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+0 everything for top healing (screenshot)


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BioWare's huge issue with PVP right now is this idea that damage is the only thing that matters




262,000 healing and you only get 2 medals? That's a load of bull ****, meanwhile doing damage and getting kills gets you a ton of medals, but doing over 260k healing gets you 2, which gets you 0 valor, 0 credits, 0 experience, 0 commendations.




What in the blue Kentucky **** were you thinking biofail



262k healing when your team is getting destroyed so badly is close to godly, even. do people even understand how hard that is to do?

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You got 2 medals bro. I'm guessing for 2.5k heal and 75k healing. You're gonna have to contribute a little more than that to get rewarded.



yeah, doing top healing in the entire match is not "contributing" now, I guess.


if so, than that's a giant flaw in the system.

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I've had way too many one sided matches since 1.2, the 50 bracket is an awful mess. Sub 50 it hasn't really changed that much aside the increase of marauder/jugg/sentinal/guardian appearances. Edited by Sookster
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yeah, doing top healing in the entire match is not "contributing" now, I guess.


if so, than that's a giant flaw in the system.


262k healing honestly isn't much. And 2 medals means you were healing somewhere out in mid and not near any objectives.

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If you've really unsubbed put it your sig.


I unsubbed before 1.2 was released. Right now it's just leftover days.


To the others, I was healing many people, point is you can no longer play a pure healer, you have to build a hybrid and farm medals or else you wont get any credit.

Now it's just DPSvsDPS

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You got 2 medals bro. I'm guessing for 2.5k heal and 75k healing. You're gonna have to contribute a little more than that to get rewarded.


By doing what? Getting KBs that even the DPS couldn't get? Maybe he should stop healing and switch to DPS. Apparently DPS is the only contribution that matters anymore.


I will say that as Sawbones I have experienced both ends. For the most part, PvP has been fine for me. I do help DPS to FF targets down if I can take a quick 3 seconds or so break from healing. I think that at times it is more efficient to DPS, CC or do other non healing duties.


The one exception is the 10 games I played in a Pug getting rolled by the best Guilds Premades over and over. In those cases, I had a choice. Contribute and try to get an unlikely win, bail on the group, or farm medals. I continued to try for the win, but it was frustrating know that I was sacrificing any rewards just to play the game the way it was designed to be played.


If you have not been in a PuG that just can not compete, you will not see the issues.

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By doing what? Getting KBs that even the DPS couldn't get? Maybe he should stop healing and switch to DPS. Apparently DPS is the only contribution that matters anymore.


I will say that as Sawbones I have experienced both ends. For the most part, PvP has been fine for me. I do help DPS to FF targets down if I can take a quick 3 seconds or so break from healing. I think that at times it is more efficient to DPS, CC or do other non healing duties.


The one exception is the 10 games I played in a Pug getting rolled by the best Guilds Premades over and over. In those cases, I had a choice. Contribute and try to get an unlikely win, bail on the group, or farm medals. I continued to try for the win, but it was frustrating know that I was sacrificing any rewards just to play the game the way it was designed to be played.


If you have not been in a PuG that just can not compete, you will not see the issues.


By healing near any objective whatsoever. All those new attacker and defender medals are there for a reason.

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262k healing honestly isn't much. And 2 medals means you were healing somewhere out in mid and not near any objectives.


it's a ton of healing when you are on a team that's getting destroyed that badly.


in fact, people should practically being erecting a statue in that guy's honor, not giving zero rewards.

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You were not playing the objective.


1) probably correct. he was healing people. apparently that's a bad thing to do now.


2) when your team is getting destroyed that badly, you CAN'T get objectives. what's with this "the peasants have no food? well then let them eat cake" attitude on here?

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it's a ton of healing when you are on a team that's getting destroyed that badly.


in fact, people should practically being erecting a statue in that guy's honor, not giving zero rewards.


Can I move to your server then? I have a few defeats with 600-700k healing and I'd like one of these statues.

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This problem isn't just affecting healers, there have been several occasions where I was placed into a match against an opposing team that vastly out geared my team and we were literally crushed and had zero opportunity to earn medals.


As it stands right now, I take care of number one first and stand guard over a seldom attacked turret (despite my dps being needed elsewhere) just to make sure that I get the attacker bonus and two ticks of defense bonus before I even bother to engage in PVP.


This is my Insurance that I am going to leave a warzone with at least something to show for it. If I join into a battle that is already started and my team is losing, I'm not even going to bother sticking around, why? Because I am not going to get shiz for it. Sorry to be so harsh and I have previously hated people leaving warzones, but I have a full time job, kids and responsibilities, when I play, I want to be able to show something for it.


