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Does anyone truly think marauders/sentinels are balanced?


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lol at all the marauders on here telling everyone else to L2P!!


when a class says everyone else is bad, that to me is proof that they are infact OP


a retarded monkey can play a marauder to top dps during this patch. Ravage is the lolz


best in game dps PLUS best in game defensive cooldowns, PLUS best in game heal debuff


actually it's been repeatedly stated by the devs that marauder/sentinel are the most difficult class to play currently because of the amount of micromanagement needed. so if a retarded monkey can play one, i'd hate to see what could play the other classes. A dung bettle maybe? nah need thumbs...

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Saying "nice try but no" to try and look cool does absolutely nothing to disprove that the game in discussion doesn't have the word Knights in it. Dig deeper please.


You're getting off topic here, but google Knights of the Old Republic, you'll see the connection. Better yet, take a marketing class and learn about building a brand and you'll understand there is no difference.


Along those lines and back to topic. Star Wars = Jedi. It is the brand. They didn't want the "Uncle Owen" experience in SWG, so they allowed everyone to be a Jedi with the NGE. It was clearly not a game play decision but a marketing one. This game like most SW games is going to be Jedi heavy. If you want to see nothing but troopers, Halo it is.


The basis will tend to favor the jedi class because jedi is the brand. When these decisions are made it isn't rarely decided based purely on game play. The curb appeal often is considered first and more than any other aspect to these decisions.


So yes, if there is going to be a FOTM, it needs to some form of jedi. They also know FOTM drives these types of games to a good degree. In other words, don't expect a nerf anytime soon.

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actually it's been repeatedly stated by the devs that marauder/sentinel are the most difficult class to play currently because of the amount of micromanagement needed. so if a retarded monkey can play one, i'd hate to see what could play the other classes. A dung bettle maybe? nah need thumbs...


So i just stepped into a warzone on a level 10 mara and got first place on medals (15) and top damage, having NO idea how to play a mara in pvp... You call that balanced? wonder what the hell will happen when i actually know what im doing, cuz i just owned everyones score on the scoreboard in my first match. Sure, i did die alot but thats due to not having defensive cooldowns, marauders who tell others need to L2P have an amazing way of thinking, unless they want to believe it so much that they actualkly start believing it.

Edited by SveNnes
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I gave up on the discussion about what is imbalanced and what is not. I just unsubbed, couldn't care if the fanboys are saying that Bioware is doing a great job. I've seen free MMO's with better balance.


However I do find it odd that you have two sith warrior classes a dps and a tank class. I found it really amusing when I discovered I had more survival cds than the Juggernaut. If I was a tank class I would be thinking ***, why does the dps class got my skills?


But I found my marauder to be a bit over the top prepatch, with it's invincibility cds. And they got short cds aswell. After the patch, it's was fun for awhile, but just for awhile. It's not fun to wreck everyone who is not a marauder, and know it's not because of playerskills it's because you got a toon in your hands that got some abilities that should never have been introduced to a char in pvp.


And yes when I don't got my cd's ready I feel a bit more squishy than before the patch, but all classes are more squishy. PvP feel like running around with a flamethrower among paper dolls. Fun for some fights then boring as hell. I like when you are up against a good player with good skill that if you make a mistake, interrupting the wrong thing then you are most likely to die. Granted the marauder with cd's can often survive mistakes and make a come back.


So no there's according to Bioware and the fanboys no imbalance in the game. It's just about rolling the right char that takes next to no skill to play. We will probably see in the next patch everyone else get boosted even more in dmg to match the melee classes. I imagine patch 1.3 something like this. Everyone are able to oneshot anyone. You only have to use wsad and one other button (dmg skill). Everyone of the remaining players are happy, noone is imbalanced, noone have to think about tactics etc. Just run forward press a button and hope you are the first one to push it.

Edited by DasHillBilly
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So i just stepped into a warzone on a level 10 mara and got first place on medals (15) and top damage, having NO idea how to play a mara in pvp... You call that balanced? wonder what the hell will happen when i actually know what im doing, cuz i just owned everyones score on the scoreboard in my first match.


