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Should have given 30 days to everyone subbed since release


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That is eactly right. It is YOUR opinion not theirs. A person at 50 can provide far more feedback about things people who have not gotten to 50 can. To me it is a very simple thing. What information is more valuable people who don't see all that is available? Or the people who do?


Ok so with your logic your saying my friend who pre-ordered before I did, has payed since day one, beta tested with me for several months, who I might add spent more time submitting bug reports then playing or more then I did ( think I submitted like 5 or something ) is less valuable then me because he has a life outside of game and a family and 2 small children, not to mention a job with 12 hour shifts and does not deserve it?


You sir are misguided and clearly do not understand the situation.

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No matter what Bioware does, someone will be unhappy and irate. They could give everyone a free 30 days, and people will be unhappy that someone they don't believe "deserved it" got what they got.

That is true.


I don't think they should back down on the "have a 50, get 30 days free", but maybe have a window of time (a couple days or something) in which if you get one to 50, you get 30 days free instead of a have one on the day of the patch release, get 30 days.


For those that are within reach of their first 50, if the servers come up I highly suggest trying to hit 50.

However this is nonsense. Or, rather, I disagree with it on principle. It was BioWare themselves who had been promoting the "don't rush, there is PLENTY of content in our game" attitude. The point is, it goes against their own logic (or the way I understood it).


To be honest, I do not really care. I won't deny that 30 days extra would be nice - I mean, who wouldn't like that - but whatever. Still, I am at loss as to why reward based on level. What about "gourmet players", as somebody had phrased it? I have been around since the launch, had preordered, all that stuff, I even had spent quite a lot of time in the game - I certainly belong to the group of people who happened to be so lucky to have relatively lot of free time (or unlucky? Given how time-consuming this game can turn to be :) ), yet still, I don't have any lv 50 character. Why? Well, I have like four alts, but most of all, I am in no rush. And very often I had spend literally half a day playing without advancing a level. I can spend a day exploring, socializing with other players, roleplaying, doing stuff which is even below my level so that I hardly get xp for that, including exploring possible quests, locations, datacrons, space combat, you name it. So I just like to casually walk around, so to say, and enjoy the surroundings. I think that sort of person is enjoying every part of the game (or almost every part), exactly like BioWare seemed to advertise it, the richness of the content and all that.


I know it all comes down to marketing, but still, why the target group is those who have reached 50-level? Will it help advertising the game? To whom? How? Or maybe BioWare thinks the "gourmet players" like the game so much that they are going to enjoy it anyway?


It is just rather interesting question.

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Woah just a second, is this not a game that we play to have fun?! This isn't suppose to be some kind of job that requires "going the extra mile".





Explains the above comments, as someone else whos been in management I personally wouldn't like to be considered one of your employees.



The only gripe here is how its been worded, they have singled out one group of players and basically said they are more valuable than another which always gets someones back up.




But hey why worry, we all get cake and to eat it too with our nice new free pet :)


you missed the general point and only took what you wanted to see out of it. The point of that statement was to show that a person who does the same thing over and over again. Without putting forth extra effort to see everything that can be done, a person cannot provide valuable feedback about improvements to help the game. Those people who have have been rewarded. This is a personal issue of people wanting more because they feel they deserve it even if they have not experienced all elements of the game. I wouldn't want to promote someone if the only experience they have doing work like in a feed related job is simply one job over and over again. People who have not gotten to 50 fit into that same type of category. Am I saying they are not valued people? No, I am however saying that the people who have gotten to 50 have MORE experience with all the elements of the game. THAT to me makes sense that they have an extra incentive.

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Well, I have no life I guess. I work from home for my dad ... more like goof off, but anyway! I have three lvl 50s two lvl 26 and two lvl 25, an my legacy lvl is 27. I have the collectors edition too! I read some of the replies people left an felt really out of place. I think everyone should of gotten the free 30 days! Not just the junkies like me!
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Really do not understand why people are stating being 50 gives experience and better feedback. This was never even touched upon in the press release lol.


it says VALUED. "As a thanks for being one of our most valued players, all active subscriber accounts with a Level 50 character as of April 12, 2012, 12:00 PM CDT, 5:00 PM GMT, will receive 30 days of game time** at no charge in appreciation for your support and loyalty."


So buying pre order, staying subbed until now, playing round the clock but NOT having a 50 proves NO loyalty or value?


Being 50 proves you are more loyal ? how please without mentioning feedback or experience explain this to me and others in same boat .


Its a monetary reward (doesn't matter one iota how much) for getting 50 nothing more nothing less and a huge slap in the face for others who have RP'd and levelled alts.



This is why BW should stick to single player games,...but then looking at SWTOR i think maybe they have ( tried getting a group on most servers? lol).

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No, it really doesn't swing both ways. Again. That person who still does not have a level 50. CANNOT provide any feedback or contributing elements to what may or may not be better to improve advancement in the game. Just because someone does or does not provide feedback doesn't mean that they don't have it. This is the main point here. Someone who does not expose themselves to everything that is available does not take the time to invest in it. Why should they get a bonus over those who do?


