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DFA, an AOE without "Area of Effect"


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Due to the Fact that no one from the Developers Read the German Part of this Forum, I had to write it here.


The hole German BH Community starts to hate you for giving us an AOE Effect witch ist so RIDICULOUS.


4er Trashpacks on Belsavis with my Sorc were done with 3 Skills

Lghning Storm


Chain Lightning

Thats it


4er Trashpacks on Belsavis with my Bounty Hunter

Ridiculous DFA (I´m Lucky if it hits 2 out of the 4)

and then they have lost nearly 20% of their HP and now I can kill each of them by Singletarget Damage


This is an unbounded cheek, and If you´re not be willing to change this thing you even can delete tihs Skill totally.

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due to the fact that no one from the developers read the german part of this forum, i had to write it here.


The hole german bh community starts to hate you for giving us an aoe effect witch ist so ridiculous.


4er trashpacks on belsavis with my sorc were done with 3 skills

lghning storm


chain lightning

thats it


4er trashpacks on belsavis with my bounty hunter

ridiculous dfa (i´m lucky if it hits 2 out of the 4)

and then they have lost nearly 20% of their hp and now i can kill each of them by singletarget damage


this is an unbounded cheek, and if you´re not be willing to change this thing you even can delete tihs skill totally.

/ fact!

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I dont like my BH anymore... The pride of raising into the air and wiping out a large number of enemys gone.

Was the most fun spell of the BH.


They will nerf everything untill you just have to hit 1 button on your Konsole controler...


You all are so shortsighted it's unbelievable.


First off, making changes to an ability that allowed us to unfairly take out mobs in a huge radius for more damage than any other class AOE spell, is called BALANCING.


Secondly, if you actually practiced and had some skill, you would realize that DFA is still very viable in many applications, especially with the faster ticks. A 10m Diameter is bigger than you think, you're just crying because it's not the 20m overpowered diameter that it used to be (and never was intended to be, either).


Your last comment is really disappointing. The point of "nerfs" is to balance the class according to its respective utility within every aspect of play in the game. If you knew anything about MMO's you would know that this is a continual process that is rarely ever perfected - but adjustments are made to always get better. BW is not going to "nerf" the class into the ground just because they BALANCED an OVERPOWERED ability that you EXPLOITED like the rest of us. Stop crying the sky is falling when you just need to accept that the vendor is out of cookies and you need to move on.


DFA is still very viable. Learn how to use it. If you're BH isn't "fun" anymore because they don't have an overpowered ability, then maybe you should roll the Flavor of the Month class every few weeks until they get rebalanced and you complain again. I think that would be Marauders/Sentinels right now.


Honestly I don't see how that is a fun way to play games but whatever it's your $15/month.


Well, likely your parents, but whatever.

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You all are so shortsighted it's unbelievable.


First off, making changes to an ability that allowed us to unfairly take out mobs in a huge radius for more damage than any other class AOE spell, is called BALANCING.


Secondly, if you actually practiced and had some skill, you would realize that DFA is still very viable in many applications, especially with the faster ticks. A 10m Diameter is bigger than you think, you're just crying because it's not the 20m overpowered diameter that it used to be (and never was intended to be, either).


Your last comment is really disappointing. The point of "nerfs" is to balance the class according to its respective utility within every aspect of play in the game. If you knew anything about MMO's you would know that this is a continual process that is rarely ever perfected - but adjustments are made to always get better. BW is not going to "nerf" the class into the ground just because they BALANCED an OVERPOWERED ability that you EXPLOITED like the rest of us. Stop crying the sky is falling when you just need to accept that the vendor is out of cookies and you need to move on.


DFA is still very viable. Learn how to use it. If you're BH isn't "fun" anymore because they don't have an overpowered ability, then maybe you should roll the Flavor of the Month class every few weeks until they get rebalanced and you complain again. I think that would be Marauders/Sentinels right now.


Honestly I don't see how that is a fun way to play games but whatever it's your $15/month.


Well, likely your parents, but whatever.


Are you for real? Man, you must be some UBER player to have joined last month and to know the intimate workings of the class already.......not. BH was hit hard by the 1.2 nerf, my main tool for pulling aggro is a joke and my heavy armour wearing hunter is outlived by medium armour wearing smugglers.......way to go bioware.

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Avoiding hyperbole I can safely say as a powertech I just do not see any kind of good use for it anymore. If I am lucky it will hit two enemies, if I am bad with placement I can entirely miss all of them with it. The nerf in the radius essentially eliminates what I used it for: to secure solid initial threat on all enemies in a fight. The damage was never its selling point for me, and as a tank I'm not expecting massive damage, I just wish I could use it as a tool for starting certain group fights and as it stands now I really can't.


Completely agree!

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If rebalancing a single skill eliminates your ability to play a class effectively, then perhaps you need to consider your gaming skills.


Real players find ways to adapt to changes and make the best of them, offering insight on possible changes (but not whining and crying doomsday due to lack of imagination).


In other words: if players like myself can make it work as a MERC DPS, and my guilds' PT Tank can still make it work, as we cleared yet another nightmare EV and KP the other night, and HM EC, maybe you need to consider how to use the skill as it is.


I think DFA works just fine in both PVP and PVE, if you blame the nerfs for your shortcomings then that is your own fault.

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I got a sniper / sith inq and a bh merc.


Before patch i agree on single target rotation Merc did more then my sniper or inq.. as long we don't have good combatlogs without bugs its hard to proove. as far the numbers i noticed i would estimate approx 15 to 20% more dps.

The announced 10% dps reduction for BH however has turned into approx 25 to 30%.


