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Nope. Just LOTRO and Rift, but you cant even compare swtor with them from the technical point of view. Never had any problems with them. Not to mention they both ran muuuuuuch better on my previous gfx and cpu then swtor runs on current hardware.


Try full screen windowed.. I have no idea why it works and I won't act like I do.. but it does.

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If it is, even 1km can be a problem. :(


I am going to explode from sadness. Not like I would have won it, but would like to have him XD. Next time, you could give a smaller statues as a winning prize! :o It would be cheaper, smaller for sure, but still would be awesome! :D Hey, doesn't have to be 6.000$! 20 is fine :D as long as it looks like the real one!


Actually, what I really want is a lightsaber from Times Square he has been using. \(oo)/





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The thing that's funny, almost every game has had these hiccups. I remember back when LOTRO was just coming out, they did a content release, and the patch did pretty much what is happening here. Turbine, one of the biggest game companies btw, gave us Scented Candles for our characters. If you aren't a coder, and you don't know exactly everything about making an MMO, you really have no idea what you are talking about. Mistakes happen, computer programming isn't perfect. Are you perfect, do you never make mistakes of any kind? Didn't think so. There is a saying, He without sin, cast the first stone.. Give Bioware some time, and if you don't want to, then unsub. This game isn't going away just because of a few hiccups.


I can never understand this kind of empathy to a BUSINESS that takes your money.


You are buying something but your ok with allowing it to be delivered to you damaged?


The comparison you are making here with LOTRO which I betaed and played for 2 years was a very poor selection for you to make with SWtor.


Lotro was smooth with very few bugs or performance issues through out its life.I remember +1 light candles for server issues but I don't remember it being more than a couple of hours for a fix


Swtor on the other hand has been inconsistent since release with having issues to numerous to count.


Apparently with the thinning out of server populations in such a short time people don't sympathize as much as you.


Not everyone sees an MMO as a person with feelings and treats it accordingly.


In other words if people don't get what they pay for, they leave . Refer back to my comment about server populations

Edited by GothicSaint
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Anyone complaining has no idea what they are even talking about, this game has ENORMOUS amounts of code that you can't even imagine. To find a glitch and fix it could take forever. What they did with the game time is very nice of them and 1.2 made the game amazing. So before you come around and yell in caps consider how hard their job is, I'm a programmer and I can appreciate what they've done, and I say thanks to you Bioware.


i understand code but this is not about code they upladed an older patch. now people could not log in .guild banks and items in it are i am sure lost , and here we are 8 hours of down time which has nothing to do with code. not to metition that 1/2 of 1.2 nerfs are crap and has people running for the door. keep a blind eye buddy. the real gammers will voice thier opions. oh don't they have test server to find the bugs befor they take them live?

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It just shows the lack of QA on BW's side.


This is not something that's easily missed Tiku...

There are terminals missing on the fleet, vendors missing, the 1.1.5-crystal-vendor reappeared, guild banks are gone.

Also the Ziost Shadow is reverted to pre1.2-state(somewhat, the world map hasn't updated).


Bugs happen, but this is just terrible QA.


I was agreeing with you as it seems like half of the forum flamefest is burying patch 1.2 as a failure, when it's the hotfix that seems to have botched everything. :)

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Seeing all the negative feedback on the forums, I cant help but to feel sorry for Bioware. Its their first MMO, they are learning by atempt and error.


I'm bored to death because I wanted to play today, just like anyone else, but at least they finaly gave us free sub time, and this is the kind of aproach/compensation I'm ok with. I'm still bored, but at least I'm not angry.


Bioware was responsible for some of the best RPGs I have played, KotOR, Jade Empire, DAO, Mass Effect (s), and DA2 - wich even if it felt strange at first, for known reasons, was still an enjoyable experience (why else would I have finished it 3 times).


I love the story of each main class on SWtOR, and still intend to finish them on each side. The game could have been more polished at launch, but frankly I was sic and tired of LOTRO, and wishing I had a chance to play this.


And slowly, the game has been improving. Better light effects, improved char definition, companion missions fixed, more customisation..and so on. Pitty they didnt fix my Marauder robe big butt yet, but I am confident it will hapen sometime.


Bottom line, Bioware is new on MMOs, just has Blizzard was. They both did mistakes. European maintenance times...for example...but in time I hope all the wrongs will be corrected, has other companies corrected theirs.


Bioware is one of the companies I still trust the most, has I do with Blizzard and Bethesda, and more recently CDProjekt. And I definitly will give them the benefict of the doubt, and give them time to get used to the - fix here, break there - typical MMO problems.

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No game has ever released that big of a patch without having to go back an fix something ever. I'm not a fanboi just stating a fact. Be lucky they did it now instead of waiting for another patch like most other MMO's.


How do you know?


Stating a fact??????? Prove it then. You don't know **** for fact, so ****.

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I never thought they didnt care, i just think they dont know what they are doing. (with mmos)


THIS, they have absolutely no clue, no idea what they are doing. Sad to say, I know they are "learning", but honestly by the time they have figured it out, no one, no one will be left playing.

Edited by Archaar
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lol that is a bad way of dealing with the past 3 days of mistakes. but you good fanboy



He is a bioware ghostwriter or very short sighted. Yay, I get $15 after spending close to $200 and now it will take twice as long to do things.


I'm so excited.

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Try full screen windowed.. I have no idea why it works and I won't act like I do.. but it does.


Thanks for tip but i already tried many things, including this - chahnging drivers, reinstalling system, uninstalling components, installing ramdrives etc etc. No change. Its something with the engine - i checked with the perfomrance monitors and it doesnt utilise all of my gpu and cpu for some reason. There is a thread about the problem in technical forum.

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He is a bioware ghostwriter or very short sighted. Yay, I get $15 after spending close to $200 and now it will take twice as long to do things.


I'm so excited.


Yea im real short sighted because I expected nothing and got something. I would have spent the next 15 anyways, so yes i do value a free month fully.

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THIS, they have absolutely no clue, no idea what they are doing. Sad to say, I know they are "learning", but honestly by the time they have figured it out, no one, no one will be left playing.



Yes, they should be more like Blizzard, oh wait, they made their game unplayable after almost every major patch and it was pretty much a given that the day after a major patch they would take the servers down for corrective maintenance.

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I dont remember having any problems with LOTRO when it came out. Regardless, **** happens but it does too often for BW. Its not an accident, thay are just **** developer.


LOTRO had issues, not many, but they had em. The whole point of the scented candles joke was because the game went down for days after a patch. So many complained, they tried to appease with the candles. Just like here, there was a s****storm, and they never offered any thing again. Hell, when MoM came out there were huge issues. During SoA era, they had to completely redo Angmar, it was way too hard. They have had plenty of issues.


Don't even get me started on COH, Jack Emmert almost killed that game with his "vision." And of course there was ED. That ended up kinda cool, but when it was released, the fans went nuts. Most of us adapted, and ended up liking it.


These devs are no different from any other. They are human, they make mistakes, then they fix said mistakes.

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