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Eliminating the PvP Participation Daily is Simply Wrong


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You may have noticed today that when you picked up your pvp dailies from the terminal that the only one available was the 3-win mission. The participation daily that ran with it prepatch is now gone. The 3-medal rule I could understand. Making sure that losing players did not exceed the wz comm payout for winning teams is actually pretty fair, although this solution was hamfisted.


The participation daily for comms was the carrot for people who want to improve in skill and gear to become better pvp players as they grind to improve. The 3

-win mission and the weekly win mission provided even more incentive to get better. Now, what message is Bioware and their elite group of cutting edge genius developers sending with this?


Not in a premade? Up yours! Want to be able to gear up and still have some fun while you're trying to figure out how to stay alive and contribute longer and better? Sorry. You don't matter anymore.


Now, before the onslaught of so-called hardcores who were pandered to and had rose petals laid at their feet, as well as those enjoying hacking the game for myriad rewards and apparent sanctioning by the development team, I will answer some responses that I know will come up.


1. "You suck! Everybody doesn't deserve a trophy!" Of course not. I hate this current generation who was raised with everyone getting awards instead of instilling how important it is to compete period. Rewards for winning should be more, but with the nerfed comms regardless of how well you play individually--- on top of no more participation daily, those who created and maintain this game have shown they don't want anyone else to be able to work hard and get the skills and gear to improve.


2. "Focus on getting better" again, see all the reasons above. There's a difference between learning pvp and getting sand kicked in your face over and over again for smaller rewards and getting kicked in the teeth for even trying.


3. "This is how it should be!" Hack much? Let's face it. Most guildmates and other players I've talked to--even those who minimize the effect of hacks and cheats-- know it happens, and it happens far too much. Btw, macros are just as much a violation. I know many top flight pvp'ers who, even while choking on their own hubris, don't want their accomplishments tainted by the rampant hacking that appears in every 10-15 matches during a pvp grind. Also, if any of the so-called professional gamers that roll in TOR want any real competition, this system won't get it for them. The hackers love it, of course.


Bring back the participation daily and quit vilifying newer players to MMO's and TOR for wanting to get better.


Oh, and for those of you who have something to say and need plenty of space to say it, refer to this post on how to use paragraphs.

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You must not be level 50. Because there was no participation daily for us level 50 pvpers.


Doi, that was the kill/collect 30 armaments daily...


And yes, there is still the win 3 daily. Might only take you 5 hours on a lowpop lopsided server like mine...

Edited by Polebreaker
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You must not be level 50. Because there was no participation daily for us level 50 pvpers.


Yes I am a lvl50, I have two lvl 50's in fact. I had the participation daily show up every morning until this patch.

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so there are no pvp dailies for 1.2? at all? im on a dead server how the f.... am i supposed to gear up. that the only option i got to gear up.. no warzones for 50 pop ever anymore and havent for 1 month +


If you read my post above (it was at the beginning so you should have remembered even if you were sick of my post and stopped reading soon after you started) I indicated that the 3-win daily is still there.

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They no longer reward failure. The "Participation" missions were only a stop-gap at the best of times, for the Ilum content. One day, perhaps some time from now Ilum will once again become a PvP zone with PvP objectives.


The message is simple: This is an MMO - Step up your game, Guild/Friend/Work as a team or don't get the rewards of those who do.

Edited by Jatne
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They no longer reward failure. The "Participation" missions were only a stop-gap at the best of times, for the Ilum content. One day, perhaps some time from now Ilum will once again become a PvP zone with PvP objectives.


The message is simple: This is an MMO - Step up your game, Guild/Friend/Work as a team or don't get the rewards of those who do.


Your "special person" response is in my original post. Enjoy your devlove and pandering. You evidently don't want any competition down the line.


I'd say nice try but I'd be lying.

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You must not be level 50. Because there was no participation daily for us level 50 pvpers.


Forgot to add. You're lying. At least try to be humorous and not spread misinformation when you troll.


The devs love you and pander to you. Isn't that enough?

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Yeah, the game really needs two daily quests. One for 3 wins (which is actually a time consuming, tough task without a premade) and one for something like accruing 40-50 medals.


A daily should be doable in under an hour--a lot of PvPrs only have maybe 1-2 hours MAX a day to play this game; and creating dailies that can sometimes take 3 hours to complete is just... boring and tedious.

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I hadn't noticed this because I still had the quest from before the patch. Now I understand why everyone is leaving as soon as a loss is looking inevitable ... At least with the participation quest, it kept players in a warzone until it finished
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Yeah, the game really needs two daily quests. One for 3 wins (which is actually a time consuming, tough task without a premade) and one for something like accruing 40-50 medals.


A daily should be doable in under an hour--a lot of PvPrs only have maybe 1-2 hours MAX a day to play this game; and creating dailies that can sometimes take 3 hours to complete is just... boring and tedious.




The medal system was supposed to find a balance between greater rewards for the victors, and a decent enough purse at the end for the losers to get better.


This update, in light of the hacking and other bs is a testament to the personal character of the development team.


They only seem to want a small handful to pvp before they phase it out completely, apparently.


I've played a pretty poorly managed mmo (Battlestar Galactica Online) that pandered to morons before, but not to this extent in pvp.

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You must not be level 50. Because there was no participation daily for us level 50 pvpers.


It was a bug, some people still got it every day (or perhaps the bug was that some people didn't?).


But iirc the rewards were still that of a <50 quest instead of a champ / BM bag like a 50 daily.

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It was a bug, some people still got it every day (or perhaps the bug was that some people didn't?).


