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New gen of gamers


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I want soul crushing hard modes

I want casual friendly games

I want more PvP

I want no PvP

I want fluff

I want no fluff, it's for scrubs

I want I want I want.


I want soul crushing hard mode groups/raids (though getting back to the 2AM-9AM 5 nights a week in EQ1 is not highest on my wishlist anymore, 3-4 hours top at the time, please :rolleyes:)

I want casual friendly games

I want PvP, when I choose

I want accomplishment based progression on all levels (solo, group, ops/raid)

I want epic lore,

I want crafting that means something,

I want gates, attunements and keying that makes access to something made through hours of grinding in teamwork with laughs, sweat and blood mean something.


Which is why I sub to multiple games

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I remember playing some really really old console games that are probably older than most of the people here such as Final Fantasy II and Phantasy Star II and OMG they are so hard! The original Final Fantasy II wasn't released in the US and the remake of Phantasy Star II wasn't released here either. Final Fantasy II was really hard but you could at least keep hitting your characters to gain max HP or select an ability, undo, then repeat to quickly grind up the skill.


Such games can be downloaded from certain sites.

Edited by Agemnon
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Gimme a wOOt if u remember campin fer weeks just hopen' to catch a 2 hour mob spawn!!


Cheers if ur remember when w t f used to be a folder!!


WOOT ! many hours sitting in some dungeon waiting for some goblin to spawn only to see him spawn with the wrong weapon over and over and over... for three weeks. :rolleyes:


Remember long corpse runs and losing experience when dying? We actually had a raid in a place called 'plane of fear' that we died so many times we all lost a level. lol

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Consumerism and consumption have triumphed. Corporations have succeeded in training everyone to be the first to buy something and then use it up as quickly as possible. This makes them ready for the next "new thing" on store shelves.


Karl Marx's ideology fails... Capitalism holds true, he thought we would snap out of this illusion all realize it, boy was he wrong.

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I don't like this high horse attitude some "older gamers" think they are entitled to when they complain about the "young generation" complaining about problems. Why didn't you see more complaining in your time?


Most of us didn't have access to the Internet to vent, and Nintendo Power was actually available in the public library as one of the few sources of gaming news.


Do I feel unsatisfied with the way some companies are trying to make a buck now with questionable methods like day one DLCs and what not? Of course I am. But it's not like the olden days are any better. Game developers used to release broken games because they can get away with it much easier than now.


Despite what some perceive as whining, I think it's good that forums like this at least hold video game companies accountable to some extent since there's dialogue between gamers and with the companies.


You make some great arguments here and I feel you. I think what you may be missing from the OPs post is the fact that these days, people gripe from the very beginning.


As guildmaster of a guild on Infinity Gate, for weeks I watched amused as people talked in the Imperial Fleet about the doom of SWTOR. These same people complained on a daily basis about how bad the game was and how they were going to unsub and the game sucked and it didn't incorporate what WoW had, etc.


These very same individuals after 1.2 was released then went on to complain about the fact that the GB cost so much (mind you, they complained weeks before there were no GBs). They complained about the Battlemaster armor. They complained that the tauntaun pet wasn't a mount.


Then came the problems. They complained because they couldn't log in and the GBs were gone and on and on.


The issue simply as I see it is that today's gamers lack patience. They lack a sense of realism. They expect everybody and everything to be perfect and ignore the fact that they are in and of themselves imperfect. Today's gamers demand everything to sate them when they are insatiable. They demand perfection but are flawed themselves.


A common word used throughout this thread is "entitled" and frankly, if willing to wager that if you polled most people in this thread about ages and the like, those who agree with the OP will likely be older while those who have done nothing but troll and flame would likely be the opposite, exceptions excepted, of course.


Frankly, I also believe some folk just like to whine, complain and gripe simply because they can do so and remain anonymous. Easy to be a douche bag and talk crap when you're just a made up name behind words.

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BTW I completely agree with the OP.


Gamers today are way too self entitled. They always think they deserve more than they are getting. You guys mock him for bringing up the "old days" where people were actually decent.


Then again most people actually had a real life outside of gaming too, so I guess that can cause the difference.


