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Vanguard Symbol above our Heads


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Hi, vanguards


Has any of you figured out yet what the symbol above our heads should represent?

I get the commando one which is a bullet or the guardian having a shield. But us... what is it? :confused:


Please help me solve this mystery

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Just made my trooper and picked my advanced class yesterday. Seems they mixed the two icons up, in the window that let you choose your advanced class they are the other way around, Commandos have the strange V or whatever it is, Vanguards have the bullet thing.
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they arn't. the symbull for it is like that. it is a quite common one btw.

Then why do our rams have the shortest horns ever? Every ram skull picture I see has horns that are noticeably long, or have had them cut off. The only animal skull that I know that looks like that is a baby goat.


Either way it still doesn't make sense.

Edited by Powercow
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