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This game badly needs mods and macros.


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Nothing is needed in the game.


But desirable, desirable is another matter.


And don't tell me I shouldn't want to improve the UI.


Addon's and improved UI are two different stories.


Im all for improved UI. In its current form its bulky, ugly and annoying.


Im all against 3rd party add-ons. Just give us our combat log.

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Talking about Rift's 3 buttons macros... Hell if you decided to macro on 3 buttons, that's you problem. If you want more challenge, just macro less, that is all.


If you complain because you think you are getting killed in PVP by newbies because they are using this method, then you might not be as good as you think you are...

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Addon's and improved UI are two different stories.


No, they aren't.


I want my UI improved though the myriad ways Addons offer to me. If they're different stories, that's because the book is an anthology. And I really think they're part of the same story.


So do many others. Any number of polls showed that one of the things most commonly desired in the form of an addon was a customized UI.


Im all for improved UI. In its current form its bulky, ugly and annoying.


Im all against 3rd party add-ons. Just give us our combat log.


I'm less concerned about the combat log than I am about the ability to customize my UI the way I want it, and the best way I've seen to do it...is through an Addon API that lets a host of people develop for it, not just the developers Bioware can affod.

Edited by Colobulous
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I agree with the Buff/Debuff part of the UI being too small and not very good. I hope they fix it, but it's not a gamebreaker for me.


I can agree with Macros, although I don't really see why the game "badly needs them", it already seems like it's been macroed.


No mods. Please. With WoW, mods started out okay. There were some decent UI overhauls (that fixed WoW horrid base UI that took up too much screen). But when you start seeing things like "Healers Have To Die" mods or any other mods that pretty much dent the essence of the game, there's a problem.

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No mods. Please. With WoW, mods started out okay. There were some decent UI overhauls (that fixed WoW horrid base UI that took up too much screen). But when you start seeing things like "Healers Have To Die" mods or any other mods that pretty much dent the essence of the game, there's a problem.


Then specify those, and don't allow access to the functions involved.


It's that simple.

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I honestly feel sorry for the people who *need* mods & macros to enjoy a game like this.


It's like getting a great novel and then taking a shortcut by just reading the blurb on the back and flicking through in case there are some pictures.


To all the "you have to have a DPS meter" crowd I say this: No you don't.

If you are not able to work out what is going on, a meter won't help *you*.

I have been on plenty of raids in *other* games where the most valuable members of the party would have been kicked by meter watchers. They are the players that provide the buffs and debuffs that make the table toppers look great - in fact I have seen players like that kicked out of raids because the leader thought the meter was god.


Macros are a risky thing too - it really depends what you are asking for. Binding a key to multiple actions is hardly going to break the game; but back in the days of SWG you could write a macro to AFK grind mobs all day long (literally) just using the ingame macro tools.


I'm no fool - it is obvious that people will create there own tools (sanctioned or not) if something is not done to pander to the *awsome* players who are calling for these crutches. As they have correctly pointed out, the tools are not the problem. What they fail to see is that they that are the problem and, ironically, the tools.


My sympathies go out to them.

Edited by Geresek
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I totally agree with that.


The argument is that if add-ons are implemented improperly it could, in fact, have a negative/harmful impact on the game, such as providing an unfair tactical advantage over other players. Most likely the reason add-ons are not available at launch is because things need to "settle" in order for Bioware to properly implement and regulate mods that are available to the community. In other words, it takes time. Especially for something that is not really a necessity.

Edited by demuss
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I honestly feel sorry for the people who *need* mods & macros to enjoy a game like this.


It's like getting a great novel and then taking a shortcut by just reading the blurb on the back and flicking through in case there are some pictures.


No, it's like getting a novel, and putting it on your kindle instead, so you can put it in the font you like.


To all the "you have to have a DPS meter" crowd I say this: No you don't.

If you are not able to work out what is going on, a meter won't help *you*.


Yes, it will, because the not able to work it out comes from an inability to observe all the points of data effectively, when the meter won't have that problem.


I have been on plenty of raids in *other* games where the most valuable members of the party would have been kicked by meter watchers. They are the players that provide the buffs and debuffs that make the table toppers look great - in fact I have seen players like that been kicked out of raids because the leader thought the meter was god.


Really? Because everybody I know of who uses meters is quite aware of the contributions that specific buffs and debuffs provide, and actually use the meters to show it, not ignore it.


Maybe you should play with better leaders.


