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Should have given 30 days to everyone subbed since release


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I have two active accounts, for me and my son, chars lvl 44,43,39 and others. I brought a friend to the game that has a 44 char and an active account also. I am playing since the pre-launch in December.


The only free gift I got until now is an unscheduled maintenance Friday 13th, my free day.


If Bioware wants to give incentives to lvl 50 guys that left the game after reaching the endgame, it is ok, I can understand this. I just think they shall make this clear, so I can leave the game too to get my free month when I get to 50, if this is the rule!


Now about the idea that some customers are more important than others. This is a not good path in a game where everyone is paying the same. Oh, I forgot... now some players will play for free.

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You've just said that level 50 content is more important than lower level content, why is that? Elistist much?


It actually is not debatable, he is correct your 6 lvl 45s can not give input on hardmodes.ops,level 50 pvp..etc etc. Like he said you can not give input on lvl 50 stuff if you arent level 50. so yes they are more valuable than your pre 50s.
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BWAHAH 'has been' in management, i can understand why that is past tense.

who does a company value more?


the guy that burned to 50 in 1month then unsubbed or the altaholic that has been subscribing since release?


If they unsubbed they got a 6 day free pass. not a full 30. It's only the 50s that burned to 50 then had nothing to do but kept paying, coming on doing their dalies and then logging off. It's the players who played for the promised endgame content that hasn't come out yet.

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Seems like a lot of people disagree with you.


Who are you to say who can provide feedback about the game? I might not be able to tell you about ops, but I can discuss every datacron in the game to exact detail. Does that make me less valuable? I can discuss every mission on Nar Shaddaa, less valuable?


Again, backwards. People who go slow and play the entire game have a BETTER perception on the game and all of the elements involved because they took the time to explore and enjoy.


A lot of people will disagree. I'm not here to force my point on anyone. I am simply painting another element that may or may not have been a contributing factor for the decision that BioWare made. The fact that people want to attack me for my opinions is fine. I'm used to that. But bear in mind here that I am not discrediting anyone's right to their opinion. I am simply clarifying my point and accepting the reasoning behind why it makes sense to me that BioWare did what they did.

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BWAHAH 'has been' in management, i can understand why that is past tense.

who does a company value more?


the guy that burned to 50 in 1month then unsubbed or the altaholic that has been subscribing since release?


Why do you think everyone who has a level 50 burned through content? Its been 4 months if you dont have a lvl 50 how can you leave any reasonable feedback on end game systems? If you do not have a lvl 50 you didnt resub just for ranked warzones either like a lot of people. This is why companies stop giving out freebies. Children like you who throw a 5 yr old stomping tantrum that they are entitled.

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I am sorry, but you too, are missing the point. Level 50s see more content. Fact. I am not arguing that. But people who concentrate on seeing ALL of their current level of content see in more detail.


It's a quick scan of your hard drive. It's quick, and it will find all of the big issues. vs an In-depth scan. It's slower, but it will find ALL the issues... even the teeny tiny ones.


Both are EQUALLY important.


Eh hang on using that analogy, the 50 lvl scan just scanned ONE folder . What about the other folders?????


How can someone with lets say, a 50 Smuggler ,possibly know what content the Trooper class has etc etc.


Theres people here who levled to 50 inside a few days on launch and youre saying they saw MORE content over all than someone with 8 30+ chars etc?

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A lot of people will disagree. I'm not here to force my point on anyone. I am simply painting another element that may or may not have been a contributing factor for the decision that BioWare made. The fact that people want to attack me for my opinions is fine. I'm used to that. But bear in mind here that I am not discrediting anyone's right to their opinion. I am simply clarifying my point and accepting the reasoning behind why it makes sense to me that BioWare did what they did.


I 100% agree with you. If people couldnt even bother to stick with 1 character to level cap then what good is their feedback?

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I am sorry, but you too, are missing the point. Level 50s see more content. Fact. I am not arguing that. But people who concentrate on seeing ALL of their current level of content see in more detail.


It's a quick scan of your hard drive. It's quick, and it will find all of the big issues. vs an In-depth scan. It's slower, but it will find ALL the issues... even the teeny tiny ones.


Both are EQUALLY important.


Not if I am trying to develop endgame content or have failed to implement endgame content and am trying to apologize to the lvl 50s. Is their wording bad? I do not personally think so but then again im not a crybaby who gets hurt at the drop of a hat.

