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Legacy Banks ( Shared Character Bank )


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OK, here is the Idea for the Legacy system.


Shared Character Bank

So how many times a day do you switch Char to find that one freakin mat you need to make that piece for your friend/guild-mate.


What if you had one bank for your toons, that you can pull mats and shared Items from.




you buy a tab in your bank that is a "Shared Character Tab" that you can put tradable items in, Like Mats, BOE armor, weapons and such. This could be a legacy perk. Kinda like a personal guild bank. Maybe on top of that a Shared Money pool.


You won't have to create an alt just for a guild bank any more.


What do you all think?

Edited by Ashember
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I think it would just be easier to mail yourself the items you need. It does getting when you forget sending something but unless the Legacy Bank did something special, like trading BoP items between character, I wouldn't see it being greatly needed other than another bay to store stuff.
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OK, here is the Idea for the Legacy system.


Shared Character Bank

So how many times a day do you switch Char to find that one freakin mat you need to make that piece for your friend/guild-mate.


What if you had one bank for your toons, that you can pull mats and shared Items from.




you buy a tab in your bank that is a "Shared Character Tab" that you can put tradable items in, Like Mats, BOE armor, weapons and such. This could be a legacy perk. Kinda like a personal guild bank.


You won't have to create an alt just for a guild bank any more.


What do you all think?



Love it, great idea.

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Not only do i support your idea i offer one of my own



A friends list that is sharded between ALL charactes of the same faction on a server, last night i actually had a minor stroke adding some 50 names to friends list on 2 new characters.


For anyone wondering, i rolled a Republic Rattataki sage and a Republic Sith Smuggler, the best part was, i had some guy scream at me in general for "hacking the game" and getting my Imperial character to his home world! :D

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Anyone who has had their own personal guild with a guild bank in a certain other MMO will attest that having a personal guild bank/shared storage is amazingly invaluable. Mailing stuff back and forth is a pain, and with no mods for us alt-o-holics to show which of our characters have what items in their storage, it is very time consuming (let's face it, loading characters takes a relatively silly amount of time).


I like the idea of having a shared cargo hold and I don't believe it would be terribly hard to implement. I'd be all for it even if it meant sacrificing a current cargo hold tab.


Next month we'll see it for 30,000,000 credits and Legacy level 50. Watch ...

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  • 2 weeks later...
Not only do i support your idea i offer one of my own



A friends list that is sharded between ALL charactes of the same faction on a server, last night i actually had a minor stroke adding some 50 names to friends list on 2 new characters.


For anyone wondering, i rolled a Republic Rattataki sage and a Republic Sith Smuggler, the best part was, i had some guy scream at me in general for "hacking the game" and getting my Imperial character to his home world! :D


/Signed to the OP, and /Signed to this post too.


Even if he is a "hacker" :p

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I miss shared bank slots too, coming from both EQ2 and Aion, but I believe the devs have said something analogous to "just use the mail system, that is why postage is so cheap and items appear instantly to characters on the same account."


I would accept that workaround -- if it did not take me 2-3 minutes to switch between characters! :mad:


Shared bank slots +1

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Shared bank space will come in time. All MMO's have it. None have it at launch..


It's one of those "non-priority" items they get around to - in time.


Give it time.


Don't think for a moment this isn't something on their "to do list". After all, the game designers are "gamers" themselves. ;)

Edited by FooBard
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This is a great idea, if we could at least have a thing to look in our alt's bags that would be great but this idea would just be amazing, especially if you could use it to give one of your legacy characters on the opposing faction stuff, allegiances aside they are family after all. :D
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