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A Healer's 1.2 Grievances: The story of why healers are upset


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i'm sorry but medals are ridiculously easy to get now. you can get 3 even if you AFK for half the game. i didn't do ANYTHING one warzone except fight maybe 2 people and got like 10 medals.


does coming in really late or being put in teams of 3 vs 8 happen to you a lot? i guess that sucks, but honestly coming in really late is fine with me since that wz is about to end anyways. not really a waste of time.


read back my posts, I repeatedly said this is not about full games or games against 'equal teams' or even matches where my team wins.. this is about games where I get thrown in late (yesterday this even happened even though we were a 4 people group, we were thrown into civil war with 3 turrets taken, 600:270 for the other team, got 2 turrets back but didn't mean ****. we still lost and I had 2 medals...and that match obviously took a lot longer since we are .not. quitters... )


to your question: I'm not on one of the super popular servers and our server has a huge imp/rep imbalance, so yes, these games will happen a lot in the future since the game no longer ends these early. if the 3 person ops is the one attacking in voidstar, then yes, the game .will. drag on for a long time... (relatively speaking)

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To stay on point with the OP. I'll give my experiences with healing and my thoughts on the 1.2 changes.


Chasing the population, I have toons on 3 servers. I have a Sorc 50 on a UK server, a Commando / Combat Medic 50 on another UK server, and a level 46 (soon to be 50) Commando / Combat Medic on a US server.


Warzone match experience has to be somewhere north of 1000, maybe 2000.


The server culture seems to be the same on all three, and have radically different playstyles dependent on the faction.


I'm not saying this is the way it is on EVERY server, but on the 3 I've played extensively on: The Republic side is absolutely indifferent to protecting their healers. The Imperial side will jump all over your back if you dare lay a finger on one of theirs.


When I point this out to Republicans (sounds weird with the election approaching), they are quick to point out that ONE time in that ONE warzone way back when, when they inadvertently saved a healer from a 2 vs 1 in order to get one more damage medal.


On my newest server (The Fatman) sub 50 PvP I'm averaging between 250k -300k in healing. I'm taking an average of 175 - 250k damage. I spend most of my time trying to shake a combination of sorcs / ops / marauders that dogpile on my back like a pack of weak midgets and try to bring me down.


The problem I have post 1.2 is the same problem I had pre 1.2, and it has nothing to do with game mechanics. It has EVERYTHING to do with server culture, and the indifference shown to players that attempt to exist outside the norm. In this case, healers vs. DPS.


From some of the responses I've read so far in this thread, there's a rather large community of DPS players that look upon healers with disdain. And this bears itself out in a warzone. Healers are left to fend for themselves, even though a healer can be your best friend in a firefight.


I would rather see a warzone pug act a little more as a close unit, with the tanks drawing aggro, the DPSers melting face, the healers keeping everybody up but EVERYONE looking out for the guy next to you. That, sadly does not happen nearly enough to my liking.


As far as the changes to game mechanics I think it will be virtually impossible to balance the classes with regards to PvP AND PvE at the same time. Different environments, different situations, different skills are needed. 1 nerf will always have 2 effects, and they are never measured in the same degree.


I'm fine with the changes. It means I have to mix in more hammer shots to extend my healing capability but that also means I can't drag out the inevitable death against a pack of marauders like I'm used to doing.


If I'm left to die (usually the case) in Huttball I run straight for our own pit, trying to get the speed boost. I usually drag 2-4 enemy players with me. More often than not, if I can make the engagement last 45 secs to a minute. My team scores. Always. We win, I'm happy.


However, I'd trade all my MVP medals (which admittedly healers get more often than DPS as a show of thanks) for some in-game backup from my teammates. That is much more valuable to me than seeing a 6 in the MVP column.

Edited by CompassRose
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You know whats funny all these people are complaining about dieing as a healer now, and yet good players are making it work.


Here next few weeks another patch to upgrade healers will happen because of all the QQ, and then when that happens dps will come on here talking about healers are too OP again.


