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The silence is deafening....


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No from the players, oh no, lots of noise there, but for right or wrong reasons its safe to say that the at the very least a lot of PvPers are a tad disgruntled. Page after page after page of threads extolling little but vitriol and yet nothing from the devs.....


I get that people are "busy" and they didnt post much pre 1.2 because they were working on their new shineys, I even get that post 1.2 they could be working hard to fix the things they have broken but I dont think Im out of line suggesting that a developer really should pop his head in and "communicate" with the community, even if that community is the "niche" PvP players.


I know, I know, if I was in their shoes I wouldnt want to step in here either but hey, its their job and the customers deserve some communication even if its a simple clarification of the developers vision followed by a generic "we are monitoring the situation".


Going into coms lockdown following a "crisis" is rarely a good thing when dealing with a customer centric business.

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There is no issue. As long as people continue to sub the devs have no reason to change their course. I can only surmise that the forums are the vocal minority, and the vast majority are perfectly happy with how thing are.


Unless subs fall off a cliff. If swtor drops to 300k subs or less I will say the devs are wrong. If it stays well above the 1M mark, close to 2M, then I'd say the devs know exactly what they are doing.

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There is no issue. As long as people continue to sub the devs have no reason to change their course. I can only surmise that the forums are the vocal minority, and the vast majority are perfectly happy with how thing are.


Unless subs fall off a cliff. If swtor drops to 300k subs or less I will say the devs are wrong. If it stays well above the 1M mark, close to 2M, then I'd say the devs know exactly what they are doing.


that thread wednesday night that reached 150 pages in about 4 hours would beg to differ that we are the minority.


bioware f'd up. they need to fix it

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There is no issue. As long as people continue to sub the devs have no reason to change their course. I can only surmise that the forums are the vocal minority, and the vast majority are perfectly happy with how thing are.


Unless subs fall off a cliff. If swtor drops to 300k subs or less I will say the devs are wrong. If it stays well above the 1M mark, close to 2M, then I'd say the devs know exactly what they are doing.


Where do you get your current active subscription numbers?

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No from the players, oh no, lots of noise there, but for right or wrong reasons its safe to say that the at the very least a lot of PvPers are a tad disgruntled. Page after page after page of threads extolling little but vitriol and yet nothing from the devs.....


I get that people are "busy" and they didnt post much pre 1.2 because they were working on their new shineys, I even get that post 1.2 they could be working hard to fix the things they have broken but I dont think Im out of line suggesting that a developer really should pop his head in and "communicate" with the community, even if that community is the "niche" PvP players.


I know, I know, if I was in their shoes I wouldnt want to step in here either but hey, its their job and the customers deserve some communication even if its a simple clarification of the developers vision followed by a generic "we are monitoring the situation".


Going into coms lockdown following a "crisis" is rarely a good thing when dealing with a customer centric business.


I feel just like you. Wondering how you let your ship sink like this.


A little communication would go a long way tbh. Either say patch is as intended and defend/explain why. Or say ''sorry'' nothing wrong in that, just give us something for gods sake.

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Well it can't be a coincidence that they held out the 30 free day olive branch immediately after 1.2 dropped. I mean what company rolls out a major patch, then lets people play it for free lol? Obvious damage control. I mean they have to be bleeding subs over this whole mess. I cancelled, as did my husband, and at least a dozen others we know.


As far as their silence on the matter. What can they really say, and not look completely incompetent in the face of everyone, not only us, the subscribers, but other MMO studios, critics, shareholders, etc. No matter what they say, it will be wrong lol. GG BioWare! :)

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No from the players, oh no, lots of noise there, but for right or wrong reasons its safe to say that the at the very least a lot of PvPers are a tad disgruntled. Page after page after page of threads extolling little but vitriol and yet nothing from the devs.....


I get that people are "busy" and they didnt post much pre 1.2 because they were working on their new shineys, I even get that post 1.2 they could be working hard to fix the things they have broken but I dont think Im out of line suggesting that a developer really should pop his head in and "communicate" with the community, even if that community is the "niche" PvP players.


I know, I know, if I was in their shoes I wouldnt want to step in here either but hey, its their job and the customers deserve some communication even if its a simple clarification of the developers vision followed by a generic "we are monitoring the situation".


Going into coms lockdown following a "crisis" is rarely a good thing when dealing with a customer centric business.


I never had to come to the forum to discuss anything pre 1.2 because everything seemed fine and dandy. With this new patch, I've spent more time on the forum than actually playing because of how bad things are right now. I'm sure that plenty of people, like yourself, can agree that the devs had no idea *** they were putting out there and there was absolutely no efficient way of testing the new patch without having actual pvp guilds get transfered to the PTS.