So if you've been subbed one month and have one level 50, you hold more value than someone who has been subbed since release? Not in my opinion. Apparently to Bioware that is the case though.


Also, the colored text. Please, enough everyone! Call Mom and Dad if you need attention.

Edited by DJunior
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Im guessing bioware has to wake up that they really failed at this.


around 1200 threads in +- 12 hours thats a whoppin 100 threads an hour = 2 threads a minute. :eek:


and not just filled with useless QQ but actually ppl (not valued costumers btw , according to BW).


well there are some "valued costumers" in here saying "the since start fulltime subscribes shouldnt talk about this" and i think they are right , afterall they are "BW valued costumers".


so please all Early acces startup nonstop subscribers dont make anymore threads cause some of the "real valued customers" says we shouldnt complain :rolleyes:

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dear lord, are you being serious??? how the **** is a players value or contribution weighed by whether they made a 50 or not???? that makes literally zero sense. If you believe otherwise you are ignorant on truly an epic scale


He's strongly opposed to any entitlements except his own.

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So in this logic everyone must play the way everyone else does or you're not as worthy a player? I pay them the same amount as everyone else and play the way I wish to, if I run across a bug or something not right in my travels I report it like a good player would.


With that said, I don't think anyone has the right to tell anyone how they "should" be playing considering they pay the sub. It is a game ... a way to relax and unwind if I am made to play the way "someone else" feels I should play it takes the fun out of it.


Grats to those lvl 50 peeps if you stuck it out with all the bugs from day 0 you deserve it.


but to be fair there is still plenty of bugs in the lower lvl's as well for those of us from day 0 we put up with.


I'm not saying that these people are less worthy. What I am saying is, that from an objective standpoint. Experience of all elements of the game is more beneficial to have than more detailed repeated experience with only some parts of the game. And to me, I think that is the viewpoint that BW took. To me, it makes sense.

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I feel everyones pain on this issue as well. I would have a 50 on my server, but started playing on the Test Server trying to help out and because of that and having alts that I level with friends I really have no way of being at 50 already, but I have been playing since pre release and beta. I have over 10 characters and probably play almost every day. Being 50 shouldn't be the only way to get this "gift" They should include play hours as well. But as so many have said this really boils down trying to keep all those players with 50's and who don't feel like they have anything to do or that the end game content isn't up to the keeping them. I for one am enjoying the story and will eventually have multiple characters at 50. I think playing from the beginning should entitle us to more than just a Founder Title if they are giving others a reward.


Anyway, just wanted to chime in in case it helps. Great game and I will keep playing either way, but feel Bioware could be a little more fair or call things like they are would probably upset less people.

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The only reason they give out these 30 days is because its soon time to announce the subscription-numbers. And since they have lost so many subs in the last few weeks they hand out a free month - problem solved, same subs like last time = YAY! we have alot of subs!


Well this is my theory about it all...

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Well, I have no life I guess. I work from home for my dad ... more like goof off, but anyway! I have three lvl 50s two lvl 26 and two lvl 25, an my legacy lvl is 27. I have the collectors edition too! I read some of the replies people left an felt really out of place. I think everyone should of gotten the free 30 days! Not just the junkies like me!


naaaaa there is content that was advertized for your lvl 50 toons that didn’t get implemented, you deserve the break. That didn’t happen to me, all the content that was released for the toons at my levels were just fine.


Take your little compensation with a smile

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If you want to get Bioware/EA attention unsub. I just cancelled my 2 accounts. I play live, have no 50s. I play on PTS to help with future content/patches. They still push out bugs and break live just about every patch.


I'm not going to pay to ALPHA test their game on PTS, then BETA test their game on live and sit back while they show favoritism to players that reached 50.


If you don't like what they did, unsub.

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you missed the general point and only took what you wanted to see out of it. The point of that statement was to show that a person who does the same thing over and over again. Without putting forth extra effort to see everything that can be done, a person cannot provide valuable feedback about improvements to help the game. Those people who have have been rewarded. This is a personal issue of people wanting more because they feel they deserve it even if they have not experienced all elements of the game. I wouldn't want to promote someone if the only experience they have doing work like in a feed related job is simply one job over and over again. People who have not gotten to 50 fit into that same type of category. Am I saying they are not valued people? No, I am however saying that the people who have gotten to 50 have MORE experience with all the elements of the game. THAT to me makes sense that they have an extra incentive.


Seems like a lot of people disagree with you.


Who are you to say who can provide feedback about the game? I might not be able to tell you about ops, but I can discuss every datacron in the game to exact detail. Does that make me less valuable? I can discuss every mission on Nar Shaddaa, less valuable?


Again, backwards. People who go slow and play the entire game have a BETTER perception on the game and all of the elements involved because they took the time to explore and enjoy.

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In your example, you're making an assumption that the person who rushed to level 50 has been providing feedback to the devs.