That's a cool fake story bro. You should share more fake stories.


If that's even slightly true, the people you played with are terrible, has nothing to do with you, sorry. No excuses.

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I do.


They finally gave a little more damage, which is what we needed to compete with other classes that are hybrids and still out dps'd us and we are specialized in damage.


I see a lot of FOTM rerolls and guess what? They are terrible, any class that has learned to play from a deficit from the beginning that gets a nice set of buffs of course will seem OP to others. Because we had to deal with a harder hill to climb, they just lowered the tilt of the terrain.


Fighting a Sent/Mara is hard when they know how to properly use their CDs. Sadly a lot of Sents/Maras don't.


Not a lot has changed for us. All our changes are slight.


Good for you that your class seems balanced :D:D:D (what a shock)


Melee should always be in disadvantage on a gunfight why do you think modern armies use GUNS and not swords but when melee gets in knifefight range it should have edge that is balance.


Guess what everyother DPS class is squishy too it just might seem bad to you because you have to eat some damage to close the gap but when you get in melee range then you do your damage.


You picked your class and desided to go melee with little to none AOE (unless smashspec) and you want to do the same damage as AOE heavy ranged dps .. maybe reroll then there is a reason why guns made swords and spears ceremonial at most.


Your changes might seem slight but when everything else is nerfd and you get buffed from 1.1.5 yes your class becomes the OP one. Was pre 1.2 so bad to maras then because i remember them being quite good class and even a 14k freshding could take out BM geared people out just because you had the damage and CD´s.




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Marasents are probably not balanced.


That said, I feel like I need to invest in some high tech gaming mouse with fifty different buttons to map all my skills as a Marauder to and one that comes with a built-in prostate stimulator to feel accomplished when I kill someone.

Edited by NoiseTankXIII
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Every class has some form of crowd control. The sentinel stun is among the weakest in the game because it can be interrupted and the AOE daze is on a one minute cooldown just like Flash Bang. As for "burst," the only spec that offers more burst than steady damage on a sentinel/marauder is Rage/Focus, and Guardians and Juggernauts can use the exact same spec, which offers some large AOE crits but is definitely not the most "bursty" spec or class in the game.


I've said it before and I'll say it again. If you're looking for a class that is second to none on the survivability list, look to shadows. They have a god mode on a 45 second cooldown and can self heal themselves to no end, yet for whatever reason they were the only class to receive no changes in this update.

Edited by Quesadilla
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lol at all the marauders on here telling everyone else to L2P!!


when a class says everyone else is bad, that to me is proof that they are infact OP


a retarded monkey can play a marauder to top dps during this patch. Ravage is the lolz


best in game dps PLUS best in game defensive cooldowns, PLUS best in game heal debuff


lol at all the people on here telling everyone else that Marauders and Sentinels are OP!!


when a person says that a class is overpowered, that to me is proof that they are infact bad.


a retarded monkey can against marauders better than I can. Strategy and coordination is the lolz


I don't know when to use my CC PLUS all I know how to do is button mash, PLUS I'm bad at this game

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That's a cool fake story bro. You should share more fake stories.


If that's even slightly true, the people you played with are terrible, has nothing to do with you, sorry. No excuses.


Does it matter if the people i played with/against was terrible? I was level 10 and could easily solo people at level 40+. Did i ever claim this had anything to do with ME playing? No, it has to do with marauders being OP.

Edited by SveNnes
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I currently play a level 50 rank 73+ marauder on the shadowtown server. I have played the class primarily since launch, and here are a few of my opinions on the class -



1) Compared to other online mmo's I have played, this dps class "sith warrior marauder" seemed to have alot of what I would call "rogue" capabilities (ie. debuff abilities, combat escape abilities)


2) As simple as the class seems to play, it gets pretty complicated later (depends on your trait and skill usage). However I must say that I have seen marauders who play the class simply, but they do not perform as well in WarZone matches (as far as damage score, kill to death ratio, and medals won are concerned)


3) In my opinion, anyone who plays a dps class with extreme skill will most likley burn through a healer or non-damage spec'd enemy; keep in mind however that there are extreme skilled healers that can outheal/debuff almost all incoming damage (these extreme skilled healers seem to be in lower population than that of the extreme skilled dps class-such as the marauder).

