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Why I unsubd because of server population. My sub hasn't run out. Plus this post was started by me and I can still read the forums? I don't normally post anymore. Don't post on a thread I start.


Thanks for the splainin'!

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We don't care there is barely anyone playing the game. Stop stating how bad you are. By always crying that the class is good and doesn't need nerfs. I don't play anymore and I could care less about class balance when I rotted on a dead server for over a month. You must be the worst player in ToR though. All you have done since 1.2 is say how the class is due and not op. You must not play it right...


I play a Mara and a Sentinel, I also play against Maras and Sentinels on classes aside from Mara and Sentinel. I know how to handle them when not playing a Mara and a Sentinel, an Operative or Scoundrel healer who goes down quick to one either got caught with a chunk of their abilities on cooldown somehow or doesn't know what they are doing. The same is true of Sorcerers and Sages as well as many other classes.


Here is a great example against a Sorcerer I fought yesterday.


I ran in on him and hit Zealous Strike (because I need focus to do anything), then I hit Blade Rush, then I hit Blade Storm, then I hit Precision then...


He knocked me back and rooted me.


He blasted me with lightning (snaring me) and did more damage to me. The root wore off and I Force Leaped onto him, hit Leg Slash, and then activated Master Strike. The first tick went off then the second tick.


I was stunned.


Ha! Joke was on him, my resolve was full and I had a CC breaker!


He activated Force Sprint and ran away. Tough noogies! I used my Crippling Throw.


Then I ran up to him... He bubbled... Well... Crap. Then he started healing himself, I wasn't about to allow that, so I interrupted him with a Force Kick. Then I had to re-use Zealous strike because I was nearly out of Focus.


No biggie... He was pretty hurt anyway... He was about to go down... Too bad my resolve was out by that point... WHAM I was in Force Whirlwind with no CC breaker. He healed up and zipped off and there was literally nothing I could do.


Certainly I did make an effort to chase him down after that and I did kill him in the next encounter. (In the second encounter both my Force Stasis and Awe were up as well, and Stasis especially did help.)


The fact remains that he knew exactly when to use the right abilities to stop a Combat Sentinel. He knew to stop my Precision. He knew to stun me during Master Strike. He knew to save his bubble for when I would be trying to do things like Force Stasis him (I would have stasis'ed him and then tried a dispatch right before he bubbled if stasis was up.) and he knew when to use which CC's.


I would possibly have done better if I had just lived through the stun and not CC broke, but I had him low enough that I was pretty sure I could finish him. He simply outplayed me. He was an unguarded Sorcerer and he knew that I'd be using all of my abilities to kill him and so he used all of his abilities to stop that from happening. All in all we stalemated...

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Can't believe you guys are still but hurt over a post a made about the first day of 1.2 anyway. I haven't had trouble with your noob class since I specd balance. The truth is no one cares anymore. Stick a fork in it. Your class will get murdered like sage/sorc did by BW. Get over it. Professor you are a baddie. Wish BW made it so I could face roll you in front of the ToR community. Instead of sitting on a dead server


Ps- any sage/sorc with root on their knockback you should own as they aren't madness/balance which can keep you cc'd the whole match with root.

Edited by mikedee
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Can't believe you guys are still but hurt over a post a made about the first day of 1.2 anyway. I haven't had trouble with your noob class since I specd balance. The truth is no one cares anymore. Stick a fork in it. Your class will get murdered like sage/sorc did by BW. Get over it. Professor you are a baddie. Wish BW made it so I could face roll you in front of the ToR community. Instead of sitting on a dead server


Ps- any sage/sorc with root on their knockback you should own as they aren't madness/balance which can keep you cc'd the whole match with root.


I'm not the baddie here. That much is clear. They also don't need to be able to keep someone CC'ed the whole match in order to cause a stalemate and survive. People are claiming that they are getting killed "in one to two globals" and that is simply a flat out bold faced untruth.



BioWare's not going to touch the Mara/Sentinel. They already reviewed the class and said it was fine several times in response to the Sorcerer crying.

Edited by ProfessorWalsh
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huge heal cooldown

multiple offensive cooldowns

defensive cooldown


I seen sent/marauders heal for more than 120k in full match

to many burst dmg


anyone who denies them being OP is clearly retarded

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huge heal cooldown

multiple offensive cooldowns

defensive cooldown


I seen sent/marauders heal for more than 120k in full match

to many burst dmg


anyone who denies them being OP is clearly retarded


Or very bad like sents/maras on this thread

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He blasted me with lightning (snaring me) and did more damage to me. The root wore off and I Force Leaped onto him, hit Leg Slash, and then activated Master Strike. The first tick went off then the second tick.


Uh, why didn't you use Force Camo? I didn't see it mentioned anywhere in your post. As a Combat spec, it would have removed the root on his KB, any snares he put on you, instantly.. and it would have made you invisible to run back at 15% speed boost and start attacking him again (Or you could have used force leap immedietely, but I would save that for later and use the benefit of the invisibility).


So yea.. Why no force camo?

