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Damage by Class so far , averages


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Our server , Rakata Mind Prison, keeps track of stats from WZ's. To get a look at lopsided classes and what wz's they perform best in, here you go.


Healing, damage, and protection





Wait so sorc/sage healers still dominate healing? The people crying non stop are the best healer in the game?


Oh yeah. This rank system? Has a HUGE FLAW IN IT. The only thing that matters is healing/kills/prot done in this entire list.


Why? Because you don't separate heals/dmg/tank specs on hybrids.


What does that mean? The sage/sorc topping healing might be doing little to no damage but they are leading healing. Their data gets thrown in with dps specced sorc.sages data.


Which is why...


Your kill stats don't have a marauder past third place in anything but voidstar (which sage/sorc leads).


What am I saying? Things look very balanced and perhaps sorc/sage healing is still a big too strong as it is the only class/spec that seems to completely dominate the other specs in it's role...


Got to hate logic huh?

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There is a problem with these numbers... any class that has a healing spec loses its validity.


For DAMAGE the healer classes are bring down their sister dps stats. (Scoundrel dps/healer)

For HEALING the dps spec is bring down their sister healing stats.


So of course pure DPS classes like sentinel/mara, shadow/assassin, Powertech/Vanguard, Gunslinger/Sniper are at the top of the charts in dps. Because they dont have a healing spec bring down their numbers.


Website needs revision and the stats are invalid due to variables not taken into account.

Edited by Volcan
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Wait so sorc/sage healers still dominate healing? The people crying non stop are the best healer in the game?


Oh yeah. This rank system? Has a HUGE FLAW IN IT. The only thing that matters is healing/kills/prot done in this entire list.


Why? Because you don't separate heals/dmg/tank specs on hybrids.


What does that mean? The sage/sorc topping healing might be doing little to no damage but they are leading healing. Their data gets thrown in with dps specced sorc.sages data.


Which is why...


Your kill stats don't have a marauder past third place in anything but voidstar (which sage/sorc leads).


What am I saying? Things look very balanced and perhaps sorc/sage healing is still a big too strong as it is the only class/spec that seems to completely dominate the other specs in it's role...


Got to hate logic huh?


All it means is that more Sages spec healing than DPS compared to the other classes... THATS IT. The website is flawed and means nothing because they rope hybrid classes together and dont differentiate between sage dps and sage healers.

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All it means is that more Sages spec healing than DPS compared to the other classes... THATS IT. The website is flawed and means nothing because they rope hybrid classes together and dont differentiate between sage dps and sage healers.


So they do as much healing as pure dps classes do dps, even though the healing is shared with dps specs.


Thanks for proving my case!


Summary? The sage/sorc healers crying on this forum need to l2p. Obvious conclusion. Healers are still viable and still very important.


The people crying have no basis for crying.

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The only thing I'll say about those stats that seems awfully wonky that hasn't been said already is that your percent of the playerbase that plays Vanguard seems awfully low.


I admittedly do not keep these types of stats for my server, and while Sorc/Sage dominated (in terms of numbers) PUG warzones happen very often, so do games where one or both teams are more than 50% Vanguard. :/ They, and Powertechs, seem to be everywhere.


How are you keeping stats?

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Website show ineffective heal, not effective heal.


You can hot 2000 people all the time with a hot of 10 heal per second, and have big numbers. or you can heal against burst/real damage and let somebody survive.


but all you noobs just look at the stats?

hell yeah i can still heal 600k as sorc heal on numbers. but you dont want to know how effective this is when it comes to the reality of pvp.


so wannabe stat the thing rubbers between the man legs, you dont know pvp at alll when you just compare numbers.

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Website show ineffective heal, not effective heal.


You can hot 2000 people all the time with a hot of 10 heal per second, and have big numbers. or you can heal against burst/real damage and let somebody survive.


but all you noobs just look at the stats?

hell yeah i can still heal 600k as sorc heal on numbers. but you dont want to know how effective this is when it comes to the reality of pvp.


so wannabe stat the thing rubbers between the man legs, you dont know pvp at alll when you just compare numbers.


It's not the end all be all *******, we are keeping track ourselves. moreover we dont let our ego get in the way on Rakata; its a great server and we're just having fun keeping stats available

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Website show ineffective heal, not effective heal.


You can hot 2000 people all the time with a hot of 10 heal per second, and have big numbers. or you can heal against burst/real damage and let somebody survive.


but all you noobs just look at the stats?

hell yeah i can still heal 600k as sorc heal on numbers. but you dont want to know how effective this is when it comes to the reality of pvp.


so wannabe stat the thing rubbers between the man legs, you dont know pvp at alll when you just compare numbers.


Trasnslation I still heal for double the amount that dps can dps (except exceptional ones whom I can still heal for more then they dps, just not double)


I still win more games healing then I do on a dps class, because healing is still all the matters.


I can no longer carry absolutely horrible players, and to be stupidly OP I need to find a no skill tank to stand by me...so I am going to cry about it.


Can't wait for Guildwars 2 and no healers. So done with MMO's. I play as healer win twice the games solo queue then I do dps, while using half the buttons, half the skill as I do on a dps class. As dps I usually lead by 100-200 k and it is pointless.


This isn't good enough for you failures though. Thank god someone is removing healers in a game. All they do is cry, even when they are STILL the most important, most op thing in this game, while at the same time having a much lower skill cap then half the dps classes in this game...

Edited by biowareftw
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Trasnslation I still heal for double the amount that dps can dps (except exceptional ones whom I can still heal for more then they dps, just not double)



I can no longer carry absolutely horrible players, and to be stupidly OP I need to find a no skill tank to stand by me...so I am going to cry about it.

So done with MMO's. I play as healer win twice the games solo queue then I do dps, while using half the buttons, half the skill as I do on a dps class. As dps I usually lead by 100-200 k and it is pointless.