I seriously laugh at all the BS in these threads daily, thank you so much for amusing me. :)


Tottally and the resistance sages scorcs have to surviviablity specs is hilarious. OMG i might loose a aoe heal that no one but me stands in anyways especially not in hutball. But yet they complain they die to much? Its just so dumb

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There is a lot of good points in this thread, but it would take me too long to quote from each, so I'll sum up and build on a few.


My belief, in any MMO that has a healing class, is that Healers should be able to mitigate - through negation, recovery or avoidance - any single source of damage.


As an Operative Healer, I had one WZ experience where two DPS (although in fairness I think one was out of force) chased me all over The Pit for a good two minutes (felt like forever) until I caught a weird carem off a vent and lost them with my disappearing act. Comments in the General channel were that healers are OP. I had responded "can't I just be good, and not OP?"


I understand the frustration... but please consider the following, in pre-1.2 conditions:


1. you're a dps that does damage and I am countering it all with heals. Don't forget, I'm working for it. It's not like I'm popping one skill, standing still and laughing at you while you beat on me with now-wet noodles.


2. throw enough dps on me and I won't be able to keep up and will die.


3. while you're beating on me, I can't heal anyone but myself. You ARE helping your team win by preventing me from keeping my team alive longer. The longer I stay alive with you harassing me, the longer I am away from my teammates healing. I don't think that's OP, I think that's strategy, and a good one on your part.


But the other critical piece of this is that I should be able to keep any other one person alive while they are being attacked by the same number of dps players. Patch 1.2 diminishes that capability and renders healers as 'nice to have' when pre-1.2 they were 'absolutely critical'.


Post 1.2, the gap between dps maximums and healing maximums has grown too much, and not only can one DPS kill a healer handily 1v1, but healers have been marginalized to almost optional in a WZ group.


And while complaining about the comms, gear, medals mechanics all have points to argue, I leave them out of my opinions in this post entirely.

Pre-mades should beat pugs more often than not.

Gear should matter, but so should skill.

PVP gear should not be as, or more viable than PvE gear in the opposite environments and vice versa.

Healers should be able to mitigate - through negation, recovery or avoidance - any single source of damage.


Version 1.2's PVP changes negates this statement.


-- Orenishi, Saber of Exar Kun


This hits the nail on the head, so many times after wz's people would whisper me, hey you still do good healing even after nerf. The problem is, I contribute nothing to my team. We mostly loose, and the reason we are loosing, is cause I can't contribute to the positive influence in a match.


I really hope my experiences this morning wasn't a fluke or some weird bug because of the patch. I felt my survivability was really boosted and wasn't as bad as patch day. I only had time for the one match before the servers went back down.


Good players have always realized, that although you may not kill that healer, you've taken him completely out of the battle where he can push your team to a win. If a dps forces a healer away from the play and has him focus on self healing. You're winning, whether you kill the healer or end up fleeing.

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Question: Are you using relics and adrenals?


I can pop my crit relic and my power adrenal at the same time and get a 5-6k heal no problem. (Last night I got a 5900 crit in case you were wondering if this was post patch or not.) That's like 2 medals right there in a single fight. If I have time left over, I use one of my higher damage attacks and get a 2.5k damage medal. Then I pick a target that's about to die and auto-attack it, there's another medal for killing blow. Hell, cast an aoe heal in a big fight, you get your 10 enemies dead thing right then or soon after. All of this being done whlie I heal my group.


I just don't understand how people are complaining about getting so few medals medals when it is easier now than it ever ever was.


Work smarter, not harder.


of course I do. apart from that I can get the 5k heals without adrenals. the thing is they don't .count.

I did say though, that seems to be a bug, because others on my server have reported it aswell and later said they did get the medal eventually...


if the whole getting no medals for heals thing is a bug, fine, but if not... ugh.

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Look at the other team in my ss lol. They had all the top DMG.


Oh and since you can do OK in some WZ's...why are you qq'ing again? Just because everyone else is doing it?


I'm "qqing" because my team would always be better off if I was DPS (only reason I'm healing in PVP is because there isn't a dual spec yet.)

