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Should have given 30 days to everyone subbed since release


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How can a level 50 push the game to evolve when there's no end-game content yet?


Congratulations, you hit level 50 and resubscribed before April 12. You win the loyalty contest.


Now, let's do more of these things. I've already ordered a new keyboard in the mail as I foresee I'll break the current one in an attempt to achieve BW's appreciation.


So them developing harder content isn't based on what 50s had to say? Them putting in new balances isn't based on what 50s had to say? Them adding things to professions wasn't based on what 50s had to say? I can go on if you'd like. There are a massive number of things that 50s have contributed to them that low level players can't and never will. Doesn't mean the low levels are bad people or shouldn't get rewarded for loyalty but the fact that 50s contribute more is simple irrefutable fact.

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Apparently "one of" means "only" in some peoples opinion. It no where says level 50s are the ONLY valued players.


Bioware failed to deliver the content they promised to end-game players, they are trying to remedy it. But this forums make it clear that no matter what they do, there will be people who are never satisfied.


Do keep in mind that very new players with a lvl 50 also received the free month, not just those who have been around and have lvl 50s.

Edited by exccw
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It's not that it's poor wording.

It's not that I need the $15.00


It's that it's a bad decision to arbitrarily decide that despite my loyalty, my playstyle is wrong.


And just WHERE in the email did BioWare say that your playstyle is wrong? This is what ties into the fact that this email promotional thing was handled completely wrong. The email wording is what's wrong here.

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but they did say something about none lvl 50 players


they called them active subscribers, not vauled customers which the lvl 50 players got, no just active subs.


You are really arguing semantics here... Let me re-quote the thing:




As a thanks for being one of our most valued players, every active account with a Level 50 character as of April 12th, 2012 at 12:00PM CDT / 5:00PM GMT, will receive thirty (30) days of game time** in appreciation for your support and loyalty.


Now... can you point out to me, where can I find this fabled "active subscriber", used in COMPARISON with a level 50, in the above quote?


And the requirements don`t count as comparison, sorry, nor the pet promotion. Just show us, in the official text, for the 30 day promo, where do they compare levels, please.

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Quite frankly I'm astonished at the original post itself, and the subsequent posts rising up in agreement.


We've been subbed since launch, were involved in the closed beta, and pre-ordered. However, we don't have any toons that are level 50 (not even close), because we wanted to experience other classes.


...we don't give a ripe bat fart about not being included in the 30 days free time. It's insignificant and trivial to complain about such a thing, not to mention childish.


They're NOT saying that level 50 players are more important or valued as customers. They're simply handing a reward out for time spent leveling a character to end-game. Personally, I think it's a lovely 'thank you' to those players who have managed to stick with the same class (or 2) when they could have been piddle-farting around with all of the classes (like we were). lol Kudos to those of you who did it.


To those complaining about it...I really don't have much to say that won't get me banned or worse. To cut it short; grow up.

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but who said you WILL NEVER receive it... is there a fixed time until you MUST receive it unless you are NOT valued?


No not really as I've said this is simply something I dislike, disagree with enough to count as a 'strike one'. If Bioware keep doing stupid things that upset me they have one more freebie, so to speak.


If I do get it, it will probably remove the strike.


edit to Alcarinn - the e-mail tells the individual who receives it that they are one of the most valued. Therefore the most valued are all those people that receive the e-mail. I you don't receive a mail by omission you are not 'most valued'

Edited by mothear
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I know I said I was done with this thread. However this comment rubbed me the wrong way. It's not that the players who did or did not receive this reward are any more or less valued than the next player. It's the fact that the message being sent was abrasive and has been interpreted in a way that the message was not meant to convey. BioWare is not intentionally saying that the people who didn't get the free 30 days are a less valued player or anything like that. It's that BioWare had a certain type of criteria that some of the players met that they felt warranted an extra "Thank you for contributing to this game and to help make it successful." Frankly, the fact that so many people are getting upset about that is somewhat understandable. However, the fact that they gave an incentive at all should be showing everyone that they do care about their loyal and contributing player base as a whole. Just because you have not gotten this particular incentive doesn't mean that in some point in the future you won't get one that others won't.