  • Bio, you're a hasbeen with a background in bad games that took little to no skill.
  • Ultimaonline was fail, you have been whining about games since day 1.
  • Never played a skill based game on Kali - and probably dont even know what kali is.
  • You complain constantly about improprieties in games but you yourself have done nothing because you are unmotivated and incapable.


You fail to see we cannot go into the interal part of the game to get true statistics of real heals etc. The fact remains we are making something with what we have and the calculations/tracking are beyond your feeble mind.

Wedge yourself back in your fatman hole and leave this thread alone. Better yet, rage quit till GW2 comes.

If you were so 'connected in gaming' you'd be in gw2 beta already. I guess not, cuz you're bad.


Ps. keep the same name in GW2 so I can troll your ar*se there, baddy.

Edited by Boops
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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm going to respond to this because it's a fairly common objection to the way stats are tracked... Sorry for the delay - I just saw this page when GWT told me there was an incoming link from here. Anyway...


There is a problem with these numbers... any class that has a healing spec loses its validity.


For DAMAGE the healer classes are bring down their sister dps stats. (Scoundrel dps/healer)

For HEALING the dps spec is bring down their sister healing stats.


This is incorrect.


When rank values are calculated, values below a stat threshold are dropped. Those same thresholds are used to calculate the averages on the statistics page. This was fixed in a relatively recent update, so it may have been fixed since this thread was posted (I'm not sure of the date).

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Is this post 1.2 or pre 1.2 numbers?


The stats page shows both, though numbers indicate that there is actually almost no difference between pre/post stat values. The exception being that the average objectives score has skyrocketed. Medals, oddly, seem to have remained fairly close.


That said, currently, the post-1.2 dataset is not nearly as large as the pre-1.2 (obviously). So the display may change to just post-1.2 stats if it can be determined that there is in fact a substantial change in stat values.

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This post has lots of good questions...


Wait so sorc/sage healers still dominate healing? The people crying non stop are the best healer in the game?


Yes, they do, though it remains to be seen whether changes to their tree will cause a substantial change for them post 1.2.


Oh yeah. This rank system? Has a HUGE FLAW IN IT. The only thing that matters is healing/kills/prot done in this entire list. Why? Because you don't separate heals/dmg/tank specs on hybrids. What does that mean? The sage/sorc topping healing might be doing little to no damage but they are leading healing. Their data gets thrown in with dps specced sorc.sages data.


If I'm understanding correctly, you're saying that the average stats by SPEC are tainted because they lump hybrids in with the others...


The way the threshold limitation works is that DPS Sages aren't counting towards healing Sages' totals and vice versa. So the average is really the average by class *and role*, not just by class.


Which is why...


Your kill stats don't have a marauder past third place in anything but voidstar (which sage/sorc leads)


Actually, the reason for this is that Marauder/Sent gets a lot of kills.


You will see, looking at the stats, that the range on the kill lists is not that large - we're talking ranges of less than 10 kills on average over more than twelve thousand records (NC excluded - not enough data there). You will also see that the kill numbers for classes that can do multiple roles is on par with pure dps. For example, in Alderaan, Sage, Shadow, and Gunslinger are all tied at 18, despite the fact that Shadow/GS are both pure dps classes.


And also, remember that we're talking about a total difference of 7 average kills per warzone - so despite the disparity of list position, the actual value is not that big a change.

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The only thing I'll say about those stats that seems awfully wonky that hasn't been said already is that your percent of the playerbase that plays Vanguard seems awfully low.


Yes, that's a little strange IMO too... It may be a symptom of our population imbalance though.


How are you keeping stats?


They are submitted via screenshot and then read into text with OCR tech... then uploaded to the site. So yes, the sample is definitely incomplete, but honestly, our sample size is definitely big enough that the inferences and ranks are very accurate. There are outliers, sure, but they usually disappear in a week or two.

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So they do as much healing as pure dps classes do dps, even though the healing is shared with dps specs.


Thanks for proving my case!


Summary? The sage/sorc healers crying on this forum need to l2p. Obvious conclusion. Healers are still viable and still very important.


The people crying have no basis for crying.


Yes, because the numbers at the end of the match are the most important thing in pvp, nothing else matters but how big of a number people get at the end of a match.

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Could you explain more about how hybrids are treated? For example, in matches where there are no other healers, I may do 200k damage and 200k healing. In matches where we have 2 dedicated healers I will do about 400k damage and 50k healing. In matches with just 1 dedicated healer I will do 300k damage and 120k healing.


I would suggest you lump damage, protection and healing done as a single number called Warzone contribution so you can more accurately capture hybrid class contribution.

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Yes, that's a little strange IMO too... It may be a symptom of our population imbalance though.


Actually that's pretty accurate. The number of pvping vanguards at 50 on our server is pretty low - and a large number of them had been shield spec. and our server was quite sizable.


I was for a long time pretty much the only few geared assault van on the server. I stopped playing it so don't know the latest up and comers numbers.


Even now if you look at the number of lvling classes on the Asia Pacific servers (the newer, but actually quite populated), the number of Van and PT at any given instance is actually quite low (even I myself thought it was a lot more than that).

Edited by aRtFuL
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Oh no..... it looks like mara/sents are not OP !


What will the QQers do now ?!?!


Exactly, only people that qq about them are people that get beat by them in 1v1 or 2v1.




And look at their medals/deaths. Marauders sacrifice a lot just to be able to burn individuals down.


On another note, what is with the disparity in damage between vanguards and powertechs? Based on that and the protection scores, it looks like every vanguard on that server is a tank and every powertech dps.


*edit* This website is very cool, someone should make one for gauntlet of kressh :p

Edited by DarthPunitor
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