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It's not about healing through 2 dpsers... I can do it now too, problem is when my friend gets attacked and pops all his cooldowns and I'm tunneling 50k healing in him versus a marauder and a powertech over the course of 2 mins and instead having his HP at least remain the same he ends up dying regardless of his CDs and my healing. I ask myself why would my rated team need me? If I can't contribute to their victory at all and essentially I'm the weak link just because I picked healing instead of damage. If a dps class can do 4 times the healing I do as damage in the same time frame. Why would anyone want a healer in their team instead of an extra dps?


Cuz in the time I cast a 2k heal (1.5 secs) that Marauder does 9k.


Some will argue you "but he can't do that 9k again for X amount of seconds", sure but this is where his friend comes around and goes the extra mile for another 9k. So bottom line when a healer and 1 dps/tank end up in a 2v2 situation vs 2 dps or a dps and a tank. Healer and dps/tank die to any of the other two combinations. So why get a healer for your rated team instead of dps?


Edit: Of course this is a very generalized situation but it will happen, A LOT. It happened to me yesterday 4 times in the course of 6 warzones.


1. if a dps is doin 4x your heals then your just a bad healer... skill, spec, gear or otherwise.


2. your a healer!! not Rambo the one man army... you of all people should be around your team at all times. Any teamate with half a brain that sees their healer getting beat on will pop snares/stuns/knockbacks to protect them.


3. If you are really being targeted say by 3 or 4 people, and all you can do is heal your self. YOU ARE CONTRIBUTING TO THE TEAM. While every1 is attacking you, there are many players on your team that could ninja cap, focus fire some 1 else, etc.


"Team based objective games". Healers are just used to being god, and being worshipped. They're all pissed off that they may not be the most important player on their team anymore. Hurt egos



Seems like you have been spoiled and are upset now that you can have your way. Healing is going to require a lot more teamwork now, and you won't be able to go dominate by yourself. But thats how it should be, the healers should be the most dependent on their teamates than any other class.

Edited by Happy-Killer
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So you are say a healer should be able to - against a dps in same quality gear and skill - to heal through the burst damage the dps during stuns/interrupts and on top of that do enough white damage to outdo the white damage of the dps? Just trying to clarify what you mean.


I'll be alright with that, can we get that buff in 1.3, pretty please? I am sorry, I fear the bad dps will complain too much and get healers nerfed again.


Close. What I'm saying is that you're the only class that, compared to the others, gets to significantly slow down the enemy's damage. You won't be able to outheal him cause he's tweaked to put out insane amounts of damage, but you'll end up eating more of it before you die, because of your heals. That means you get more time to hit them in return.

Now the thing is, the DPS is not tough, per se. He kills you fast, but he himself dies fast too.

If you focus exclusively on healing, he will keep piling damage on you till you die, because that's what he's designed to do. Most importantly, he'll be comfortable doing that.

So you won't win onl by using heals. It just won't happen, sorry. It's like a DPS trying to kill you without using interrupts. What you need to do is apply pressure on him in return, either through team help, or by doing it yourself. Hit him with dots and damage everytime you know there's no chance he can kill you in the next GCD - and you do have the tools to stay the **** away from those sabers.

The lower his HP gets, the further away he gets from his comfort zone, and, obviously, the closer to death he'll be. If you limit the time he has to kill you, he'll dish out less damage, and will be prone to make more mistakes as soon as he gets uncomfortable with the amount of damage he's taking.

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I did say though, that seems to be a bug, because others on my server have reported it aswell and later said they did get the medal eventually...


if the whole getting no medals for heals thing is a bug, fine, but if not... ugh.


Hopefully since they've got the server down for another what? 5 hours? They'll fix some bugs and not make anything worse.


A girl can dream.

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What's funny is you don't seem to know that they nerfed the +healing and +damage reduction from expertise. All 3 have different diminishing returns now.


What's funny is that apparently you cant do basic math.


But I will do this AGAIN for the idiots.


