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Admit it. If there was the woman (or man) of your dreams in front of you that offered you a beer and a root. Would you log in to SWTOR or do something else?


The "of your dreams" bit kind of implies that anyone, man or woman, would not log into SWTOR. The post being objected to implied that all "men" care about is getting laid, and that they all kind of hope that the woman turns into a pizza afterwards. That is in fact not the truth for most men. Full stop.


Actually no, not full stop -- the post *also* implied that the kid-having is in place to attract female gamers. That's conventional wisdom from a sheltered frat house environment, not intelligent commentary.


Wanting sex, wanting kids, and wanting romance are three completely different things. We tend to connect them because wer'e human and that is what humans do, but they are different.

Edited by Khalhazar
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My hypothesis is that Quinn is a reject from Imperial Intelligence's selective breeding program (as exemplified by Agent NPC Watcher "I can plot hyperspace routes in my head" Two). Smart, obedient, compulsive analyst, reasonably physically resilient, not inclined toward sentiment or kindness. But his anger management issues make him a bad candidate for Intelligence. I even suspect his IQ isn't quite up to snuff compared with the likes of Watcher Two. So they dump the less promising specimens into the military, where they still make above-average analysts.


And if you could cross any of those specimens with a Force-sensitive? Pliable, genius Sith. That's somebody's fondest dream. I'm not saying Quinn is pushing to breed optimal Imperial tools...wait a minute that's exactly what I'm saying.

That is a really interesting line of thought.

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Quinn and I had our differences, after we got married and planned a future with children and

then he tried to kill me and I found out that every word of loyalty and devotion he ever spoke was a lie, and I realized that he used me in every possible way when for my part I was completely hopelessly in love for the first time, and then there were killer robots and Force choking and other forms of wildly exaggerated domestic abuse and a strongly worded breakup and things just got bad...


...but I was never creeped out until I took a hard look at Watcher Two and ran down the breeding-program line of reasoning.


Tinfoil hats are the best kind of hats.

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My hypothesis is that Quinn is a reject from Imperial Intelligence's selective breeding program (as exemplified by Agent NPC Watcher "I can plot hyperspace routes in my head" Two). Smart, obedient, compulsive analyst, reasonably physically resilient, not inclined toward sentiment or kindness. But his anger management issues make him a bad candidate for Intelligence. I even suspect his IQ isn't quite up to snuff compared with the likes of Watcher Two. So they dump the less promising specimens into the military, where they still make above-average analysts.

YES. I am on board with this theory.


And for those who wonder if Quinn's later actions are


due to Sith mind control...


play the IA storyline for some er... viable alternatives to that idea.

Edited by Jenovan
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YES. I am on board with this theory.


And for those who wonder if Quinn's later actions are


due to Sith mind control...


play the IA storyline for some er... viable alternatives to that idea.



As am I bright_ephemera! That is brilliant, and it makes a ton of sense.


Also another good point Jenovan! It kind of makes you wonder how many elements from each class story is woven together, in one way or another.


Oh I'd also like to add my own little addition, because all of this really got me thinking.


Now why would Darth Baras help out this young man, out of the hundreds of others, or other people that he has recruited, into his network of spies. Remember he owes Baras for most, if not all, of his early career.


It got me thinking about genetics...and....


This is Darth Baras (pre-mask) http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100514003532/starwars/images/2/24/Sith_Lord_Baras.jpg


...and Quinn



I know...I know it's a big stretch but.....what if it was possible.


He could still be in the eugenics program, still be a failure from it, but perhaps this particular failure is very personal, to a certain Sith Lord.


My tinfoil hat looks like R2-D2. ;)

Edited by JediElf
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As am I bright_ephemera! That is brilliant, and it makes a ton of sense.


Also another good point Jenovan! It kind of makes you wonder how many elements from each class story is woven together, in one way or another.


Oh I'd also like to add my own little addition, because all of this really got me thinking.


