarely if ever see the same imps here. Reward/quested items are better than crafted, and crafted items are usaually in my experience whatbrigns guilds together. They need to PvE to get the items to craft for that uber weapon or armor. That may exist here to an extent, but I've yet to see it.



PvP here had masked how bad it was, now that we spend more time dead and in the holding area's WZs are becoming more of an annoyance than a mask of how bad the MMO experience is.


Spot on. +1

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