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what are your feelings on 1.2


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Best patch to any game ever. That is really the only objective conclusion.


The only silver lining I can detect is at least now I know the game is run by a bunch of baffoons so I can leave and go spend my money elsewhere rather than deal with further disappointment.

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I dont make any sense on those 1.2 updates. They r almost useless for 50s(except craft skills). The Legacy gears are sucks, they just better than the same level BLUE gears and even cant upgrade with characters level? Then why u call them 'Legacy' gears? Also, all the legacy skills have no benifits for 50s (except the class buffs), we cant use the valor rank needed spells( cuz they only can be used with no weapon), what r these? jokes?

Lets talk about the pvp ' rated ' gears. they have rank needed but have no difference with war hero gears(even the outfit), however, we have to use war hero gears plus rank commendations to get them. So r u telling us that we had better not play the rank warzones if they come up?

Ok, i understand a little about those updates, bio want us to level up more and more characters for dealing with the main character end game boring time.BUT, how many of us can gear up more than two 50 characters on time? We r not all professional game players, we dont have such much time to play.

Now lets see our PVP planet Ilum. Theres no pvp dailys for it anymore. This confused me a lot. Why u created this planet and make it dead after 4 months?

Besides, weekly rewards r the same as daily rewards, so give me a reason why i need to do weekly quests.

What about PVE? New ops and fps! Yeah, thats great, but none guild players r crying. Cuz no one takes the lead! We dont have something like 'dungeon finder', we have to ask in general and wait and wait and wait...

Bio, dont u see that? dont u know u r losing players? PLZ, thinking about how to keep players in instead of asking others to come! If a game is awesome, u dont need to advertise, people WILL come to play. Making the in-game players satisfied is much more important than ur advertisement.

U know what,7 years after wow begins, i dont believe the game techniques have no development, but bio, this game makes me feel like the same as 7 years before. To tell the trueth, i am so upset about 1.2 patch. I love Star Wars, I love to play a game about Star Wars, but not like this way...

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I dont make any sense on those 1.2 updates. They r almost useless for 50s(except craft skills). The Legacy gears are sucks, they just better than the same level BLUE gears and even cant upgrade with characters level? Then why u call them 'Legacy' gears? Also, all the legacy skills have no benifits for 50s (except the class buffs), we cant use the valor rank needed spells( cuz they only can be used with no weapon), what r these? jokes?

Lets talk about the pvp ' rated ' gears. they have rank needed but have no difference with war hero gears(even the outfit), however, we have to use war hero gears plus rank commendations to get them. So r u telling us that we had better not play the rank warzones if they come up?

Ok, i understand a little about those updates, bio want us to level up more and more characters for dealing with the main character end game boring time.BUT, how many of us can gear up more than two 50 characters on time? We r not all professional game players, we dont have such much time to play.

Now lets see our PVP planet Ilum. Theres no pvp dailys for it anymore. This confused me a lot. Why u created this planet and make it dead after 4 months?

Besides, weekly rewards r the same as daily rewards, so give me a reason why i need to do weekly quests.

What about PVE? New ops and fps! Yeah, thats great, but none guild players r crying. Cuz no one takes the lead! We dont have something like 'dungeon finder', we have to ask in general and wait and wait and wait...

Bio, dont u see that? dont u know u r losing players? PLZ, thinking about how to keep players in instead of asking others to come! If a game is awesome, u dont need to advertise, people WILL come to play. Making the in-game players satisfied is much more important than ur advertisement.


U know what,7 years after wow begins, i dont believe the game techniques have no development, but bio, this game makes me feel like the same as 7 years before. To tell the trueth, i am so upset about 1.2 patch. I love Star Wars, I love to play a game about Star Wars, but not like this way...


First off, I can barely read your post. If you honestly are trying to have an intelligent coversation regarding a topic, you shouldn't use Netspeak..It looks unprofessional...

secondly, you may dislike the rakghoul plague story arch but alot of people really enjoy it. It isnt bad you do not.. you just do not enjoy it while others do. Which is fine. However I do not see how this isnt a clear indication that bioware is listening to its players and bringing us new and dynamic content that we didnt expect ( no one expected the outbrake really) which is awesome. Bioware in my opinion after the huge pr mess up post 1.2 release really has pulled its crap back together and is becoming a very pro community company.


the reason why most of the updates for 1.2 is for post 50 stuff is simple. There is very little to do for people who have reached level 50. So bioware is addressing that fact by adding in all of this new content. The legacy additions are for the pre 50 crowd so even there they were not left in the cold..

I am really sorry you do not enjoy the content like I do. But I hope you find something in star wars that you want to stick around for.. It is one hell of a game

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I'm bitterly disappointed that Zoeller's 3/20 blog post about crafting was pretty much a lie, unless the developers have such tunnel vision that "reverse engineer every modifiable item in the game" equates to "reverse engineer a small list of brand new items". Color crystal schematics for cyan and purple are also mysteriously nonexistent, contrary to what Zoeller stated in forum posts.


