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How Will SWTOR BE Remembered 10 Years From Now?


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Jealousy doesnt become you.


You know, you are only digging the shame hole deeper. Please dont make such adventurous claims without the slightest proof.


You can have your position in favor for SWTOR, but please, do it at least more professional with some real arguments with real facts from the real life.

And no, the pink flying dumbo in your room is not real.


There are people, who like this game and the offered entertainment is enough to keep them subscribed. But there are people, like me, out there, who want to see something new / fresh or at least inovative. A year 2012 MMO with a working engine and a competent developing team.


But SWTOR is sooo 2004... and you know... we already have a smooth working 2004 version offered by the competition.


So... how will be this singleplayer "MM"ORPG remembered?

It will be remembered as a "MM"ORPG with a developing team, which had the wrong definition of the term MMORPG.

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And yes I am bitter about making a terrible decision to sub for so long. That is why I am here moaning. I hope others will not make the same mistake I have.


Its only a mistake in your eyes, there skip. There are a few million of us that are having a ball. If you want to consider this a public service, I guess that is your right, but I'm hear to tell ya that to many of us it is a hysterical and embarrassing display of emotion on a public message board. ;p


I often wonder if many of these people that pick something they don't like at a buffet just leave it on their plate and eat what they like or begin emoting to the entire restaurant about how its the foods fault. LOL


Really. After reading these boards for the last few months I am just amazed at some of the posts.

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It will be remembered as that game that had a ton of hype, got off to a semi strong start and then tripped flat onto it's face 3 feet off the starting line.


Regardless of how successful it might become with future content these first ball shriveling months we have endured will be its legacy.

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You know, you are only digging the shame hole deeper. Please dont make such adventurous claims without the slightest proof.


You can have your position in favor for SWTOR, but please, do it at least more professional with some real arguments with real facts from the real life.

And no, the pink flying dumbo in your room is not real.


There are people, who like this game and the offered entertainment is enough to keep them subscribed. But there are people, like me, out there, who want to see something new / fresh or at least inovative. A year 2012 MMO with a working engine and a competent developing team.


But SWTOR is sooo 2004... and you know... we already have a smooth working 2004 version offered by the competition.


So... how will be this singleplayer "MM"ORPG remembered?

It will be remembered as a "MM"ORPG with a developing team, which had the wrong definition of the term MMORPG.


What proof would you require, cos i aint givin my name and date of birth out on the forums. What facts would you like, that half the original dev team apart from the head guys were moved from wow when they were half way through tbc creation, that most of them walked out and created hellgate and the others were put onto titan all of whom have just been fired from titan.


And i have things i dont like about swtor, the lack of a good lfg tool. That the planets should line up on each side so both sides meet each other to generate real world pvp not just at top end but at every lvl from lvl 10 onwards after the starter planet. Which is the reason you dont see the other side on planets like belsavis and taris.


So yes there are a few things i dont like but i know a good game when i see it, a game that only requires a bit more work and some more content with possibly a few more features. But they have shown us whats coming, and gave us a glimpse of what they are working on.


So yes there are things i dont like but there are more things i do like. they havnt gone back on there word yet, they may have delayed ranked till its working but its coming. They arnt afraid to say sorry even to the point of a free month to basically everyone when people who have played mmos for years and played during the rough months never once expected this.


And the only and i mean the only reason people can even say this is a single player game is because its enjoyable to play with just your companion, that doesnt make it a single player game that just makes it a multi player game that allows you to play solo if you wish.

Edited by Shingara
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What proof would you require, cos i aint givin my name and date of birth out on the forums. What facts would you like, that half the original dev team apart from the head guys were moved from wow when they were half way through tbc creation, that most of them walked out and created hellgate and the others were put onto titan all of whom have just been fired from titan.


Once again, without the slightest proof, nobody will take your adventurous claims serious. So I can tell you that they will only reap some laughters, nothing more.


So yes there are a few things i dont like but i know a good game when i see it, a game that only requires a bit more work and some more content with possibly a few more features. But they have shown us whats coming, and gave us a glimpse of what they are working on.


You see potential in this game, thats fine.

