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Is the fun gone from PVP now?


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The fun is still there. Bioware did an excellent job.


They made me realize my role as a healer is to be the bait, the sacrifice for the team. I also learn to contribute to the happiness of the gaming society by becoming a farming target for DPS, now people can get more kills and medals and always leave the Warzone a satisfied customer.


PS. I think those lightsaber guys are crazy over me, everytime i take a walk, 3-4 of them will suddenly jump on me and try to hit on me >.< *Blush*


More medals does not equate to more valor/comms after 1.2 anymore. I'f fine the way it is now, although i think lowering the valor/comm rewards for wins/loses combined with the doubling of all pvp equipment (including medpacs) was a bit excessive. One or the other would have been sufficent, but not both.


I don't bother getting any character to 50 anymore. Too much gear descrepancy at 50, and i do not believe that i should have to spend weeks/months being unhappy playing crappy 50th lvl pvp matches just so months down the road i can have fun again once geared. At the moment, i get a character to 40, then only pvp with them to prevent them levelling to 50 (eg. no more pve for them for the most part). And then also start another character to get to 40). pvp in the 10-40 range is more fun than in the 50 range nowadays, unless your a geared 50. But then again, once geared in the 50th range, where's the real fun? What you'll see most in those matches is geared players chasing non-geared players around the map to one/two shot them to pad their stats. Thats not quality/fun pvp imho either.

Edited by mulzii
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Very nice post!


The fun is still there. Bioware did an excellent job.


They made me realize my role as a healer is to be the bait, the sacrifice for the team. I also learn to contribute to the happiness of the gaming society by becoming a farming target for DPS, now people can get more kills and medals and always leave the Warzone a satisfied customer.


PS. I think those lightsaber guys are crazy over me, everytime i take a walk, 3-4 of them will suddenly jump on me and try to hit on me >.< *Blush*

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We need 77.250 warzone commendations to get full war hero gear... It seems impossible now( you need to play this game all days for 6-7 hours at least for 4-5 months to get full gear, ofc if you don'T have a real life). 2 months subscription left after that I will not buy more subscriptions for this game. I will play Tera Online until Guild Wars 2 comes ( 9months left for GW2 ). After that , Guild Wars 2 will be my last mmo I will play for long time( +5 years ... ).


Bioware made this game ######################################## realy


A lot of people don't realize this because it's so much easier to get BM. The war hero grind is too much to bear.

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Warzones are getting too hard to play. When you try to go with the team, take out the objectives, and are getting slaughtered... You have to make a choice, keep zerging in, where I am not going to get crap, or try to make something happen by takeing on another objective to get the points.....


It gets hard to deal any damage when you zerg and get nailed in 3 seconds= no points, people complaining , = no fun

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The fun has gone from pvp ever since they introduced arenas in WoW. It never came back. That's why I also never came back to WoW.


But instead of fun there is frustration. And rage. And helplessness. And despair. Lots of it.


That's also why I never played any MMO after WoW for longer then 3 months. And I've played ALL of them.

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I dont care much about ranked warzones until it's ready but i do care about that the TTK now time to kill is so reduced players at lvl 50 bracket feel like a joke in pvp.Were tanks are even more useless now in pvp and healers have no chance of healing someone taking damage because they die to fast.
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This is the opinion of one person from a dead / dying server. Keep that in mind when you flame...



Don't get me wrong, I love to kill people, etc.. and win. But I feel like now with how the rewards are, and how you have to have a ton of comms to get war hero gear, the need to win is so much greater.


In comes the problem. You practically need a premade to have a chance, and on servers with low pops, it becomes who gets the 4 randoms, or incompetent ones. Believe it or not, there are still people who do not play the objective, and They play for pure fun, win or lose...


but is that fun for people, like me, who love to play, but also like progression, and winning? Is it that wrong to gain most of your 'fun' from winning? It was bearable before with how rewards were, but now, even more than ever, the rich will get richer..


It may all look fine now, but in a week probably, the differences will be huge, and the window to get wins will get smaller and smaller. Teams that play objectives wont even need to get their 4 medals, because of time based medals. I'm sure I could go on, but I won't


anyway this is just my opinion




Kinrath Spider here too. Our server has weird operating hours I think. During what I would call peak time, 7pm Central, our fleet has maybe 30 - 40 people on any given night. Yet, last night I got on late, 12pm central, and I seen a brief spike of 60 people in fleet!!