In the real world, we have this scenario: someone who rushed to 50 in the first month, then quit, never providing any feedback beyond a forum post saying he's bored.


another person who plays with alts, gets a handful of character to level 40, then moves on the the PTS to help test 1.2, knowing that his testing will benefit all players and make his own end-game experience more enjoyable when he goes back to his live server characters. He enters bug reports, participates in forum discussions about changes that will benefit everyone and offers tips to those who want to know how to prepare for the update.


The guy who rushed gets rewarded, the guy who actively support the game and the update gets squat.


No, I am not making an assumption. I am saying that the level 50 player CAN provide more feedback than a person who has not gotten to 50. This is what people are confusing about my argument. I am not saying that everyone who has gotten this reward are people who provide any feedback at all. I am saying that if they were asked to they could provide MORE than someone who has not gotten to 50. And because of that. That kind of information will be more valuable because they CAN provide it when someone else can't.

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No, I am not making an assumption. I am saying that the level 50 player CAN provide more feedback than a person who has not gotten to 50. This is what people are confusing about my argument. I am not saying that everyone who has gotten this reward are people who provide any feedback at all. I am saying that if they were asked to they could provide MORE than someone who has not gotten to 50. And because of that. That kind of information will be more valuable because they CAN provide it when someone else can't.



Provide feedback? The **** is this....beta?

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you missed the general point and only took what you wanted to see out of it. The point of that statement was to show that a person who does the same thing over and over again. Without putting forth extra effort to see everything that can be done, a person cannot provide valuable feedback about improvements to help the game. Those people who have have been rewarded. This is a personal issue of people wanting more because they feel they deserve it even if they have not experienced all elements of the game. I wouldn't want to promote someone if the only experience they have doing work like in a feed related job is simply one job over and over again. People who have not gotten to 50 fit into that same type of category. Am I saying they are not valued people? No, I am however saying that the people who have gotten to 50 have MORE experience with all the elements of the game. THAT to me makes sense that they have an extra incentive.


I am sorry, but you too, are missing the point. Level 50s see more content. Fact. I am not arguing that. But people who concentrate on seeing ALL of their current level of content see in more detail.


It's a quick scan of your hard drive. It's quick, and it will find all of the big issues. vs an In-depth scan. It's slower, but it will find ALL the issues... even the teeny tiny ones.


Both are EQUALLY important.

Edited by JoannaNH
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If you want to get Bioware/EA attention unsub. I just cancelled my 2 accounts. I play live, have no 50s. I play on PTS to help with future content/patches. They still push out bugs and break live just about every patch.


I'm not going to pay to ALPHA test their game on PTS, then BETA test their game on live and sit back while they show favoritism to players that reached 50.


If you don't like what they did, unsub.


Your idea to get back at them is two cancel two subs out of 1.7..aren't you suffering because thousands of hours of play your not playing in protest..

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Anyone remember their promotion of early game access? The sooner you pre-order and redeem your code, the earlier your access. That's exactly the model they should've taken here, whenever anyone complained about it, the responses were consistent and logical. If someone is willing to commit to a product before you are, suffice to say that person would reap the benefits of that commitment before you.


Why didn't they take that approach again? It confuses me. The precedent was set before the game was launched, do this by X date and get Y didn't matter if you bought the standard, deluxe or collectors edition, it's the same across the board for early access.


The game isn't a race, it's not a mad dash to 50, but now they've kind of set the precedent for it. When the level cap goes up what's the mentality? Oh damn better hit lvl 60 before the next promo. Doesn't seem right.

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If you want to get Bioware/EA attention unsub. I just cancelled my 2 accounts. I play live, have no 50s. I play on PTS to help with future content/patches. They still push out bugs and break live just about every patch.


I'm not going to pay to ALPHA test their game on PTS, then BETA test their game on live and sit back while they show favoritism to players that reached 50.


If you don't like what they did, unsub.


I don't want to unsub, but damned if they didn't provide a fine incentive to kick, scream, hold your breath, fill your diapers, and get rewarded just like the rank ranters did.

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I'm not saying that these people are less worthy. What I am saying is, that from an objective standpoint. Experience of all elements of the game is more beneficial to have than more detailed repeated experience with only some parts of the game. And to me, I think that is the viewpoint that BW took. To me, it makes sense.


I would agree if it was for the lvl 50's who have endured from day 0 and stuck it despite it all...But that is not the case and honestly how many people that have lvl 45's or so and have been here the same amount of time took the time to report bugs in the lower lvl's on alts as well. I know Myself one day i posted bug reports on 3 dif. toons.... active sub from day 0 but unfortuantely I have a job that i am out of the country some and do not get to put in much time.


So i am not a asset in your logic? Over someone who got the game less than a month and camped in front of the puter to get to 50 gets this reward?

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Hmm. I got a 42 assassin, 36 powertech, 35 merc, 33 sniper and 35 sorc - 3 of these characters are maxed 400 crafting. I miss the 30 days - now thats crazy...



All the content updates for the levels of your ( and my ) characters got implemented as advertized, not so for the folks that are at 50.


It makes sense to me

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