Macros are a risky thing too - it really depends what you are asking for. Binding a key to multiple actions is hardly going to break the game; but back in the days of SWG you could write a macro to AFK grind mobs all day long (literally) just using the ingame macro tools.


SWG had many flaws, yes.


I'm no fool - it is obvious that people will create there own tools (sanctioned or not) if something is not done to pander to the *awsome* players who are calling for these crutches.


You are a fool, because you are trying to shame us with a tired analogy that has been relentlessly used to try to dismiss people with valid concerns, but all you are doing is showing how you want to degrade others.


But what you don't realize is that a crutch is a tool, and it does have a proper use.


As they have correctly pointed out, the tools are not the problem. What they fail to see is that they that are the problem and, ironically, the tools.


My sympathies go out to them.


You should look at yourself, to see the log in thine own eye.

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I sorely underestimated just how poor the UI would turn out. It is so uncustomizable it isn't funny. Health bars, buffs, debuffs, and the power bar are all WAY too small. You can't move or resize anything, I HATE having the chat box up the top.


Not having a damage meter or even a freaking combat log is ridiculous. Why shouldn't we even know how much damage we're doing? I want to know what the best rotation is for my character and I have absolutely no way of working that out.


Macros are a staple in every MMO, how can you just not have them? There's a nice focus target but it's practically useless without focus macros.


These should be top priority for the next patch.


I love WoW players, so dependent on damage meters and 1 button macros to spam all their abilities for them. Bioware =/= Blizzard. Lets try use more then one button shall we? =]

Edited by Arzhanin
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I love WoW players, so dependent on damage meters and 1 button macros to spam all their abilities for them.


Somebody is quite condescending here, because the poster you're quoting made no statement about using one button, and then you use such offensive terminology?


Besides, Rift is the game that has the one button Macros.

Edited by Colobulous
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Somebody is quite condescending here, because the poster you're quoting made no statement about using one button, and then you use such offensive terminology?


Besides, Rift is the game that has the one button Macros.


Did you even play WoW before they nerfed macros? for like 2 years you could put all your abilities in 1 macro and just spam 1 button. I'm sorry your offended. Truth hurts sometimes.



And yes RIFT does now :)

Edited by Zierk
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I love WoW players, so dependent on damage meters and 1 button macros to spam all their abilities for them. Bioware =/= Blizzard, they don't cup your balls while you go pee. They just show you where the bathroom is, you have to pee on your own. Lets try use more then one button shall we? =]




I hate all these WoW players, and all the garbage they are trying to bring over here. They just never stop crying.


"ohh i wish i could decide if i like someone or not! could you make a meter for me like we had in wow? ohh i don't like to push more than one button and actually have to time it with cooldowns, could you make a macro for me like in wow?"



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Did you even play WoW before they nerfed macros? for like 2 years you could put all your abilities in 1 macro and just spam 1 button. I'm sorry your offended. Truth hurts sometimes.


Not at all true, but you know what? The real objection I had was to your derision towards the OP for something they didn't ask for at all.


And yes RIFT does now :)


So use that as your example.




I hate all these WoW players, and all the garbage they are trying to bring over here. They just never stop crying.


"ohh i wish i could decide if i like someone or not! could you make a meter for me like we had in wow? ohh i don't like to push more than one button and actually have to time it with cooldowns, could you make a macro for me like in wow?"




This game is not the anti-WOW, and believe it or not, WOW did many things right.


The real irony is that there's a lot more people complaining about WOW players than there are people who want things just because WOW did it.


Heck, you suggest something some other game did before WOW, somebody's going to complain that you want it because WOW did it.

Edited by Colobulous
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Macros and mods are nice tools to have. Fact of the matter is that they're coming. It's inevitable if bioware wants to commit to their plan of churning out end game content or raids. Since bioware intends for this game to stay alive for a decent amount of time, you will most assuredly see them in the next patch or two.


So for the people who are so anti mods and macros, if you hate the idea so much and feel reviled by the prospect, perhaps you should take your own suggestions that you so eagerly dish out to anyone who thinks differently than you.


That is to say, perhaps you should stop playing swtor and go back to whatever game you played before.

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Macros and mods are nice tools to have. Fact of the matter is that they're coming. It's inevitable if bioware wants to commit to their plan of churning out end game content or raids.


I find it hard to believe that no one in WoW raided until marcos came out. Maybe that was the case though; I never played WoW. *shrug*


That said, marcos are not needed to raid. I am sure they are beneficial, especially for people who cannot be bothered to learn how to play their class.