Anywho, as a fresh 50 in recruit gear I can foresee a looooong drawn out grind if I continue to get 0 comms for a loss. Rather un-fun for a fresh 50 to compete when the zerg train comes a rolling by. Playing on a barren server makes it all that much more painful.

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My server is quite healthy, warzones still pop fast and plenty good PvP players on both sides to normally make games interseting, even when one queues solo. But since rewards for losing have so drastically reduced, games have become boring, because no one likes to stay if it is likely you gonna lose... and I cannot blame anyone but BioWare for that.


I fail to see how you can claim your server to be healthy then go on to write games have become boring. If a game is boring it's not going to remain healthy for long.

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The fun has gone from pvp ever since they introduced arenas in WoW. It never came back. That's why I also never came back to WoW.


But instead of fun there is frustration. And rage. And helplessness. And despair. Lots of it.


That's also why I never played any MMO after WoW for longer then 3 months. And I've played ALL of them.



Actually I really like playing arenas in wow. You have to use a lot of strategy which I find a nice challenge. SWTOR seems more like a game designed for noobs and button clickers since 1.2.

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More medals does not equate to more valor/comms after 1.2 anymore. I'f fine the way it is now, although i think lowering the valor/comm rewards for wins/loses combined with the doubling of all pvp equipment (including medpacs) was a bit excessive. One or the other would have been sufficent, but not both.


I don't bother getting any character to 50 anymore. Too much gear descrepancy at 50, and i do not believe that i should have to spend weeks/months being unhappy playing crappy 50th lvl pvp matches just so months down the road i can have fun again once geared. At the moment, i get a character to 40, then only pvp with them to prevent them levelling to 50 (eg. no more pve for them for the most part). And then also start another character to get to 40). pvp in the 10-40 range is more fun than in the 50 range nowadays, unless your a geared 50. But then again, once geared in the 50th range, where's the real fun? What you'll see most in those matches is geared players chasing non-geared players around the map to one/two shot them to pad their stats. Thats not quality/fun pvp imho either.



Actually according to the devs, if the team plays well, the whole team is supposed to be rewarded more, also 40 coms is not the limit i have had 65 in a losing game.


Ofc Pre 50 pvp is good for you, you know why? you are 20/30 levels above them and they have pretty much no hope unless you really are that terrible.

Really you are the one using gear and level as a advantage shocking huh?

Edited by Herbertt
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Many of us are still waiting for the promised:


PvP -> On Warzone Scoring and Rewards

Hey folks,


Some follow up news from observations of play and feedback over the weekend. In the next couple of days we will be deploying a small patch that will address the following issues:


As discussed, minimum medals to gain rewards will go from 3 to 1 to better reward those who are backfilled.

Warzones will once again be shutting down when population imbalance is detected. This was an unfortunate bug where a feature of Ranked Warzones (in full team play it is not desirable to let one team end the game prematurely by quitting out) was incorrectly implemented globally.

Completion of Warzones will gain a large increase in the percentage of rewards it represents, so while scoring is still the primary driver, you will cease to see games that give no rewards if players have a minimum of 1 medal earned.

We are extending the time we wait for a full team of eight to better make sure Warzones pop with complete teams.



A huge thank you to everyone who played this weekend and provided valuable feedback and analysis.

04.16.2012 05:06 PM


Maybe that will help make WZ's more fun again. I'm waiting it out, with sub still cancelled until they are.

Edited by Subatomix
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Actually I really like playing arenas in wow. You have to use a lot of strategy which I find a nice challenge. SWTOR seems more like a game designed for noobs and button clickers since 1.2.


I fail to see how button clickers, or noobs, gained an advantage AFTER 1.2 since most times you are dead in a mattter of seconds if the zerg train focuses on you. I concur there seems to be a lack of strategy needed from my limited experience in WZ's, but your statement is just waaaay out there.

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My server is quite healthy, warzones still pop fast and plenty good PvP players on both sides to normally make games interseting, even when one queues solo. But since rewards for losing have so drastically reduced, games have become boring, because no one likes to stay if it is likely you gonna lose... and I cannot blame anyone but BioWare for that.


^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This. GJ BioWare!!!!

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Its funny at first glance the changes would seem to be BM gear on a silver platter and faster to get. In reality for those of us now caught in this insane grind its taking me forever to build up wz comms pugging away. I was getting double and triple the rate of comms before 1.2 and the number of matches I play today and get 0 is out of hand. Before we had 2 dailies and 2 weeklies never thought I be one to say it but I rather go back to pre 1.2 these changes are whack.
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