Now why would Darth Baras help out this young man, out of the hundreds of others, or other people that he has recruited, into his network of spies. Remember he owes Baras for most, if not all, of his early career.


It got me thinking about genetics...and....


This is Darth Baras (pre-mask) http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100514003532/starwars/images/2/24/Sith_Lord_Baras.jpg


...and Quinn



I know...I know it's a big stretch but.....what if it was possible.


He could still be in the eugenics program, still be a failure from it, but perhaps this particular failure is very personal, to a certain Sith Lord.


My tinfoil hat looks like R2-D2. ;)


You just gave me nightmares.... Well actually you just gave me SW who's married to Quinn nightmares....

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As am I bright_ephemera! That is brilliant, and it makes a ton of sense.


Also another good point Jenovan! It kind of makes you wonder how many elements from each class story is woven together, in one way or another.


Oh I'd also like to add my own little addition, because all of this really got me thinking.


Now why would Darth Baras help out this young man, out of the hundreds of others, or other people that he has recruited, into his network of spies. Remember he owes Baras for most, if not all, of his early career.


It got me thinking about genetics...and....


This is Darth Baras (pre-mask) http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100514003532/starwars/images/2/24/Sith_Lord_Baras.jpg


...and Quinn



I know...I know it's a big stretch but.....what if it was possible.


He could still be in the eugenics program, still be a failure from it, but perhaps this particular failure is very personal, to a certain Sith Lord.


My tinfoil hat looks like R2-D2. ;)


I was so very very disappointed that when he took the mask off at the end he didn't look like Quinn (or Draahg, who had the same face type).


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That is a really interesting line of thought.


Indeed it is, it would explain so much. As would the idea someone else had about the IA's plot line...perhaps, even both of these ideas tied together.

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Oh man, I just hit that part of the IA storyline and I really really really want to believe that's what is going on in the Quinn'ster's head..... I really do..


You sure about that? Unlike the Agent, Quinn hasn't turned it off. So it means that at any time, someone just has to look up Quinn in the intelligence archives, and can set him on you again, anywhere, any time.


That's turned my paranoia up a notch.

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My hypothesis is that Quinn is a reject from Imperial Intelligence's selective breeding program (as exemplified by Agent NPC Watcher "I can plot hyperspace routes in my head" Two). Smart, obedient, compulsive analyst, reasonably physically resilient, not inclined toward sentiment or kindness. But his anger management issues make him a bad candidate for Intelligence. I even suspect his IQ isn't quite up to snuff compared with the likes of Watcher Two. So they dump the less promising specimens into the military, where they still make above-average analysts.


And if you could cross any of those specimens with a Force-sensitive? Pliable, genius Sith. That's somebody's fondest dream. I'm not saying Quinn is pushing to breed optimal Imperial tools...wait a minute that's exactly what I'm saying.


This is my new headcanon. I totally got shivers reading it.

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My hypothesis is that Quinn is a reject from Imperial Intelligence's selective breeding program (as exemplified by Agent NPC Watcher "I can plot hyperspace routes in my head" Two). Smart, obedient, compulsive analyst, reasonably physically resilient, not inclined toward sentiment or kindness. But his anger management issues make him a bad candidate for Intelligence. I even suspect his IQ isn't quite up to snuff compared with the likes of Watcher Two. So they dump the less promising specimens into the military, where they still make above-average analysts.


And if you could cross any of those specimens with a Force-sensitive? Pliable, genius Sith. That's somebody's fondest dream. I'm not saying Quinn is pushing to breed optimal Imperial tools...wait a minute that's exactly what I'm saying.]


O M G...that is so awesome. I can so see that.

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You sure about that? Unlike the Agent, Quinn hasn't turned it off. So it means that at any time, someone just has to look up Quinn in the intelligence archives, and can set him on you again, anywhere, any time.


That's turned my paranoia up a notch.


