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Everything posted by Thornes

  1. I read about half of it and gave up. If it takes 12 hours or whatever to repair a game that OTHERS enjoy playing then so be it. Ranting in public about YOUR feelings being hurt by them making an effert to get us up and running again because of an error or anything else, is useless. When the servers are up then we can play, until then we browse, help others on the forums, and just simply be social. ONE person worrying about "what is really going on" does not contitute a OCCUPY BioWare movement. "Move along, there is nothing to see here!"
  2. I would love to have EVE integrated with the Repub and Empire ships, that would rule.
  3. Is it going to matter? I mean the expertise mod will be able to be removed and inserted into any socket armor set in 1.2. It leaves room for more variants.
  4. I still enjoy SWTOR, I have made numerous characters since I hit 50 on my Main. I have not maxed out the valor, still around 50 or so. I am working on mastering all the different crafting abilities, running the daily's for money and checking out diff storylines and maxing the social. There are "filler" things for me to do. I am just waiting patiently for 1.2 and beyond
  5. I'm curious as to where the information has come from that it takes an MMO player 14 months to "finish a product". The information I stated is that the average life of a MMO player in a new game, not the time it takes to achieve endgame. I was a Technical support specialist that worked for FUNCOM during the Age of Conan release. The DEVS, DB, and Designers all stated to me the average life of a MMO gamer because I was arguing the fact of endgame vs. no level cap. They obviously decided to try the No Level concept in the upcoming Secret World project, So let's see who was right about that issue. While you can use university target group studies and statistics, to me a better way is to watch any MMO that does not advance and cater to the public to a certain extent. Dec was release of SWTOR, let's see what the Population holds in FEB 2013. While the studies do show the math to achieve endgame, it does not show the attention span of consumers that get a product they are not happy with. There are so many variables when looking at the 14 months, game advancement, stability, feedback and new releases that offer a better product. I think this is where the FUNCOM management got the 14 month scenario from.
  6. Well then I guess they need 3 types of servers? 1. Open world PVP from start to finish - dedicated DEV group 2. Hybrid world PVP/PVE like the PVP servers are now. 3. PVE world where the customers get to 50 and move along, or wait for expansions. You just cannot please everyone all the time, it is the general rule. I love PVP, I love PVE, but a Hybrid environment is only to bring the role-players and genre lovers into the mix. Just my Opinion.
  7. Overclocking will cause this, just a thought. You might want to reset the BIOS to default and start from there. Like it has been stated, if you are still getting lights on the MB, it could be memory, CPU, GPU, Overheating etc.. you will have to troubleshoot it. Do not assume it is the "software" because everyone else's Power Supply's are holding up so far
  8. SWTOR while only being out for 3 months is drawing a lot of criticism that is really not necessary or premature in the growth stages of any MMO. While a lot of people make a valid point about their views of WOW vs SWTOR, there is really nothing to compare except both companies want your business. WOW's IP model was ahead of it's time, and yes after multiple updates/patches/expansions/years it has grown a large player base over it's uptime. If you look the the populations on WOW's servers though you will see a lot of boredom because the game is/has become boring, yet still people go back to play just like the days of EQ. What every MMO company has issues with in my Opinion, is not the storyline, but the end-game. After getting to level 50, which I find to be the most stupid model for any MMO "Levels", there is nothing to do except like with WOW, wait for an expansion and new armor sets. MMO's do not need levels! This is the "endgame" when you define it with a number. Every player races to get to 50 because it is the "GOAL" in the game that sets the restrictions on advancement. Next is to RAID/BATTLEFIELD to get better gear or something trivial like accommodations for purchasing something that you already worked for by doing the Dungeon or PVP. Like all MMO companies, they have hired groups to find targets in the marketing for potential customers and they cater to bring in new blood. It is the belief of almost all MMO companies that the average life of a gamer in the MMO is 14 months. As we all know from past experiences though it generally takes 14 months to finish the product with the public as paying BETA testers. With SWTOR I do not mind helping by keeping my sub, but I do expect a strong showing of updates, upgrades, and listening to the "Majority" of certain request from the public about what they want in the game they are paying for. I do like the genre of this game since my age puts me as a kid during the release of George Lucas's movies. I was a hardcore SWG player until they added levels to the game, and at that point I knew it was time to move along, there was nothing else to see!. My Next MMO if this one does not pan out will be The Secret World. It is a "Sandbox", no level game, and I really enjoy the fact that no matter how you rush, there is no level cap. If you want to change up, relearn your skills and do what you want and be what you want. I am weary of FUNCOM based on personal experience with them, but if they use this sandbox system, I think it is worth the initial purchse and 30 free days to check it out.
