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reimbursement not compensation


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We have lost a day do the technical screw up on BW shift. This missing day is something we had already paid for so for you to compensate us we should receive something greater then what we have already lost and something that reflects the degree of inconvenience and turmoil the downtime caused.


A free days play is not compensation but just a reimbursement of payment for a service that we never received.

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Compensation (n): something given or received as an equivalent for services, debt, loss, injury, suffering, lack, etc.


synonyms: recompense, payment, amends, reparation; requital, satisfaction, indemnification.


what Bioware gave us sounds like compensation

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A free days play is not compensation but just a reimbursement of payment for a service that we never received.


You paid for 30 days, you got 30 days.

It's just that those 30 days were not consecutive. There was a one day gap in there.

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seriously....im usually in agreement with some of the complaints on here but this just is plain stupidity...


they didnt have to give us anything, if you ever played FFXI, you would be bald and suffering with stress after every one of thier major updates if you wanted some kind of compensation for thier downtimes to fix the patch to fix the patch that fixed the patch of the patch that repaired the previous patches patch


be grateful and stop whining

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We have lost a day do the technical screw up on BW shift. This missing day is something we had already paid for so for you to compensate us we should receive something greater then what we have already lost and something that reflects the degree of inconvenience and turmoil the downtime caused.


A free days play is not compensation but just a reimbursement of payment for a service that we never received.


BRO You have no idea, a lot of other companies would have given you nothing! PLUS theres the EA factor here! you think the tyrants at EA would have wanted Bioware to give out free time!?

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Oh I completely disagree with the OP. I actually logged into the forums to express my gratitude for the compensation that they gave us. I played WoW since the beginning and if they've ever done this, I don't remember it. I think it's awesome and I'm grateful for it.
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We have lost a day do the technical screw up on BW shift. This missing day is something we had already paid for so for you to compensate us we should receive something greater then what we have already lost and something that reflects the degree of inconvenience and turmoil the downtime caused.


A free days play is not compensation but just a reimbursement of payment for a service that we never received.


We are receiving something greater. We lost less than 12 hours, yet they are giving us a full 24 hours.

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Because my dim witted responders it was more then 8 hours the scheduled patch was 8 hours then it was followed by an unscheduled downtime for 8 hours that is 16 hours which leaves 8 spare hours, which the average human uses to sleep making a 24 hours.


24 hours in a day 1 free day = 24


24 hours compensation for 24 hours lost = reimbursement

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Because my dim witted responders it was more then 8 hours the scheduled patch was 8 hours then it was followed by an unscheduled downtime for 8 hours that is 16 hours which leaves 8 spare hours, which the average human uses to sleep making a 24 hours.


24 hours in a day 1 free day = 24


24 hours compensation for 24 hours lost = reimbursement


Oh yeah?


Well I slept through the initial patching time, so therefor you are entitled to nothing!


How do you like dem apples?

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Because my dim witted responders it was more then 8 hours the scheduled patch was 8 hours then it was followed by an unscheduled downtime for 8 hours that is 16 hours which leaves 8 spare hours, which the average human uses to sleep making a 24 hours.


24 hours in a day 1 free day = 24


24 hours compensation for 24 hours lost = reimbursement


If you're including the down time for uploading 1.2 ?


Seriously, are you slow ?


I'm really currious, I think what you meant to say is we lost 8 and gained 16 if anything.

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We have lost a day do the technical screw up on BW shift. This missing day is something we had already paid for so for you to compensate us we should receive something greater then what we have already lost and something that reflects the degree of inconvenience and turmoil the downtime caused.


A free days play is not compensation but just a reimbursement of payment for a service that we never received.


It caused you turmoil? You sir, need a new hobby.

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lol OP /sigh


This is the first time in my 14 years of playing MMO's (b4 you were born?) I've seen any company give any sort of compensation like this.


Additionally, I've never seen a company grant a free month of play time other than to new subscribers or as rewards for contests/signing up new players.


Granted, speaks volumes for the "state of the game" so to say, but it's unprecidented none the less.

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