Nuuuuuuuuuuuuu! *curls up protectively around her Quinn* "I'll kill you... *hisses*"


Actually, now that I think about it, that can go so very very wrong for the SW. hmm.. Need something new to make that whole scenario work better for them...

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You sure about that? Unlike the Agent, Quinn hasn't turned it off. So it means that at any time, someone just has to look up Quinn in the intelligence archives, and can set him on you again, anywhere, any time.


That's turned my paranoia up a notch.


Can you imagine the plot possibilities if that's true?


Chapter four onward could get, very, very intense in terms of his story line.


Also in terms of his connections to the eugenics program (bright_ephemera that is my new head cannon!), what if it begins to have un-intended side effects? What if he snaps?





What if you let Baras Live? Perhaps he has other ways to manipulate Quinn. Actually, he might be more of a danger dead....






Ok this is a big, huge stretch, but...what if the stress of his (perhaps) forced betrayal, and the blame that he is undoubtedly is piling on himself at this point.


What if he developed some kind of latent force power? Nothing like a professional Sith would have, but something deadly if not restrained.



Just throwing around ideas.



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this post is so sexist it hurts...:mad:


but i forgot, its ok for women to be disgustingly sexist, but if a man said something like this about women, people would be outraged.




While I will agree that had the role been reversed there, then all hell would break loose and the heavens would be filled with lightning and hail the size of small children would rain from above. However....their postulation while a bit crude is not wholly inaccurate either. Pretty much described the better part of my 20's

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As am I bright_ephemera! That is brilliant, and it makes a ton of sense.


Also another good point Jenovan! It kind of makes you wonder how many elements from each class story is woven together, in one way or another.


Oh I'd also like to add my own little addition, because all of this really got me thinking.


Now why would Darth Baras help out this young man, out of the hundreds of others, or other people that he has recruited, into his network of spies. Remember he owes Baras for most, if not all, of his early career.


It got me thinking about genetics...and....


This is Darth Baras (pre-mask) http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100514003532/starwars/images/2/24/Sith_Lord_Baras.jpg


...and Quinn



I know...I know it's a big stretch but.....what if it was possible.


He could still be in the eugenics program, still be a failure from it, but perhaps this particular failure is very personal, to a certain Sith Lord.


My tinfoil hat looks like R2-D2. ;)




Just.... Woah.

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This thread has taken a turn for the really weird.... From kids to mind-control.

*curls into a ball in a corner twitching*


Though back on the whole mind control segway, if Quinn had been mind controlled wouldn't that make


his whole speech during the betrayal moot?



Just a thought there.


Now back on topic... Yeah.. genius Force users? I'd think the Empire would be down for that, a whole need breed of Sith. Look out Republic!

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Though back on the whole mind control segue, if Quinn had been mind controlled wouldn't that make


his whole speech during the betrayal moot?



The interesting thing is, if we go with this conjecture,

Quinn likely can't just up and say "I'm being coerced." It would be humorous in a truly cruel way to make him step through the strained reasoning that his own honor and virtue demands this. Not dissimilar to what DS warriors can force their own victims to live with.


Now try to imagine his codeword, something he would never hear in normal conversation: "Thank you, Quinn, that was very kind of you"? "Wow, you sure can dance"? "I think you could stand to be a little more respectful"?



Not to make Malavai sound as creepy as humanly possible or anything. I thought it odd that he wanted kids, but you know, the man might simply have some traditional family leanings hidden in all that traditional determined warpath stuff.


I gave in on this point, because really, who wouldn't want dyed-in-the-wool Imperial rugrats running around playing Sith 'n' Jedi where we would play cops 'n' robbers?

Edited by bright_ephemera
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As I understand it, Imperial culture places a heavy emphasis on bloodline, so it's not unreasonable to assume Quinn, a model Imperial citizen, would want kids. Dealing with the myriad of ways the Sith WArrior could respond... Frankly, its what makes me miss proper dialogue trees. Mass Effect was better, with the possibility for 6 different choices, but only 3 responses really limits the player.



