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Everything posted by Aleya

  1. And here I've just renewed my subscription to see what all the fuss is about.
  2. I've played on Ebon Hawk since the beginning. I've never had a problem with lag, ping or anything else. I've raided, done PvP and pretty much everything else here. Scotland, btw
  3. The Chair decoration can no longer be sold, and must be traded or destroyed in order to remove it. Job done. No more chairs
  4. You would be level 50 if you hadnt stopped to write that wall of rubbish. I dont use vent, and I dont exploit. I enjoyed the class story for both the Sith Sorceror and the Bounty Hunter: Powertech. I have 2 level 50's and I am also a parent of two teenage boys so obviously I am not playing for 8 hours a day, yet here I sit with two level 50 characters and have to listen to your whining. I should get another 30 free days for having to read that rubbish. TL DR I got 30 free days, and a Taunton Pet, and a Lightsaber, and a personal space station which I am calling the Death Star. I also got a lollipop. wheeeeeeee
  5. The top 1/3rd of the Lekku contain brain tissue reported to hold a Twi's deepest, most intimate and most precious memories. It also is said that grabbing the Lekku causes pain that can totally incapacitate most Twi's. Im sure that in a medical setting under surgery the Lekku could be removed as it is a criminal punishment in the most extreme cases on ryloth but one who is without Lekku is seen as an outcast and would never be accepted by most twi's. If someone just lopped them off well, how many humans would survive having the frontal lobe just lopped off - frontal lobotomy anyone? About the same amount of Twi's would survive as humans would any form of impromptu brain surgery The Sith are cruel. They don't randomly lop off organs or body parts for a laugh.
  6. Many from Starsider ended up on Lord Aldraas, especially ORCA. If you want to find them have a look on http://www.starsidergalaxy.com/ Which is still used by many of the Starsider RP groups.
  7. You mean a Lethan Twi'lek. Yes, we are awesome
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