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PvP is Rediculous now


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I remember when I was a new level 10 and a new level 50. I would go up against other players and they would crush me while my blows did absolutely no damage to their health, but it was okay and I put up with it because I knew that eventually things were going to change. My progress was slow and steady and eventually I got decent gear whereby I could hold my own.


Now I am on my second 50 and this new rewards system is rediculous. How many zero rewards can a person handle before picking up his keyboard and throwing it against a wall. This is rediculous and everytime I get zero rewards, I just get angrier and angrier. I have zero hope of getting any results from this waste of a time ******** system were the newbie gets screwed and has no hope of ever improving his performance. This isn't pvp. There is no competition here. BW should rename it from PvP to UkU for the Unbeatable Kills the Unequipt. This is not PvP. This is a pathetic sick joke and it is not funny.

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I played 12 rounds of PvP today and only in one round did I get any reward. Got my daily on round 12 (11 losses strait is not fun) and packed it in. I then went to the Tat PvP zone for the location mission and picked up 2 chests with 20 coms in each of them. 12 rounds of 15 minute PvP plus gaps between rounds neted me 16 coms. 5 minutes going to Tatooine netted me 40 coms. I know where I am going from no on and it is not to warzones. I could spend that time in space missions.


I understand the reason for the new system and agree that something needs to be done to halt AFK play, but this needing 3 medels to get reward is not rewarding those that are not very good and only alowing those superior become more so. It is utter fail. Something else needs to be done.


PvP is realy fast past and you already have an AFK timer in the game to kick us after 15 minutes or somthing like that. Why not use it to kick people after a minute from a WZ. Or after that minure have the vote come up for everyone in a Yes/No window when they are dead or in the spawning area.

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I sucked and wasted my time, blahblahblah.



dude, what are you doing that you cant get 3+ medals? Seriously, I'm going to bed for a afternoon nap but if you will tell me what you are playing, what you are doing when you play your matches, and what your specs are I will TEACH you how to play. I have yet to walk out of a match without earning 8 or 9 medals once I figured out how the 1.2 changes effected my class.


You can earn 3 badges by standing in the right place in the BG, all you have to do is earn one badge on your own.. one..


Some of them are AMAZINGLY easy to get. You can earn 5 badges without even entering combat -ever-.

Edited by Coyotecalls
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I've been in several matches where members of the other team could not get 3 medals. In certain instances when your team is getting steam rolled and you do not survive more than a few seconds, it is difficult to get any kind of progress toward any medals.


Also, as a pure dps class (which is only one of my alts) it is more difficult to get medals in certain warzones, mainly huttball. It takes more attentiveness than before to get medal capped, you actually have to be willing to sit at an objective and defend or go on the offense. But, the key thing to warzones now is you have to commit to something, you cannot just run around aimlessly killing the other team and expect to get medal capped.




*also* ridiculous .... not rediculous .... pet peeve of mine, much like your =! you're ;)

Edited by NightWraithes
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Yeah, they simply broke the reward system- 0 Valor, 0 commendations, 0 XP, 0 Credits if you don´t manage to get at least 3 medals, so if you come in late or to a losing game you are wasting your time for absolutely nothing.


Well played, BW.



TIP: Now you can really leave losing warzones because it is just a waste of time.

Edited by Lord_Ravenhurst
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So, as with most MMORP's the vets with better gear and points in PVP say "It's not really hard", and people new to it and trying to get better say "It's a poor system designed to favor the strong and hinder the weak." This is the same arguement in EVERY single game. Designers add perks in game for PVP so those who got hte jump get strong, and it quickly offsets balance. Go to any game website and see the exact same forum. It isn't Bioware, it's everyone. Always has been, always will be. You want PVP, this is what you get...in any game.


This is why I don't bother to PVP. That's the part that ruins any online game out there. I'm guessing everyone writing on this forum has played multiple games, and left for basically the same reasons each time.