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lol at all the people on here telling everyone else that Marauders and Sentinels are OP!!


when a person says that a class is overpowered, that to me is proof that they are infact bad.


a retarded monkey can against marauders better than I can. Strategy and coordination is the lolz


I don't know when to use my CC PLUS all I know how to do is button mash, PLUS I'm bad at this game


And then you just seem like another marauder who desperately wants his class to keep facerolling around in PvP, how this is even fun beats me.

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And then you just seem like another marauder who desperately wants his class to keep facerolling around in PvP, how this is even fun beats me.


One of my chars is an Marauder and it's actually fun the first 10 wz... then it's becomes just as boring as doing the spacequest.


People that were better than me before the patch is getting kicked around now, like they were a ragdoll in a bad action movie.

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And then you just seem like another marauder who desperately wants his class to keep facerolling around in PvP, how this is even fun beats me.


I know observation is hard, but if you look at my sig, you can see the classes I play. But I know it's hard.

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So funny how all these whiners (Who instantly rush for the forums starts to make QQ posts and comments constantly about the class they happened to get killed by)


"Im not bad... that class is just overpowered since it was able to kill me"



Its the same whine that was made constantly about operatives some time ago


and after Operatives it was Mercenary bounty hunters and their damage.


Marauders/sentinels (who are actually a bunch of squishballs if met by a proper player) just happens to be the new target of the month



Next month its something else for sure :)


The real question is, Which class is next in line for the whine/QQ?



(Btw im a sith juggernaut and not a marauder for whoever that wonders)

Edited by Zaranok
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Does it matter if the people i played with/against was terrible? I was level 10 and could easily solo people at level 40+. Did i ever claim this had anything to do with ME playing? No, it has to do with marauders being OP.


You're saying you killed level 40s when you're level 10, but somehow it doesn't matter if they were terrible?


Lol, if you have any aspirations for Law School, I'd think twice.

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Sents are DPS class deal with it, thats their point, to dos a huge amount.

Have you forgot they are highly squishy? I take them out really easy as a commando, although their shield does do make a huge difference as they take 10-15 damage per sec for a little while...

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It's ofc understandable that marauders seek to advocate that the patch is good.


However keep in mind that this patch actually ended in a mass exodus that haven't ended yet. A lot of ppl have unsubbed but still got remaining days left. The population will dwindle over the next couple of months.


So a plea to fellow marauders try to look at it with a litlle less biased eyes.


Yes it's fun to be on my marauder, when I know my kills are because I interrupted at the right times etc.


And no it's not fun, when I can make mistakes vs. good players with the wrong chars and still get a kill.


However I guess it will balance out when 50%+ of all wz consists of pure Marauders.

Edited by DasHillBilly
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However keep in mind that this patch actually ended in a mass exodus that haven't ended yet. A lot of ppl have unsubbed but still got remaining days left. The population will dwindle over the next couple of months.



Proof? Oh, you have none? Okay.


As for the rest of your post, it's too ironic to criticize.

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Proof? Oh, you have none? Okay.


As for the rest of your post, it's too ironic to criticize.


It's funny how the fanboys are lacking any form of normal discussion. It's either l2p newb. Or a oneliner like yours proof bla bla or it didn't happen.


If you have been keeping tab on various guilds and seen how many actually left you would be surprised. But I guess a person like you probably find some excuse for that as people going on an early summer vacation etc.


But with your somewhat odd form of communication you are actually just proving that it's the fanboys and raging people who cannot discuss in a normal way who are defending tooth and nail.


Some people ofc do defend it with arguments. But most of people are more keen on writing you are bad I am good. My toon is on the top on my server. Funny how everyone can be on the top of their server?


EDIT: Anyway if everyone who are defending the patch are in top of their server... and marauders, shouldn't it tell you something? Ohh wait I am a newb I need to l2p.

Edited by DasHillBilly
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