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A real explanation and apolagy.


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Wall of text inc, you have been warned.


So servers are down all day today and it seams the problem is the adding off patch 1.2 a. Now with all the stuff happening last day the limit for many and myself is reach a peak. Not because of downtime and so on, but the lack off an PROPER explanation and what seams to be bad testing (work) from dev team at BW.


Now first off the removing off rated warzones just before patch 1.2 and the follow upp posts from BW. It is "buggy" is the one thing they say, okey so you been working on a protject for so long and you did not even test it out propebly or work on it at all during that time? No PTR testing and no running it at closed servers at all? You took one major part off a patch and just ignored it complently it seams from what I read on posts and from you. One post that says it is "buggy" and nothing else.


So today 1-2 a patch comes to "fix" what 1.2 bugs, forgoten stuff and so on that appered. Now creds for that servers have been upp before set time both times, but today it lasted for 30 min and warning about server shutdown comes. Now it seams that some stuff have been removed from 1.2 a patch from the game. Here is a question: I assume you been working for some time on this patch to, how can you detect sevral flaws/bugs 30 min after you open live realms and can not even see it before that? Is it so that you do not test stuff you creat at all before pushing at the puplic?


And now for the pet and 30 days free game time to old players and the 1 day free for todays mistake. I see it as an insult strait to new players and partlie to old playeres. To me it seams, exept for pet it is an poor attempt to smooth things over with the comunetie. Try to give people a posetiv experience instead of the negative one from last days mess. Well I for one is not going for it. I rather have an proper uppdate on issue and appolegy.


I been playing MMO´s for sevral years, as far back as Vanilla WoW. Now not saying it was perfect or flawless any off the other games. Patching and server shutdowns was a topic there to. But they gave a proper post about it and it seamd they were sorry, uppdates on problem with an explanation on it came in regular intervalls. Now the MMO´s players off today may be spoiled on certean apects off gaming and patching on games that have had years to evolve, but I can not remember any game that left me with a feeling that I as a custumor is wearth 0 to the companie that makes the game.


So made this tread in frustration and with an idea so that you may make atleast me and maybe the comunetie happy. When it comes to promo off new stuff you have vidios with tons off people that brag and goes on and on about all the posetiv stuff that is coming. When things go wrong I get the "faceless" forum explanation and "appolagi" that I have to go and find myself. Why don´t you have those "braggers" make a vidio were they appolagies for the mistakes that clearly have been made in testing of patches and stuff upp until now. No big time vidio with effects and so on, juse a webcam. If I make a mistake that ruins the product in any way, be it testing of it, looks, not whole, etc. etc. I have to face my boss and the clients that orderd the product. Lets see if that may motivate em to deliver satisfactional results on patches and so on, not what we have now that seams to be hurried along and quality controll seams trown out the window.


This is just an idea I have that I think may please alot off players that have been trew alot last days (months). Not smoothing over "gifts", but a real explanation and appolegi for the people that is in charge off the set depearment ( I do not know your structure build upp). Have not to be a vidio even, but some kind off epxlanation and appolagy from the people that are responsible for this.


PS: Sorry for bad english, not my native language and yes it is a frustration vent since OP went down the drain :-/

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I'm not sure what MMO's you've played or have been playing. With every major patch in every single MMO there is at least a minimum window 6+ hours beyond the expected time where servers are down, there are problems that weren't expected when it went live and the devs have to fix problems.


It's life, deal with it, and stop whining. Find something to do until it's fixed.

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It's life, deal with it, and stop whining. Find something to do until it's fixed.


But, but, but, my nerd rage, my immersion. Clearly if I continue to make threads like this saying the same thing over and over again in broken english, BW will compensate me in some way, shape, or form.

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I'm not sure what MMO's you've played or have been playing. With every major patch in every single MMO there is at least a minimum window 6+ hours beyond the expected time where servers are down, there are problems that weren't expected when it went live and the devs have to fix problems.


It's life, deal with it, and stop whining. Find something to do until it's fixed.


false, if you say EVERY, say some and i will buy it, also your point is the incompetence of some

justifies the icompetence of everyone ... fail


They had 1.2 for one month on PTS, they had all the time they wanted to make as many deploy test as needed, thats the magic of virtual machines, you can simulate everything.

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There is no need for an apology or explanation for their actions. They chose to give and explanation because they wanted to keep the people in the loop. The 30 days are for people that have 50s. It doesn't matter when you joined. The free pet is for people that have an active subscription. EA/BW have the right do take down the servers or withhold content at any time, without notice. You should read the EULA, you agreed to it. Edited by Noviru
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They provided an explanation, an apology, and compensation. So you got both things you wanted, plus something you didn't even ask for.


You can insert your apology to the devs and the community here: _____________________



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I don't mind patches or downtime but I would like a proper reason for it

(as I'm sure most of you would).

As a paying customer I'm sure this is nit too much to ask insteas of the most

common excuse (servers stability issues) which is easily fixed by using the

monies they get in subs and buy decient ones.


Please treat us as people ant tell us what is what, we can handle it

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we will get a free day so dont worry


A planned gaming day of my time worths more than 1$, not even a cofee worths 1$, also i dont want any amount of money, i dont care about it, i gladly pay my sub, i want an apology, maintenance time changed for EU servers so this will never happen again.