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So, as with most MMORP's the vets with better gear and points in PVP say "It's not really hard", and people new to it and trying to get better say "It's a poor system designed to favor the strong and hinder the weak." This is the same arguement in EVERY single game. Designers add perks in game for PVP so those who got hte jump get strong, and it quickly offsets balance. Go to any game website and see the exact same forum. It isn't Bioware, it's everyone. Always has been, always will be. You want PVP, this is what you get...in any game.


This is why I don't bother to PVP. That's the part that ruins any online game out there. I'm guessing everyone writing on this forum has played multiple games, and left for basically the same reasons each time.

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It's really not that hard to get 3 medals in a WZ, even as a pure dps. Seriously. If your getting steamrolled so bad you can't get 3 medals you should reconsider your strategies.


Because pug listen to strategies. I'm sorry, if you are one person and nobody helps you (like what happens in many pugs) you will not live long enough to get medals

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Ya if you cannot get 3 medals even when loading in late then you are defiantly doing something wrong!

I have loaded in with half of a match gone and gotten 10 medals no problem, plus being a Tank with full Battlemaster gear helps alot! And no i was not full BM gear till after 1.2 hit, i had to get 3 more pieces which i got my last one today!

And usually i get 80 WarZone Commendations out of the Tatooine PvP Zone, that Recruit stuff in those boxes is a joke! Plus you can buy the Recruit stuff from the Fleet PvP Armor Vendors!

Edited by Harden
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The reward system does not give out medals on a consistant basis, there are flaws. Case in point, take a turret in Civil War and guard it for most the match and get 4-5 medals and thats with no opposition coming to pester you. Several matches later and do the exact same thing and zero medals, zero valor, zero credits.
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Here's a scenario


Bobby Phatt makes level 50 and does his dailies and he's got the best gear he can get from what he's accomplished so far. So now it's time to PVP, because he wants the uber gear so he can be the super-duper bestest PVP dood evar (just like about 80% of the rest of the people on this forum, apparently).


So Bobby starts doing WZ's, and he's in there with everyone else, but they've been doing this since launch, so they already have the uber gear. Bobby can't out-dps crap, he can't survive an 1-v-1 with anybody, and he's not experienced yet. His team loses and he's the lowest ranked guy....


HOW IS BOBBY PHATT supposed to earn his gear if he can't get any tokens? You can't have your gear if you don't get any tokens! <---Lame attempt at Pink Floyd humor


Just askin...

And waiting for somebody to come in and "skule me"



PS, before my fan club chimes in with any smart comments, this wasn't me. I don't do war zones, and very likely never will. But as I'm reading through the different threads since 2.1, I have to think it's a pretty realistic scenario (note the OP, for example).

Edited by bahdasz
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HOW IS BOBBY PHATT supposed to earn his gear if he can't get any tokens? You can't have your gear if you don't get any tokens! <---Lame attempt at Pink Floyd humor


You can't have any PvP Gear if you dont get any Tokens. If you don't get any Tokens how can you have any PvP Gear.


This that dose it better. :p

Edited by DwaneDiblie
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They solved the afk problem and introduced a worse one. Now they punish the people who are really trying but are still learning. That frustration factor will make them simply quit. That is the wrong direction if you want to keep PVP robust.


I am often stunned how rarely BW thinks through the full effects of the ideas they implement. They seem to be flailing around hoping they find a solution.

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I remember when I was a new level 10 and a new level 50. I would go up against other players and they would crush me while my blows did absolutely no damage to their health, but it was okay and I put up with it because I knew that eventually things were going to change. My progress was slow and steady and eventually I got decent gear whereby I could hold my own.


Now I am on my second 50 and this new rewards system is rediculous. How many zero rewards can a person handle before picking up his keyboard and throwing it against a wall. This is rediculous and everytime I get zero rewards, I just get angrier and angrier. I have zero hope of getting any results from this waste of a time ******** system were the newbie gets screwed and has no hope of ever improving his performance. This isn't pvp. There is no competition here. BW should rename it from PvP to UkU for the Unbeatable Kills the Unequipt. This is not PvP. This is a pathetic sick joke and it is not funny.


