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All Warzones are now same same faction. Dumbest thing ever!


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I just came back and noticed that all my warzones I play are now Imp vs Imp. This has to be the dumbest thing I ever seen in a MMO. Just when you think this game can't get worse it does.


I don't want to pvp against my own team.

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I just came back and noticed that all my warzones I play are now Imp vs Imp. This has to be the dumbest thing I ever seen in a MMO. Just when you think this game can't get worse it does.


I don't want to pvp against my own team.


Ok, then you have 2 options:


1 - Convince more players to play Republic or reroll Republic yourself


2 - Sit for hours waiting for a WZ to pop due to the severe lack of Rep players

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Is Bioware that bad that its that hard for them to do cross server. Im on Fatman server and Imp and all nite all I get is playing my own faction.


Servers are supose to have open world pvp against each faction and warfronts.


Its like Bioware doesn't get or understand what pvp even is, or about.

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.... I don't see a real problem here. People complained about getting huttball too often. The easy/best fix for faction population was to do same faction pvp. Complaining is basically saying you would rather sit in 15+ minute queues and get huttball almost every time, still having a chance to play against the same faction.


It isn't bioware's fault, people statistically choose empire over republic so the servers are unbalanced. Sure cross server pvp would help but there's a lot of people that come to the forums saying they don't want it.

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For me this is one of the best aspects of 1.2


It is nice now being able to play all of the WZs instead of Huttball, Huttball, Huttball all evening.


Lets face it when we play these games we suspend reality so what is the problem with going a bit futher with the explanation that these are training missions.

Edited by PalihoJ
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.... I don't see a real problem here. People complained about getting huttball too often. The easy/best fix for faction population was to do same faction pvp. Complaining is basically saying you would rather sit in 15+ minute queues and get huttball almost every time, still having a chance to play against the same faction.


It isn't bioware's fault, people statistically choose empire over republic so the servers are unbalanced. Sure cross server pvp would help but there's a lot of people that come to the forums saying they don't want it.


The problem is cos Bioware continuously fixes things THE EASY WAY, what makes them work lizzle to nothing ... .they put no effort in balancing factions they just said ''ok so you dont want huttball so ill change 1 line of code here you go now you can play 3/4 against yourselves''


This is not fixing anything its escaping the problem which will evolve now and become bigger and bigger.


Instead they should give +100% xp bonus to everyone who rolls underpopulated faction on their server and has char to 50 on overpopulated one or perhaps something else


THIS what i wrote is fixing what they did is kept the problem fixed the boring same huttball but larger scale problem remains!

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The problem is cos Bioware continuously fixes things THE EASY WAY, what makes them work lizzle to nothing ... .they put no effort in balancing factions they just said ''ok so you dont want huttball so ill change 1 line of code here you go now you can play 3/4 against yourselves''


This is not fixing anything its escaping the problem which will evolve now and become bigger and bigger.


Instead they should give +100% xp bonus to everyone who rolls underpopulated faction on their server and has char to 50 on overpopulated one or perhaps something else


THIS what i wrote is fixing what they did is kept the problem fixed the boring same huttball but larger scale problem remains!


Well "THE EASY WAY" have been going on for several patches now.


Biochem being linked to chat when you tried to split stacks FIX = Disable linking em completely from inventory.


TWI'LEK Hats = Disable hats completely (wth bw? we already had option to turn em off)


Ilum ornaments.


Scoundrel Operative talents swapped abit around to make it look new but nothing really changed and is overall a nerf.



Could probely list alot of things but the thing is, alot of the stuff they change make no sense whatsoever, and the feedback people give on pts seems rather pointless.


Also agree on the whole "they put no effort in balancing factions", the amount of time it took to fix things like civil war faster tick.


Yet the reps getting out of spawn in voidstar was fixed quickly for some reason.


Snipers can still chain cast time skills followed up by probe for crazy burst yet gunslinger not so much.


But 100%+ xp isnt gonna help anything except maybe get their chapter 2 buffs for their mains.

BW have to admit they cant solve this and just mix teams before its too late.

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Its BWs answer to the faction imbalance. Sadly it will just encourage players to play on the more populated side for more easy group finding etc, if it works as a trend the smaller pop sides will eventually join the larger side, as there is no advantage to play on the smaller pop side.

Only disadvantages (longer group search, less trade on the gtn etc.)

