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Should have given 30 days to everyone subbed since release


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Totally agree with this. It was a poor decision and very poorly phrased, talk about adding insult to injury. Just because someone does not have a level 50 character should not mean they are considered a lesser being than the exalted level 50s. I have 2 level 50s, before anyone says it.


For damage limitation, BW should promise a repeat of this offer will be applied in future patches and will apply only to those who have not previously had a free 30 days. So in patch 1.3 people who get to 50 between now and then, and meet all other criteria, would receive 30 free days but people such as myself who got it this time around would not.

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Some people do not ENJOY leveling alts. They want to play their main toon. It is what they ENJOY doing in the game. Do not mock their playstyle. It is not wrong, it is just different what YOU enjoy. So, yes, these people, who have done everything they can on their main toon, have had nothing to do for the past month or so.


"Always keep your eyes open and try to see things from other people's point of view. They are usually not wrong, they just look at things differently than you. When you can do this, you will see a much bigger world in front of you."


I'm mocking nobody. If you are concerned with endgame warzone competition, how competitive do you think you're going to be against people who have leveled a number of alts of different classes to 50 and have all of the associated buffs. Like it or not, alt leveling has become part of the endgame here.


Also, your thinking there is nothing to do is not the same as there actually being nothing to do.

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If this is all just about "principal" then why is the recognition by BW of all it's loyal and valued customers by giving all active subs a free gift not good enough?


If the issue is really just about the principal, then the tauntaun is enough.


You have been recognized and thanked. Take a bow.

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you and spicerack both missed it though.


get it through your head, they should have mentioned us, not asking for freebies, im asking for some bloody notice for the effort we have put in and not just in a number over our toons head !!!!!!!!


For all your PTS efforts you get a cool title, if you get past Chapter 1 :) . So you DO get recognition... people DO notice you passing by with that cool title and think "Gosh, Golly.. here is a valiant tester that has given his free time to help us, poor players, unknowing on the server..."


Newsflash: nobody cares :)


And nobody asked for freebies. They were given :) . It was as much a suprise for 50`s as much as a bigger one for non 50`s :)

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Well it hacked me off. And it isnt the money. 15$ is nothing at all. It is the principle.


Generally when people complain about the "principal" of the thing it is a way of trying to sound less petty than they actually are, my experience anyway.

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If this is all just about "principal" then why is the recognition by BW of all it's loyal and valued customers by giving all active subs a free gift not good enough?


If the issue is really just about the principal, then the tauntaun is enough.


You have been recognized and thanked. Take a bow.


Actions speak louder than words.

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I have two 50s and working on my third... so I got my 30 days. However, I feel sorry for everyone that has been playing since release and didn't get free time because they are (A) alt-aholics, (B) don't have a lot of time to play, or © just like to go slow and complete EVERYTHING. If I was in your shoes, I'd be super angry.


They should have taken the high road by rewarding all loyal customers who paid for the game and have paid their subscription fees continuously since launch.


Instead, they took the low road by trying to bait their most unhappy customers (those that are already at end-game content) into sticking around a little longer.




I'm both B and C, might mix in a little of A as well. Been here since release but level very very slowly. It really makes no sense to claim that someone that powerlevled to 50 a few weeks ago is more loyal than someone who started the day it was released.

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Seriously? I get screwed because I stopped playing my main at 49, seriously, 49, been 49 for over a month because between being busy real life and alts, I just didnt' feel like finishing the level.


Thanks EA... I won't forget this.


It is a joke. Better off not doing it. It is like in a business you wouldnt help moral by saying only 1 of these 10 employees gets a bonus and the rest of you can just f off. That is not good management.

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I have a job, why is this the default arguement for those that can't hit level 50 in 4 months? You claim you want story so why have none of you finished the story? You haven't done Battle for Illum or the False Emperor, is that not story? I got to 50 to finish the game so I'm ready for the next story update yet all I read here is people claiming that level 50s haven't? I love forums, they do bring out the very best in stupidity :)
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Pissed me off to. my account have been active sense day one. and what do we get for that ?

nothing, sadly i had to change server 2 times cuse it DIED OUT have about 3 players online at peek hours.