20% bonus dmg

16.5% dmg mitigation

12% bonus healing


Player 1 does 1000 dmg to player 2, both at the above expertise:


Lets factor in bonus dmg: "Player 1" now does 1200 dmg to "Player 2"


Now to factor in bonus DMG mitigation: "Player 1" now does 1002 dmg to "Player 2"


ok, so DPS get a .2% increase



Healers still get +12%

Edited by Khoraji
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I play a lvl 50 commando . heal spec . I did just fine pre 1.2 i was getting 75k to 90k heal and maybe 60k damage..nothing to write home about but i felt as if i was contributing.


Post 1.2 i get anything that has a light saber on me and im dead in 3 seconds..because even with the gear and spec reducing my heal times..my 1.5 to 3.8k heal doesnt compare when im getting hit for 4k to 6.9k damage in 3 swings...on top of that im force choked and what ever else they wanna throw at me. I can hardly get a heal off even with max push back.


This patch sucked so bad i just respec'd to gunnery .


Point is if you are spec'd full heal and have decent gear , 1 v 1 should be a stalemate ..period. Otherwise who wants to get flippin owned every day.


This whole game relies on someone with a light saber doing massive damage and chokin you out...yah i saw the movie and know jedi and sith are bad ***...but this is a game.


Why even give us the choice to make any other class...just say your either a Jedi or Sith and get rid of the other classes..


I chalk this up to the 21 year old game designer who is in love with the Sith..cause thats all he talks about in the video's.


Games need balance...movies dont.

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Tank + healer combo was pretty much unkillable


Which is why you separate the tank from the guarded target, grapple, force push, force pull, CC, etc. People in premades do it often, I do it on my powertech an awful lot, tanks that are guarding someone are my first target.

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Close. What I'm saying is that you're the only class that, compared to the others, gets to significantly slow down the enemy's damage. You won't be able to outheal him cause he's tweaked to put out insane amounts of damage, but you'll end up eating more of it before you die, because of your heals. That means you get more time to hit them in return.

Now the thing is, the DPS is not tough, per se. He kills you fast, but he himself dies fast too.

If you focus exclusively on healing, he will keep piling damage on you till you die, because that's what he's designed to do. Most importantly, he'll be comfortable doing that.

So you won't win onl by using heals. It just won't happen, sorry. It's like a DPS trying to kill you without using interrupts. What you need to do is apply pressure on him in return, either through team help, or by doing it yourself. Hit him with dots and damage everytime you know there's no chance he can kill you in the next GCD - and you do have the tools to stay the **** away from those sabers.

The lower his HP gets, the further away he gets from his comfort zone, and, obviously, the closer to death he'll be. If you limit the time he has to kill you, he'll dish out less damage, and will be prone to make more mistakes as soon as he gets uncomfortable with the amount of damage he's taking.


You obviously don't play a healer in 1.2. I can tell that just by what you are suggesting. Burst down a dps as a healer..........

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To say more about the mechanic change to the Combat Medic:


Someone up on page 12 or so (servers down forums explode with posts) said that commandos have no mobility. This is just not true.


Hammer Shot, Kolto Bomb, and Bacta Infusion can all be done on the run.

We do have a skill that turns a cast with a channel time into an instant cast.


If you have your progression set right you can throw a full batch of heals while only having to stop for 3 seconds.


Trauma Probe can be cast on someone in advance, so that's a periodic heal every 1.5 secs they have in their pocket, and it lasts for 5 minutes. It's a fire and forget skill you use even before combat starts.


I think the ammo changes were fine. It makes you have to play smarter and manage your ammo better, which is a welcome change. It raises the bar for skilled players who I'm sure are up for the challenge.


I disagree with the nerf to healing PERCENTAGE. I think overall the sage / sorcerer had the advantage over the combat medic in terms of raw healing, based on the AOE heal and their neverending source of force power (now wiped away in 1.2).


But I thought the combat medic had an edge in the areas of mobility and SINGLE TARGET heals. Being able to use Bacta Infusion instantly and on the move was the bread and butter.


With the percentage nerfs to the progression openers (Supercharge Cells / Kolto Bomb)you just don't nerf one skill, you nerfed the whole tree. You hit the base of the pyramid. You hit the foundation. Whatever analogy you want to use.


I think if you undo the percentage changes but keep the ammo nerf changes, the commando will be right where it should be.