Anyway, the fact that people mock this guy for saying what he said proves how disgusting gamers have become. I blame the ability to hide behind the internet like lil' cockroaches hiding from the light. :) :)


How can you say that gamers are too self entitled? This company released a game with some content (good or bad that another topic). Each person is free to experience the content the way they like it, and put as many hours as they please to play the game. If the end game is boring, uninspired and not unique, or it does not have elements of re-playability, is it the gamers fault, or the content's creator fault.


Look at the end it doesn't matter. People who don't like this game will move on, the question is if those who stay and they are loyal to this game are enough to get the production going (see Warhammer and other titles).

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I agree to a certain extent.


Unfortunately gaming seems to have lost its sense of adventure recently.


Not a lot of developers are prepared to try something new and interesting any more. I dont know if its a result of customer demand for carrot on a stick games, or a genuine lack of creativity in the industry ?


or maybe we've explored all the options and now we're just regurgitating the same old rubbish because its easy




Developers see a fast buck design and think how they can cash in off it!


Rift surprisingly is about the most creative game Ive seen recently in the MMORPG genre.


Thought TOR would be, but once your past the voice over stories, its pretty freaking empty!


Man I wish DAoC would put out a pre RA Server . No RAs, no TOA, no new frountier


Id actually resign for that


amazing game that just needed some cc tweaks in RVR and then all was good

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First off, I truly feel gaming has gone downhill. These new breed of gamers nolonger enjoy the game. They feel compelled to run thru it to end game as fast as possible then complain and ask for dlc/new content. I remember a time back when you played a game to escape reality to get into the world. Back when no one knew what a "dlc" was. When you could play a single game for months/years.


2nd I never understood why people who constantly state they are bored just don't simply do something else instead of sit idle and moan how they feel. Or the ones that aren't truly into a series like Star Wars. Given the time it took for this game to be released and all the times it got pushed back. To truly say you covered everything the star wars universe has to offer takes time. Gamers are nolonger patient.


3rd there is no need to compare games as diff as SWOTR vs WoW. To me it would be like comparing zombies at emy neighbors to resident evil. Is it not ok to like multiple games without feeling the need to outright say this one is superior. Everyone has an opinion. But this new gen of gamers scares me full of trolls and firstfaqs.


Bring back the original gamers, the ones that lived to explore, to play, to live diff worlds diff experiences!!!


Yes indeed, bring back real gamers, the ones who can tell difference between turd and quality. Gamers who invested more in standards and weren't afraid when someone had an issue or opinion and also weren't afraid of a little hard work in aquiring virtual grandure.


Let's also bring back the companies that had repsect for their buyers, and valued their opinion. And also knew how to put out a great game without sacraficing their community or IP. :cool:

Edited by Caspian_Rho
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It's not a "new generation" It's the volume of gamers these days. There has always been portion of gamers who complain and get upset over everything. Now, as gaming is insanely popular compared to what it was, the amount of these people have also grown. They were always loud, but easily ignored. Now, they swamp forums etc to the point where it's impossible.


I can't stand these people, either but let's be real, shall we?

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About 87% of the people playing games online would get their *** kicked if they pulled the same stuff off in an arcade back in the 80s. :p


lol cmon man, i was in those arcades and i don't think anyone was going to be fighting.

back in the 80s/90s is when there were real nerds/geeks, not like all the people these days where it's even cool to profess your geekdom, etc.


if you were around the arcades and gaming in the 80s/90s you know what real geeks/nerds are, some of the biggest nerds you will ever encounter, lol and i was right there. :D


it was a special little club where people were forced together because of their geekhood/nerdhood not really because they chose it.


imo you can't even be considered a geek/nerd unless you were from the 90s on down.


now everyone claims to be a nerd/geek, all these girls are nerds/geeks and profess themselves to be it... pahlease back when real nerds/geeks were around we never had interactions with a real girl and geeky nerd girls were as rare as a unicorn.


now, you even have jocks trying to be nerdy... it's like bizarro world. i wouldn't believe the way things are today if i hadn't seen it with my own eyes.

