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Should have given 30 days to everyone subbed since release


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But we all know that's what they meant, right? That some PR person thought they would mitigate frustration by making them feel special, right?






and they succeeded, the folks with level 50 toons now feel special :)



I don’t happen to be one of them, but I feel special anyway :)

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I've been here since before (was in beta) the beginning, payed my subscription fee every month and have played the game exactly like they said it should be played (lots of alts and story).


Yet, the guy who joined two weeks ago, power leveled to 50, and has yet to even pay a dime in subscription fees is the one labeled as being "the most valued" and "loyal".


Sorry, but that is insulting.

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As an RP server person, I'm feeling quite overlooked as well. I could have a 50, but instead, I'm actually being social and RPing (don't get me started on social points). So yes, I'm one of those that's been active since pre-ordering, switched servers once and now has a level 42 and a level 37, but will not be getting a free month. I feel a bit cheated.
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The founder title IS the reward, btw.


You also will get a tauntaun as thanks. Why ignore the positive and only focus on a perceived negative?


Perception is everyones reality you know... If people perceive they were slighted, then in fact, they were. And just by looking at the amount of responses, it wasn't just a few people that took it that way...

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In my opinion this was just a really bad PR decision on Bioware's part. I can see how they are trying to compensate the 50's by giving them a free month for not including something they promised. That is a a cool gesture in my opinion.


The problem was with how they phrased their statement. It just makes it sound like if you aren't 50, then you aren't a valued player. I know this is not what they meant (at least I hope not).


Ive been playing since the second round of beta, and supported bioware by buying the collectors edition. I spent a lot of time just trying to find the class that I wanted as a main. Therefore I have played a lot of classes to the mid 30's. I decided to abandon my main Gunslinger to roll on a higher pop server. My current main is only 36 at the moment.


I do thank Bioware for the new pet, but I am a little insulted at how they handled the free month situation.

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Perception is everyones reality you know... If people perceive they were slighted, then in fact, they were. And just by looking at the amount of responses, it wasn't just a few people that took it that way...


Interesting to see that again.


I worked in Sales and customer service for 8 years, and we had a similar guiding mantra.


"The customers perception is the customers reality"


It doesn't matter how bar room lawyers want to re-spell, re-phrase or re-emphasise, it is

and always will be, the truth.

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Again, sounds like your problem. And I'm sure that you're part of a very small minority.


Minority, right...get your facts straight or go troll elsewhere.


I don't have a problem with people getting their free month, congratulations to them.

I have a problem with the way it has been done, saying they are more loyal and more valued customers than the rest, which most definitely isn't the case, and is rather insulting the way they have presented it.

Kudos to them if they think that someone who has rushed to 50 and is subscribed for a month lets say, is more loyal and has more value as a customer than someone who has been here since early access, paying sub till date.

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I preordered and have had an active, unbroken subscription since day one of this game. My highest level character is level 47 - I am not a valued customer. I am however, a very disgruntled customer.
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I've been here since before (was in beta) the beginning, payed my subscription fee every month and have played the game exactly like they said it should be played (lots of alts and story).


Yet, the guy who joined two weeks ago, power leveled to 50, and has yet to even pay a dime in subscription fees is the one labeled as being "the most valued" and "loyal".


Sorry, but that is insulting.


Yes, it does come over as insulting.


The issue is that they had a lot of upset level 50s. These players are/have posted a massive number of complaints (largely about pvp) and many of them stopped their subscription and were waiting to see what happened before letting the next one go through (I did). Rather than admitting the mistake (which is bad in business), BW gives this and uses these arbitrary terms to appease the disgruntled 50s.


Yes, it comes as a slap for those that aren't 50. Though, if all of you dropped sub, I'm willing to bet you'd all get emails and an apology. I, honestly, thought they'd just send you guys one already. However, if you are just upset enough to post on the forums, but not upset enough to drop your sub; I doubt you'll get it now.

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Yes, it does come over as insulting.


