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Patch 1.2.0a is BROKEN! Rerolled to pre-1.2


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Seriously? SWTOR has -and I am not saying this in any sort of troll way... this is based on my experience- the least depth of any MMO i've played. It's a themepark. And that's fine... but yeah. Very little depth.


So you're saying that the size of GW programming code is the same or on par with that of SWToR?

Edited by Naaruna
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This is a comedy of errors. Step 1: Release 1.2 a month late without the biggest feature. Pull said feature at the last second to maximize resubs. Step 2: Kill any momentum the patch gave the game by taking down servers for most of the following day. These devs sure know how to create good will for their game.
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So you're saying that the size of GW programming code is the same or on par with that of SWToR?


There is no way either of us would know the answer to that. Honestly. I must have misunderstood what you were saying in your previous post. I thought you meant depth of gaming experience, not code.


As to code complexity- I'm not willing to speculate and neither should you be.

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There is no way either of us would know the answer to that. Honestly. I must have misunderstood what you were saying in your previous post. I thought you meant depth of gaming experience, not code.


As to code complexity- I'm not willing to speculate and neither should you be.

I think you must have.


I was trying to compare the relative size of the programming code of the two games since someone had compared their experience on GW with this. If GW is a much smaller game in coding size, the comparison would not be apt, as it would not be comparing apples to apples. I don't know how big GW is, but I suspect it is much smaller than SWToR so there would be a lot less to go wrong.


And I see nothing wrong with speculating, thank you. :)

Edited by Naaruna
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Still waiting for the return of UO...


The third person graphics would certainly not make it in this day and age. Nonetheless, life was simple and fun. You could actually own structures in the game. The environment was virtually tangible. No more walking through people. So what if people found creative ways to use that to their advantage. I remember learning how to break into peoples houses. That was fun. Sure, there were beefier weapons and armor, but if you died someone could take it. So people never wore the good stuff out. But alas, even there the developers tinkered to much... trying to balance the game, and it died. I had worked for months on boosting my magic resist. My guild had trapped a Liche in a room of our house and would periodically walk into the room and let it cast energy bolts till we were almost dead. Eventually, I got my magic resist to 89 of 100. Most casters couldn't touch me. But, then they tied magic resist to intelligence. I was a tank. Thats when the mass exodus occured. Sometimes all it takes is one bad patch to screw things up.


Most of us would up in Everquest. That was my first experience at grinding raids for hours on end to get the occasional uber drop that everyone would fight over. We played until Shadows of Luclin and got disenchanted with the game being nothing more than a graphics makeover, increased levels, and yet more grinding for uber gear.


DAOC was also another good MMO that simply couldn't find it's footing. Great open world war zone idea, but they pretty much balanced the fun out of it.


Everquest 2 was quite nice but I most of my friends and family zipped over to the new World of Warcraft. Eventually, I followed after EQII attempted to copy WOW. Off and on we tried and beta tested a number of games that showed promise. Brad McQuaid, exasperated with SOE, broke off and created Sigil games. He developed Vanguard. During beta testing, I thought that it was quite nice. But, Brad succumbed to SOE and sold the game to them.


SWG was also a great idea with a wondeful environment, complete with player housing and player created and run cities... that you could attack. The only problem was that there was no underlying game to play.


Asherons call was a good game with a broken game engine. ACII was a clone of everything else at the time and had no real background and story.


Shadowbane was one of my favorites, but they just couldn't (or wouldn't) stop the cheating. Half the people had add on cheats and the other half were ...well... targets.


I beta tested almost everyone of those games and more... like Diablo II and such. One of the best games I beta tested (had a lot of freedom) was Tabula Rasa, developed by Origin (UO). Sadly, the game was never released. Lord Brittish is a wierd little man. He developed UO II and prior to beta canned it, taking all the material and data to a pile in the parking lot and burning it!


I suppose what I'm saying (if you made it this far), is that I want a true virtual world that I can adventure in, one that has a story line, but isn't so heavily balance and manipulated. Who cares if everyone becomes a mage??? At least they are having fun. And their success isn't predicated on the idea of he who stays in the game longest, wins. Max/Min games are the opium that keeps us sedated to what is really possible in a virtual world.

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According to UK law UK citizens have the right to demand their money back under the Sale of Goods Act 1979:


Under the Sale of Goods Act of 1979, traders are legally responsible to sell goods and services which are


‘as described’, meaning the the actual product must match any description(s) given to the customer before purchase

of satisfactory quality, that is they are of a standard that would reasonably be expected taking into consideration the price paid and description. The law considers goods of satisfactory quality to be free from minor defects, durable, safe, and of satisfactory appearance and finish.

fit for all purposes made known to the seller at the time of purchase as described

The act states that if goods turn out to not fulfill any of these criteria you have the right to demand a refund from the seller as long it is within a reasonable time of the purchase.


and im pretty sure this is not fit for purpose, people that rant give them time and all that you forget you are PAYING for this.


I think seeking legal action against Bioware is a wonderful idea. I suggest you immediately call the relavent authorities in your area and report this, ASAP.


And, please, record the call and then post it for us, that would be really awesome.


One more thing: Good luck with that. Really.

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GW1 doesn't really compare to tor as far as depth goes. While tor is pretty basic after you get a 50 and take a big look at the game, guild wars is still far simpler. The aim in guild wars was to have fun though. Not grind your way up just to get screwed by rebalancing patches.


Guild wars also had a max level of 20 so that you wouldn't spend the whole game grinding for new levels to get through the story line. There's really a lot that a net looks to do that gets under appreciated. I personally am stoked for no death penalty, and the almost complete loss of the trinity.


Tor though... well it was fun to play. If i can't get my trooper main back out of black hole though... i dunno. That's a pretty bitter taste in my mouth.


I went from hating 1.2, to liking 1.2 for the armor and other stuff i could suddenly buy... to now wondering if my character is gone.

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GW1 doesn't really compare to tor as far as depth goes. While tor is pretty basic after you get a 50 and take a big look at the game, guild wars is still far simpler. The aim in guild wars was to have fun though. Not grind your way up just to get screwed by rebalancing patches.


Guild wars also had a max level of 20 so that you wouldn't spend the whole game grinding for new levels to get through the story line. There's really a lot that a net looks to do that gets under appreciated. I personally am stoked for no death penalty, and the almost complete loss of the trinity.


Tor though... well it was fun to play. If i can't get my trooper main back out of black hole though... i dunno. That's a pretty bitter taste in my mouth.


I went from hating 1.2, to liking 1.2 for the armor and other stuff i could suddenly buy... to now wondering if my character is gone.

I'm pretty sure you will. I can imagine how it feels though - I probably would be wondering the same thing it if were me, even if i knew on a logical level it probably isn't lost.

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