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Should have given 30 days to everyone subbed since release


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Just because my playstyle (I have a lvl 48 and a bunch of alts) I don't get the 30 free days?


You are absolutely right. I'm a subscriber since 16th of December. I've tons of lvl 20 to 40 chars on many servers, because of the low population and some other problems, and I don't get the free-month-subscription.

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I don't understand why people are so upset over a messly 15 dollars, I guess that's a lot of money to some people who do'nt have jobs.


It's more like those of us who do have jobs are upset about being seen as less valued customers. I've said several times now, I don't want the money. I don't care about the money. All I want is not to be treated like a second class customer by a company that has been happy to take my money every month since December.

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If you all stopped complaining what you hate about certain things you coulda had a level 50 by now, if your gonna quit just quit that gives us people who like the game and not waste our time complaining how it plays and doesnt meet your standards. If you dont like the game stop playing its that easy, the game isnt going to conform. Its an mmo, plays like all other mmos just with a different story. You dont like it is as easy as going outside and putting down the mouse and getting some sun, problem solved, no more twilight tans


why dont you **** I bet you have a lvl 50 and rubbing it in our faces that we didnt get the 30 days we DESERVE for Bioware removing ranked warzones


All players should receive 30 days because Bioware let us down

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I think we should all just agree that Bioware just made a bad choice in words and leave it at that.


This x10000

well said .. who cares how many hours someone plays a week we all pay the same to do what we wish to with the game.

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Let me break this down for the people that are okay with this...


People with a life,family,good job,friends and you know....not total losers that spend their every waking moment on a video game are going to take offense to this. We pay every month also and just because we didn't blow through the content like some of you doesn't make us less important. Bottom line. They are rewarding play style not loyal customers.


generalizations like this are fail. not everyone who has a 50 or even multiple 50s "blew through the content"


you really should stop with this asinine way of clumping everyone with a 50 in that category because you made a choice not to do so

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I'm not gonna read 100+ posts........


I've been playing for about 2 months now. My highest is lvl 38 as of last night.

End game wasn't the reason I play SWTOR.

I knew most classes will be doing the same quests, so I have been leveling 4 toons at the same time. Each toon supporting each other via crafting. I know crafting has slowed me down dramatically (also completing every quest available and no skipping) but I wont change my play style since im enjoying it. I knew that this would affect my legacy since I would lose legacy experience points but I can live with that.


But offering free game time should also include active subscribers whom may not support the endgame at the moment but support the game in general by other means.


Just seems unfair especially for those that have been playing since the start.


Guessing endgame players is what this REWARD is really is for.

Legacy alone is pushing us to play the game differently.


I'm sure this was a MESSAGE sent to the rest us.


MESSAGE received!

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It's not the reward they were given. It doesn't matter if it was 30 day, 60 days, $500, or a new shiny mount.


It's *how* they did it.


They singled out a group of players, because they have level 50 characters, and told them that they're the most valuable, loyal players and because of this, they get a prize.


All this does is tell anyone who doesn't have a level 50 character that, regardless of how long they've supported the game, they are less important than someone who's been here a couple of weeks.


thats a +1000

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I personally am still on my first 30 days of the game...then they pull this whole , 'valued customer' shpeel and just because i choose to make and play alts, and ENJOY their games story lines and not rush to 50, those in the same or similar boat as me, don't get to be valued customers, only 'second rate',


Is just wrong, if they are going to play 'favorites' they are going down the wrong road in the mmo industry, its all or none, or make it a CE delayed perk, or a delayed pre-order perk if you want, but to srgregate players based off level? Thats just wrong, everyone chose their own path, they should not be 'left out' because they chose 'wrongly'.

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Except, that isn't what they said. They are rewarding the most loyal customers. But I see where you are going. Those of us with a family and job to take care of are ulitmately rewarded in ways Bioware could never touch.


but whats more loyal


someone who has payed for there sub from day one of launch


or someone who has just started and blasted the content in 6 days to get to max lvl



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Actually I like that they reward only the lvl 50 players... that was the drop that made me unsubscribe... and actually I feel better already ...


yes I play almost since release (a few days after release) and I dont have a 50...

I like to alt and I dont have that much time

Truth to be told.. SW-TOR is not that good a game...

Seems like BIOWARE is losing it a bit lately


another gaming company not in touch with their community - what a pity

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generalizations like this are fail. not everyone who has a 50 or even multiple 50s "blew through the content"


you really should stop with this asinine way of clumping everyone with a 50 in that category because you made a choice not to do so


but ..but.. that is what bioware did? and they are the big winner right?? if they can generalize so can we , right??

lol feeling threatened? it is like how one person saw me say that most of the people in the first month got to 50 through exploit and what not, omitted the most and first month bit.. and said redundant typical stuff.

sure you agreed with that guy.

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I think we should all just agree that Bioware just made a bad choice in words and leave it at that.


This exactly. It wasn't what they did, it was how they said it. Put into different words would've made it much better. I'll give all the ragers that point at least.


