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Companion romances should be taken into account with the Legacy Family Tree.


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If you play through a full Romance story with a character you should be able to make the Romanced companion a parent for one of your other characters along with the Parent you choose. Each one could add a special boost or something. Just think that should have been an option... Edited by JasonPogo
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not just that, but there is an Ally option also.. im going to assume that your crew (companions) would be considered allies.. we should be able to add companions to the family tree period, after all we did level them up as well... sorta :)
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If you play through a full Romance story with a character you should be able to make the Romanced companion a parent for one of your other characters along with the Parent you choose. Each one could add a special boost or something. Just think that should have been an option...


I believe at the guild summit they said this was something they were looking in to.


My Warrior married Vette. While she's not listed as his wife on the legacy tree, he does have a Twi'Lek child, which is my Sith Assassin.

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I also find the way adding a child to a character abit annoying, for example:


I have 2 of my characters married, male and female, and i decided to put one of my other characters as a child to them i expected to be able to make it look like:



Male ----- Female

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Instead all i can do is make it look like this:


Male ----- Female







Edit: Stupid forum posting ways ****ed up the way i posted, you should be able to link a child to 2 characters in the legacy systems as parents.

Edited by CapWinterz
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Yeah, I'd like to see this. I've got two twin daughters in the Jedi academy, but can't place Kira. :(


They will have to expand the tree as well. Currently I have an ally and a brother attached to my Main, which new disallows me from adding a Spouse, another Ally, and a Rival.

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yah there isn't one part of this Legacy crap that wasn't poorly thought out.


from the family tree, to the legacy gear, to unlocks..it's all disappointing


do you really need to post twice?



Also. I disagree. I'm quite excited about what's in store for future legacy additions. I'm enjoying what we have at the moment.

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Actually... your companions ARE taken into account with the tree even if it is unintentional on Bioware's part. Only your characters appear on your legacy which makes sense because its the family name thats being tracked. The only real issue with the legacy system is the inability to have two characters on the tree be the parents of one child.


Otherwise... the assumption is obviously your single character has had a child with an off-screen character or their romanced companion.


The game story is designed so your meant to romance one of your companions and eventually marry them. As such having only one parent show up on the tree makes sense. Multiple characters 'marrying' to be the parents of a character was clearly not intended.

Edited by J-Sheridan
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Agreed. There's another thing they didn't consider, and that's that you can have adopted children, but not adopted siblings. My chars are brothers whose parents are dead, but one brother is adopted. The system won't let you add him that way, so I had to use an alt slot to make the dead parent in order to add the adopted sibling. lol, rp'r problems.
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Actually... your companions ARE taken into account with the tree even if it is unintentional on Bioware's part. Only your characters appear on your legacy which makes sense because its the family name thats being tracked. The only real issue with the legacy system is the inability to have two characters on the tree be the parents of one child.


Otherwise... the assumption is obviously your single character has had a child with an off-screen character or their romanced companion.


The game story is designed so your meant to romance one of your companions and eventually marry them. As such having only one parent show up on the tree makes sense. Multiple characters 'marrying' to be the parents of a character was clearly not intended.


I see what you're saying from a meta-game perspective, and it makes sense in that context. However, I'd like to have a visual representation of the entire Family Legacy. Part of the fun of the Family Tree is building it and connecting the relationships.

Edited by Cerion
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  • 2 weeks later...

I wish they had adopted siblings too. My Chiss (aside from her daughter) was adopted into the family when her parents were killed in the war. Right now as it stands my Inquisitor, Trooper, Warrior, and Bounty Hunter are blood sisters with my Agent being their adopted sister. My Consular is my Bounty Hunter and Torian's daughter. My Smuggler is my Warrior and Quinn's daughter. And my Jedi is my Agent and Vector's daughter.


I'd like to put my companions' faces on my tree too. At least their spouses if I can't add the others as friends.

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