Edited by Rogean
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Uh, why didn't you use Force Camo? I didn't see it mentioned anywhere in your post. As a Combat spec, it would have removed the root on his KB, any snares he put on you, instantly.. and it would have made you invisible to run back at 15% speed boost and start attacking him again (Or you could have used force leap immedietely, but I would save that for later and use the benefit of the invisibility).


So yea.. Why no force camo?


Camo wasn't up. I had just finished taking on a Sniper before I went after the Sorcerer.


See what a lot of Sentinel/Marauder haters fail to remember is that we are in combat too. When they claim that "I don't have all of my cooldowns" they forget that we don't always have ours either. It is rare that I have all of my defensive CD's ready each and every fight.

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huge heal cooldown

multiple offensive cooldowns

defensive cooldown


I seen sent/marauders heal for more than 120k in full match

to many burst dmg


anyone who denies them being OP is clearly retarded


oh wait but it gets more


AOE mez

raid wide sprint

stun with dmg over time



good job bioware *******

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I still find as a Pyro PT i can easly melt Maras.. Carbonize when they go to ravage me. and then when they are going to use there reduction i stun with electro dart.. I stay at a distance that i can with Flame burst and use TD. It's not hard to counter Maras.. Just learn to play your damn class lol.. Don't sit there and let ravage get you 3 times.. only dumb dumbs sit in one spot in PVP and let someone *** **** them lol.

LOL...speak for yourself. Try fighting them as a Sage/Sorc. The only real option you have is if you catch them being dumb on a Stun/Whirlwind or Lift scenario where they break it at the wrong time. An opening knockback white bars them, a force run aint gonna get you far enough from these jumpers...or at least its only a momentary pause to your death. WE HAVE TO STAND AND CAST to do ANY kind of real damage similar to these guys and as long as that kind of damage from us takes he is sure to have a few defensive specials to use to counter it as well. I think there definitely are a few professions that can deal with the Marauder, but there are a few that gets completely wiped out by them in literally a few seconds. There just needs to be a bit more balance. I personally think its bad to put this much spike damage into a game, but at this point there are just some glaring issues between a few of the classes for sure.

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Long story short- without all your CD up you made a sorc run away without him doing any damage to you after you almost killed him, and you kill him in other encounters.


You didn't show a sorc that knew how to handle a marauder, you showed a sorc who used everything in his power to run away and manage to escape.


I didn't realize that the four vital roles in pvp were 'dps, tanking, healing, escaping'. But since you've pointed it out- I guess we can start promoting sorcs as the class that specializes in 'running away', the most vital of pvp roles.

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Long story short- without all your CD up you made a sorc run away without him doing any damage to you after you almost killed him, and you kill him in other encounters.


You didn't show a sorc that knew how to handle a marauder, you showed a sorc who used everything in his power to run away and manage to escape.


I didn't realize that the four vital roles in pvp were 'dps, tanking, healing, escaping'. But since you've pointed it out- I guess we can start promoting sorcs as the class that specializes in 'running away', the most vital of pvp roles.


You don't realize how good "running away" is in PVP then. That was time when I completely failed my objective. That was time wasted that I could have been using to further objectives. The Sorcerer took my attention, left and regained all of his health, and locked me down for a pretty long time.


If you can't understand what kind of benefit that can be in a game about objectives... I don't know what to tell you. I can tell you that the game will never go back to the days when Sorcerers could facetank Sentinels.

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You don't realize how good "running away" is in PVP then. That was time when I completely failed my objective. That was time wasted that I could have been using to further objectives. The Sorcerer took my attention, left and regained all of his health, and locked me down for a pretty long time.


If you can't understand what kind of benefit that can be in a game about objectives... I don't know what to tell you. I can tell you that the game will never go back to the days when Sorcerers could facetank Sentinels.


You still bad. Madness/balance specs faceroll maras/sents. Sorry that we have to be specd that way to beat you(if both players are skilled at least). Your class isn't going to be able to faceroll 99% of players after 1.3.

You won't be able to beat 1%.


Quote some more star wars in your sig. Hide who you are in game. Heaven forbid you actually have to man up some day. Get frapsd getting rolled over and over. Another bad mara/sent down...wait you guys really think your skilled!


You guys will get nerfed. Your ignorance is over the top. I guess you forget during release(and beta if you were there) BW stated sorcs/sages were exactly where they wanted them and would not touch them. We all know how that turned out.

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You still bad. Madness/balance specs faceroll maras/sents. Sorry that we have to be specd that way to beat you(if both players are skilled at least). Your class isn't going to be able to faceroll 99% of players after 1.3.

You won't be able to beat 1%.



You are right, madness does faceroll maras. That's the way it works, certain secs counter certain specs. That's probably why maras aren't going to be nerfed, because every spec has a counter spec.