Edited by CompassRose
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I out heal a lot of people. The fact of the matter is, no matter how much healing you are doing, the target you are healing still dies anyways, or you die. Yes, I run, cc, hide, it doesn't matter..


Workin as intended. What do you want to be, immortal? You're not gonna outheal a bunch of DPS running in circles around your mates. You're gonna die, as everyone else is gonna die. Sad fact of life that applies to TOR too.

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To say more about the mechanic change to the Combat Medic:


Someone up on page 12 or so (servers down forums explode with posts) said that commandos have no mobility. This is just not true.


Hammer Shot, Kolto Bomb, and Bacta Infusion can all be done on the run.

We do have a skill that turns a cast with a channel time into an instant cast.


If you have your progression set right you can throw a full batch of heals while only having to stop for 3 seconds.


Trauma Probe can be cast on someone in advance, so that's a periodic heal every 1.5 secs they have in their pocket, and it lasts for 5 minutes. It's a fire and forget skill you use even before combat starts.


I think the ammo changes were fine. It makes you have to play smarter and manage your ammo better, which is a welcome change. It raises the bar for skilled players who I'm sure are up for the challenge.


I disagree with the nerf to healing PERCENTAGE. I think overall the sage / sorcerer had the advantage over the combat medic in terms of raw healing, based on the AOE heal and their neverending source of force power (now wiped away in 1.2).


But I thought the combat medic had an edge in the areas of mobility and SINGLE TARGET heals. Being able to use Bacta Infusion instantly and on the move was the bread and butter.


With the percentage nerfs to the progression openers (Supercharge Cells / Kolto Bomb)you just don't nerf one skill, you nerfed the whole tree. You hit the base of the pyramid. You hit the foundation. Whatever analogy you want to use.


I think if you undo the percentage changes but keep the ammo nerf changes, the commando will be right where it should be.


The problem with those heals is how little they heal, vs how much mobility damage dps have. I can pop all those cooldowns and still be loosing hp overall, all while kiting.

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I'm a war hero sorc healer and it sucks hard now. While the numbers at the end of the game seem fine(300-500k in a huttball on average), I cannot keep people alive. I can spam heal all i want and people still fall over. Not to mention if a DPS looks my way, i just fall over. It seems that bioware's intended purpose is for healers to slow down deaths by a few seconds and not prevent them. While some of you may be fine with that fact, I certainly am not. I've played a healer in pvp MMO's since 2003 and this is patch is a close second for ****tiness(age of conan being the first). This patch has ruined any fun that i had playing a sorc healer and i will not stand by and tolerate it and pretend it's ok. Fix it bioware, and fix it fast or you will have another pissed off customer ranting and raving about how much SWTOR sux for pvp. Word of mouth will destroy this game unless you start making people happy again.
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I'm a war hero sorc healer and it sucks hard now. While the numbers at the end of the game seem fine(300-500k in a huttball on average), I cannot keep people alive. I can spam heal all i want and people still fall over. Not to mention if a DPS looks my way, i just fall over. It seems that bioware's intended purpose is for healers to slow down deaths by a few seconds and not prevent them. While some of you may be fine with that fact, I certainly am not. I've played a healer in pvp MMO's since 2003 and this is patch is a close second for ****tiness(age of conan being the first). This patch has ruined any fun that i had playing a sorc healer and i will not stand by and tolerate it and pretend it's ok. Fix it bioware, and fix it fast or you will have another pissed off customer ranting and raving about how much SWTOR sux for pvp. Word of mouth will destroy this game unless you start making people happy again.


USE A SURVIVAL HEALING SPEC. you will get less bonuses to your healing but do the same amount if not more in the end because you will die less and not fall over from one dps. Use CC spec into more CC CC CC CC CC

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The problem with those heals is how little they heal, vs how much mobility damage dps have. I can pop all those cooldowns and still be loosing hp overall, all while kiting.


I'm not talking about healing yourself, I'm talking about healing others. Now if we're talking about personal survivability....


You have your personal heal 15% over 10 secs. You have your reactive shield.