Honestly, though, I'd rather have someone with me who has experimented around and learned for themselves how to handle situations, rather than someone who runs macros. If something doesn't happen exactly right, the person who runs macros will fumble. The person who is used to handling situations will just handle the situation.

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Yo, babies, yo, you're cute but you know that this thread is about Addons and not about a specific kind of Addon?


You don't like Damage Meters? That's fine. I don't like the Addons that add weird sounds when you crit or something. I find them stupid and game immersion breaking. I don't like cucumbers either. I actually hate them, they make me feel sick.


Can we talk about Addons though? because I would like to be able to use the Network Market in this game. Playing with the market is something I enjoy a lot in MMOs, but the current UI is...is...damn, I wish English was my mother tongue now, I don't have an appropriate English word to describe it, sorry.



When I mouseover an item modification, I would like to compare it with the ones currently equipped on my items.



I would like to hide/scale/move/re-skin most of the interface elements. Neon blue was cool in the '80.



I would like to see spell/ability procs/cooldowns in the middle of my screen, with nice effects maybe or just a stupid bar, instead of looking at 15pxX15px squares at the bottom of my monitor, also because it takes my eyes off the fight. As cool as icons can be I'd like to look at what is going on on the screen more.

Most of what is happening in game evolves in the middle of the screen, does it make sense to you to force my eyes on the edges of my screen instead?



I like healing, but I don't like the way the Interface forces me to do it: mouse click, keybind click, mouse click, keybind click, mouse click...mouse click, mouse click and more mouse click. Is this Bejeweled 4?

I'm sure most of you are familiar with DPS, just imagine if any time you wanted to use a damaging ability, you had to click with your mouse on one of four (or more) possible spots on the screen or your dmg ability would have no effect. Lets call those things "frames" for the sake of example.

Want to hit that mob? click with the mouse on this frame first, cool. What now, you would like to hit it again? well you have to click this other frame here with your mouse first. Oh and now you would like to use a different ability to hit it? that's fine, but don't forget to click with your mouse the first frame with your mouse again...


I wish they would implement such a lame system also for DPS. We guys would have the strongest clicking when Diablo3 will be released. After couple of days of SWTOR healing I can't pick my nose anymore, true story.



You know the first LFG tool in WoW was an addon? Just saying. You may like it or not the LFG but please look beyond that. An addon created originally what then became a major feature in the game. Pros and Cons are not here to be discussed.

Point being: addons can "develop" the game in answer to what the Community wants/needs and the Addon developer community often reacts faster than the game developers do.


For SWTOR wont be a LFG addon maybe, but did you get my point? No? You silly cucumbers.



I'd also like an addon that when I mouseover an NPC with a quest ingame, shows attached to the tooltip (at my mouse location by the way) the name of the quest and the rewards. Useless for me, but maybe someone simply wants to get it done with? That's what nice about addons, they are so vary.


Hell you can create your own.

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I find it hard to believe that no one in WoW raided until marcos came out. Maybe that was the case though; I never played WoW. *shrug*


Ok, so we know you don't have experience with what people are talking about with Macros.


But you may also not understand what's being referred to with the focus on raiding in the endgame and why it matters to have macros.


That said, marcos are not needed to raid. I am sure they are beneficial, especially for people who cannot be bothered to learn how to play their class.


Actually, they're especially beneficial for those who really learn how to play their class.


Honestly, though, I'd rather have someone with me who has experimented around and learned for themselves how to handle situations, rather than someone who runs macros. If something doesn't happen exactly right, the person who runs macros will fumble. The person who is used to handling situations will just handle the situation.


Yeah, it's obvious, you don't know what people mean by Macro use. They want it to handle situations, not lock themselves into automatic responses. That kind of thing is not what people who use macros want.

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Yo, babies, yo, you're cute but you know that this thread is about Addons and not about a specific kind of Addon?


I agree that this thread is too broad. There is a huge difference between cosmetic addons (like you are referring to) and add-ons that play the game for you. I don't think anyone has an issue with purely cosmetic ones; the problem comes with add-ons that are more than cosmetic.

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I agree that this thread is too broad. There is a huge difference between cosmetic addons (like you are referring to) and add-ons that play the game for you. I don't think anyone has an issue with purely cosmetic ones; the problem comes with add-ons that are more than cosmetic.


What addons in WOW play the game for you? Because as far as I know there are none. You're perpetuating an urban legend like everyone else in this thread who doesn't haver experience with the subject.

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