I think this is the obvious thing that would happen when you try to push out a patch that has had only PvE'ers testing it. Huge fail for sure.

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If I had a choice of 30 days of this, or like it was before with pvp I would take the pvp from before. I can careless about free 30 days from any company. If I could tell them to take a crappy release a cram it straight up their..... yeah this release blows. I am not into discussion just refund my money and I will find another game to give money to.



Edited by tordo
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A vocal minority are mad, this forum is not an accurate representation of the player bases thoughts.


Really? Because I know more than a dozen people who have quit, and none of them ever post on the forums. Add to that the free 30 days that people are getting...people are obviously upset, and are bailing. companies don't hand out the equivalent of millions in revenue unless there's a serious problem lol.

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Really? Because I know more than a dozen people who have quit, and none of them ever post on the forums. Add to that the free 30 days that people are getting...people are obviously upset, and are bailing. companies don't hand out the equivalent of millions in revenue unless there's a serious problem lol.


The free 30 days was planned long before the 1.2 complainers.


The dozen people you know who have quit, would have quit anyway and will be replaced.


My server has never been more active(except at launch) and everyone I have talked to likes PvP better(besides the lack of rewards if you lose).

Edited by LoKiei
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A vocal minority are mad, this forum is not an accurate representation of the player bases thoughts.


No thats just your opinion, and while the forum visitors are an accepted "minority" of the total subscribers its obvious to anyone with a brain and a coherent thought process that the overwhelming majority of people in the PvP forums are up in arms over 1.2. To suggest anything else is outright stupiditiy, theres well over FIFTY PAGES of threads made since 1.2 ( go look) and most of them are complaints.


While forumites may be a minority they are still a valid cross section of the playerbase, if most of them are upset (or even if most of one segment are upset) then its pretty much established that something isnt quite right.

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The free 30 days was planned long before the 1.2 complainers.


The dozen people you know who have quit, would have quit anyway and will be replaced.


My server has never been more active(except at launch) and everyone I have talked to likes PvP better(besides the lack of rewards if you lose).


And how come my server has dropped from a whooping 130 on Republic Fleet on Thursday to an astonishing 25 last night (Saturday night, I'm a European) which usually sports around 60-70 players on the Fleet?

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A vocal minority are mad, this forum is not an accurate representation of the player bases thoughts.


Citation needed. Unless you have numbers, ****.


If you were to use statistics to show user base vs game base, I'm pretty sure you'd be completely incorrect. I may be wrong... but it's a suspicion. Furthermore, I think that vocal minority thing has been overused by game companies as damage control.

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The free 30 days was planned long before the 1.2 complainers.


The dozen people you know who have quit, would have quit anyway and will be replaced.


My server has never been more active(except at launch) and everyone I have talked to likes PvP better(besides the lack of rewards if you lose).


Can you provide a link to source stating the 30 day free time was planned prior to 1.2? The oldest link I can find regarding is is from yesterday. :)

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The free 30 days was planned long before the 1.2 complainers.


The dozen people you know who have quit, would have quit anyway and will be replaced.


My server has never been more active(except at launch) and everyone I have talked to likes PvP better(besides the lack of rewards if you lose).


Was changing the caveat for the free days also planned in advance? Either the original or the amended free 30 day announcement was an error OR they made a monumental **** up establishing that the planning phase of 1.2 was certainly carrying some quite potent flaws.


Oh and as you are so fond of pointing things out like "minorities" and so on, you are not everyone, neither am I but anyone with reading comprehension can tell the majority of people here, in the PvP section are not happy bunnies.

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A vocal minority are mad, this forum is not an accurate representation of the player bases thoughts.


Every game forum is a very good representation of the player bases thoughts. When it's getting slammed with discontent, something is definitely wrong with the game.

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There is no issue. As long as people continue to sub the devs have no reason to change their course. I can only surmise that the forums are the vocal minority, and the vast majority are perfectly happy with how thing are.


Unless subs fall off a cliff. If swtor drops to 300k subs or less I will say the devs are wrong. If it stays well above the 1M mark, close to 2M, then I'd say the devs know exactly what they are doing.


So because justin bieber has a gazillion fans that means his music is good? Nice logic bro.

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Think it'll say anything to BioWare when people quit in droves for a box-to-play game...?


I mean, just videos of WvW from Guild War 2 was enough to get me to prepurchase because it genuinely just looks good. It looks well designed. It meets my general philosophy of how good PvP is designed.


But oh well BioWare. Watch your PvP population leave for GW2. You'll only lose about 300k subs tops.

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