The issue is that they had a lot of upset level 50s. These players are/have posted a massive number of complaints (largely about pvp) and many of them stopped their subscription and were waiting to see what happened before letting the next one go through (I did). Rather than admitting the mistake (which is bad in business), BW gives this and uses these arbitrary terms to appease the disgruntled 50s.


Yes, it comes as a slap for those that aren't 50. Though, if all of you dropped sub, I'm willing to bet you'd all get emails and an apology. I, honestly, thought they'd just send you guys one already. However, if you are just upset enough to post on the forums, but not upset enough to drop your sub; I doubt you'll get it now.


It is because of the fact that I am a loyal customer that I do not unsub over this. I will still come here and say "Hey now, wait a minute", but I won't unsub because of it.

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yes they could of worded it better, but end of the day its BWs way of saying sorry for not releasing promised content. If you could do rated warzone's below lvl 50 then you would get your free month as well, but since you cant then you wont simple as that.


Not saying they didn't word it wrong, but face the facts, BW haven't worded anything right so far

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If indeed a dev is looking thru these threads, then plz take heed. Ive read over a large part of the posts in this thread and it seems the prob is "communication" and propper notification. Yes we all are aware that these types of hicups do happen but like many others i still cant get a grip on why you fail to inform and keeping the player base within the loop. Alot of people have been waiting for this patch for a rather long time and you promoting it as much as you have, should it not be in everyones best interest to keep that "loop" intact? Just saying.....
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Hey I'm subbed since release though I haven't played since release because of some real world problems but the point is I'm jealous :p free 30 days please, or at least reword the valued customer thing that's kinda insulting.


They should have done like Final Fantasy and given everyone free month but hey maybe there'll be a free month giveaway for people on light servers when server transfers are near.

Edited by zuile
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It is because of the fact that I am a loyal customer that I do not unsub over this. I will still come here and say "Hey now, wait a minute", but I won't unsub because of it.


Wow, someone who feels the same way i do ;)


And a message to the people who want to show bioware that we non 50's are loyal, put my signature as yours ;)

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As the thread title states. I have been subbed to SWTOR since pre-release and rarely complained about any of the decisions the devs had made but the free 30 days has been done wrong if you ask me.


Just because my playstyle (I have a lvl 48 and a bunch of alts) I don't get the 30 free days?


Bioware is offering 30 free days to anyone that has a lvl 50 no matter how long they've supported the game and they are also offering 6 days to the people that stopped subbing to the game, but nothing for those of us that either don't play as much or make a bunch of alts or both.


I realize that very few of you forum goers fall into this category but I think most of you will agree that in addition to those with level 50 characters, all accounts that have been subbed since release deserve the free 30 days as well.


It's ironic that this is the first thing Bioware has done that makes me want to cancel my sub and show my appreciation right back to Bioware.


I agree. My highest is a 47 about to turn 48 I have a level 33 and a few in the 20s and teens. I have been here since Beta, pre-ordered, and have a 6 month recurring subscription, but apparently I'm less valued than someone running 1 character to 50 as fast as they can and then complaining about lack of content.

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''You are one of our most active and valued high level players and we know you have been waiting patiently for Game Update 1.2: Legacy. To show our appreciation, check out all the great new features this update has to offer-on us. We will be adding an additional 30 days of game time to your account at no charge*. The free 30 days will appear on your account by April 24, 11:59PM CDT, April 25, 4:59AM GMT.



As an added bonus, we will be awarding all active subscribers an in-game Legacy reward, the Legacy Tauntaun Ram Pet**, as our way of saying thanks for your support. The Tauntaun Ram Pet will be delivered to you via in-game mail by April 24, 2012, 11:59PM CDT/ April 25, 2012, 4:59AM GMT.''


i will keep posting this until you crybabies realise its ONE OF OUR MOST LOYAL AND ACTIVE!


try and read it from start now


And how would the people that don't have a 50 know about it,



Edit: Yah delete my post, and ban me. At this point I won't care aat all after 94 days.

Edited by Jerid
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