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+0 everything for top healing (screenshot)


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This is why my guild has lost 4 healers since thursday. 3 rerolled dps and the other just flat quit. If you think these forums were bad before you have no idea what is coming down the pike. You just gave people a free month to troll on how bad you guys screwed up.
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I see you only killed one person...that's very suspicious. If you were actually in combat healing players who were fighting you would have gotten credit for their kills.


So I'm thinking you just sat off to a side, and healed buddy who intentionally sacrificed health.

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I see you only killed one person...that's very suspicious. If you were actually in combat healing players who were fighting you would have gotten credit for their kills.


So I'm thinking you just sat off to a side, and healed buddy who intentionally sacrificed health.


If you look at the rest of the team that is all they killed is 1 guy??? Its no wonder the OP reciven 0 every thing looks like the whole team afked the wz

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This is the reason I'll be cancelling. I should hit 50 before the rollover date, so it's all good. This game was an interesting example of what not to do. MMO's are not easy to make, and even companies that seem like they should be able to make the transition... can't.


Oh, well.


More games on the horizon. As this game spirals down, I hope future companies take note.

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I see you only killed one person...that's very suspicious. If you were actually in combat healing players who were fighting you would have gotten credit for their kills.


So I'm thinking you just sat off to a side, and healed buddy who intentionally sacrificed health.


He just a terrible team... 200k odd healing and all of like 5 deaths total for the enemy side.


No one got any medals, no one got anything.


You know when the huttball announcer says your team may as well crawl in a hole cause your already playing dead... yeah.


I'm sorry considering how easy it is to get those 4 medals (even as a healer!) the only ones who are complaining are those that get stomped as badly as the OP did. I've lost more than I've won in the time that I've managed to play over the last few days and i still manage to get an least 6-7 medals (most often hitting the 8) by playing my class well and the objective.


Thats not class imbalance... thats just a case of your terrible and not going to get rewarded for it.

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I see you only killed one person...that's very suspicious. If you were actually in combat healing players who were fighting you would have gotten credit for their kills.


So I'm thinking you just sat off to a side, and healed buddy who intentionally sacrificed health.



nobody on his team got more than 1 kill, so he wouldn't have gotten more than one despite being in the thick of the fighting the entire time.


so no, you are wrong. man up and admit it.

Edited by Jeopardydd
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Just wow. Their team got rolled & despite his healing efforts, zip-nada-zilch. If this is the true intention of the dev team then they will have to be replaced (dev team) if BW wants to keep any semblance of a pvp player base.


Before people start in with the get a premade hyperbole, there has to be SOME incentive to queue up for lesser geared/lesser skilled players. Otherwise it's quickly going to be a circle jerk for the remaining people who stay.

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If you look at the rest of the team that is all they killed is 1 guy??? Its no wonder the OP reciven 0 every thing looks like the whole team afked the wz



no, this is what some of us are trying to tell you guys who say there is no problem.


games like this happen all the time for those of us on the weaker faction on a light server.

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I see you only killed one person...that's very suspicious. If you were actually in combat healing players who were fighting you would have gotten credit for their kills.


So I'm thinking you just sat off to a side, and healed buddy who intentionally sacrificed health.


lol, credit for what kills? The team didnt get any but he still got top heals for the entire warzone.


The warzones are not what the morons are calling for, that is a deathmatch so kills have nothing to do with anything. I remember destroying an opposing team where we killed 2 people to their 46, we played the game and won, 1.2 is an idiotic medal dash.

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I see the issue. If you look at the damage and opposing team make up, their team had the sentinels. Those are the 2, 200k dps, and a good smuggler of some sort. Maybe that one that drops that aoe ground damage that defends a door like OP craziness. Enemy sentinels probably focus fired and farmed all of them. 2 of his dps were guardians, you can tell by the protection, which evidently amounted for little. Notice how he managed to have zero deaths, but look at his team's deaths. He was only able to keep himself up.


Healers aren't the game changer anymore. It's the DPS. People are like oh that's how it's supposed to be. I disagree. It's a game design decision, and healers are once again the abused minority. You can't PVE style heal in PVP anymore. Pre 1.2 good heals could help a pug deal with a preform, which seems to be the case here. Wouldn't help your killing power, but it could help you accomplish objectives. Now you get dying cause dps were throwing a fit they couldn't 1v1 a healer.

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BioWare's huge issue with PVP right now is this idea that damage is the only thing that matters




262,000 healing and you only get 2 medals? That's a load of bull ****, meanwhile doing damage and getting kills gets you a ton of medals, but doing over 260k healing gets you 2, which gets you 0 valor, 0 credits, 0 experience, 0 commendations.




What in the blue Kentucky **** were you thinking biofail

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They also completely are wasting anyone's time who gets pulled into a match late. I did everything I could to help the match out, include throwing the ball the the person who went ahead and scored. Nada.


It's just sad what they did to the PVPers. A lot of pvp guilds are leaving, and ultimately Bioware is reaping what they sow.

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Well i would say he spent the time healing himself since he only had one kill or they had no DPS...



Pre 1.2 the matches were almost always heavy healing classes because some could still nuke your but off AND heal or Off heal... In just about all matches against the republic on my server it was almost always this make up...


3 Troopers

2 Sages

1 to 3 Scoundrels

1 maybe two melee DPS...



Hmmmmmm 80% of the make up was all ranged (healing) I have YET to see a trooper come in a WZ that wasnt a commando who sheiled, spammed Grav rounds and pretty much laugh off a melee in their face.


Lets seeeee... Heavy Armor, Healing, mass ranged damage, shielding and absorbtion, and additional knock backs, snares and roots... and people thought this was ok...


Then you have people QQ about Mara/Sents actually being able to make people feel their MELEE DPS numbers who wear MEDIUM armor mind you (yes that makes a huge difference in defense and deflection) which Mara/Sents give up shields as well for not being a Jugg.

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