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Exclusive? Um...


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You said it yourself. It's different.


1% is not the same.


You're joking, right?


Imagine if they took the top-tier rated pvp gear, copied it exactly, made it slightly brighter, and gave it out to level 30s for Taris commendations.


Do you really think any PvP players would not be outraged?

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You're joking, right?


Imagine if they took the top-tier rated pvp gear, copied it exactly, made it slightly brighter, and gave it out to level 30s for Taris commendations.


Do you really think any PvP players would not be outraged?


Well what you are saying is that because you got a special color from a product promotion that Bioware can't make any shade of a green/core crystal. How many different shades does it have to be different enough for you?


You're just threatened because a new crystal looks similar to one you bought for $100.

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This is one of those "live and learn" moments...


Thankfully it was a relatively cheap lesson this time.


The sad reality now sinks in... "oh no, I was mis-led by the advertising people"



Edited by XLJedi
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It's a 1% difference. Are we really trying to be naive enough to say that 1% colour shift makes it a different item?


That's not naive. To believe that it is the "same" colour is to be deliberately ignorant for the sake of choosing to take an issue with something.

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You do realize that the razer crystal is puke green and the new daily one is lime green. Two diffrent colors your precious puke green crystal is still exclusive.


wow I didn't realize the razor one was puke green. I wanted it, but didn't want to pay for it. the plague crystal seems much more what I'm looking for. thanks for making my day. :cool:

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PLEASE READ THE ENTIRE THREAD. Chances are what you're about to say, has been said already.



Someone from bioware want to shed light on why the Black/green crystal is obtainable from a vendor now? Are you guys even aware of what "Exclusive" means? Seriously, if I had known that this crystal was going to be available in game through normal means? (This one specifically, I have a deep running thing with black/green as a color combination.) Then by god I would have just bought a damn turtlebeach.



Thanks for lying Bioware, and yes, even if Razer sold it, THEY claimed it was exclusive, both on the SWTOR website and on the Razer website.


Edit: By the way, I am NOT referring to the Kaas vendor. This is referring to the daily vendor which IS available to EVERYONE. Confirmed by 2 guildies that do NOT have the headset/mouse/keyboard.


It was exclusive at the time.


Often "exclusive" items are later made available through other ways.


That said, did you really buy something ONLY because it had an in-game item that?

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It was exclusive at the time.


Often "exclusive" items are later made available through other ways.


That said, did you really buy something ONLY because it had an in-game item that?


It remains exclusive and unique in colour. People may as well be complaining that you can obtain other colour crystals in-game since the pre-order crystal was "promised" as "exclusive." How dare BioWare introduce other colour crystals since that was supposed to be unique!

Edited by CelCawdro
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lets see:



1. existing as the only one or as the sole example; single; solitary in type or characteristics: a unique copy of an ancient manuscript.

2. having no like or equal; unparalleled; incomparable: Bach was unique in his handling of counterpoint.

3. limited in occurrence to a given class, situation, or area: a species unique to Australia.

4. limited to a single outcome or result; without alternative possibilities: Certain types of problems have unique solutions.

5. not typical; unusual: She has a very unique smile.


To me it seems like more of the definitions apply than not. And I believe the order in which they are listed is in the . . . popularity? . . . of the definitions.

So 5 sounds to me like a common mis-usage that has become accepted. Even the example could apply to 1-3


I have heard it isn't the same though. Can anyone verify that? Razors was Yellowish green, to avoid giving the "good" colour to the bad guys I guess ;)



Proving the point.. using the definition YOU want it to be. well done..:rolleyes:

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Proving the point.. using the definition YOU want it to be. well done..:rolleyes:


You do realize that there is such a thing as inaccurately using a word when another is more apt? One is not necessarily incorrect, but they are being imprecise. And that the word they chose does have a more-precise meaning.


Likewise, the Razer crystal remains unique according to all listed definitions.

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Well what you are saying is that because you got a special color from a product promotion that Bioware can't make any shade of a green/core crystal. How many different shades does it have to be different enough for you?


You're just threatened because a new crystal looks similar to one you bought for $100.


The claimed it would be exclusive/unique. There's a million different colour combinations they COULD have made, and still have it be special for the Rakghoul event; blackcore-orange, greencore-black, blackcore-white, etc). Instead they decided to give out one almost identical to the one they claimed would be exclusive/unique (and are still advertising that way).


