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If u ran bioware...


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If you were the CEO of bioware, a developer, etc..actually played the game on a regular basis and could implement changes in the game, what would they be? This is more or less a post to see what the general public wants changed within the game and not what some “small” group of people they are currently getting their information from currently want. Maybe they don't even have a small group they are getting their info from..which worries me even more!

Note: None of this is to be taken as a QQ, just various stuff I have noticed from cruising around forums and noticed myself in game or have heard RL friends discussing.


Fix CURRENT issues in the game before working on new development

-Defend the Shipment for example..I have been able to do this quest one time out of about a 100 tries. Remove it or give one of the other dailies 2 commendations instead of 1 for completing.


Don't remove/change things within the game with zero warning or explanation. This only leads to players becoming demotivated to even login to the game.

-As of 1.2, social items have been completely removed with no real explanation.

Put in the time to do simple changes

-Changing the numbers on Tionese/Columni/Rakata gear, from a programmers perspective, should take no more then an hour. Why has it not been done?

-Giving different set bonuses for each tier of armor or at least every other tier of armor. Give us armor to mix and match for different set bonuses or more of a reason to get that 2nd or 4th piece of armor to complete our set bonus.

-Implement some sort of damage log. Before the trolls jump on this ONE line of text in the post, please understand what I mean. I do not mean a damage parser so you can measure yourself up against your whole raid or be angry that you are getting measured up to the raid, etc etc.. All i mean is a simple log for your incoming and outgoing healing/damage similar to your incoming and outgoing chat log. Zooming to max distance for 90% of the operation fights in the game to see what kind of damage I’m doing to a boss is getting a bit on the annoying side and I know I don’t stand alone on this. In the middle of fights it’s simply FUN to be able and say “Holy crap I just crit that guy for 7k!” Most hits/heals get lost in the constant moving in fights, zooming in and out to see what’s going on, etc.

-Give SOME sort of diminishing returns on stuns! In PvP I have one ability to get out of a stun. Some classes have 2-3 stuns, so even if I break out of the first one..well I’m still going to be locked down for about 5-15 seconds depending on the class. There is diminishing returns on interrupts, so why on earth isn’t there on being stunned? Also I have noticed that FULL resolve isn’t doing much of anything at this point.


Implement some sort of achievements or at least an idea of how to pick up remaining codex's

-Social was something that gave players something extra to put in countless hours instead of the same old day in and day out routine. It’s been made useless, so now what?

-There are some various titles for completing operations in X amount of time, unfortunately my guild has been unable to complete EV without resetting (thus losing the title) due to various bugs in the past month and KP has been done in an hour and a half with no title rewarded. So even the ones to shoot for have been pretty skiddish.

-The missing codex's that are under your characters codex tab..give us a little info on what datacrons were missing, how to pick up the extra titles, what persons of note were missing, etc.. Saying you have talked to 15/80 persons of note isn’t much help. And if we run around for 24hrs and talked to all of those people, do we get any type of reward? Even if it is for every 200 codex's you find, there is something you get. Something to shoot for!


I won’t even touch on character balance since that is a pretty large issue. I can say, however, from a Marauders perspective and being “OP” now..I do see quite a big of imbalance across the board now. I think the issue is trying to find a balance between PvE and PvP. For anyone, i believe that is quite difficult. Completely nerfing X class and buffing X class isn’t the best option, which is about the only “fix” I have seen so far.


Anyhow, some will agree and some will disagree. I just don’t see how much of this has gone unnoticed after there has been a lot of discussion about it since the first week or two of release. If you have more to add or disagree with something, then feel free to put your fingers to work! I just keep imagining if I worked at bioware, after playing the game, what I would put in the forefront of fixing compared to much of what has been done. Don't get me wrong though, I like a lot of what’s been done, but I could have lived without the legacy system or even the new operation until they fixed some of the current game issues.

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If you were the CEO of bioware, a developer, etc..actually played the game on a regular basis and could implement changes in the game, what would they be? This is more or less a post to see what the general public wants changed within the game and not what some “small” group of people they are currently getting their information from currently want. Maybe they don't even have a small group they are getting their info from..which worries me even more!

Note: None of this is to be taken as a QQ, just various stuff I have noticed from cruising around forums and noticed myself in game or have heard RL friends discussing.


Fix CURRENT issues in the game before working on new development

-Defend the Shipment for example..I have been able to do this quest one time out of about a 100 tries. Remove it or give one of the other dailies 2 commendations instead of 1 for completing.


Don't remove/change things within the game with zero warning or explanation. This only leads to players becoming demotivated to even login to the game.

-As of 1.2, social items have been completely removed with no real explanation.

Put in the time to do simple changes

-Changing the numbers on Tionese/Columni/Rakata gear, from a programmers perspective, should take no more then an hour. Why has it not been done?

-Giving different set bonuses for each tier of armor or at least every other tier of armor. Give us armor to mix and match for different set bonuses or more of a reason to get that 2nd or 4th piece of armor to complete our set bonus.

-Implement some sort of damage log. Before the trolls jump on this ONE line of text in the post, please understand what I mean. I do not mean a damage parser so you can measure yourself up against your whole raid or be angry that you are getting measured up to the raid, etc etc.. All i mean is a simple log for your incoming and outgoing healing/damage similar to your incoming and outgoing chat log. Zooming to max distance for 90% of the operation fights in the game to see what kind of damage I’m doing to a boss is getting a bit on the annoying side and I know I don’t stand alone on this. In the middle of fights it’s simply FUN to be able and say “Holy crap I just crit that guy for 7k!” Most hits/heals get lost in the constant moving in fights, zooming in and out to see what’s going on, etc.