Bioware probably should have made a lot of the legacy dialogues (that is, the last conversation in the companion quest chain) a lot less cookie cutter, though.

Edited by KorinHyvek
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Frankly, its what makes me miss proper dialogue trees. Mass Effect was better, with the possibility for 6 different choices, but only 3 responses really limits the player.


They did one brilliant thing on Tython and I never saw it again: one choice to indicate your course of action, and a second one to announce your reasoning.


I would gladly sit through twice the critical conversation points to do that more often.

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With my SW at level 36 and getting closer to the whole betrayal debacle (I spoiled it for myself before even rolling her) I find this thread one of the most intensely disturbing things I've read on the forums, seeing as how I've actually grown fond of Quinn despite the inevitable.


The eugenics concept makes perfect sense. It explains a lot about him...


...gah :(

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The interesting thing is, if we go with this conjecture,

Quinn likely can't just up and say "I'm being coerced." It would humorous in a truly cruel way to make him step through the strained reasoning that his own honor and virtue demands this. Not dissimilar to what DS warriors can force their own victims to live with.


Now try to imagine his codeword, something he would never hear in normal conversation: "Thank you, Quinn, that was very kind of you"? "Wow, you sure can dance"? "I think you could stand to be a little more respectful"?



Not to make Malavai sound as creepy as humanly possible or anything. I thought it odd that he wanted kids, but you know, the man might simply have some traditional family leanings hidden in all that traditional determined warpath stuff.


Granted I hadn't given the whole mind controlled Quinn all that much thought and was just throwing out a random idea that popped into my head. Given the dialogue, that I remember either playing through or watching on youtube, it really does seem like he's going ahead with it of his own relatively free will. Hopefully, BW will explore this further in the next chapter.


As to the whole kids thing, I remember very early on, while you're still on Korriban, there's a few quests/missions that have you go on about your warrior's bloodline, and in the SI story well


your stupid ghost ancestor gets all in your face about how he screwed up and you need to work to restore the family to greatness or some such, I'm a little hazy on these details, it was a few months back.


With those two cases it would stand to reason the "family" or atleast ensuring that the bloodline lives on in some for is important to the average Imperial and Quinn doesn't seem to be *just* your average Imp so his whole wanting kids thing makes sense. I didn't get the sense that he was pushing really hard for it in the conversation, he kind of left it up to your warrior to make that decision. Personally, it was more along the veins that he wanted YOU to know he was ready for kids if YOU wanted.


*shrug* Just my take on the topic starter.

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Now why would Darth Baras help out this young man, out of the hundreds of others, or other people that he has recruited, into his network of spies. Remember he owes Baras for most, if not all, of his early career.


It got me thinking about genetics...and....


This is Darth Baras (pre-mask) http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100514003532/starwars/images/2/24/Sith_Lord_Baras.jpg


...and Quinn



I know...I know it's a big stretch but.....what if it was possible.


He could still be in the eugenics program, still be a failure from it, but perhaps this particular failure is very personal, to a certain Sith Lord.


My tinfoil hat looks like R2-D2. ;)


I don't like to think about this possibility, but if it were true, it means we've already had one unsuccessful attempt to introduce powerful Force sensitivity into the bloodline. That's one generation where one parent was merely well above average IQ, so we can't blame Quinn for being not-hyperspace-route-plotting-in-his-head brilliant.


Perhaps not an Intelligence reject after all. Just an alternate breeding branch.


I didn't get the sense that he was pushing really hard for it in the conversation, he kind of left it up to your warrior to make that decision.


He's not pushing...he's just indirectly dropping "Maybe our children someday"...and he happens to have a strictly hypothetical plan laid out...it's nothing, though, completely your call, my lord...and next thing you know he yanks the birth control. :eek:

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