When the stuns come (and they will come) You're looking to survive with your on the move heals long enough for that last stun to fill your resolve bar.


Use your breakout move.

Use reactive shield (which if you skilled properly, just made you immune to interrupts for 12 secs).

Fire off supercharge cells and then go to town with your heals / warzone adrenal.


Plan your escape route / line of sight options.


These warzones where I take north of 200k damage? Sometimes, I don't die. Not once. Or the majority of the time, I die the LEAST of anyone in a warzone. I take that as a small victory. You'll take any victory after getting wailed on that hard for 15 minutes.

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1. if a dps is doin 4x your heals then your just a bad healer... skill, spec, gear or otherwise.


2. your a healer!! not Rambo the one man army... you of all people should be around your team at all times. Any teamate with half a brain that sees their healer getting beat on will pop snares/stuns/knockbacks to protect them.


3. If you are really being targeted say by 3 or 4 people, and all you can do is heal your self. YOU ARE CONTRIBUTING TO THE TEAM. While every1 is attacking you, there are many players on your team that could ninja cap, focus fire some 1 else, etc.


"Team based objective games". Healers are just used to being god, and being worshipped. They're all pissed off that they may not be the most important player on their team anymore. Hurt egos



Seems like you have been spoiled and are upset now that you can have your way. Healing is going to require a lot more teamwork now, and you won't be able to go dominate by yourself. But thats how it should be, the healers should be the most dependent on their teamates than any other class.


Benevolence with ~1000 Expertise crit heals for 1900-2100. Has a 1.5 secs cast time which can be interrupted but no1 bother to do so anyway. Yesterday I got crit for 2599 by a BH through Guard and Taunt on him... which means I took about 34% of the whole damage add 20% from armor + rejuvenate buff so let's say I took 29% of his damage and that was 2599... so he actually crit me for about 8k. Simple math says I'm gonna need 4 Benevolence casts to recover from that damage which totals 6 secs. Or 2 Benevolence and 1 Healing trance which totals 6 secs again. Granted I have some alactiry that time is dropped to let's say 5.5 secs. In those 5.5 secs that guy won't be sitting around he's gonna be setting up for another 8k+ attack which won't be taunted this time, and in the process of him setting up for it he's gonna do another let's say 5k. So in reality while I'm taking my 5.5 secs to catch up to the 8k+ hit I'll be actually getting only 3k of effective healing cuz of the other 5k that I took while healing the first 8k.


I trust you can see where this is going.

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Played my Commando Medic last night for more then a few rounds. Only lvl 20.


Loved it...to a point. The only thing I would have liked is to have maybe another 10% boost to healing.


For me, healers were too buff before. They shouldn't have been able to go 1 on 1 vs. a dd (damage dealer). If equal skill (we'll say mediocre pvp players)...the dd should win. That's their job. Kill stuff. Make things go dead. Two DD's? Should be destroying ish. And that's what it finally felt like. I was getting troooounced by dd's. Anyone else trying to fight me and it was...fairly evenly matched actually.


So yeah. Really brief but to the point of...it feels more balanced for me. I enjoy it. Maybe now Tanks will get votes for protection? ;)

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Might I add as a level 32 LIGHTNING SORC with 0, thats right 0 expertise rating; I have absolutely no issue whatsoever staying alive in PVP. The only thing I do when I am dying is force speed behind a wall at 50%, use my alacrity buff, and then spam dark heal while protected by my sheild. I NEVER use my CC unless they are trying to heal or theres a ledge/hazard to kill them faster. Force conservation you know?


I do not see at all how we have been 'nerfed'. Being the lowest armor ranked class, and not even being spec'd to heal, with 0 expertise it still takes 3-4 people to down me. Is that OP? Some may argue yes. I say no. It takes math, coordination, strategy, skill, and just pure dumb luck. If you think your character is terrible or that you're at an 'unfair disadvantage' play a different class.


Might I suggest people who are having issues to re-think their strategies, or realize that perhaps those in max level warzones just have a lower expertise rating then everyone else?


EDIT: Fixed grammar :p

Edited by Arosonomy
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