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  • 2 months later...
i have to agree 100% maurauders and juggers are just freaking silly OP


15k ravages

10k smash's which is an AOE

and the rest of there abilitys hitt for around 5k


its just rediculous


1st of all ravage never hits for 15k seconds of all i never seen a smash hit for over 6k (this was on a level 10 jedi no expertise sage with 40% armor reduction while the maurader was a fully geared battlemaster with lots of expertise and relics) and that smash only does good damage if you spec into rage. the rest of our abilties hitting for 5k? ive never seen a pre level 40 maurader hit for over 2.3k because in all trees we have specifically one ability that could even break 2.5k (excluding ravage) all of our other abilities dont do much damage except for vicious throw which is a killing move. when i was level 23 i did around 100,000 damage in warzones pretty low compared to everyone else. but if you look at the numbers in warzones we actually do around the same damage as everyone else like someone said before the only people complaining are the people who dont know how to counter them. Our class is squishy without our cooldowns infact in warzones i get bursted down by snipers, mercenaries and powertechs these classes do LOADS of damage they have incredible burst capability, as you know mauraders are played by only extremely good people nowadays who know how to manage all of their cooldowns so if you got beat its not because of the class its because they're just better than you

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You still bad. Madness/balance specs faceroll maras/sents. Sorry that we have to be specd that way to beat you(if both players are skilled at least). Your class isn't going to be able to faceroll 99% of players after 1.3.

You won't be able to beat 1%.


Quote some more star wars in your sig. Hide who you are in game. Heaven forbid you actually have to man up some day. Get frapsd getting rolled over and over. Another bad mara/sent down...wait you guys really think your skilled!


You guys will get nerfed. Your ignorance is over the top. I guess you forget during release(and beta if you were there) BW stated sorcs/sages were exactly where they wanted them and would not touch them. We all know how that turned out.

funny how before 1.2 everyone was complaining we are underpowered nothing has changed at all to mauraders except ravage got better because everyone kept running away, interrupting and knocking us back, leaving ravage on a really long cooldown. If your opponent was weak a week ago and almost very little has changed about him and he somehow manages to destroy you the next time you face him, the only logical explanation is that you sir have gotten worse or your opponent has gotten alot better

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Its really funny how every marauder believes that its other players lack of skill because they didn't run away from them.


Its like crushing a motorcycle with your truck and saying to the police that he didn't move away so it was his fault.

how does a truck even catch up with a motorcycle????

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yah there just op im a shadow tank and if 4 of them hit for anything ubove 4k for just a sweep and i get stuck in the middle il be dead and i have almost 20k health il have just enough health to get hit by them 1 more time


............... just no



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funny how before 1.2 everyone was complaining we are underpowered nothing has changed at all to mauraders except ravage got better because everyone kept running away, interrupting and knocking us back, leaving ravage on a really long cooldown. If your opponent was weak a week ago and almost very little has changed about him and he somehow manages to destroy you the next time you face him, the only logical explanation is that you sir have gotten worse or your opponent has gotten alot better


4 classes got nerfed since then. I wonder how marauders got so powerful.


Edit: The question most have is ... we got nerfed so why didn't marauders when they can hit someone for 7.5k in one hit. Have 23 seconds of at least 20% damage reduction and have stealth. Same question goes for PT.

Edited by Carnaje
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Fact: OP/Smugglers were in fact "OP" and with any gear they could devastate the WZ scene when game launched. The QQ for nerf came shortly after and they were obviously fixed.

Fact: Sorc/Sages Lighting Spamming/bubble/healing was extremely too good and then was nerfed. Makes sense right?

Fact: BH taking out any opponent within 4 sec with 16k health was just shameful that it wasn't fixed alot sooner. They were then reevaluate... and now much more manageable to fight against.

Fact: Assassin Tanks do too much dmg in tank stance, guarding someone and while taking so little damage IN comparison to any other tank in game. Yes Fact. But that's a whole different topic that is I'm sure, being looked into.



Listed above were relevant "Hot Fixes" Now lets move on to the topic on hand, shall we.


1.2 comes around, Sentinels get 1 buff(among some fixes), 15% master strike... which apparently is causing so much QQing in these forums... that it's pretty much the same context in each thread. Simple truth, you all think that a 15% Master Strike buff is destroying your game play, then maybe you should consider PvEing more. On many many threads present and past, there has been said that interrupting the Sentinel Master Strike ability was easy as cake. Every class has an ability to do so. All this screaming for a nerf is really getting out of hand, it's almost laughable. There is always a class that some leet player is maxing out its potential and then the whole world is calling for a nerf.


Bottom line: MMO's are ruined by the -casual- player who consider the Backpeddler their friend and Mouse clicking their neighbor and want to scrutinize the games mechanics over their piss poor "skill" to pvp effectively.


you sir are a visionary for this entire thread

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So I am full BM and yesterday with the release of 1.2 I get 1 shot now with master strike/ravage abilities. Mar/Sents were fine before the buffs. Now they are way better than any other class. They have more single target dps and with their defensive cd's they have more durability than any other class.


Simple answer, they are Carnage/Combat. They have the most powerful Ravage/Master Strikes in the game (Precision Slash-Master Strike/Gore-Ravage). Basically Stun them when the Gore/Precision buff is up, only lasts 4.5 seconds.

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