I didn't pay $100 for a crystal, but I believed the advertising that it would be added value to my game/peripheral and thus justify the extra cost. Otherwise how can they justify a device that's exactly the same but costs an extra 25%?


I'm mad that it's yet another broken promise by BioWare, and I believe in holding them accountable for their claims.


Do you really think they can run an MMO where anything special is given out freely to everyone for little effort in only a few months down the road? One of the major reasons anyone attempts to achieve anything in an MMO is to get something unique/special, or what's the point of playing?

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The claimed it would be exclusive/unique. There's a million different colour combinations they COULD have made, and still have it be special for the Rakghoul event; blackcore-orange, greencore-black, blackcore-white, etc). Instead they decided to give out one almost identical to the one they claimed would be exclusive/unique (and are still advertising that way).


I didn't pay $100 for a crystal, but I believed the advertising that it would be added value to my game/peripheral and thus justify the extra cost. Otherwise how can they justify a device that's exactly the same but costs an extra 25%?


I'm mad that it's yet another broken promise by BioWare, and I believe in holding them accountable for their claims.


Do you really think they can run an MMO where anything special is given out freely to everyone for little effort in only a few months down the road? One of the major reasons anyone attempts to achieve anything in an MMO is to get something unique/special, or what's the point of playing?

Your first paragraph just proved my point in my last paragraph. You're upset cause it looks to similar to your 'unique' color. "why did it have to bee green?"


Like I asked before, how different does it have to look to make you satisfied?

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The claimed it would be exclusive/unique. There's a million different colour combinations they COULD have made, and still have it be special for the Rakghoul event; blackcore-orange, greencore-black, blackcore-white, etc). Instead they decided to give out one almost identical to the one they claimed would be exclusive/unique (and are still advertising that way).


I didn't pay $100 for a crystal, but I believed the advertising that it would be added value to my game/peripheral and thus justify the extra cost. Otherwise how can they justify a device that's exactly the same but costs an extra 25%?


I'm mad that it's yet another broken promise by BioWare, and I believe in holding them accountable for their claims.


Do you really think they can run an MMO where anything special is given out freely to everyone for little effort in only a few months down the road? One of the major reasons anyone attempts to achieve anything in an MMO is to get something unique/special, or what's the point of playing?


The most relevant word is highlighted there. :rolleyes:

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The Green/Black Crystal is Exclusive to Razor, meaning ONLY Razor can include a Green/Black crystal code with their products no other company will EVER be allowed to give away Green/Black crystals with their products.


It says no where that the only place you will EVER be able to get one of these is from Razor, meaning, BW can put them in the game, which they have.


I bought the Razor mouse and got my Green/Black that way, it effects me very little that people can get one from a daily quest vendor that will not be there in a week or so after this event moves on. I also understand what it means when something says "exclusive to so-and-so", it means I will not also see Logitech giving them away but that does not mean BW can't.


I also wanted the Razor mouse, the crystal was just a bonus ....



Now, if the crystal suddenly shows up if you buy a Microsoft KB, then they falsely advertised and you should be mad ;)

Edited by Balrizangor
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So I posted this on another thread and it got closed...and no I didn't read all 14 pages of peoples comments, just enough to see that other people who paid for this "Unique" item are pissed.


First of all...it was originally advertised and listed as "exclusive". As of this release...Razer quickly changed the site to read "Unique". Either way there is NOTHING exclusive or unique about an item EVERYONE has.


Second, people that actually paid for this hardware with the expectation that they were getting a "unique" item to them because they owned specific hardware that gave them that perk for purchasing, as I did, are pissed. You didn't pay for it, we did, and then they gave it away to everyone else. That's BS.


Third, it's no ones business if I wanna piss my money away for a digital item I think is cool. I don't care if others can't afford it. I don't care if others can't believe I would spend money on that. In the end the people are just pissed off they can't afford it and will be all happy we got screwed and in the end they got it for free cause that's all they could do. I have money to piss away on a hobby I love, and when I buy an "exlusive" or "unique" item...it is reasonable for me as a consumer to expect I will get what I paid for.


I would like to suggest comphensation of some sort from Bioware and/or Razer.

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It's false advertising.


When they tell you. If you buy this your will get access to something unique with the head set. It implies that is only why you are going to be able to get it.


Or at the very least the know that some people will read it that way. It's a cheap way to make a quick buck.



What else could it possibly mean??????????

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