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Server Maintenance


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yah waste of money.. sucks to realise that i have to work 20 min for a month of swtor..


Which means you make $45 Dollars,Euros or whichever denomination you may receive from your country of origin and of course the proper conversions apply.


This still equates to very large wampum by any terms my prosperous young squire.




I would conclude you are in a position of prominence and high responsibility to garner such an astounding wage.


To add:


It's possible you could have a blue collar job which pays that well but doubtful. In either case then I would think there is no job that pays so very well and allows you ample free time.


In conclusion:


I believe Great Exaggeration !! is being applied forcefully in the hopes of conveying indifference to the current situation. I think this, due to what I believe must be your very limited time available from all the cash raking you are doing and my astounding powers of observation so I have concluded otherwise.




Therefore,I call you out and say..


BULL PUCKEY sir !! On both counts!!

Edited by GothicSaint
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In a galaxy not so far away, a game-changing release was made. Interface changes, character updates, new content, new systems. Quotes of "Don't worry, it's in the next big update" were used to answer almost everything.


The update hit, the servers crashed, the user community was alienated and, ultimately, the company (whose parent company just axed 10,000 jobs worldwide) went bust.


Funny how people never seem to learn from history?

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During last night's maintenance, some areas of the game were reverted to pre-Game Update 1.2 status. Some areas were 'missing' and characters that were in those areas would be unavailable. We took the live servers offline at approx 9:30AM CDT (Austin time).


Our server and deployment teams are now working to rebuild assets for the live servers, but this is unfortunately not a quick process. We currently estimate that our downtime could be up to eight hours, but that time may be extended.


We are expecting the servers to be available again at 6:00PM CDT (April 14th, 12:00AM BST, 1:00AM CEST, 9:00AM AEST). We'll update you with information in this thread when we have it.


We sincerely apologize for the unexpected downtime today. We’ll update you with more details later.


Thank you for your patience while we work to resolve this issue.



I dont think I understand. The game will be back up on April 14th. Today for me (alaska time) is 8:16am April 13th. So the game will be down a whole day? Or how far behind am I from BW main time?

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Hmm. Been working hard for the whole week and finally got my weekend to play swtor more than 5h/day(sucks yeah but it's life). Servers are down for maintenance.


Am I converting time zones right: over 6h before early eta is on? That makes it 1am saturday(finland). My swtor clock on desktop tells it's 11am+ and 6pm is eta so that makes it over 6h but that can't be right? Whole friday.. Tell me it's not right.

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"We are expecting the servers to be available again at 6:00PM CDT (April 14th, 12:00AM BST, 1:00AM CEST, 9:00AM AEST)"


Oh well, no more playing for us central-Europians today. Too bad I picked today of all days to redeem my game code. Oh well, just my luck.

Might as well do something a bit more productive for a change. Like... playing other things :)

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I'm out. This is ********. I pay to play, not pay to wait while they fix ****.


6 days left on the free 30 day sub, then goodbye. All of you posting complaints need to show them that this is unacceptable and cancel.


What good is a fun game if you can never play it?


Do u lick windows for a living

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I was happy for whole week that I would play today, rly happy of it, and what have I? morning with some winpatch repairing what??????????? then after 3,5 hours of waitin another fail and I have to wait again??????? And you thing that that 30 free days will make it????? its not only about gametime, we have also some RL, and many of us try to find some little window to play, but maybe will be better to play another game!!!




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The worst part is, Bioware/EA doesn't give a f**k about it.All they want is your $$$$.


No wonder people are leaving the shipwreck, i will go down with the ship, cos i love this game very much.


TBH, BioWare doesn't really get that much out of this in the grand scheme of things. LucasArts gets paid first, then Electronic Arts. BioWare gets what's left. Of which they have to completely fund the facilities and pay salary. Bioware wouldn't have sold themselves to EA if running a gaming company was cheap.