But iirc the rewards were still that of a <50 quest instead of a champ / BM bag like a 50 daily.


The bug is that people continued to get the quest. You are not suppose to get participation quests once you hit 50.

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You must not be level 50. Because there was no participation daily for us level 50 pvpers.


There is a participation daily.

The patched Ilum pvp daily is, you get 3 points per match and it takes 10 games to finish the daily.


On top of that, yes, pls bring back the participation daily.

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Yeah, the game really needs two daily quests. One for 3 wins (which is actually a time consuming, tough task without a premade) and one for something like accruing 40-50 medals.


A daily should be doable in under an hour--a lot of PvPrs only have maybe 1-2 hours MAX a day to play this game; and creating dailies that can sometimes take 3 hours to complete is just... boring and tedious.


This is so true!!

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The bug is that people continued to get the quest. You are not suppose to get participation quests once you hit 50.


This is what I always assumed, but have yet to see anything official.


Either way, I don't want participation quests where people get their 4 medals and AFK.


A combination of the bugged quest being removed from 50's and the difference in rewards between the winning and losing warzone teams means that for once people are TRYING TO WIN.

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This is what I always assumed, but have yet to see anything official.


Either way, I don't want participation quests where people get their 4 medals and AFK.


A combination of the bugged quest being removed from 50's and the difference in rewards between the winning and losing warzone teams means that for once people are TRYING TO WIN.


Again, enjoy your hack/"leet" pandering paradise. You'll be having screenshots up like that poor pub who was only one of two people in fleet.

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This is what I always assumed, but have yet to see anything official.


Either way, I don't want participation quests where people get their 4 medals and AFK.


A combination of the bugged quest being removed from 50's and the difference in rewards between the winning and losing warzone teams means that for once people are TRYING TO WIN.


Yeah, people are a lot tighter on objectives now, it seems. The fact that you can get many medals that way is nice too.

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Yeah, people are a lot tighter on objectives now, it seems. The fact that you can get many medals that way is nice too.


More objective-based medals is a good thing. It's the message of "don't bother to get better" in the jack crap you get after busting your butt and earning those medals while trying to accomplish those objectives.


I think it's time for the braintrust (LOL!!!!) of this game to address the concerns and why they unleashed this fetid pile of turds they call the new pvp on us all.

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Again, enjoy your hack/"leet" pandering paradise. You'll be having screenshots up like that poor pub who was only one of two people in fleet.


So, in your mind the removal of the BUGGED MISSION WHICH ONLY A FEW PEOPLE EVEN HAD will cause everyone on my server (or at least my server's fleet) except me and one other player to quit?




I eagerly await your logic explaining this.


More objective-based medals is a good thing. It's the message of "don't bother to get better" in the jack crap you get after busting your butt and earning those medals while trying to accomplish those objectives.


I think it's time for the braintrust (LOL!!!!) of this game to address the concerns and why they unleashed this fetid pile of turds they call the new pvp on us all.


You realise that if you stopped seeing it as "don't bother to get better" and started seeing it as "If I get better I will win and complete my quest, plus get better rewarded" then perhaps this would be less of a problem for you?

Edited by Jestunhi
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Nope, current PvP system is not as dreamy as people make it to be.


On a low population server if one side is winning (capture more objectives in the first 30 secs or plant the first bomb etc) people will try to farm their medals (not necessarily related to objectives) so they can get the magic number 8. After that they will usually lie down and let the other side win. Sometimes the game is close (in terms of gear/skill/whatever) and people will actually duke it out during the whole match.


On a high population server if one side is winning the losing side will start quitting in numbers since they know some other unfortunate victim is there to replace them anyway and they have a chance to get into a winning game. This results in losing side having 2-5 players on a constant cycle of entering and leaving.


I currently play on two servers (highest and 2nd lowest in Europe in terms of population) so I have experienced both sides.


At the moment PvP in my opinion is worthless and I'll need to wait till they fix it (again).

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Nope, current PvP system is not as dreamy as people make it to be.


On a low population server if one side is winning (capture more objectives in the first 30 secs or plant the first bomb etc) people will try to farm their medals (not necessarily related to objectives) so they can get the magic number 8. After that they will usually lie down and let the other side win. Sometimes the game is close (in terms of gear/skill/whatever) and people will actually duke it out during the whole match.


On a high population server if one side is winning the losing side will start quitting in numbers since they know some other unfortunate victim is there to replace them anyway and they have a chance to get into a winning game. This results in losing side having 2-5 players on a constant cycle of entering and leaving.


I currently play on two servers (highest and 2nd lowest in Europe in terms of population) so I have experienced both sides.


At the moment PvP in my opinion is worthless and I'll need to wait till they fix it (again).


Yes, because every player on every server acts the exactly same and wide sweeping generalizations like this are always accurate!

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So, in your mind the removal of the BUGGED MISSION WHICH ONLY A FEW PEOPLE EVEN HAD will cause everyone on my server (or at least my server's fleet) except me and one other player to quit?




I eagerly await your logic explaining this.



I never said that. I'm saying this game isn't going to have a run even close to it's predecessor, SWG, WoW, Everquest, or even The Matrix Online if pvp caters toward 1% of its playerbase-- a few self-proclaimed pro gamers and those who inexplicably feel compelled to spend money every month to hack pvp in said game.



You realise that if you stopped seeing it as "don't bother to get better" and started seeing it as "If I get better I will win and complete my quest, plus get better rewarded" then perhaps this would be less of a problem for you?


You realize that if you read my original post that your cut-and-paste talking point was already addressed. Perhaps then my thread would be less of a problem for you.

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