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10 Good
  1. Please speak for yourself. I top DPS in both PVE and PVP as well as many other BH's on my server. There are issues but they are highly exaggerated especially on these forums. The class doesn't become unplayable with an AOE nerf. If anything, the changes allow those who can actually play the class to be separated from those who cannot. Have fun playing whatever other class you think is OP until they get nerfed as well.
  2. Stacked on top of eachother in a 10m diameter area, that is......
  3. My Expertise adds 19% damage to players. The difference between 2k and 5k is 150%, not 19%. And I was critting Bonethrasher in Nightmare Mode at 5k just two nights ago. Some of you need to just figure out how to play your class, or how to do math, or maybe both.
  4. So you refuse the explain how I am top 2 DPS in WZs and in Ops with my Arsenal Merc? Because, if HSM and our DPS was truly hurt, how would I be able to do the damage I do? I crit HSM 5k still. I don't see how it is broken.
  5. Care to explain why HSM is working just fine for so many of us then?
  6. If you can't figure out how to maximize the class in its current state, then I'm sure the game won't miss an unskilled player like yourself. Players like myself do just fine with the changes. And I really wish you all would realize that a 5m RADIUS means a 10m DIAMETER. l2geometry.
  7. THIS I'm happy someone else gets it on how to use this class properly.
  8. If you are talented properly, your CGC will slow enemies, as will your UL, you have a punt, TWO hard stuns, your can talent your Shield to break root/slow, PTs have a grab. Seriously, BH's have PLENTY of utility outside of their HIGH DPS that still exists. If you can't work with the tools the BH has then your gaming skills are at question, because plenty others of us do just great
  9. If rebalancing a single skill eliminates your ability to play a class effectively, then perhaps you need to consider your gaming skills. Real players find ways to adapt to changes and make the best of them, offering insight on possible changes (but not whining and crying doomsday due to lack of imagination). In other words: if players like myself can make it work as a MERC DPS, and my guilds' PT Tank can still make it work, as we cleared yet another nightmare EV and KP the other night, and HM EC, maybe you need to consider how to use the skill as it is. I think DFA works just fine in both PVP and PVE, if you blame the nerfs for your shortcomings then that is your own fault.
  10. Please stop spreading misinformation, as stated above. HSM is doing just fine. My crit for 5k just fine in both PVE and PVP, so if it works for me and the vast majority of other people, then perhaps your math is wrong or you are doing something else wrong.
  11. So you have a combat rez, a short and long duration stun, a punt or pull (Merc/PT), decent aoe, and top of the line DPS. Yah I think we're good without an interrupt. If you can't maintain a group spot without an interrupt then maybe you should find ways to be more effective in the ways that a BH is meant to be.....
  12. Please get over yourself. Obviously if it isn't working then you are doing something wrong. No one is intentionally screwing you over and asking for compensation is just sad and childish. If it is a bug, then opening a ticket is the mature way to approach it. You're probably not using CGC or have the correct skill points. Go respec and try again and if it doesn't work open a ticket and they will get to you. Don't ask for compensation though. That's just....uhg....*facepalm*
  13. I'm going to have to test this out on my dummy, but I will say that I was getting 5k crits in Nightmare mode KP last night with my HSM, so it may be a different issue......or I am not noticing it. I hope you're wrong but if you are right about this I'm sure BW will notice (or we will make them notice) and a fix will be in place.
  14. You all are so shortsighted it's unbelievable. First off, making changes to an ability that allowed us to unfairly take out mobs in a huge radius for more damage than any other class AOE spell, is called BALANCING. Secondly, if you actually practiced and had some skill, you would realize that DFA is still very viable in many applications, especially with the faster ticks. A 10m Diameter is bigger than you think, you're just crying because it's not the 20m overpowered diameter that it used to be (and never was intended to be, either). Your last comment is really disappointing. The point of "nerfs" is to balance the class according to its respective utility within every aspect of play in the game. If you knew anything about MMO's you would know that this is a continual process that is rarely ever perfected - but adjustments are made to always get better. BW is not going to "nerf" the class into the ground just because they BALANCED an OVERPOWERED ability that you EXPLOITED like the rest of us. Stop crying the sky is falling when you just need to accept that the vendor is out of cookies and you need to move on. DFA is still very viable. Learn how to use it. If you're BH isn't "fun" anymore because they don't have an overpowered ability, then maybe you should roll the Flavor of the Month class every few weeks until they get rebalanced and you complain again. I think that would be Marauders/Sentinels right now. Honestly I don't see how that is a fun way to play games but whatever it's your $15/month. Well, likely your parents, but whatever.
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