The way i ""tested"" this and again I agree its not solid proof, but the same elite takes now 10% longer to kill then with sniper or sith inq. This while mercs don't have any interrupt nor other utility. They should be doing most dmg.

(There is no "skill" question into using the rotations in a test fight on a single elite)


Death of Above.... compared to orbital strike and siths lightning it has become rediculous... on normal targets even funnier, after first hit the knock back out of range, so u hit if lucky 1 target after the first tick...



But i guess like in every mmo, to many changes are because of qq'ng of pvp'rs ... sure mercs killed everything from range with tracer missile, but aint that your own fault ? they can only break of CC 1 time ... so ain't hard to shut em out completely.


side note :

It was like announced from before beta ... bounty hunters and troopers will do amazing dmg, counterpart is they are vurnerable to CCs and have no interrupts etc ...

Wouldn't surprise me if a lot of people changed to their alts or stop all together

Overdoing class balancing is a problem in every mmo. So these things can happen. But until this nerf is corrected i'll put my merc in a box and play my sniper and sith inq.

Edited by Vrycey
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Funny they left other classes with aoe area's much larger than DFA. A sorc's lightning storm looks to have a 10m+ range, with no cool down.


yeah its all good if your a force user, but if you want even equal treatmetn for talents as a bh you screwed, degauss doesnt work waste of talent points. hydraulic ovverides , doesnt work still get cc'ed while its up. my favortie is chain stunning with a full resolve bar. for a .5 sec break and then stunned again.... pretty funny when i see maruaders free to run around at 25% resolve... *********** joke bio-ware

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If rebalancing a single skill eliminates your ability to play a class effectively, then perhaps you need to consider your gaming skills.


Real players find ways to adapt to changes and make the best of them, offering insight on possible changes (but not whining and crying doomsday due to lack of imagination).


In other words: if players like myself can make it work as a MERC DPS, and my guilds' PT Tank can still make it work, as we cleared yet another nightmare EV and KP the other night, and HM EC, maybe you need to consider how to use the skill as it is.


I think DFA works just fine in both PVP and PVE, if you blame the nerfs for your shortcomings then that is your own fault.


yeah tanking in pve is fine. its the damage reduction thats ********. cant really adapt when you just do less damgae all together, thats how pt's beat stealth crutch shadows

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Are you for real? Man, you must be some UBER player to have joined last month and to know the intimate workings of the class already.......not. BH was hit hard by the 1.2 nerf, my main tool for pulling aggro is a joke and my heavy armour wearing hunter is outlived by medium armour wearing smugglers.......way to go bioware.


Are you kidding? He even knew that it used to be 20Meter diameter, but now its 10Meter diameter, he knows whats hes talking about......


Seriously.....I group with 2 guildies who are zerging me on random quests I dont feel like taking the time to get through the right way, and every time I would pop DFA they would laugh at me and say "Heres what a REAL AOE nightmare looks like" and drop Force Storm and Orb Strike......


Orb strike atleast has a 1min (45s if talented) cooldown, how the hell do they justify bringing DFA down into 5Meter range because "other BH abilities do" ...........so because flame throwers & blaster sweeps hit 5M a shower of rockets should only impact 5meters?



I wish someone would take the BH Dev out to a live fire range have him stand 10 Meters from a AT-4 rocket impact point and right before running back to the firing line scream back "you'll be fine, remember, rockets only affect things in a 5meter radious!"

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The game is being ballenced via pvp qq's.

Bounty Hunters are a minority in most cases so they are gunna get the short end of the stick (no one wants to whine about their own class)


But.. on the bright side.... Tera.. D3... GW2 !


things are gunna get better, just wait!

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does anyone have an idea of the relative size of the targeting reticle for DFA?


Last night I was on Hoth fighting MOBs and I dropped the DFA exactly between 2 of them. Not a single point of damage..no absorbtion....just flat out no damage.


I attempted a few more times and the only time I seemed to do damage is when the reticle was actually on a target.


I think the radius adjustment is FUBAR and really needs more testing.

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lol I used DFA a few times now and the mobs have been inside the RED Imperial symbol showing that they are in range of the AOE, fire off DFA and it doesn't hit anyone.


BW WTH were you thinking messing up one of our main major attacks? I mean you already slammed our heads into the pavement with all the nerfs and "ajustments" you made to BH's did you just want to go the whole hog and simply gimp us to unplayable?

Edited by Brutalos
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As stated in another thread, I have a 50 Merc and a 50 PT Tank. My experiences are with PvE.


Do I like the change to DFA?

Merc answer: No. Absolutely not. It ticks me off when mobs get knocked out of the AoE.

PT answer: Could care less. I hardly use it.


Does it change the way I play?

Merc answer: Yes.

PT answer: No.


I have noticed an increase in damage, only during crits. My Merc has 28% crit chance and 68% crit multiplier - don't know what the surge is as I'm not in game at the moment. I've seen it hit HM mobs for over 6k total damage, but when it doesn't crit, it's hitting for 2-2.5k total damage. Now, the only time I use it is when the tank manages to get mobs grouped up, nice and tight.


Even with DFA relegated to a "secondary" skill, my Merc can still put out some serious DPS on HM's.


I do agree with those asking how this reduction in radius brings it in line with other BH AoE's. They did manage to put it in line with sweeping blasters - meaning it's on a secondary bar and rarely gets used. I'll continue using the old tracer x 3, heatseekers, rail shot, unload if needed, (power shot sometimes thrown in to break the monotony) rinse and repeat on the next target. Come get this mob out of my face, please. That's a good tank.

Edited by PorsaLindahl
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