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How Will SWTOR BE Remembered 10 Years From Now?


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... How will the mmo community remember swtor?


Perhaps the question should be rephrased to:


... How will the mmo swtor community be remembered in 10 years?


Enough heat to light Manhattan every patch out?

Enough vitriol to dissolve an aircraft carrier every free-days reward?



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That depends entirely on what they make of it.


There's the huge potential that comes with a story and complex universe like starwars.


There's also the pitfall of stock markets and people like Kotick...

Kotick wants to take the fun out of making games - The Escapist


If the developers of the game are having the vision of creating a great game instead of a game that "pleases as many as possible" - this game might be some day "up there" with the movies.

But that will require some more copying like apple does: get the cool ideas from others and make them better - and after that INNOVATION.


So, lets just wait and see if they want to end rich or legendary. ;)




Here's one:

Immagine 10 years from now, you are the Chief of Human Ressources of a nice little progressing software company and someone from now-Bioware applies, and you go: "OH, you are one of those who SCREWED UP MY GAME BACK THEN?!? WEHERE IS MY LIGHTSABER!?! COME HERE YOU!" *bzzzzz* Well, something like that.

Edited by chillshock
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UO is known by most as the first modern mmo. EQ for huge groups and challenge. WoW, the biggest mmo.


How will the mmo community remember swtor?


Depends who you ask.


If you ask the Star Wars fans, they will say it was a fun game because it was Star Wars.


Ask the Roleplayers, they will say it was ok despite the limited roleplay controls and such and praise the Legacy system in the way it allowed for a substantial family tree rather than players implying it.


Ask the PvE guy, he'll say it was a decent ride. Operations were challenging for a bit and the gear drops were cool. But he will most likely not return because Warcraft released a new raid teir.


Ask PvP guy, he will say the game sucked because the Rated Warzone was postponed and how his class was broken and he will tell his friends to avoid the game. Then he'll go back to whatever current MMO he is playing and complain about the problems with the PvP that it has.


As for me?


I think I'll look back at this game as a great ride. It's way better than what Galaxies descended into and was a great Off season MMO when I needed a break from Warcraft.

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Over hyped, false promises from dev team, lack of understanding of what actual testing of game elements entails all the way from beta till now and most likely onward.


Leased graphics engine that because they didn't produce cant take full advantage of.


The worst CS in history


Wow copy that failed


Overused voice acting that most people space bared through because the stories were boring and lack depth.




and last but not least


Bait and switch pros

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UO is known by most as the first modern mmo. EQ for huge groups and challenge. WoW, the biggest mmo.


How will the mmo community remember swtor?


I'll let you know in 10 years.


Anything else is just unfounded speculation on the unknown future growth of the games content, that serves no real point other than to work on our magic 8-ball impersonations. :D

Edited by Tikigit
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Asking this question right now is asking for either short sighted comments or what I'm about to say... we don't know right now. This game is an infant. You have no idea what it's going to grow up and become. You will, however, get a better idea the older it gets. You couldn't even begin to make an accurate prediction until after a couple years unless the game completely tanks before then. It could be remembered as the MMO that had loads of potential but failed miserably in the end or as the MMO that somehow, against all odds, surpassed WoW. We just have no clue. Anyone who tries to make a serious prediction at this point in time is quite simply being a fool.
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Well, once the game has added a lot of the things that should have been in at launch, fixed the vast majority of bugs (as this will always be an on-going battle for any expanding game) and worked outs its core audience, the game will be ticking along fine for many years, with a growing but not WOW-killing playerbase.


The introduction of dialogue wheels, player alignment, decisions in stories, SGRA (same gender romance arcs), the excellent stories and voice acting: these will all be the things that people remember.


People will also remember the shaky start, followed by some bad patches and decisions, but I am confident that the devs will turn it around and keep producing content and updates at a mile a minute. Yes, 1.2 was half-baked, but at least it's here now. More stuff should have been in it, but c'est la vie.


With each major content patch, this game will improve. Yes, the game should have launched with more, but it didn't. Let's be grateful for what it does have and how much fun it is (so long as you're not solely playing for PvP) and look forward to the incremental additions.


Personally I'm waiting on a hood toggle, SGRA and more character slots per server, along with those additional legacy unlocks, along perhaps with merging some servers to keep population high, but so long as we keep getting major updates as quickly as possible, I'll be content.


Kind thoughts


Edited by llesna
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This game is no better then warhammer at the same stage....I just cancelled my sub they made 1.2 break the game...legacy is WORTHLESS....they screwed people over that modded their bm gear, the new war hero gear is just a grindfest...NO THANK YOU....gg
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to answer that question, you will have to know, how SWTOR evolves over the next couple of years :).


I think SWTOR is a great game. There are some errors that needs fixing and tunning but this is still a new game, and im sure it will only be better :)




Its never going to be the massive success it could haave been, to many people left that will not return (im always amazed how people in the cust service industry dont understand this simple rule "you only have one chance to make a good first impression")




Its still way to early to tell what the long term reputation will be.


They might turn the bleeding around and shore up their numbers to a respectable and steady number.


Or they might keep bleeding subsciptions.


And even then, if SWG taught us anything, people are going to remember it the way they want, regardless of the facts


One look at these boards and you see people still saying SWG died from the NGE. They have firmly rewritten history and fact in their heads and nothing at this late date is going to change their minds. The public reports showing the subscription losses are well hidden away now, so many years later.


So yeah, way to early to tell what the long term reputation will be.

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UO is known by most as the first modern mmo. EQ for huge groups and challenge. WoW, the biggest mmo.


How will the mmo community remember swtor?


I will remember it as a game I wasted over $100 on and yet wasnt given the freedom I expect from an mmorg but was instead forced into a never ending linear grind whereby the fun parts were too often the exception and not the rule.

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as the mmo with the most QQ kids of all time.


Ever thought there was a reason for this? I dont go on forums and moan about games that are good and FUN (not just a linear grind forever). Instead I play those games. And some of them are ea games like bf3 or some of the middle command and conquer games.

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