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lol cmon man, i was in those arcades and i don't think anyone was going to be fighting.

back in the 80s/90s is when there were real nerds/geeks, not like all the people these days where it's even cool to profess your geekdom, etc.


Heh. What I meant is that you had to act differently because you were actually playing against another person. Physically. Right there. And usually you had a bunch of other people with their quarters stacked up, waiting to play.


Totally different environment than today. In my experience, this created more civility. Compare that to playing MW3 on 360 today :D


if you were around the arcades and gaming in the 90s you know what real geeks/nerds are, some of the biggest nerds you will ever encounter, lol and i was right there. :D


Yeah, it was awesome. Just a different time.


People used to push themselves just so they could put their initials up. That was the goal. Have fun, perfect your game and get your initials up.


Now the goal is to, uh, unlock 2342342 costumes and an art pack.



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Guys, I know this topic is awesome, but please...


Take a

with me before we continue...


Oh man...


That was satisfying.




nah...atari back in the day.. pong was all we had.. there was no forums to complain either lol

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TOR for me doesn't really pose much of a challenge, it's repetitive, not very immersive and ultimately flawed because of these things. Remember when RPGs were more focused towards dialog and puzzles? Remember when the Resident evil games actually required a degree of tactics and not just shoot everything that moved?



If anything has slipped it's the games we all play now.



YUP, I agree with he puzzles aspect and you can still find that with most non-online pvp platform games, but its not the developers fault for not being able to make money off of it. Its like me putting out a Jazz album rather than a Dance/ Electronic Album music wise. They cant afford to spend money and go negative doing so.

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I think the modern gamer is the result of our instant gratification society combined with entitlement issues caused by poor parenting. LOL


Kids used to live in fear of the belt.


Today kids and/or their family sell their kidneys to buy an iPad

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True story.. back in my day i had to code my own games in BASIC on my TRS-80 to play a game.. and before i could afford my 5 1/2 floppy i had to code the games over and over to play.. that's what A gamer comes from..


Yeas any games I had on my ZX-81 came from a book! looking at TOR I don't see any difference from what I coded back then

10 Print "Roll character to 50"

20 Goto 10

Edited by Caspian_Rho
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Heh. What I meant is that you had to act differently because you were actually playing against another person. Physically. Right there. And usually you had a bunch of other people with their quarters stacked up, waiting to play.


Totally different environment than today. In my experience, this created more civility. Compare that to playing MW3 on 360 today :D




aghh... yeah, i see what you mean.

there definitely wasn't anything like goes on today, that's for sure.


i'd give just about anything to go back to the 80s/90s and just live in an eternal loop over and over and never leave. after the 90s things never were the same again. for me and my perspective, at least.

Edited by teambff
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Yeas any games I had on my ZX-81 came from a book! looking at TOR I don't see any difference from what I coded back 10


10 Print "Roll character to 50"

20 Goto 10


you forgot the ";" lol

Input a$ "what level you wish to be?";

if a$="50" print "lol you wishorz!";

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Yeas any games I had on my ZX-81 came from a book! looking at TOR I don't see any difference from what I coded back then

10 Print "Roll character to 50"

20 Goto 10


ROFL, because I actually remember this from waaaaaaay back in Basic classes <cringes at age>

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Rose tinted glasses.


I think you misunderstand him.


When I first played Final Fantasy VII, I could not get enough of the exploring. The 'end-game' wasn't even what mattered. It had crap graphics 'in todays standards' and plenty of bugs, but then so does Skyrim.


In terms of the actual gaming mentality, teenagers of -this- day and age are a lot different to the ones of my generation. I am 31, so hardly ancient. But before online gaming communities were are big as they are now, and I am talking about when I was playing Counter Strike online, it was a whole different kind of ball-game.


Everyone now throws their toys out of the pram. Everyone gives threats, and assumes that because their own nerd-rage requests were not given to them, that their cancelling of the subscription accounts for everyones opinion.




And therefore does not -constantly- need to be said, over and over again, by every bloody immature teenager that doesn't get what they want out of the game. Such negativity destroys the community, and people who might approach SwTor as an alternative to the mainstream see all the mental-cases wearing "I am a complete NOB" T-shirt, and doesn't even give it the time of day.


It wasn't perfect, when I was younger. But you were a lot more open minded about video games. It was less competetive, and therefore got what you were given. Trust me... when I was 12, opening up a box of Golden Axe 2 and expecting it to be like it was on the front cover... I had quite the shock when it was three characters, with a spam ability.


But I didn't think like that back then. I played the game for what the developers had made it. And the rest of it, was upto me. Nowadays, people EXPECT an experience to just, happen. And because they pay for it, turn into demanding divas and stomp around when things don't go their way.


FINE. Cancel your subscriptions. Maybe it will help your parents pay the bills.


- KB

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Why back in my day we had to hand crank our computers just to get them to start and 'online' was what we said the birds were doing sitting out on the telephone wires. *curses young people under breath*


You had a hand crank? We had to scribble our stats on a piece of paper and walk in the snow uphill to deliver the data to the next player

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YUP, I agree with he puzzles aspect and you can still find that with most non-online pvp platform games, but its not the developers fault for not being able to make money off of it. Its like me putting out a Jazz album rather than a Dance/ Electronic Album music wise. They cant afford to spend money and go negative doing so.