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This really defeats one of the more fun aspects of PvP, especially if you pug...there's no "us" vs "them"...the person you're facing off against this match may get put on your team next match. No cross faction rivalries, no Imp vs Pub...just a bunch of random guys duking it out for no reason.
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same faction warzones will not do anything good for this game at all. maybe its good in short terms but in the long run it is awful, just like that you are able to roll both factions on the same server, wich the new legacy system even encourage you to do. so how are people supposed to get the feeling of that they are at war with the other faction?


same faction warzones will only benefit the stronger faction on each server, the advantage the weaker fation had was that they had faster ques and could gear up a little faster just cos more games, but even that is gone now and the stronger faction will just get stronger again.

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It isn't bioware's fault, people statistically choose empire over republic so the servers are unbalanced.




1. Bioware designed and produced the game.

2. Bioware made the imperial side appear to be all conquering in the pre-launch trailers.

3. Bioware made the imperial side more visually impressive (effects and armour sets).

4. Bioware's Quality Assurance team failed miserably by failing to spot all the differences between the mirrored classes, almost all of which substantially favoured the imperial side.

5. Bioware made the imperials side class quests more appealing / interesting (or so it seems from my limited amount of testing).


Given all of the above, how can you possibly say it is not Bioware's fault?

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This had to happen. Dumb or not it helps with queues. I'd rather fight my own faction than no one at all or waiting an extra thirty minutes to do so.


In a near future that is probably all you gonna do :)

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This had to happen. Dumb or not it helps with queues. I'd rather fight my own faction than no one at all or waiting an extra thirty minutes to do so.


...and so you, and other imperial players, get rewarded for choosing the imperial side, and in the process increase the reasons for republic players to re-roll imperial...


Great job Bioware, you have created a positive feedback loop.

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This really defeats one of the more fun aspects of PvP, especially if you pug...there's no "us" vs "them"...the person you're facing off against this match may get put on your team next match. No cross faction rivalries, no Imp vs Pub...just a bunch of random guys duking it out for no reason.


I disagree in one respect....Being tank spec with guard and taunt I love nothing more than standing back to back with a good healer and rinsing through the opposition only to be on opposite teams in the next match and solely targeting them...in nice way ofc :D


It has made for much fun PvP Pug banter.

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The saddest part is they know the faction imbalance is bad for all aspects of the game. They've said it. But what do they do... take away one of the only reasons people were thinking twice about what they rolled and make it MORE appealing for players to roll the overpopulated faction. Brilliant...
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I think Alderaan Civil War is not same faction yet. But yes, I am also not to fond to play against other Reps (but it is better than to wait like forever or only get Huttball all day long, so at least I get to see more different warzones).




I am not too interested in Warzones, but i can fully understand the reasons for the decisions to allow same faction WZs

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...and so you, and other imperial players, get rewarded for choosing the imperial side, and in the process increase the reasons for republic players to re-roll imperial...


Great job Bioware, you have created a positive feedback loop.


Actually my first 50 was Republic and I PvP on both sides. I have level 14's of every class but Smuggler. I win just as much on Republic as Imperial. That could be an amalgamation of my server though. I'm sure there are servers where it's brutal to be a Republic PvP'er.


The saddest part is they know the faction imbalance is bad for all aspects of the game. They've said it. But what do they do... take away one of the only reasons people were thinking twice about what they rolled and make it MORE appealing for players to roll the overpopulated faction. Brilliant...


It just happens man. BioWare can't make people chose otherwise. Look at World of Warcraft. When the game started, everyone was Alliance. I do mean everyone. Horde players were frustrated. These days everyone is Horde. Complete reversal. There are massive servers such as Illidan where the population is upwards of 80% Horde.


I have a Sorcerer because I want to shoot lightning instead of pebbles and a BH merc because I want all the neat gadgets instead of a giant gun. Also a sniper because I want to use a sniper rifle over some pistols. A lot of the imperial classes are just more appealing to the masses. I rolled a Sith Warrior after getting my JK to 50 because of the appeal of the Jaesa storyline. The only story in the game where you can actually influence the alignment of a companion.


Simply put. The Imperials have cooler mirrors of the Republic classes and the Horde (bad guy) dominated mentality that has gripped WoW simply translated over to SW:ToR.


Again, BioWare can't do much to stop that unless they give going Republic an advantage...and that opens up a dangerous can of worms.

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