-Give SOME sort of diminishing returns on stuns! In PvP I have one ability to get out of a stun. Some classes have 2-3 stuns, so even if I break out of the first one..well I’m still going to be locked down for about 5-15 seconds depending on the class. There is diminishing returns on interrupts, so why on earth isn’t there on being stunned? Also I have noticed that FULL resolve isn’t doing much of anything at this point.


Implement some sort of achievements or at least an idea of how to pick up remaining codex's

-Social was something that gave players something extra to put in countless hours instead of the same old day in and day out routine. It’s been made useless, so now what?

-There are some various titles for completing operations in X amount of time, unfortunately my guild has been unable to complete EV without resetting (thus losing the title) due to various bugs in the past month and KP has been done in an hour and a half with no title rewarded. So even the ones to shoot for have been pretty skiddish.

-The missing codex's that are under your characters codex tab..give us a little info on what datacrons were missing, how to pick up the extra titles, what persons of note were missing, etc.. Saying you have talked to 15/80 persons of note isn’t much help. And if we run around for 24hrs and talked to all of those people, do we get any type of reward? Even if it is for every 200 codex's you find, there is something you get. Something to shoot for!


I won’t even touch on character balance since that is a pretty large issue. I can say, however, from a Marauders perspective and being “OP” now..I do see quite a big of imbalance across the board now. I think the issue is trying to find a balance between PvE and PvP. For anyone, i believe that is quite difficult. Completely nerfing X class and buffing X class isn’t the best option, which is about the only “fix” I have seen so far.


Anyhow, some will agree and some will disagree. I just don’t see how much of this has gone unnoticed after there has been a lot of discussion about it since the first week or two of release. If you have more to add or disagree with something, then feel free to put your fingers to work! I just keep imagining if I worked at bioware, after playing the game, what I would put in the forefront of fixing compared to much of what has been done. Don't get me wrong though, I like a lot of what’s been done, but I could have lived without the legacy system or even the new operation until they fixed some of the current game issues.


+1 ;)

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I would make sure that the company wouldn't get on the stock market, making it vulnerable for take overs and ensuring the stock market value of your company isn't more important than the quality of the products.


I do understand that the primary goal of a company is generally to make money but I wouldn't want to sell out my standards to the almighty stock market, losing yourself in the process. No amount of money can buy back your personal integrity.

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I probably wouldn't do much different than the current dev team. :cool:


Of course, that's assuming I had the gutless, money-grubbing, ***-kissing attitude to get high enough in EA's corporate ladder to make a difference in the first place. :rolleyes:


And that's one helluva assumption. :eek:

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I probably wouldn't do much different than the current dev team. :cool:


Of course, that's assuming I had the gutless, money-grubbing, ***-kissing attitude to get high enough in EA's corporate ladder to make a difference in the first place. :rolleyes:


And that's one helluva assumption. :eek:


Perhaps give a final glance at the environment code version before applying it :p

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I would remove the cross faction and make one huge neutral fleet as the hub. Let people group/queue regardless of faction..let light/darkness role playing dictate whom you group with. This might help alleviate the population problems.
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If I were the CEO of BW, I'd have countless games that have been released/are being released/are under development which would be taking up most of my time, and the actual details of how a vanilla SWTOR operates and evolves would have absolutely nothing to do with me outside of reports and spreadsheets.


And this is part of the problem.


Games used to be controlled from the top down by men like this.


That is no longer logistically feasible, and subsequently, is at the heart of modern mmo problems.

Edited by Blistrich
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If you were the CEO of bioware, a developer, etc..actually played the game on a regular basis and could implement changes in the game, what would they be?


If I were CEO, the first thing I would focus on is some housecleaning down in Austin.

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Almost made it to the second page before trolls hit! I mean honestly though..even the trolls can't be 100% happy with the game.


I do appreciate the positive feedback so far tho!

Edited by Teraclon
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Almost made it to the second page before trolls hit! I mean honestly though..even the trolls can't be 100% happy with the game.


I do appreciate the positive feedback so far tho!


If you were referring to my post, it's a known fact that all developers that did not have said attitude were canned from EA whenever they acquired a new game development studio/publisher.


That generally means the best developers (read: those actually passionate towards gaming and the industry) from said acquisitions were laid off posthaste.

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Nothing would be patched until it was tested for 6 months. I would not nerf PVE medpacks/healing for the sake of PVP. which has what happned here. If subs were down everyone working on this game would be asked why? and if they could not answer, they would need to explain why the current nerfs were needed with subsciptions in a decline.


I would have spent the time helping them design a system of PVP that required no healing and never treaded on the bread and butter subscribers who could careless about PVP.


I would have allowed legacy update only after a certain amount of QA signed off and it was ready.


I would have never allowed the cost of legacy features to be a huge time sink for a game marketed to casual players with little time to play and not at level 50 yet.


Bug's and the amount that have been in the game since beta would have been top priority.


I would make them focus on new PVE content and chapters and adding more alien looking races to unlock like wookies to legacy.


I would have went added a LFG server only and merge/transfer all toons on ghost server for free.


I would have never allowed this patch to go live until all the above was fixed or added.

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