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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Quit knocking me off my mount plague


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It's a load of crap that players have to buy some vaccine just to play the game. How is that fair to low level characters with no money? It should be optional to participate, not something we're forced to do.


It is optional, just avoid the people that have the infection and are glowing green with red eyes. Do you shake hands/hug/kiss sick people then complain that you got sick? Same situation here.

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So players have to watch everyone around them closely? That's not acceptable. Walking around the corners with mirrors? How is that enjoyable? By that logic, then anyone who wants to avoid infection should stay away from everyone at all times. No going to the Fleet. Just stay on the ship. Wow, how fun and exciting.
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Tell me when this is over so it quits ruining my immersion.


its actually more immersive. its part of the game story.... and there is an outbreak right now.


Or are you rollplaying that you are a hellokitty ninja from space? idk what the problem is- buy a 2k stim from a med droid and move on.

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Unfortunately, im at work So i can't enjoy it ATM. But, doesn't sound too bad. I remember the Wrath invasion in WoW...towards the end it was getting so bad that you really couldn't just enter the main city without hordes of undead engaging you in combat every 10 paces.


Seriuosly, if you can avoid the infected with any measure of awareness, it doesn't sound that bad. At least you CAN avoid them. imagine coming out of the GMT in Dromund Kass and having to fight 7 groups of mobs just to exit the city? thats what the wrath invasion was like.


...back when we had to deal with invasions....in the snow....uphill....barefoot....


...you kids got it easy nowadays

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It's a load of crap that players have to buy some vaccine just to play the game. How is that fair to low level characters with no money? It should be optional to participate, not something we're forced to do.


Concur. Here's a story:


One day while I was looking in boredom at WoW's Wikia page, I noticed something. A "Zombie Outbreak" similar to this Rakghoul Plague. Also, forced participation sounds more like the Corrupted Blood Glitch I heard of. I don't want to antagonize Bioware on adding events, which is something that they should do, but I don't think that this whole contamination thing, where the only way to stay safe is to stay locked up in your starship, is a good idea. The bosses are good. The Dailies are good. But let's draw the line at contamination, huh? Or lower the costs on the vaccine, at least.

Edit: Noticed several more missions, one of which for a vanity pet. Your doing better then previously thought, bioware. But, at least add less enigmatic explanations. Some players might not get why people are attacking them at their ships. And lower vaccine costs would still be good. Some players can't spend 2000.

Edited by bionamaster
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