The PvP players at least got a news announcement that Ranked Warzones were getting held back and a good faith effort to implement them. The crafting changes promised didn't even make it to the PTS, and the devs are trying to pretend they were implemented despite what's in the game not being a tenth of what was promised.

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Not much has changed? Do you play a Scoundrel? No?...Didn't think so. Bioware is failing us badly with every patch. They decided to nerf our "sustained" damage that was non existent to begin with so it's even worse once you get past your opening shots as chances are you're going to get floored.


On Hex Droid, for the last couple of WZ matches, I keep going against 4-5 Inquisitor/Sorcs. Actually a game 2 nights ago had 7 Sith Sorcs and 1 Marauder (who was the only main dps on their side, the rest just healed). When we realised what we were fighting against, we just laughed.


This game hates Scoundrels, there's no denying it. We're public enemy number one. After trying 1.2, I must say I was happier pre 1.2 then I am now even though pre 1.2 had its own problems but I'd gladly go back to then instead of staying with the now.

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I facedesked when I first realized I can't use legacy characters yet. I don't have a level 50, and my closest charatcer to that is a Human Commando. I've started using my Chiss powertech more just to unlock at least one Race Via Legacy before my Subscription ends. He's only level 16 right now.


Not much has changed? Do you play a Scoundrel? No?...Didn't think so. Bioware is failing us badly with every patch. They decided to nerf our "sustained" damage that was non existent to begin with so it's even worse once you get past your opening shots as chances are you're going to get floored.


Wish I could argue with you there, but yeah, Scoundrel just keeps getting hit with waves of nerfs. It's barely even fun to play one any more.

Edited by Sporetox
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Not much has changed? Do you play a Scoundrel? No?...Didn't think so. Bioware is failing us badly with every patch. They decided to nerf our "sustained" damage that was non existent to begin with so it's even worse once you get past your opening shots as chances are you're going to get floored.


On Hex Droid, for the last couple of WZ matches, I keep going against 4-5 Inquisitor/Sorcs. Actually a game 2 nights ago had 7 Sith Sorcs and 1 Marauder (who was the only main dps on their side, the rest just healed). When we realised what we were fighting against, we just laughed.


This game hates Scoundrels, there's no denying it. We're public enemy number one. After trying 1.2, I must say I was happier pre 1.2 then I am now even though pre 1.2 had its own problems but I'd gladly go back to then instead of staying with the now.


funny post 1.2 scoundrels are the only character my marauder cant kill in 1 on 1 fight without to much trouble. Kinda funny how people view their favoured class eh? you always think they are underpowered while others see the truth lol.

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While I started playing this game back when it was released, I took a break from it around the beginning of February, without getting a character to 50.


So, I returned once 1.2 released, starting anew, and the "new player experience" is much better, I must say: more polish, more customization, more content, everything is really better, IMO. Still, I understand it's the point of view of someone who is "new" (or, better said, an "old, new player" :p) : maybe, for those with multiple lv 50s the situation is radically different (and it's normal, really).


But, again, if Bioware wanted to attract new players with a more polished experience all around, I think they did a pretty good job with this patch (and hopefully, it's not too late). :)

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My feelings after all the hype is amazement that they can make such a huge noise over so little.


The only thing I'm kind of liking is that I have all 4 buffs up now on all my characters. This will make it easier for me to stay clear of teaming with my friends as now I really don't need them anymore. Maybe in patch 1.3 they can just have all the buffs applied to all players in the game passively and remove the buff icons as they just add clutter to my buff bar.


I did have fun dropping orbital strikes on fed fleet, a gift to my fed characters from my imperial sniper. The fact that it has the imperial targeting circle got a few of my victims kind of excited! Awesome polish!


I made a new character, a sith jedi knight. Cool stuff. Imagine how amazed I was at the polish when I arrived on fleet to be greeted by my two favorite NPC guards in the game, the ones miming holding their weapons which are nicely slung over their backs. Nice polish of a simple fix I reported over and over through beta. For some reason this glaring flaw has always bothered me. Every time I see them I have to ask myself, "Do the Devs ever actually play their own game, and if so are their eyes open?"


The new dailies are cool. I always wanted even faster daily commendations than the previous dailies offered. The ease of knocking them out is ridiculous. Yes please to less gaming time spent for more rewards. Challenges are too bothersome.


The UI changes are kinda of neat, just too bad I can't add more functional click-able slots than previously offered, but it sure is nice to be able to place my mini-map in center screen to ease finding it. All I really wanted in the UI was enough action bar spots to allow all my skills and a modicum of consumables to be shown. (Hmm, should I have one type of medpack or one grenade up on screen, or should I hide a few skills I need to accommodated those 15 second stims?)


The changes to my characters skills I have no opinion on yet as I haven't payed them enough to offer a sensible opinion. I've spent the bulk of my last 2 days of game time trying to just sort out all my skills on the new action bars on all eight of my characters all done while vomiting and exploding due to my characters spawning and respawning in an orgy of pestilence seekers and plague victims and they were in no shape to go anywhere to escape as most of my skills had disappeared off of my action-bars.


p.s. - I was intrigued to create a new character using a previously disallowed species, so I went to check out how I could go about that. I was pleased to see that Bioware had had the forethought when adding in benefits to those with max level characters in creating alts. So I went to see how many new character slots they had given us to use for this purpose....