Edited by Sireene
calling for firing - PM'd
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A planned gaming day of my time worths more than 1$, not even a cofee worths 1$, also i dont want any amount of money, i dont care about it, i gladly pay my sub, i want an apology, maintenance time changed for EU servers so this will never happen again.


you do realize that this was an emergency patch..right? it has nothing to do with eu maint times....



screw the world you couldnt play a game for 8 hours ..give me free **** and screw bioware..



greate attitude pal...

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I read about half of it and gave up. :D


If it takes 12 hours or whatever to repair a game that OTHERS enjoy playing then so be it.


Ranting in public about YOUR feelings being hurt by them making an effert to get us up and running again because of an error or anything else, is useless. When the servers are up then we can play, until then we browse, help others on the forums, and just simply be social. ONE person worrying about "what is really going on" does not contitute a OCCUPY BioWare movement.


"Move along, there is nothing to see here!"

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you do realize that this was an emergency patch..right? it has nothing to do with eu maint times....



screw the world you couldnt play a game for 8 hours ..give me free **** and screw bioware..



greate attitude pal...


This is an emergency because someone screwed it so yes.


Regarding maintenance times, if the initial patch would have started on our night, we would still have been able to play the full afternoon, like you US players are going to do.


So yes, this is about maintenance times.

Edited by Sireene
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I'm not sure what MMO's you've played or have been playing. With every major patch in every single MMO there is at least a minimum window 6+ hours beyond the expected time where servers are down, there are problems that weren't expected when it went live and the devs have to fix problems.


It's life, deal with it, and stop whining. Find something to do until it's fixed.


What's the point of the test server?

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A planned gaming day of my time worths more than 1$, not even a cofee worths 1$, also i dont want any amount of money, i dont care about it, i gladly pay my sub, i want an apology, maintenance time changed for EU servers so this will never happen again.


Great attitude dude, they explain the problem, apologize for it, and compensate us for the day of game time we lost, and you demand they change their entire maintenace schedule just to make YOU feel a little better. That's some real rational thought isn't it?

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This is an emergency because someone screwed it so yes.


Regarding maintenance times, if the initial patch would have started on our night, we would still have been able to play the full afternoon, like you US players are going to do.


So yes, this is about maintenance times.


it comes back at 6 pm my time..when i do real world things.. and i am not complaining..nor should you..

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A planned gaming day of my time worths more than 1$, not even a cofee worths 1$, also i dont want any amount of money, i dont care about it, i gladly pay my sub, i want an apology, maintenance time changed for EU servers so this will never happen again.


Let us hope you are never in a position of power.


(also they did apologise)

Edited by Sireene
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I don't mind patches or downtime but I would like a proper reason for it

(as I'm sure most of you would).

As a paying customer I'm sure this is nit too much to ask insteas of the most

common excuse (servers stability issues) which is easily fixed by using the

monies they get in subs and buy decient ones.


Please treat us as people ant tell us what is what, we can handle it


try common sense?

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I would like to post this for all in here.


5. EA Services, Content and Entitlement Availability


Entitlements may only be held in Accounts belonging to legal residents of countries where access to and use of Content and Entitlements is permitted. Entitlements may be purchased or acquired only from EA or an authorized retailer. EA reserves the right to refuse your request(s) to acquire Entitlements, and EA reserves the right to limit or block any request to acquire Entitlements for any reason.


We do not guarantee that any Content or Entitlement will be available at all times, in all countries and/or geographic locations, or at any given time or that we will continue to offer particular Content or Entitlements for any particular length of time. We reserve the right to change and update Content and Entitlements without notice to you. Once you have redeemed your Entitlements, that content is not returnable, exchangeable, or refundable for other Entitlements or for cash, or other goods or services.


Taken straight from here.

Edited by Sireene
insulting - recently suspended, no action
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I hate hate hate hate hate the entitlement thought process that has crept through the world and ruined it.


I suppose one could argue HOW it really came to circle the globe, and WHO is at fault ultimately... but let me at least state this...


One must have either very selective memory, the attention span and recall ability of a week old gnat, or are willfully pitching a fit in hopes to garner some attention to make up for some lack of it in your non-internet life... by freaking out about this.




Every bloody MMO has had failed patches, emergency outages, and technical glitches... EVERY ONE. Since you say you are an old MMO player... you would obviously know that, now, wouldn't you?


To single out a game that has ran pretty darn good from day one, and act like this is the first time in history it has happened... that is laughable... and sad.


Side note, I remember another game a few years ago that was down for 2-3 days for many many many folks. Issue was a data center/router/server config corruption...never did get a real reason, nor free time for it. Opps, and oh.. that game is still very much around... and didn't break into flop sweat when people decided to write scathing posts and threatened to quit or demand free stuff.

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This is EPIC in my opinion. It will be something I can tell my Legacy grandchildren about when I visit them once a month (due to patch fixes of patches that didn't patch updates that were done a day too soon then had to be undone and redone)


But it will be a great story.

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I'm not sure what MMO's you've played or have been playing. With every major patch in every single MMO there is at least a minimum window 6+ hours beyond the expected time where servers are down, there are problems that weren't expected when it went live and the devs have to fix problems.


It's life, deal with it, and stop whining. Find something to do until it's fixed.


for me, you win! :D

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