*checks the name of the subsection of the Forums this thread is in*


*Yep. Still the "Suggestion Box"*


*looks for actual suggestions; finds none*


Maybe these changes are BioWare's way of saying, "Lrn 2 play, nub."


But seriously, this post sounds to me like the OP is pining for a pee-wee Tee-Ball league or something, where everyone gets a trophy -- the same trophy, mind you -- win or lose.

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i totally agree that the reward should differ -win or loss -eg 100 tokens win, 50 loss etc


but after taking the giant nerf from 1.2 better pvp gear is more crucial to the decision of the victor in a fight


i managed to get 2 peices short of full champ, now that sucks and the recruit expertise is better (although less base stats)


but im sith sorc dps and i lose 16k hp in 5 seconds or so, cant do any damage to all teh war hero or battlemasters out there, and if i spec heal from what i hear, they cast timers are too slow to compare to the knock backs and stuns given out in a match of pvp, so in order to get my BM to stand a chance, i have to play 30 games and hope i get a team that can make up for my downs because i havent hit the cap of valour/gear on release



serious if BW are reading, sort something so new 50's or lower tier gear can still have a fair way of progression

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I was a sage healer in full champion gear (except one centurion implant, one battlemaster implant). I tried healing in the new patch. Well, that was pointless - people died too quickly for healing to matter much. Alright, I'll go full dps telekinetics to try to adapt. If dps is king, I won't fight the design issue and try to get used to it (ludicrous that I'd be paying for that attitude, I know). Things were alright for about ten matches... I actually got credits/comms for one of them (I can't believe I go from regularly getting around 7 medals per match and overnight I'm getting 2-3).


Then I find myself in Novare Coast, the new map that I really do like. I was running toward the southern building and got half-way there when I see a marauder making a bee-line for me. Alright, I throw Weaken Mind on him right before he jumps to me. I start casting Turbulence (automatic crit with weaken mind on them) with an induction time of 1.8 seconds. I never finished casting it. I was dead before it finished. One marauder took me from 16k-ish health to nothing in less than two seconds. There was nothing I could do about it. Sure, instead of trying to dps him I could have stunned him... then four seconds later I'd be in the same situation as I was before the stun


I unsubbed after that warzone. A free month is worthless if the pvp, the part of the game that I enjoy most, has become like that by design.


And what kills me about this is the silence from the development team. These forums are on fire about pvp and not a word from the people who designed it. This reminds me of the NGE... fundamental change in experience handed down from on-high.

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Developers here are doing the same stuff the Acti-Bliz devs did with ther cataclysmically bad changes - slowing down progression. Players are far better than the devs realize while planning content. Content is costly and time consuming. So spin the nerf bottle, have the dedicated re-roll, then display shock and humiliation when the process is seen for what it is and subs continue to fall.


Here is something you won't see every day devs - make the game you want. Major fundamental changes are generally reactionary and unwise over the long haul. Changing competitive PvP matches into a Halo rocket-fest won't keep casual gamers. We can already play that for free.


Removing rewards to slow progression for casual gamers is absurd (removing Ilum daily/weekly quests). I highly recommend you make some wise, player friendly design choices before Diablo 3 and GW 2 are released as neither will charge a sub fee. The only thing going for you at this point is "Star Wars" and you can ask John Smedley to see how that alone works for you when you make bad design choices.

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Removing rewards to slow progression for casual gamers is absurd (removing Ilum daily/weekly quests). I highly recommend you make some wise, player friendly design choices before Diablo 3 and GW 2 are released as neither will charge a sub fee. The only thing going for you at this point is "Star Wars" and you can ask John Smedley to see how that alone works for you when you make bad design choices.


Rewarding people for not even trying is the worst design choice you can make. It encourages people to afk in a corner or run around doing nothing. Encouraging people to try by removing rewards from people who don't, makes warzones much more fun for everyone who actually goes there to pvp, not get rewards.

Edited by Jandi
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