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"Loyal Dedicated Players will get 30 days FREE"


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LOYAL and DEDICATED..... should not be defined by your level but by how much time you play on the game.



But then! You would cry, But I actually have a life I should get it too! Glad you have a life so do I.... But again LOYAL and DEDICATED players people who are DEDICATED to the game if you arent DEDICATED to the game then you shouldnt get it.


Bottom line: Level 50 doesnt mean you are a DEDICATED LOYAL player. It should be givin out to players based on there GAME TIME how much do they play the game.



Bioware cant hand out FREE 30 days to EVERYONE.


EDIT: I have a BM level 50.

Edited by Damioc
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"LOYAL and DEDICATED..... should not be defined by your level but by how much time you play on the game."


well by your very criteria people with lvl 50's have reached that ?


Yes pretty much anyone with a level 50 would PROBEBLY reach the required game time amount for free 30 days. BUT many alt-holoics and others have put in just as much time into the game as level 50s they just spent it in a different fashion.

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they didnt accpect my credit card at lauch so had like 3-4 days downtime where i was unsubbed until they accepted my card, so iam not a valued nor loyal player.


hey bioware GO **** YOURSELF.


dont know why but that made me lol irl :D


but yeha this thread is gonna turn ugly soon. will get invaded by the 'old pro mmo crowd' from the generation who have lubricant in their pocket for when they going to the bosses office :eek:

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So lemme get this straight. Dedicated active players don't have level 50's? I got 50 in 4 days back in early access... are you serious?? this much trolling over $15.00?


Oh god here we go again, it's not really about the money, people are more annoyed at the blatant snub Bioware made. They effectively split the community in two, those with 50's and those without, the intimation being that if you don't have a 50, yout neither loyal nor dedicated.


It was a bad move, badly thought out and terribly worded. While the argument is that they are trying to appease players with lvl 50's who they let down by not implementing rated WZ's with 1.2, it's still a really really bad move to discriminate they way they did.


Basically it's been interpreted as "Play the way we deem right and be rewarded, play your own way and we'll overlook you and even go as far as to belittle your loyalty".

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It doesn't matter if they offer every playing customer a free year of play time after this. The damage has been done. I canceled my account along with many others. They dug a hole they can't fill. I'm not coming back and I'm sure nobody else is either. You can't call your real loyal customers trash and then expect us to stay.


What's done is done. Have fun with half the population you had.

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If your not level 50 by now, then you aren't all that dedicated, PERIOD!


I have two level 50s and only play 2 hours a day max and some days not at all.


well to be fair, you can spend all day on a mid-lvl char crafting, and being very dedicated to the game. or have 8 alts that are all in their mid-40s...

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Wouldn't you actually have to leave in the first place, for that to be true? You say you will, but you're not.


Already unsubed


You have 5 days of play time remaining. When your play time runs out, you will no longer be able to play. Please sign up for a recurring subscription plan or redeem a Game Time Code.


Troll more noob.

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So I called and stated the following to Customer Service:


I have followed this game for years.


I have promoted this game to my guild for years.


I gathered my guild for the pre-launch.


I asked my guild officers to stay when they got bored.


I log in almost daily for at least a small amount of time.


I am a huge fan.


I do NOT have a level 50 and neither does my guildmaster husband.


This is the thanks we get? Really?


They apologized for the "inconvenience" and gave me a ticket number that they promised they would escalate to the folks that make these decisions.

If you want to add your two cents to the ticket, email support@swtor.com and reference ticket number 4888815

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Already unsubed


You have 5 days of play time remaining. When your play time runs out, you will no longer be able to play. Please sign up for a recurring subscription plan or redeem a Game Time Code.


Troll more noob.


I call Shenanigans. If you were really that upset, you'd quit and move on. But yet here you are, not really leaving, but threatening to. Obviously the game just have a stronger draw for you since here you are.

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