But I'm on the other side, where I see a game which requires a complete overhaul.

I could begin with the poor engine, which is not suited to be used in an MMORPG.

Or at least this engine should be optimized to be much less resource hungry.


We could go over the planet-design, which repeats itself with the same tunnel -> little hub -> tunnel pattern. (not very benefical for the MMO feeling in an MMO)

Continiuing with the planet design, which devides the playerbase in many little instances, which further kills the MMO feel.


And the PvP ... o jeah... thats there the "fun" begins for a designated PvP player , like me.

I could fill pages with criticism, but most of the people in these forums will take the point.


Endgame ... yes it is the endgame, which keeps an MMO alive on the long term and especialy there this game lacks. I could only compare the problems in SWTOR with AOC.


And the biggest problem is, that BW/EA completely misunderstood the concept of an MMORPG.

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A big flop, honestly.


You'll have people talk about upcoming MMOs with big budgets as "Potential SWTOR situations".


It's pretty sad, honestly.


LucasArts should have given Bioware the rights to make KOTOR 3 (Single Player, with Multiplayer support) and another company the ability to make an MMORPG of StarWars.


The potential this game had was undeniable. To see what Mythic, and the other developers on the make-shift 'Bioware' team made is nauseating.


Honestly, it leaves me wondering if a Star Wars MMORPG can even work. Perhaps the IP was far to restrictive for what Mythic wanted to accomplish, add in the rush put on by EA, and everyone loses.

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For me it will probably forever stay as "the reason why we don't get KOTOR 3".

No really, no trolling, when i heard that it will be an MMO I cursed and allready striked it from my "want to have" list.

The real miracle is, that i still paid for it and will probably stay at least for a paid month.

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Once again, without the slightest proof, nobody will take your adventurous claims serious. So I can tell you that they will only reap some laughters, nothing more.


The only sad part is that you think that you have tobe some god to work for blizzard, which is simply not the case. Apply to them yourself and you may even get a job with them but i doubt your attitude would be suited for a GM role.



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For me it will probably forever stay as "the reason why we don't get KOTOR 3".

No really, no trolling, when i heard that it will be an MMO I cursed and allready striked it from my "want to have" list.

The real miracle is, that i still paid for it and will probably stay at least for a paid month.


Same here.


I'm sure it will last, as a game, but I can't see it lasting for a long time. This week alone, with the 1.2 up date, so many people have said they are leaving. How many more up dates will disappoint so many at a time?

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Same here.


I'm sure it will last, as a game, but I can't see it lasting for a long time. This week alone, with the 1.2 up date, so many people have said they are leaving. How many more up dates will disappoint so many at a time?


What a few on these boards say and what the majority of players do have been demonstrated to be very different across the board. Keep in mind that the negative posters on this board represent .0001% of the player base, on the high end.


Remember also, according to those complaints from the first week, it is already free to play. After that failed to come to fruition, it was going to die after the free month, then after the three month.


Its still here. It just got better. Sever population is up currently, yet people are still saying that its going down. Honestly, I think some people are just typing to read their own posts at this point.

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Same here.


I'm sure it will last, as a game, but I can't see it lasting for a long time. This week alone, with the 1.2 up date, so many people have said they are leaving. How many more up dates will disappoint so many at a time?


Something to keep in mind here, Geeluc. Many people say they will leave and do not. They hop into the HaterMobile and don't want to look like they aren't going along with the herd publicly. If you watch, you can catch a fair good amount of folks who "quit" that really didn't or re-subbed.


So just saying...doesn't necessarily mean much. Will be interesting to see what the next sub. report shows.

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Something to keep in mind here, Geeluc. Many people say they will leave and do not. They hop into the HaterMobile and don't want to look like they aren't going along with the herd publicly. If you watch, you can catch a fair good amount of folks who "quit" that really didn't or re-subbed.


So just saying...doesn't necessarily mean much. Will be interesting to see what the next sub. report shows.


Too optimistic ... there are 3 types of "leavers" here:


1. Makes the 95% of the leavers: They push silently the "cancel subsription" button and are gone.


2. The classic forum "trolls" (honestly I'm one of them): They are about to leave but spent too much on the gaming time and are seeking some entertainment for the last spent bucks in the forums.