But i get it they dont like us as much as those who picked the right server and have 1 lvl 50... As some said i havnt complained about anything "Exept the chatt bubble issue" and i have active played on 3 servers in total and had my account active sense day 1 but we dont get **** for our support... they couldh ave based it on Account active time or something..

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How, in the name of God, can people not have a level 50 by now? The scary part is they let you drive cars.


any idiot can crash a car, just like any idiot can post on a forum. driving does not equate to intelligence or speed at gaming. played on the test centre? found any bugs in game and reported them? we all know a level 50 can be reached quickly, but let me ask you this; if you reached level 50 in a fast amount of time (week to 3 weeks) and then sat on your hands whining, what exactly have you contributed to this game?


the more of this attitude around here the merrier eh? did you actually read through the thread before posting? ignorance is bliss they say, i guess its true...

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Who does it hurt if BioWare extends the free 30 days of playtime to "every active account with a character as of April 12th, 2012 at 12:00PM CDT / 5:00PM GMT"?


Besides those with inactive accounts as of April 12th, 2012 at 12:00PM CDT / 5:00PM GMT, or without accounts as of April 12th, 2012 at 12:00PM CDT / 5:00PM GMT, or BioWare/EA and any of their stake/shareholders. :rolleyes:


I'd actually vote for "scrap the free 30 days reward altogether" but that might not be as popular. :p

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You got a pet and a thank you. Is that not enough?


Oh right, you want what the other guy has.


That's not principal.


In fact it is principal. Yes I want it to be fair. I dont want to be paying for the game for a month whilst the other game isnt paying. Just like I dont like people who buy priated versions of games.

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Pissed me off to. my account have been active sense day one. and what do we get for that ?

nothing, sadly i had to change server 2 times cuse it DIED OUT have about 3 players online at peek hours.


But i get it they dont like us as much as those who picked the right server and have 1 lvl 50... As some said i havnt complained about anything "Exept the chatt bubble issue" and i have active played on 3 servers in total and had my account active sense day 1 but we dont get **** for our support... they couldh ave based it on Account active time or something..


You get this: http://www.swtor.com/news/news-article/20120412-1


Why no happy?

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Tsk... will people read the sign?





For my own part, I think I understand why Bioware made the award/reward etc.


The issue for me is the implementation. Very badly handled, and a guaranteed PR *****torm as the size of this thread testifies.

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In fact it is principal. Yes I want it to be fair. I dont want to be paying for the game for a month whilst the other game isnt paying. Just like I dont like people who buy priated versions of games.


I have no idea what you are talking about.

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Because from all the research I have done end game is pointless as there is no owpvp. Thus I have rerolled twice on 40-49 characters.


Those loyal enough to get to 50`s and witnessed that research first hand, or stuck with the owpvp get 30 days for their trouble. Or so is the general idea ...

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Coding a tauntaun as a gift for loyalty requires action. Your argument is invalid.


My arguement is that I am offeneded at this action to love level 50's.


How can me being offended be invalid. I dont give two ***** about what you think. All I have done is honestly state how I feel. If you feel differently then I dont care and you shouldnt care how I feel.


Get a grip of yourself honestly.

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I have a job, why is this the default arguement for those that can't hit level 50 in 4 months? You claim you want story so why have none of you finished the story? You haven't done Battle for Illum or the False Emperor, is that not story? I got to 50 to finish the game so I'm ready for the next story update yet all I read here is people claiming that level 50s haven't? I love forums, they do bring out the very best in stupidity :)



because some people's jobs require more time than others . I was gone over a month with my job with no ability to play but I still kept my sub up (military) so yes some people do have jobs that require them to not make it to 50 as fast as some 9 to 5 people. I was a hard core gamer rushed to 50 in so many games but now I enjoy the casual game when i am home, but yet i still pay every month. That answer your question?

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Well speaking from someone that has 3 level 50's and a 4th at lvl 39, I got the free time. But I must say, that it does seem a bit unfair that some get it and others dont based on how they leveled.


I am one of those "hardcore" guys that pushed for legacy levels, got what I wanted. I think it could have been handled a bit differently, but bottom line is it is THEIR game, we simply pay them to play it. (like renting a car - their car their rules.)

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had my account active sense day 1 but we dont get **** for our support... they couldh ave based it on Account active time or something..


Again, not a loyalty reward. An apology to those specific users who did not get the new content they were promised. And a good one. Well done, BW.

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