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The Real Reason for the Free 30 Days!


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Maybe this has already been stated, but the real reason for the free 30 days for those with level 50's is pretty obvious (although unstated). They didn't roll out ranked warzones, which impacts anyone that was looking forward to that (which would indicate they have a level 50). If 1.2 would have had rwz's, no free month. But if you were hanging on for ranked warzones and didn't get it... boom, big likelihood of cancellation.


If you aren't level 50, not having ranked warzones meant nothing to you. And if you have been playing since launch and still don't have a level 50, ranked warzones are probably not even in your future anyway.


Now, should they have given it to anyone that has the Founder title and still has an active account? Yes. But, were they scrambling and trying to stave off a host of cancellations as a result of pulling rwz's at the last minute... yes again!

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The way I see it.. BioWare plays the roll of the husband and we, the clients, play the roll of a wife. The 'husband' has done something to upset the 'wife', so here's $14.99 to keep her mouth shut!


Roses would have gone a lot further! LOL

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What I don't get is this:


1. I've played a week or two, have a single character and rushed to reached lvl 50 as quickly as possible. I get a month free.


2. You have played since EA, really enjoy the game, spend more time goofing around than rushing through levels and geniuinly enjoy yourself. All your eight characters are between level 20 and 45 - so you only get week free time? ***? How is that even remotely fair?

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I thought it was obvious. This is the "I am sorry" consolation prize for players who were disheartened (tried to find the nicest word for it) with what was happening. The tauntaun pet was planned for sure (that or the artists and designers are working like jabberwockies to get it out now) but the 30 days was an obvious add-on to make up for the lack of pvp.


I myself am not a pvp-er but was definitely disappointed at ranked warzones being removed from 1.2 and a bit sad that it has not helped pvp on my server. However, I understand what they did and I will say "I appreciate it" for at least trying to give back a little to the community (and save a few subs).

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What I don't get is this:


1. I've played a week or two, have a single character and rushed to reached lvl 50 as quickly as possible. I get a month free.


2. You have played since EA, really enjoy the game, spend more time goofing around than rushing through levels and geniuinly enjoy yourself. All your eight characters are between level 20 and 45 - so you only get week free time? ***? How is that even remotely fair?


You are not the player who is hurt by the loss of ranked warzones as much as the level 50 pvp-ers who are. You have all the pve, legacy, and other content for you to do and have fun with, you didn't necessarily lose a feature targeted for your demographic.


Is it fair? No. Fair is giving everyone a free month by fair's definition. It is not meant for the players who pve with casual pvp and goof off and go on alts (legacy covers them with prizes). That is how I see it anyway.

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What I don't get is this:


1. I've played a week or two, have a single character and rushed to reached lvl 50 as quickly as possible. I get a month free.


2. You have played since EA, really enjoy the game, spend more time goofing around than rushing through levels and geniuinly enjoy yourself. All your eight characters are between level 20 and 45 - so you only get week free time? ***? How is that even remotely fair?


1. Has nothing much to do at this point.


2. Still has a lot of things to do at this point. Just taking their time doing them.


- DH

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Ranked warzones? So? I don't PvP at all, but what does that have to do with anything? If the warzones are the main reason, I fully expect to get 30 days free when we get a decent LFG-tool, so we can start doing Flashpoints. That's the same thing, right?


And seriously? You have a singe character and get a month free because you don't have anything to do? That's ridiculous. If you need more to do, start a new character, test new stories (it's a story-driven MMO, after all) and so on.

Edited by RepublicChicken
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The way I see it.. BioWare plays the roll of the husband and we, the clients, play the roll of a wife. The 'husband' has done something to upset the 'wife', so here's $14.99 to keep her mouth shut!


Sorry hun I still got a headache tonight :(

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You are not the player who is hurt by the loss of ranked warzones as much as the level 50 pvp-ers who are. You have all the pve, legacy, and other content for you to do and have fun with, you didn't necessarily lose a feature targeted for your demographic.


Is it fair? No. Fair is giving everyone a free month by fair's definition. It is not meant for the players who pve with casual pvp and goof off and go on alts (legacy covers them with prizes). That is how I see it anyway.