So I had to delete a character to try this new stuff out (I killed my lowest level character, a level 32 to make room for my new sith jedi), somehow I was shocked that Bioware hadn't incorporated some sort of mechanism for accommodating a new alt. Maybe a new char slot per existing level 50, nope. Maybe a new char slot per pair of existing 50s, nope. Maybe a new char slot per four existing 50s, nope. Hmm, maybe I can use my legacy stuff on a new server where I can make characters, nope.


Come on! What a way to snub players who have enjoyed this game enough prior to 1.2 to play the hours to get multiple 50s already. This aspect of 1.2 shows an absolute lack of foresight. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

Edited by Catsmeat
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I r disappointed.


I haven't been able to log in since the patch. The patch changed something in either the game client or my computer that causes the game client to fail to load.


I've done 5 uninstalls, downloaded the game client from scratch all 5 times and then reinstalled without success. I've even restored my computer to an image taken a few days before the patch, then patched and had the same problem. Tonight I will try reinstalling windows to see if that helps.


I love the game and want to play, but my game time runs out in the next couple of days, and if I can't get it working by then I will unsub. This makes me sad, but I'm not going to pay a monthly fee for a game that won't run on my pc.

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I haven't been able to log in since the patch. The patch changed something in either the game client or my computer that causes the game client to fail to load.


Have you tried to get help in the Customer Service forum?

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I cancelled my sub . PvP has been one let down after another since launch, then 1.15 came out and I actually thought they might be listening. People actually started staying in WZ's instead of quitting because they knew if they stayed, they would probably get at least 50 comms.


Now people are gearchecking each other and leaving before the WZ even starts, healers aren't even queing, and the rift between recruit gear and BM/WH is too wide.


I have lost confidence in BW's ability to provide the PvP experience they keep promising.

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Have you tried to get help in the Customer Service forum?


I've been using their email and phone support and following a few threads on the CS forums as well.


I've also been talking to EVGA's CS about the problem as well. I'm pretty sure the problem is the way the game client addresses my NIC, which is an integrated dual ethernet on my EVGA mobo. BioWare's CS people seem to think the problem is in my drivers though, and since I can't find one other person with the same problem as me, I'm inclined to agree.


I have two other computers at home that the game loads fine on, but it's just not playable on those computers because they are a little dated. I'm almost certain I could have avoided this problem if I had just gone with the Asus Sabretooth mobo back in January when I build my new rig. I just haven't been impressed with this EVGA mobo at all. OC'ing is a PITA with it's BIOS, the slots for my video cards are way too close together to allow airflow between two cards in SLI and I had absolute fits getting the BIOS to use the correct SPDs when installing memory.


I'll never look away from EVGA when it comes to video cards, but this will be the last motherboard I buy from them I think.

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So much that I have leveled mining / herbalism on my mage. =(

I haven't canceled....yet, but I am close to it. There is something

missing from the game, and I can't quite put my finger on it. That

"other" game sucked me right in from day 1. Not so much here,

and I wanted to play this game for a long time, but I just can't do it.....

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am of a divided opinion :


Some ingame changes (ability balancing, re-arrangement of skill trees) are great or fell natural and balanced.


The interface-editor rocks, same for the the current ingame event, which actually invigorates the serve and at least the Tattooine chat. Let's see whether that stays


The hidden slicing nerf, as well as some rearrangements in the crafting economic system feel forced and ill-advised though. The sound-bugs are distracting, and the game code should be way beyond such SNAFUs, right ?


PvP ? I couldn't care less, and I honestly hate feeling held hostage and jerked about by ingame changes demanded by the hardcore pvp crowd. Who basically are playing a very different game, co-incidentally on the same server as myself


right now, I am not cancelling my sub^^

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I think people (probably including BW) overhyped this patch, thus the huge disappointment.


It was never going to fix everything. For the things people are complaining about, Bioware would need to spend a lot more time working on those rather than wasting time with things like Unify Armour Colours.

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1.2? Hum... lots of feelings.


The included a lot of things that were outright needed. UI being one of them. Good work there. Unfortunately, UI modifications does not add any longevity to the game, it's not new content.


Legacy... Well, excellent ideas. The execution is a bit late on one side, and too expensive on the other side. I understand a gold sink, but that one is excessive :S This also adds more perks, but no real content.


Guild bank. This is pretty much needed, so good to bring it out... On the down side, 600K for the 1st tab? 1st tab should be free. 600K is ok for lots of players at lvl 50, but for a guild with new players, or players not even 50, 600K is far too much. Also, this is another perk, no real content.


New WZ, fp, op, that's good. Have not tried them, but more content is good. Can't comment if the content is good or bad though.


Bugs... Come on... Companions not getting stats from earpieces and implants until re-equipped? Come on... I know bugs are expected, but not big ones...


So there are some things that I really believe should have been there from the start, some features badly implemented, and some new content. Oh, and bugs... Over all, I'm not feeling incredibly good about it :(

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