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Don't get me wrong, I understand why so many people are upset. But as a person who has been in management, I also understand where certain types of knowledge are more valuable in this kind of circumstance. I'm not saying that the decision is fair or unfair. I am saying it makes sense to me. All I am doing is providing another side of this argument that many people probably don't either care or want to hear I'm sure. That doesn't make it any less important. There are many factors to take into consideration about this benefit that people have gotten. I'm sure several people combined have touched on all the factors. My argument is just another opinion that may or may not be accurate concerning their decision. If it is, it makes sense to me. If not, my management experience still tells me it is a sensible choice.


You keep referring to your "management experience."


How many big name MMOs have you released, just curious?


Unfortunately, your MANAGEMENT experience does not make you any more qualified to comment on a MARKETING issue.


And as many have said previously, the choice of target of this reward is off.

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Its like we picked up all the 12 year olds from WoW and lost the adults. You guys complain about EVERYTHING. Its 14.99 a month, thats McDonalds for one meal out of 90. If you can't swing it you should be playing free games.

I got the 30 days and sure it was nice, but I wouldn't be blowing up over NOT getting it. I have 4 co-workers who play and none of them have gotten to 50 yet. FYI, I don't think its a 50 thing, I think its who helped give them feedback that they can use to make the game better. Have you done any Hard FP, or OPS, given forum feedback, gotten on the test server to help preview the 1.2 patch, or PVP past valor 10? I wasted HOURS of time in Hard EV trying to time the colums correctly to get past that point. Now they have changed it so the next groups that get there do not have the same problems.

Don't tell me that they should have tested more to get rid of bugs, it wasnt that long ago that everyone was ************ about when is the release date, i have been waiting forever!


For what they have done with this game, in the amount of time they have taken to do it is amazing. WoW had rollbacks, WoW had downtime that was unexpected and lasted for hours or DAYS and that was after 3 YEARS, this game is still only 5 months old. And the amount of features they have fixed and released due to US ASKING FOR THEM is INSANE. You want dual spec, we working on it, you want more space missions, on it. You want a better UI, here you go. You want to romance same sex relationships, give us til summer. Read the forums, I knew the tier bonus didn't move over with armoring mod, its only on the new armor that you can do that. Relax people, go play Skyrim for 6 hours.


And there is the error in your thinking. No one is debating/disagreeing with the 50s who've done all that receiving this gift.


There are many who don't have currently a 50 who have provided feedback, testing--including closed beta--played the same amount of hours, paid the same amount of time. That's not where the issue lies.


The issue lies with the fact that there is also a larger number of people who haven't played much. Who haven't provided testing. Who have paid for one month's subscription and either quit the game or had just started playing and who are also receiving this gift. (In fact you could resubscribe prior to noon yesterday AND receive the free 30 days). There is also a free time reward for those who'd quit and hadn't resubscribed.


Unfortunately, much of your comments smacks of exactly the point you are trying to rail against. But if you can truely say to yourself that those who didn't put in the work you did deserve this instead of others who've played the same amount of time as you have, well that's your prerogative.

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Yet here you are with a sub that works. I know you say you cancelled but as soon as the servers come back up you will be right back in there. I also am pretty sure we will see more "do this or I quit" posts from you in the years to come. If you really got fed up and quit you wouldnt have posted about it and you wouldnt be here now. When I wash my hands of a game I dont sit and post on the forums forever looking for attention.


I am looking for attention from Bioware/EA. Account shows 4 days left and I will most likely play some time during those 4 days. I have enjoyed playing, I don't hate SWTOR. I just don't like Bioware/EA methods so I'm leaving and pointing out to others how they might be able to make a difference.


I did get fed up and I did quit and I am posting now, so I guess your wrong.

Edited by Midhir
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Do you have a level 50? I do. If you do not have a level 50, I have more feedback to provide than you. Does this mean that I am a better player than you? No. Does this mean you are any less important than me as a player? No. Does this mean I do have more experience than you do about things in the game? Yes. And if this was a factor for this 30 day free time, it is a sensible decision to me. If I am misguided for seeing that, then so be it. It's probably why I have had management jobs.



I have a level 50, never ran an ops, only done like 3 heroic flashpoints, spend most of my time pvping. So by your logic since I don't run end game content I'm not contributing or supporting or providing feedback. So I guess I don't deserve the 30 days either then right...going by your logic that is.

