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Sith sorcerer needs nerfing badly


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It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that they are OP, I'm seeing damage figures of up to 4-6k a second on the lightning strike which the only way to get away from it is use the 45 second stealth and you need to get out of their field of view because the range of the lightning strike is too long.


They already have a ton of interrupts so why not buff those or keep them the same and nerf the actual damage a sith sorcerer can do, I'm not sure about the republics counterpart to sith sorcerer but maybe put them on them same level also if need to?


I'm just saying this because force users shouldn't really be DPS IMO, you start to see this when you have 8 force users on the opposite team and all that warzones are is just a screen full of lightning. It's also probably why people are complaining about graphics in warzones because their gpu's can't handle all the force effects and lightning bolts.

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It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that they are OP, I'm seeing damage figures of up to 4-6k a second on the lightning strike which the only way to get away from it is use the 45 second stealth and you need to get out of their field of view because the range of the lightning strike is too long.


They already have a ton of interrupts so why not buff those or keep them the same and nerf the actual damage a sith sorcerer can do, I'm not sure about the republics counterpart to sith sorcerer but maybe put them on them same level also if need to?


I'm just saying this because force users shouldn't really be DPS IMO, you start to see this when you have 8 force users on the opposite team and all that warzones are is just a screen full of lightning. It's also probably why people are complaining about graphics in warzones because their gpu's can't handle all the force effects and lightning bolts.


This guy obviously knows what he is talking about. Nerf Sorcs, Buff Mads and Assassins.

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It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that they are OP, I'm seeing damage figures of up to 4-6k a second on the lightning strike which the only way to get away from it is use the 45 second stealth and you need to get out of their field of view because the range of the lightning strike is too long.


Sure you are buddy.


If people STILL think sorc/sage is op after a major nerf in 1.2, then those people are simply bad at pvp. Fact.

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Only thing I noticed about Sorc/Sage is that they spent far more time in the rezz spawn then the rest of the team...one fellow I saw actually lasted a whole 4 seconds to a Mara- he almost casted something at the Mara too...I was impressed.


Are you sure you are playing the same game?

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Only thing I noticed about Sorc/Sage is that they spent far more time in the rezz spawn then the rest of the team...one fellow I saw actually lasted a whole 4 seconds to a Mara- he almost casted something at the Mara too...I was impressed.


Are you sure you are playing the same game?


Bad example. Say the same thing when you see that Soc/Sage fail against a Guardian/Jugg, Assassin/Shadow or a Smug. Marauder's are simply brutal DPS. I've been murdering healers ever since I got one. Can't say the same about my Guardian (44) and Shadow (50). I can kill one, sure, but only with careful use of interrupts and stuns. Marauder, I simply mash damage abilities and floor them. Why? Because they panic after I break that bubble and start eating their health.


DPS classes/specs are certainly not within 5% of each other, and they say Marauder is hard because of rotation and all the CD's. Nooooo its not.

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