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I am hoping they told us the 8 hours to give themselves plenty of time. They know everyone is going to be livid. Any downtime going over the stated amount is going to only cause the boiling pot to churn even more. I would expect we might see them done before 8 hours and then see a post stating how they miraculously pulled it off in less time.


A guy sick at home can hope anyways....


Sadly, Scotty from Star Trek died a few years back. He was a key element in overestimating time, in order to produce miracles. I believe we are stuck with Geordie now, who tells the Captain exactly how much time it will take. This ****** ain't gonna be running until late tonight if not tomorrow.

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I predict the servers will be up some time tomorrow.


in 99 out of 100 cases when servers break down it takes longer than the responsible people hope for. And mind you, their estimate is quite likely when they "hope" to have them up, rather than a realistic estimate on when they can guarantee they are up again.


Again, **** like this happens. Let us just be happy we are not a Bioware employee 10 minutes short of going on a relaxing weekend.

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Im paying, i couldnt give a **** how it works. When my car breaks down i dont go "ah well its a miracle we have cars anyway..."


Yeah its hard to make, if it was free i wouldnt care. BUT IT ISNT.


It's not exactly expensive either.

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Can't they just roll back to 1.2?


This new patch seems to have caused the problems and yet while every thread complaining is being locked and directed here there is no answers as to why its going to be 8 hours of down time on top of the 4 hours this morning. Which I know was short but unless you sit wating for the servers to go back up I think its fair to say people took it as 4 hours then came back and found the servers down.

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I wish Bioware could afford to place restrictions on who can play this game; "You must be this mature/sane ^ to play this game" (I for one would pay extra for such a luxury). To Bioware Devs: We aren't all children, many of us are grateful for your hard work. I am disabled and live with constant pain, I can become so engrossed playing this game I forget about the pain. I Thank You so very much for that!


People like you, are the reason that products are below standards. You just throw money at **** and say thank you when it doesnt work and ask for more. Try developing a backbone for once and problems like these may start diminishing.

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another whining idiot. pls usub if youre that much of a baby that you cant go without playing for a day. cant imagine what king of ******* you must be IRL.


People pay to play the game, it isn't for free so people have expectations. You can't go around and call people kids for being upset considering its not a little mistake they made either.

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I predict the servers will be up some time tomorrow.


in 99 out of 100 cases when servers break down it takes longer than the responsible people hope for. And mind you, their estimate is quite likely when they "hope" to have them up, rather than a realistic estimate on when they can guarantee they are up again.


Again, **** like this happens. Let us just be happy we are not a Bioware employee 10 minutes short of going on a relaxing weekend.


A server didn't break down. They implemented an untested patch.

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Your game is an absolute mess and your service to BST players is even worse.



I cannot believe this is happening on my 2 days off. *********** joke


Coming from an AEST player - Welcome to our world.

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Does projecting that onto him make you feel better? He could be just taking the piss or he could actually mean it. To say you know for sure is really only saying that you have decided to believe such not that you actually know such.


How is that projecting? Is your reading comprehension so bad that you can't ascertain what he was saying?


It was pretty clear.


By the way, that was my first post in this thread, I'm not raging about the downtime at all, got plenty of things to catch up on.


The point remains that if he's in this thread posting, regardless of the front that he puts on, he does *care* enough to be here, instead of all of the wonderful outside things he claimed to have lined up.

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Sadly, Scotty from Star Trek died a few years back. He was a key element in overestimating time, in order to produce miracles. I believe we are stuck with Geordie now, who tells the Captain exactly how much time it will take. This ****** ain't gonna be running until late tonight if not tomorrow.


Careful, you dont want me treating this forum like a collective psychologist as do many "mouth breathers".


Let me have my dream.

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BST is British Summer Time, so the UK time. I don't know why they don't use GMT like the rest of the world does. So basically its 5:14pm in the UK now and the servers won't be up for us until midnight. Meaning the whole of Friday evening is a no go for Brits and most of Europe. Great job guys, seriously!


Say what u will about WoW, but we could always play in the evenings.

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Originally Posted by Tracane

I don't care. I'm going to go read a book, cook a delicious dinner with fresh ingredients, then maybe go for a walk. It could be down for 2 days and here's how many f**** I'd give: _______. That many. For god's sake, it's a game. Go outside or spend time with your family you lard bodied things. If you can't muster the motivation to do that through the fog of your crippling depression, at least catch up on your Netflix instant queue.


Just once I wish a game company would call you people on your whiny, entitled crap and tell you where you can stick it. Most of you don't even know how this game works. It could be magic for all you know. Don't you understand what a miracle it is that it works at all? You have a screen that works as a window to another world that syncs up with people across the globe simultaneously and you're complaining that it's not perfect? You realize 100 years ago we'd all have been burnt at the stake as witches just for possessing knowledge of this technology? This is one of the most amazing things on the planet and you're upset that it's down for a little bit? Give me a break you spoiled, mouth breathing basement dwellers. Go do something on your cell phone that connects to invisible, wireless networks and lets you communicate with anyone in the world at a moment's notice AND it plays Angry Birds. Oh wait, you probably complain if that's down for more than a few minutes too don't you? You people are all insane.





'' cheers man :) finally someone with reason, +1


WOW, i think you stole the thoughts out of my head, I will take your excellent advice ;)

Good Friday the 13th to you all ;D;):cool:

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The worst part is, Bioware/EA doesn't give a f**k about it.All they want is your $$$$.


No wonder people are leaving the shipwreck, i will go down with the ship, cos i love this game very much.


Yeah! They should give us free game time to compensate! Yeah! All they care about is money

Wait, theyre giving us entire month of free game time... eh, oh, well now don't we look silly... maybe you should read the front page lol.

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