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I have to admit I think Bioware managed to totally alienate a lot of people over this free month debacle. :mad:


The money is irrelevant, it is the implication that regardless of how long you have had a subscription that if you don't have a lvl 50 character you are not a dedicated loyal customer.




I won't be unsubbing over this but maybe the BW staff should be a little careful about how they treat their customers in the future ? :eek:

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If the store wants to give a coupon to one valued customer over another does not mean they do not value the other. That customer may benefit in some way at a later date, or may have received something earlier from when the store first opened.


One should not measure self worth based on what others receive; unhealthy and unwise.


True statement, but how many people do it regardless? lol


Consumers are not patient (except when it comes to Apple, don't get me started), if you divide your customer base or give off the perception that you value one more than the other (key word being perception), chances are you will experience a decline in your numbers with one of those groups.


Look past the promo and angry non-50s and you'll see a PR move that could've easily been avoided and I'm very surprised BW/EA didn't take it.

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Why do you think everyone who has a level 50 burned through content? Its been 4 months if you dont have a lvl 50 how can you leave any reasonable feedback on end game systems? If you do not have a lvl 50 you didnt resub just for ranked warzones either like a lot of people. This is why companies stop giving out freebies. Children like you who throw a 5 yr old stomping tantrum that they are entitled.


TBH, we aren't saying that all the level 50's spacebarred it..


However, someone who bought the game and spacebarred to 50 in a week then quit is getting this whole "You've one of our most valuable players, here's a reward for your loyalty if you reupped before 1.2 went live"


I know it's not fair to lump all level 50's into the same basket as those players, but sadly, all non-level 50 players have been lumped into the "nothing for you disloyal, unimportant players" basket by BW

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It's probably more to do with the number of players at level 50 vs the number of players who have been paying since launch, and which of those two numbers means giving away less freebie time while still appearing generous.
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Being level 50 does not necessary you are more experienced. Someone who plays other classes to a certain level which you have not has more experience than you in that sense.



Do you have a level 50? I do. If you do not have a level 50, I have more feedback to provide than you. Does this mean that I am a better player than you? No. Does this mean you are any less important than me as a player? No. Does this mean I do have more experience than you do about things in the game? Yes. And if this was a factor for this 30 day free time, it is a sensible decision to me. If I am misguided for seeing that, then so be it. It's probably why I have had management jobs.
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I 100% agree with you. If people couldnt even bother to stick with 1 character to level cap then what good is their feedback?


Stick with one char? Why? This is mmorpg. Today I just want to kill someone. Tommorow maybe guild need a healer.

How can lvl 50 mar know anything about healing? How can he provide real feedback about pvp? He did not try other classes.

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Why do you think everyone who has a level 50 burned through content? Its been 4 months if you dont have a lvl 50 how can you leave any reasonable feedback on end game systems? If you do not have a lvl 50 you didnt resub just for ranked warzones either like a lot of people. This is why companies stop giving out freebies. Children like you who throw a 5 yr old stomping tantrum that they are entitled.


HELLO time to start reading more carefully!!!!


i dont care how long it takes to get to 50 etc.. My point is that for any business the most valuable factor is that party which contributes...umm ya know actual money!!!


lol entitled!!!!

I have a level 50 and tbh the price of 1 month doesnt bother me anyways, but as this is supposed to 'reward' playerbase it strikes me amazingly unfair to award it to ppl based on reaching 50 alone.


Its ******* like you that spread your **** whole and allow corps to insert there ***** into it which mean big corps can do whatever the **** they want :)

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I 100% agree with you. If people couldnt even bother to stick with 1 character to level cap then what good is their feedback?


I also agree, bored reading people trying to claim that people at level 50 have raced through it. Just because you are slow and decide after 30 levels you can't continue for whatever reason doesn't mean we skipped all the content to get to 50 in a week. Took me almost 2 months which is slow as hell, you need to show some proper dedication to a character instead of just making 50 crappy ones.

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Nobody is. They're saying they're just as worthy.


One should not project on others to belittle them; unwise and unhealthy.


They aren’t compensating people for being "worthy"


They are compensating people for updates that didn’t happen as planned for level 50 folks, while the updates for our ( your and my ) lower level characters content were successful.


Let them have their 30 days, the updates for their characters content had some problems and didn’t happen. We arent in the same boat.

Edited by Dayln
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