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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

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My God Bioware, not even f2p garbage MMOs **** up this badly. Can you sit there with a strait face and tell us you should still be considered a professional quality company selling a high quality product? This is amateur hour, Blizzard and Arenanet are laughing their asses off at you right now. Hell I bet even Funcom is saying to themselves at least we didn't fail it up as bad as Bioware.
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jeez....what's with all this UK whining about GMT? Are you telling me there are people in our "great Union" old enough to play an MMO that don't understand the clock? Concept of time? How hard is it to just accept BST rather than GMT? lol


Get a grip folks. BW have far more poressing issues to address.


#facepalm #fail


It's the Europeans who have a problem not those from the "Great Union".

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It's not the UK people whining about BST, we know what our own time zone is...

Well if they are not from UK then they're lying? Because they actually say they are. And I'm from Uk too and "we" obviously don't get it. Why are people saying they DON'T get BST if so? Look back over the last 10 pages if you don't believe me. Of all the things that need fixing It's just ridicilous to throw something so minor into the pot too.

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MASSIVE screw up on the patch part. They somehow ended up loading all of the maps from 1.15, instead of 1.2, so all the new areas are gone. The Black Hole is gone, people can't log in there, the guild banks are gone, the old rare crystal vendor is back, the expanded mission deck providing access to the Denova raid has reverted to its old form, all sorts of things like that.


hahahahahaha holy **** and i thought this game's PLAYERS were bad.. god i am having so much fun 99% of the time I play this game I wish they would stop f$&*ing everything up so badly. It genuinely seems as if they do not want our money, and would rather we quit playing their game.

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1) Mmmm last minute removal of rated WZ's (scant hours before 1.2).


2) Pre-1.2 The launcher goes beserk. Some people are buggered and have to re download the whole client.


3) 1.2 lasts all of 12hrs before an emergency patch is needed.


4) Emergency patch breaks 1.2.


5) Game offline for another 8hrs.


It's either sabotage, ineptitude or bad luck. My guess is bad luck but we'll never know for sure.


All we need now is some 'unexpected' bug to wipe out all guild banks (+ their content) permanently and this cursed patch is complete!


I wonder what 1.3 will bring us? :w_cool:


New lightsabers in the item mall.

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I think it's funny the ppl who laugh at ppl who say they r quitting, i remember same in my last mmorpg till i quit lol, still get text plz come back and heal for us rofl. A few servers from wat i see r struggling and if the best reponse u can come up with when some1 does not like the way the game has panned out is "bye" i hope u relize that soon it will b just u playing and u won't have to say bye to any1 rofl. this is an mmorpg and nearly every person that leaves hurts the game be it, less funds for bioware to implement stuff or basically no player base so q times r painful (lightsabers will only carry u so far bioware).

Btw prob won't renew my sub either been meaning to get back to eve-online might have to check it out :)

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They implemented an untested patch.




Bioware should test things first for at least a few days. Patch of a patch is making them look bad... and when this patch-of-patch breaks the game, it is just beyond ridiculous.


I know they mean well, that they want to fix everything immediately... but that is simply not the way how programming works.


Being unable to delete characters and the improvement to CS ticketing system are totally uncritical issues. I really think this could have waited another week.

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We are expecting the servers to be available again at 6:00PM CDT (April 14th, 12:00AM BST, 1:00AM CEST, 9:00AM AEST


So a whole 12 hours with servers down.


Have BW even used test servers? Do they not try out the patches/fixes on them before they put them onto the live servers we there paying subscribers use?


I know nothing about developing or implementing patches, but you would think that everything would be tested before being released onto the live servers.


I would think it would stop this kind of cluster f*£% from happening, wouldn't you?

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okay just alittle confused always been used to have the gmt when playing games... so if im from denmark the shown timeline i should use would be BST? arent england just GMT and not +1 ?


We add an hour in the summer and then roll back to GMT in the winter. Same with Europe who also put clocks forward in the Summer. Means that we get more daylight in the evening and not early morning.


(Lets not talk about some people who keep going on about being +1 GMT in winter and +2 in the summer)

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