But, some people will complain no matter what BioWare does. :cool:

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is playing the game legitimately, most of the 50's i see were rushed to that in a month? due exploits and other idiotic stuff that got ignored by cus rep . so basically, not only do the belligerent players get to dominate the game, mess with the economy make it so even bioware cant fix the damage, but now.. they reward them with free time? lol you know.. i just keep thinking to myself how we had a chance to make this not warcraft, i remember telling everyone that we had to discourage barrens abuse, establish a unique community. it didn't take long, we lost the game in the first week.

as an example of how messed up this is, i have a guild member that curses incessantly, if it was possible to have Le torrents' syndrome in a writing form he is a valid candidate. i naturally go to ticket, choose inappropriate behavior. wait really long, finally real time speak with cus rep. he says, you should have right click chose harassment. oh really?? where the hell does it say that?.. then it gets real fun. he says that the guild leaders can decide what kind of stuff can be said in the guild chat. so i blatantly said to him, you mean that gl's can decided whether or not the members can abide by elua?

with such idiocy for policy i began musing the concept of potential larceny and it's implications . considering that we are 'told' that things are begin done, we 'surrender' control of the game to them. they continue to take our money. nothing is done, seriously. like i said, i have proof. many screens of a guy obviously exploiting. i ended up joining his guild. i mean heck.. it was the only way i would not lose against him.

so, you all focus on the minor issue of free time, fine, but half the guys at 50 cant get to 50 unless they exploit or had vent which is a third party program not even under bioware's policy.

because i been playing since day one, i still haven't got a 50. i like most people , was doing that thing called exploration. the fastest way i seen them do it. exploit the wz and lvl like mad. you get money, reward , a company that appears to do nothing about it and now free time .

yet, if bioware can just get past the alternate to warcraft thing and remember that stwor wars is a generational presence, that yes, there are little kids playing along side 45 + year olds. perhaps they , unlike warcraft can show responsibility which creates a more dedicated patronage by far. remains to be seen.



You would be level 50 if you hadnt stopped to write that wall of rubbish.


I dont use vent, and I dont exploit. I enjoyed the class story for both the Sith Sorceror and the Bounty Hunter: Powertech. I have 2 level 50's and I am also a parent of two teenage boys so obviously I am not playing for 8 hours a day, yet here I sit with two level 50 characters and have to listen to your whining.


I should get another 30 free days for having to read that rubbish.




I got 30 free days, and a Taunton Pet, and a Lightsaber, and a personal space station which I am calling the Death Star. I also got a lollipop.

wheeeeeeee :D

Edited by Aleya
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I've had a level 50 since January, and have been subbed since pre-release and I did not get a free month...


This will all get sorted out, and free month or not, 15$ isn't a huge deal. What they really should have done is given free months to people who don't complain on the forums

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You would be level 50 if you hadnt stopped to write that wall of rubbish.


I dont use vent, and I dont exploit. I enjoyed the class story for both the Sith Sorceror and the Bounty Hunter: Powertech. I have 2 level 50's and I am also a parent of two teenage boys so obviously I am not playing for 8 hours a day, yet here I sit with two level 50 characters and have to listen to your whining.


I should get another 30 free days for having to read that rubbish.[/color]




I got 30 free days, and a Taunton Pet, and a Lightsaber, and a personal space station which I am calling the Death Star. I also got a lollipop.

wheeeeeeee :D[/color]

Parent of a teen or you ARE a teen? I'm confused.

Edited by Tmanarl
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Someone else who just doesn't get it.


Look, if BW had said they would be giving free game time to randomly selected players in some kind of lottery, I'd understand. I'd even think it was a cool idea. The real issue has nothing to do with money though. It's about whether customers feel valued by the company they buy from.


To give you an analogy, I have 2 convenience stores near where I live. I go to the one that's a bit further away and is a bit more expensive because the sales staff are nicer; more polite.


BW need to understand that its not a good idea to alienate some of your customers by implying that their custom is less valued. Totting out lazy cliches about schools sports days doesn't make you sound clever at all. It just shows that you don't understand customer relations and marketing.


The reality is that there are several new MMOs on the horizon and all of us SWTOR players will make a decision (consciously or not) about whether to continue to play SWTOR or move over to one of these new games. When that time comes, many people will not simply make a decision based on the merits of the game, but also on how they were treated as customers.


Well put. I am more than happy to spend my money were I'm treated well. Really hard for me to believe that they would implement something that would polarize the community like this.

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You would be level 50 if you hadnt stopped to write that wall of rubbish.


I dont use vent, and I dont exploit. I enjoyed the class story for both the Sith Sorceror and the Bounty Hunter: Powertech. I have 2 level 50's and I am also a parent of two teenage boys so obviously I am not playing for 8 hours a day, yet here I sit with two level 50 characters and have to listen to your whining.


I should get another 30 free days for having to read that rubbish.




I got 30 free days, and a Taunton Pet, and a Lightsaber, and a personal space station which I am calling the Death Star. I also got a lollipop.

wheeeeeeee :D


Can I come board your deathstar? In a non perverted way of course. I just want to blow up Balmorra.

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Who else here is afraid that if you cancel your account now because of this and tomorrow they decide to give the 30 days to everyone with an active subscription you will be screwed




I unsubscribed and I am not afraid... as a matter of fact I am happy that it happened... it shows how they think and ... well thats it.

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