  9. Also, the cookie cutter armor sets are annoying. Assassins all wear the same style gear as well as the other classes. I know Bio says that they are releasing the ability to remove the expertise and place it in other armor, but as for light armor the only thing that is reall available is the social gear. I did a grind on the space missions, that are mostly grey now and bought pieces of light amor gear and stripped my champ gear "25k" a pop and threw it in the storage box. I really got tired of the lame looking gear that we have got to wear. As far as PVP without the expertise, oh well, I just tanked out and improved the stats best I could and can actually hold my own in certain situations. I use the expertise belt, relics, earpiece and Boots I think and it seems to work fine in Group PVP. Look, overall I like the game, but the layout and planning beyond the storyline part falls extremely short of a long lasting MMO. Generally the average life of a MMO player is 14 months statisically and MMO companies are very aware of this. I would hate to think that BIO has taken this stance on this MMO and has become shortsighted on the furture of this one. I will give them a little while to see if the game straightens out, but if not it will be like SWG was after the NGE/CU.
  10. The reason IMO that there is no "Merchandise" is that why bother crafting, it means nothing. The Top Gear by a 400/400 crafter is used solely by the crafter. You can do the dailys and get accoms to buy the 22+ mods/attachments/armoring. PVP gear is the top rated gear and it is just a minigame in a warzone to get it, rinse and repeat until you are bored to death. They are supposedly working on this type of imbalance, but the population is becoming very bored with the current direction this all seems to be leading, including me. I really wish they would just do away with the expertise all together and allow the crafters to be able to make gear for the masses like we should be able to. In the 1.2 update they are supposed to give the crafters some lovin, but I dont think it will matter at all on PVP servers, and I have not played on a PVE server yet. I would like a character transfer though, the PVP part is getting really lame... If I wanted to play a warzone like they are currently doing, I can dig in the closet of bordom and play Unreal 3.
  11. 1.Do you have any plans in the Future to consider player housing and planetary "player" bases? "I am referring to the SWG style faction bases for PVP battles" 2.Any Plans to implement space travel like Jump to Lightspeed was? I know there was talk of a space theme later on that was being kept close to the vest... can anyone speculate or expand on that? Either question would be fine for me.
  12. Dec 6th, just logged in, thanks everyone for the good time.
  13. I just keep telling myself that when I finally get in, the Auction House will have loot to buy, there will be higher levels that can help in chat.
  14. Decemeber here also. I am looking forward to the game, just the carrot trick is weird for a Corp. The servers are showing Normal loads, would be better to just keep sending waves in a monitor the server loads, I am sure "Solarwinds" works with gaming servers as well . I really think that "bottlenecking" players in the beginning is the reason for the waves, but I am curious on what is going to happen on the 20th when the gates are thrown wide open... Should be interesting lol.
  15. That is the funniest thing I have seen since the Forums went up. Kudos to you ..lol
  16. Truthfully - I have been gaming since the Spear Of Destiny and I have played just about every game/rpg/mmo since the late 80's and 90's and I have seen a repeat more than once of the bait and switch as I am sure a lot of you can relate to. I was excited about another Star Wars MMO, but still had a memory of the LA/SOE Fiasco in the back of my mind. I just simply waited to see how it turned out... While I enjoy anything Star Wars, I Still waited to get in the BETA to see if it was worth my money. After playing Beta, I decided I would buy it BASED on the POTENTIAL it had if BW/LA do not do a repeat of the SOE experience. Space Combat is a Joke to ME, Jump to Lightspeed was tons better for immersion, and while the Voice over storyline is great, I find it lacking and drawn out in later levels much like I did in Dragon Age. The game has a lot of potential as long as the Forces that be do not ruin it like SOE/LA did SWG. I waited to preorder to not be taken like I have so many times with the Massive marketing lies and hype that the community has fallen for so many times before.
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