3. The positive leavers: They have no intention to leave this game, because they like it somehow or they see a speck of potential.

So they launch the forum cruise missile with the "I'm leaving" dramas to catch the attention of the developing team.


But dont be so euphoric, because there are some indicators, that the next annuncement of the active subscription numbers wont be that much of a blast for EA/BW.

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Too optimistic ... there are 3 types of "leavers" here:


1. Makes the 95% of the leavers: They push silently the "cancel subsription" button and are gone.


2. The classic forum "trolls" (honestly I'm one of them): They are about to leave but spent too much on the gaming time and are seeking some entertainment for the last spent bucks in the forums.


3. The positive leavers: They have no intention to leave this game, because they like it somehow or they see a speck of potential.

So they launch the forum cruise missile with the "I'm leaving" dramas to catch the attention of the developing team.


But dont be so euphoric, because there are some indicators, that the next annuncement of the active subscription numbers wont be that much of a blast for EA/BW.


I could very easily type exactly the same thing in a far more positive manner and I would hold the exact same credibility.

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Too optimistic ... there are 3 types of "leavers" here:


1. Makes the 95% of the leavers: They push silently the "cancel subsription" button and are gone.


2. The classic forum "trolls" (honestly I'm one of them): They are about to leave but spent too much on the gaming time and are seeking some entertainment for the last spent bucks in the forums.


3. The positive leavers: They have no intention to leave this game, because they like it somehow or they see a speck of potential.

So they launch the forum cruise missile with the "I'm leaving" dramas to catch the attention of the developing team.


But dont be so euphoric, because there are some indicators, that the next annuncement of the active subscription numbers wont be that much of a blast for EA/BW.


Might be a good thing to not put words in my mouth. :) I am not "euphoric". I am curious and am fairly confident that the dramatic assertions are not going to come to nearly the level that are being claimed. If they do...I'll be wrong. Not the first time that's happened.


As for your points:


1. True, as well as a large percentage who never bother to visit the boards and are happily playing the game.


2. I always find this a silly thing to do but to each their own. Never could see the point of hectoring fellow players when I'd decided that my purchase was a loss. That's just me though. I don't get my jollies trolling. If I can be arsed, I'll do the exit questionnaire and move on.


3. Drama queens. :) Or those who genuinely get so wrapped up in a game that they don't realise that it is...after all...just a game.

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MMOs are like songs to me, I mostly play each one about 8-12 months (WoW and LotRO were exceptions), and not always in one go. When I think back on each one, it reminds me a little about what was going on at that time in my life.


Sadly, as another poster mentioned, I will remember the hate from the boards.


Those who dislike the game, declaring that because they are unhappy and no longer playing it signifies the end of the game, and anyone who is also not leaving with them and validating their decision is wrong for liking the game.


Those who like the game, telling people who hate they game they are wrong, profiling them, insulting them, whatever.


And I don't think it will change. I played some of the Tera beta weekends and some of the content there was horrifying. The change there was it moved from the forum to the game itself.


So maybe beyond fondly remembering things about the game I do enjoy (including the voice acting, I'm a big fan of it), I will remember the hate mostly. And maybe it's always been this bad, but if it has, I guess I blocked it out.


So...congratulations, everyone? :(

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Aww you guys are so cute. I dont like something so its gonna go away. LOL.


Go look at Runescape. The devs of that game have been DESTROYING it for years NONSTOP. Its been around for 11 years.


All the problems with this game are due to releasing it too soon and will be corrected in time, how much time? I dont know.


You are mad cuz you paid for the last few months and feel ripped off.


But the game is getting better every patch IMO.



Just cuz 100,000 people dont like something doesnt mean that 500,000 more arent signing up tomorrow.


This game is for star wars fans, not mmo fans.


Ive never played warcraft and have no intrest whatsoever in it. People like me will keep this game trucking on. Because its star wars. You have no idea how powerfull that marketing tool is.




This game isnt going anywhere. Drink lots of water to fuel your QQ. You'll need it.

Edited by Smuglebunny
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