Aye very true, I still believe (as is the evidence all around us) that developers are dumbing down all their games to appease those of this newer generation.

It would be brilliant if we had more games that made us thick about the way we approach things, instead of the gung ho run in, kill everything, watch cutscene /end game.

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100% agree with the OP and others in here.


Here is the type of game that i just can't ever see being made in today's environment:



I still have my original copy, box and all. And you know, I consider that to be one of my most prized possessions.


It is the fault of the gamers and the developers who cater to them. Developers make **** games that are copies or "sequels" because they know what people will buy. People eat up the same **** games because they don't know any better. Seriously, How many COD games that are basically reskins of the previous ones can be sold? Apparently billions...


It cracks me up when people complain that this or that game is just a "copy" of WoW (or whatever). Of course it is, because i GUARANTEE those same people would complain the loudest if a game came out that was truly innovative. "Why can't this game have xxx feature, like wow does?"


It's a vicious circle, the developers drive the gamers and the gamers drive the developers. Breaking that circle is a risky and expensive proposition, and now that gaming has become such a HUGE industry, innovation and risk like you'd see back in the day just aren't profitable enough for the huge publishing companies to support.

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My 12 year old son recently tried the original Fallout. I don't think he got an hour into it before ragequitting. "Freakin impossible" were his words. I called him a sissy.


Games are more theme parks than wilderness adventures nowadays. I blame the 90's "everybody wins", politically correct BS for that. It bred a generation of people who seem to think they should get everything handed to them with no effort, just because they are white/black/skinny/freckled/fat/nearsighted or whatever. Now those people are not only the target customer, but also working in the industry.


That isn't to say that there aren't decent challenges out there, but you won't find them in mainstream games. Sadistic indie devs still make some tough games, but the big names have shareholders and metacritic scores to look out for, so safe, easy, and filled with DLC is the order of the day.


God of War III and Castlevania: Lords of Shadow on the highest difficulty setting were pretty damned fun.

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ROFL, because I actually remember this from waaaaaaay back in Basic classes <cringes at age>


KIDS DON'T KNOW. They do not know the PAIN of having to load your game from a sodding cassette tape, which took 45 MINUTES to load what wouldn't be considered good memory for a sodding lightswitch AND gave you a bloody epilepsy inducing loading screen to boot...


...only to have your Mom shout up and say, "BEDTIME!" by the time its done loading, only to crash on the second level of Robocop!!!



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God of War III and Castlevania: Lords of Shadow on the highest difficulty setting were pretty damned fun.


Shinobi on one life. Ghost and Goblins on one life. Double Dragon on one life.


Ah, the good ol days.

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I think the modern gamer is the result of our instant gratification society combined with entitlement issues caused by poor parenting. LOL


Kids used to live in fear of the belt.


Today kids and/or their family sell their kidneys to buy an iPad


Couldn't be more spot on. It's not surprising that gaming has become a cesspool considering that's what our society has become. People can pretend that it's always been this way, but it hasn't. The man-baby syndrome that has infected gaming used to be a tiny portion of the population and today it seems to be the largest. The more accessible and easier technology becomes to use, the more brain dead twits you will encounter in anything tech related.

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Consumerism and consumption have triumphed. Corporations have succeeded in training everyone to be the first to buy something and then use it up as quickly as possible. This makes them ready for the next "new thing" on store shelves.


Yes, and we're supposed to save the world from global warming with this attitude.

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Yester-years gamers + todays games = perfect. I suppose having grown up with a Spectrum 48k and "Horace Goes Skiing" that one loads via a tape machine kinda instills a certain iron skin when it comes to server crashes et al.


fast forward to 28secs and just listen. THAT is a game loading (they took about 2-3minutes to load. you couldn't turn the volume down either because thats what they required to load. LMAO)

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I think it's more that people are never satisfied and demand a game company make a game JUST FOR THEM.

They want the impossible, and thus are never happy with the end result.

Just look at the forums.


I want soul crushing hard modes

I want casual friendly games

I want more PvP

I want no PvP

I want fluff

I want no fluff, it's for scrubs

I want I want I want.


And no matter what game companies, do..it's never enough.

They want a dev in their home...listening to what they want and doing exactly that.

They have the best idea ever, that no one has ever thought of before. And if the game company would just listen to them..everyone would be happy.


It's entitlement, pure and simple.

People are being raised to think they are the most special person to have ever existed, and their opinion is the most important thing EVER. And when no one listens, they get angry. After all, their teachers, their parents, everyone has told them how special, smart and amazing they are. Surely everyone else must see it too!


Entitlement is what is killing a lot of things.


You, my friend, deserve a +1 for this. Well said!

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Simple truth is people and their likes/dislikes are in constant evolution.

One can ether roll with it and make the best of it or stand their ground and get left behind.


The people who play the mmo genre are no different. A game company can ether roll with what the current trend is or get left behind and be a niche market.

EA is never going to be satisfied with their mmo being considered a niche market game.

Sadly EA has never really understood what it takes to stay current. Hence they have failed at every mmo they have tried.

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