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JUGGS: Enraged Defense - love it or hate it?


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Just wanted to check in and see after a month or so if people have changed their mind after a bit more experimentation.


IMO at launch the skill was bugged; the first week I used it, activating enraged defense was (as documented here) a huge rage drain.


I took it out of my rotation and started using it only in emergencies (i.e. goal line) IMO at 1.2 launch it was eating 3 rage-per-dmg, not one; as everybody said, activate the skill and you wouldn't be able to use any of your power moves because your rage bar was just empty. Anyway bugged or not, I've carefully watched as I've carefully used it and it does not seem to eat up as much rage. I've had plenty notches on my rage bar for a force scream/impale etc.


Still I can't say its helped much in combat, other than the 15% damage reduction when carrying the huttball.


I think with talented Enraged Defense, the first rage bar should heal you for 10% (like talented Unleash) and the other ticks, 3%.

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Vengeance/ Immortal PvP hybrid here. I mostly Tank/ CC and support DPS on enemy healers (as you PvPers probably already know).


For me this skill is very situational, still usefull but not awesome. I use it together with other things, one of those Warzone Heal items or Endure pain, sometimes a Saber Ward. It's one of those extras you pop when you're just stalling the other team so someone will cap a node or plant a bomb, when you're stopping people from capping and every second counts or when you're buying time for your healer to get to you and keep you alive. By itself though, it does little to nothing.

My DPS in this spec is not vital, it's just support DPS, so in the situations above I can afford to stop DPSing just to stay alive a little longer, get healed, then back to the fight. When my rage goes down from it I pop enrage and move on. They are weak heals, but it's better than nothing.


I do think it could be improved to be more useful.

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I love it (Need to be a Tank with Tank gear PvP ONLY!). If you are serious about OBJECTIVE based PvP its the skill to have. Short cool down, rage comes easily as a tank, and it can be used while controlled. It is based on MAX health.

You have a Jug with 23k health, couple that with you endure pain, now it 29,900. 3% is 897, x10 =8970 HP in that period of time, this is very useful during objective at those key moment, why i love the skill. (when in a 1v1, getting that 9k back over 10 seconds is good for stalling for cooldowns, gives and advantage, and can be used again shortly after the fight, 45s CD.


EDIT: forgot you can stack it all with your Rakata Medpac for even more HoT. Its a free skill guys, use it if you want, you aren't charged to use/not use it so don't complain about it, simply take it off your bar.

Edited by Krayshawn
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Well i dont thnk its a great ability, i thnk its a nice addition to the other 3 defensive cooldowns. I thnk it works descent frm an immortal jug standpoint. If ur immortal, ur not that concerned with the dps u lose, n their's 2 abilities in the immortal tree that help out ur rage building. So ive had plenty of times where i had an excess of rage n popped that n it barley affected my dps. So not great but solid- but i dont expect every new ability to come along to blow everyth else outa the water
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as vengeance i absolutely love it. A 30% heal over time and 15% damage reduction? hell yeah! Then again vengeance doesn't really have any rage problems and we can easily afford it.


I am speaking solely out of pvp experience, never used it in pve

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For starters this talent should have 0 rage cost, since it uses rage to heal. In anything other then 1v1 where you getting hit by several oponents this means you do nothing for 10 seconds. Now this might be ok for tank spec, but dps spec not able to dps for 10 sec is useless. For this buff to even make the slightest difference you have to be at full rage and again then it means you do nothing for 10 sec, and most of the time even if I do and use this I go down like a brick. They could only make this spell better if it was intruptable or do something like a spellsteal where ur oponent gets ur spell and uses ur rage to heal himself.
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Well ive found it somewhat useful in vengance due to deafening defense (you actually heal on hit). Quite usable in immortal too since, at least this happens to me, once you maxout sweeping fury and all those skills that reduce rage cost you actually have a lot of rage to spend and a skill that preety much translates into an extra layer of damage reduction whose power is based on your maximum health is actually useful for saving your skin.
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Well ive found it somewhat useful in vengance due to deafening defense (you actually heal on hit). Quite usable in immortal too since, at least this happens to me, once you maxout sweeping fury and all those skills that reduce rage cost you actually have a lot of rage to spend and a skill that preety much translates into an extra layer of damage reduction whose power is based on your maximum health is actually useful for saving your skin.


I'm assuming you mean that you're healed for the 3% of your max health... I mean it is technically possible to get over 100% damage reduction (~50% armor, 40% Invincible, 4% deafening, 15% enraged defense).


I rolled an assassin and was looking at their tank tree and skills, and...seriously...***. There's a lot of ******** in there

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you can get 3% every second for 10 sec, that is quite alot. Using it with your 6 focus cd and your taunt afterwards makes it valid.



30% heals...


pop rage cooldown and that early in fight ..pretty op imo.

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The heal is 2.5% for me. I think the tooltip may be rounding or something?


But anyway, the ability is well worth the rage cost if you have Deafening Defense no matter what form you're in. I'd like to see the damage reduction added to the base spell. They wouldn't need to replace the bonus from Deafening Defense, since +4% DR and -15s off our AE mez is plenty for two points anyway.

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