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Servers come down after patches - it happens. It happened with Everquest, it happened with WoW, and it will happen here. I guess 13 years of mmo's have given me maturity and perspective. 10 years ago I would have posted in a rage also.


Im mentally challenged. Can anyone tell me when the expected time to be back up is for the eastern time zone of the United States please? I just cant wrap my head around it. Ive read something about April 14 when its still the 13th here for another 12 hours. I'm not normally this dumb, but right now im very very dumb.


Should be another 7 hours from now.

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I am hoping they told us the 8 hours to give themselves plenty of time. They know everyone is going to be livid. Any downtime going over the stated amount is going to only cause the boiling pot to churn even more. I would expect we might see them done before 8 hours and then see a post stating how they miraculously pulled it off in less time.


A guy sick at home can hope anyways....


this is pretty likely, actually. they've been pretty good about maintenance coming in before their projected times.


i'm saying this, of course, with no real knowledge of what they have to fix.

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People pay to play the game, it isn't for free so people have expectations. You can't go around and call people kids for being upset considering its not a little mistake they made either.


People like me too. I forgot to cancel my Rift 6 mos subscription. Checked my email today and bang, 60 bucks down the frigging tube. I dont think ive logged in there once in the past 6 months.

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We are expecting the servers to be available again at 6:00PM CDT (April 14th, 12:00AM BST, 1:00AM CEST, 9:00AM AEST).


So what is 6AM CDT in EST? (Easter Standard Time in the USA)


I hate having to look for time zone converters...

Edited by DarkLordSato
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can you please start posting a GREENWICH MEAN TIME also ? there is like a ton of timelines descriped in the game launcher just not GMT... why ?


They post in BST (British Summer Time) which is GMT +1


Sadly we don't get it back till Midnight so the whole of Friday is pretty much a wipe for all of us in the EU

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1) Mmmm last minute removal of rated WZ's (scant hours before 1.2).


2) Pre-1.2 The launcher goes beserk. Some people are buggered and have to re download the whole client.


3) 1.2 lasts all of 12hrs before an emergency patch is needed.


4) Emergency patch breaks 1.2.


5) Game offline for another 8hrs.


It's either sabotage, ineptitude or bad luck. My guess is bad luck but we'll never know for sure.


All we need now is some 'unexpected' bug to wipe out all guild banks (+ their content) permanently and this cursed patch is complete!


I wonder what 1.3 will bring us? :w_cool:

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jeez....what's with all this UK whining about GMT? Are you telling me there are people in our "great Union" old enough to play an MMO that don't understand the clock? Concept of time? How hard is it to just accept BST rather than GMT? lol


Get a grip folks. BW have far more poressing issues to address.

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I dont think I understand. The game will be back up on April 14th. Today for me (alaska time) is 8:16am April 13th. So the game will be down a whole day? Or how far behind am I from BW main time?


They gave the date as the 14th as technically 12am UK time is the next day. They 'should' be up in 7 hours.

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WOW, i think you stole the thoughts out of my head, I will take your excellent advice ;)

Good Friday the 13th to you all ;D;):cool:


Man, I did not even think about the fact that it is indeed Friday 13. Haha. I am not superstitious but the irony is killing me.

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How is that projecting? Is your reading comprehension so bad that you can't ascertain what he was saying?


It was pretty clear.


By the way, that was my first post in this thread, I'm not raging about the downtime at all, got plenty of things to catch up on.


The point remains that if he's in this thread posting, regardless of the front that he puts on, he does *care* enough to be here, instead of all of the wonderful outside things he claimed to have lined up.


My reading comprehension is quite good and I absolutely ascertained what he said. I also know that one can read up on a forum to page 37 rather quickly. One can also be turned off rather quickly by what is said up till that point. One can also write a couple paragraphs about what was seen rather quickly. One can then also go out and do other things after such posting thus not taking much time in the thread.


Have you seem him continue to post in response to all the well wishes his post has received in multiple pages? Seems to me he left.

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