Your example above could have been 200k Damage or 200K defense, it doesn't really matter the story is the same. I understand that the reason for the change is to ensure people are doing something and not just sitting AFK, but mabe a better solution would have been to ban people that were doing that activity, or just disable their ability to queue for PVP.

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I hope Mr.Amatangelo will accept some new challenging game developments proposals. And i honestly think he deserves a looong holiday for all the excellent work done. Edited by Kyaa
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I rarely find it necessary to quote someone and tell them how wrong they are on the forums, but gems like this can't be passed by. This is a prime example of why BHs/Commandos were unjustifiably nerfed last patch (Whiners on the forums).


Hmmmmmm 80% of the make up was all ranged (healing) I have YET to see a trooper come in a WZ that wasnt a commando who sheiled, spammed Grav rounds and pretty much laugh off a melee in their face.


That shield you're talking about? 2 minute cooldown (that only gives 20% damage reduction, the same as cloak of pain, which has half the cooldown, lasts longer, and reflects damage)


Lets seeeee... Heavy Armor, Healing, mass ranged damage, shielding and absorbtion, and additional knock backs, snares and roots... and people thought this was ok...


Heavy Armor is about a 5% energy/kinetic damage reduction over medium. I've tested this with multiple characters. 5% damage reduction to half the damage types is hardly imbalancing.


You also mentioned "absorbtion", "roots" and "additional knock backs". What absorption? Please, oh grand master of BHs, tell me what ability I have that puts an absorb shield on me. None? Right. The same can be said for roots. COMMANDOS/BHs HAVE NO ROOT. Just like they have no interrupt. What makes our knockback "additional"? It's our only way to get a melee off of us, period (and it got nerfed too).


Then you have people QQ about Mara/Sents actually being able to make people feel their MELEE DPS numbers who wear MEDIUM armor mind you (yes that makes a huge difference in defense and deflection) which Mara/Sents give up shields as well for not being a Jugg.


I already had good Marauders keeping up with me in warzones. Now they decimate me. They've become completely out of control, with way too much PvP cooldowns/utility. They are by far the more advanced class, in terms of amount of escape mechanics and options for handling situations. Marauders are what all the other advanced classes need to be brought on par with.


Don't try to go pandering to the "I got shot by a BH/Commando" crowd. We do no more damage than Snipers, Marauders, Operatives, Sorcs, and just about every other class with a good player behind the keyboard.

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You'd have gotten more medals if your team didn't fail and actually managed to kill someone.


Which brings us to the actual problem of randoms getting put up against premades and losing horribly, which, with the current reward system, means they wasted the last X minutes of their lives.

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Can't find the original thread so:



While I agree with your main point, I noticed something in your screenshot. Now, I haven't read this entire thread and maybe someone points this out, but for ALL the healing you did....


You only got 2 medals. It's documented that you need to get at least 4 medals for anything to count. On top of that... look at your objective points. ZERO. Now, you can make an argument that healing is contributing to the objective, and I wouldn't argue with you. But, BW has stated they wanted to make pvp more objective based and less kill kill kill. The assinine changes to expertise notwithstanding, it's pretty faceroll to get objective points.

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This is the reason I'll be cancelling. I should hit 50 before the rollover date, so it's all good. This game was an interesting example of what not to do. MMO's are not easy to make, and even companies that seem like they should be able to make the transition... can't.


Oh, well.


More games on the horizon. As this game spirals down, I hope future companies take note.


Wait, you are canceling because there was an entire team of bads that lost to a better team?



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Can I move to your server then? I have a few defeats with 600-700k healing and I'd like one of these statues.


yes, please do. we need help.


as a healer on my faction on my server, I'm lucky if I can get a heal off at all because 1/2 my team is dead all the time due to being vastly outgeared and so I constantly have 3 guys on me, stunning me, interrupting me, and killing me in 3 second flat.

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While I agree with your main point, I noticed something in your screenshot. Now, I haven't read this entire thread and maybe someone points this out, but for ALL the healing you did....


You only got 2 medals. It's documented that you need to get at least 4 medals for anything to count. On top of that... look at your objective points. ZERO. Now, you can make an argument that healing is contributing to the objective, and I wouldn't argue with you. But, BW has stated they wanted to make pvp more objective based and less kill kill kill. The assinine changes to expertise notwithstanding, it's pretty faceroll to get objective points.



1) probably correct. he was healing people. apparently that's a bad thing to do now.


2) when your team is getting destroyed that badly, you CAN'T get objectives. what's with this "the peasants have no food? well then let them eat cake" attitude on here?

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