1.2 - Legacy is mostly for people in the situation of having lots of alts, smelling the roses, etc... however, those that have been beating their heads at lvl 50 for a while were clinging to the hope that Ranked WZ's were going to be great... well, guess what? Lucy pulled the ball out at the last second and Charlie Brown is flat on his back again.


So, Lucy offered a free month at the lemonade stand for those players.

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Maybe this has already been stated, but the real reason for the free 30 days for those with level 50's is pretty obvious (although unstated). They didn't roll out ranked warzones, which impacts anyone that was looking forward to that (which would indicate they have a level 50). If 1.2 would have had rwz's, no free month. But if you were hanging on for ranked warzones and didn't get it... boom, big likelihood of cancellation.


If you aren't level 50, not having ranked warzones meant nothing to you. And if you have been playing since launch and still don't have a level 50, ranked warzones are probably not even in your future anyway.


Now, should they have given it to anyone that has the Founder title and still has an active account? Yes. But, were they scrambling and trying to stave off a host of cancellations as a result of pulling rwz's at the last minute... yes again!


Absolutely true.

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If you didn't enjoy the game enough to have at least 1 level 50 character even playing casually for 5 months you're probably not sticking around anyway. Or you're not a typical MMO player and it's only due to it being Star Wars. Edited by iKlone
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The problem with the line of thinking, that is an apology for those looking forward to RWZ's is that it applies to all accounts with lvl 50 characters. How is a person who just made level 50 looking forward to RWZ's anymore then someone who is lvl 47?


The offer smacks of something thought up at the last second and not vetted at all by their PR department.

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Maybe this has already been stated, but the real reason for the free 30 days for those with level 50's is pretty obvious (although unstated). They didn't roll out ranked warzones, which impacts anyone that was looking forward to that (which would indicate they have a level 50). If 1.2 would have had rwz's, no free month. But if you were hanging on for ranked warzones and didn't get it... boom, big likelihood of cancellation.


If you aren't level 50, not having ranked warzones meant nothing to you. And if you have been playing since launch and still don't have a level 50, ranked warzones are probably not even in your future anyway.


Now, should they have given it to anyone that has the Founder title and still has an active account? Yes. But, were they scrambling and trying to stave off a host of cancellations as a result of pulling rwz's at the last minute... yes again!


nice speculation there...nice


shame i dont give a rats arse about rwz's or any PvP at all but still got 30 days free on my EU PvE server

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If you didn't enjoy the game enough to have at least 1 level 50 character even playing casually for 5 months you're probably not sticking around anyway. Or you're not a typical MMO player and it's only due to it being Star Wars.


So if I don't have a lvl 50 char yet, I am not enjoying the game enough? Are you even listening to yourself?

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nice speculation there...nice


shame i dont give a rats arse about rwz's or any PvP at all but still got 30 days free on my EU PvE server


They can't differentiate PVPers from PVE'ers, but by giving the free month to all players with a level 50 they were guaranteed to cover everyone who was disappointed by a lack of rated warzones.

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nice speculation there...nice


shame i dont give a rats arse about rwz's or any PvP at all but still got 30 days free on my EU PvE server


When you are scrambling because something didn't go well and you have a customer revolt, sometimes the decisions aren't well thought out. You are part of the "collateral benefactors".

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They can't differentiate PVPers from PVE'ers, but by giving the free month to all players with a level 50 they were guaranteed to cover everyone who was disappointed by a lack of rated warzones.


thing is, how many players TOTAL do you really think cared about rwz's compared to how many cared about the lack of endgame PvE content, you'll probably find the rwz-carers are just a small percentage of 'kids' that care about 'i iz l33t awesome wtfbbqomgroflcopter!!!1!1111'

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They can't differentiate PVPers from PVE'ers, but by giving the free month to all players with a level 50 they were guaranteed to cover everyone who was disappointed by a lack of rated warzones.


What about the lack of a LFG-tool, lack of user interface customization, lack of clothes-customization like the color matcher and all that? What about the entire Legacy system? 1.2 didn't just add Warzones. I really wanted the Legacy-system. That's a major reason why I have eight char's instead of just one. But because I have eight char's, I haven't had the chance to level one up to 50 yet.


Not only that, but I know from experience that I get bored once I reach max level, so I really take my time to enjoy the game instead. But I guess that doesn't count?

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