Edited by teambff
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The thing is that in the 90's and prior to that there were GAMERS. Not people that are looking to spend their time because they are bored. People who played video games (and gamers were always playing on pc) did that because they LOVED playing games and all of their aspects.


Those people had a lot of money and were most likely higher educated due to the cost of a owning a PC. Games reflected this. MULE wouldn't even be published today.


The same thing occurred in the early 90s with MUDS. About the only people who actually mudded were people at a university since they had access to a unix environment and free internet. This attracted a different demographic than modern games.


Likewise, arcade games required a different skill-set than games today. I do believe that if you were an arcade rat in the 80s or 90s, you are most likely a better (or at least different) "gamer" than 98% of the population out there today because you developed skills that are not emphasized in today's games including recognizing patterns, fast reflexes and having patience.

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Am I the only one who remembers the VN Boards for DaoC? Holy hell, it was almost as bad as WoW's and TOR's forums back in the day. Let's face it, teenagers and college kids like to run their mouth and troll because frankly they have enough free time to not suffer from it. That hasn't really changed much in 20 years, but what has changed is the ability for them to post their inane BS on forums everywhere.


I'll be 30 this summer, and yeah I get nostalgic about old school games but then again games are indisputably better in some areas than they have ever been. We complain about games being trite and having bad stories, and it makes me scream WHEN DID OLD SCHOOL GAMES HAVE GOOD STORIES? At best you have some cRPGs where you're just imagining the story in your head, the actual writing was laughable.


In sum, go read a book, stop raging, and play games to have fun. It's not worth getting upset over something so trivial.

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Who remembers Terris and gemstones III?



I remember gemstone3 I used to play it over GEnie. It was like reading a book in that even though it was text you could just imagine the locations in your head.. You had a mental picture of all the locations.

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Hilarious thread. Perhaps what's changed is the quality of games? Back years ago (and still to this day) I used to replay my old N64 games just because the gameplay was so good and the story engrossing, challenging and fun.


I still replay KOTOR I & II. I still replay some of my old PS1 games, I still replay what is a true classic Operation Flashpoint.


These games listed were brilliant from start to finish and still to this day keep me coming back, and despite knowing where everything is in these games they still pose a challenge and have gameplay good enough to keep me entertained despite the poor graphics.


Today we have a lot of games that don't take more than a few hours to complete, that have gameplay that is highly repetitive and worse of all stories that are mainly based around boring blockbusters that have lots of explosions but no story.


TOR for me doesn't really pose much of a challenge, it's repetitive, not very immersive and ultimately flawed because of these things. Remember when RPGs were more focused towards dialog and puzzles? Remember when the Resident evil games actually required a degree of tactics and not just shoot everything that moved?



If anything has slipped it's the games we all play now.

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My 12 year old son recently tried the original Fallout. I don't think he got an hour into it before ragequitting. "Freakin impossible" were his words. I called him a sissy.


Games are more theme parks than wilderness adventures nowadays. I blame the 90's "everybody wins", politically correct BS for that. It bred a generation of people who seem to think they should get everything handed to them with no effort, just because they are white/black/skinny/freckled/fat/nearsighted or whatever. Now those people are not only the target customer, but also working in the industry.


That isn't to say that there aren't decent challenges out there, but you won't find them in mainstream games. Sadistic indie devs still make some tough games, but the big names have shareholders and metacritic scores to look out for, so safe, easy, and filled with DLC is the order of the day.

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yay theres hope and geez I'm not that old, I'm only 27.


Hey I'm 50..ekk.. but to the OP. You are so right. People don't understand what goes into creating these games. Behind the scenes would amaze you. People need to chill. What has ruined gaming for me is the community. Personally, wow was ruined by DPS meters, 5 hours in a instance, people with I want I want I want!! reminds me of my kids when they were small... ahh well.. not much you can do.. I sure hope they dont allow that in this game... it will ruin it for alot of people.

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I'm 37 years old......


So not sure what the OP is talking about, there has always been a certain breed that was only concerned with end game, finishing it as fast as possible, and then saying the game was too short of lacking of content....


Nothing new here....

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