Life goes on, what people should be upset about is how the message was sent in the context that it was worded. I spent 7 years playing WoW and I never once got an extra incentive unless I payed for it. (AKA Collectors edition releases) or Micro transaction vanity stuff. Did I ever get upset that other people had things I didn't have? Not at all, but that's because I didn't put forth the extra effort or money required to get those things. To me this is no different, it is nothing more than a way for BioWare to show they do care about their player base and that they will sometimes reward the player base for it. To me right now, this reward was no different than hoping to be selected for a beta invite back before the mass beta weekends. Did I ever get one? Not once but did I complain that other people got to do so when I didn't? Not at all.


Let's acknowledge the fact that while yes it was a message that was poorly worded. BioWare is thankful for everyone's contribution to this game no matter how big or how small.


It's not the money, it's the principle. You don't call a player who played for 2 weeks in December, got to 50 then canceled for 3 months "most valued" and say you appreciate their support and loyalty or the person who got the game a month ago and got to 50. You commend those who stick with the company and pay month after month and don't cancel.

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I've been playing since early access. I do not have a level 50. I have things in my life other than playing a video game.


Then you aren't a committed player are you? This was a reward for the people that didn't walk away or put significant time into the game over the last 4 months.


I'm sorry you didn't fall into that category. If you "have a life" and that is better than playing the game more consistently and getting a free month, then why do you care? Isn't your "life" that you have that those of us who got the free month that you assume don't have better?

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Not at all. Like other people have said, we all know its to bribe the people. Im not saying its unfair. Im saying that they said it to keep the 50's playing.


Does BW have no balls or what exacly is the reason for wording it like this ? We can't admit to our mistakes, best to piss of a whole new group of to this day happy subscribers ... that's the best course of action.

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Quite frankly I'm astonished at the original post itself, and the subsequent posts rising up in agreement.


We've been subbed since launch, were involved in the closed beta, and pre-ordered. However, we don't have any toons that are level 50 (not even close), because we wanted to experience other classes.


...we don't give a ripe bat fart about not being included in the 30 days free time. It's insignificant and trivial to complain about such a thing, not to mention childish.


They're NOT saying that level 50 players are more important or valued as customers. They're simply handing a reward out for time spent leveling a character to end-game. Personally, I think it's a lovely 'thank you' to those players who have managed to stick with the same class (or 2) when they could have been piddle-farting around with all of the classes (like we were). lol Kudos to those of you who did it.


To those complaining about it...I really don't have much to say that won't get me banned or worse. To cut it short; grow up.


My apologies if I'm mistaken, but somehow, I doubt that with your March 2012 join date.

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Apparently "one of" means "only" in some peoples opinion. It no where says level 50s are the ONLY valued players.


Bioware failed to deliver the content they promised to end-game players, they are trying to remedy it. But this forums make it clear that no matter what they do, there will be people who are never satisfied.


I think the issue some ppl are getting stuck on is not one of absolutes but rather that they feel BW has implied that ppl with lvl 50 toons are more valued than those without and therefore the one's they care about keeping. which begs one onto the next thought that BW doesn't care if you stay or go if you don't have a lvl 50.

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After reading through this thread and seeing all the different types of reactions, I'm going to recant my earlier contention that BioWare/EA extend the free 30 days to all launch subscribers. Here's the reason why: this situation is already a problem and there is no way to fix it. Giving the "special" bonus to all launch-and-on subscribers will make the lvl 50s po-ed and will make those who started in January slighted. And taking the free 30 days from 50s in general is definitely off the table.

Therefore, I suggest that BioWare/EA issue a PR apology. Realize that they made a mistake with their wording and leave the benefits as they are and wait for the waves to subside. Trying to make a change at this point will only make the storm worse. So, batten down the hatches and dig in for a sh*t storm and prepare for clean up once it's complete.

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Apparently "one of" means "only" in some peoples opinion. It no where says level 50s are the ONLY valued players.


Bioware failed to deliver the content they promised to end-game players, they are trying to remedy it. But this forums make it clear that no matter what they do, there will be people who are never satisfied.


So why are you better than me and get a free 30- days... because you leveled your character to lvl 50. So what...I've payed just as much and played just as much as Lvl 50 players.


While it might not say lvl 50's are the only valued players, their actions say otherwise...

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I dont think that the "everyone" thing should be done but what I do think is that Bioware should have sent this:


"In honor of 1.2 and as a reward to our valued customers, we have decided to give everyone who has a level 50 char by May 30th with an extra 30 days of game time."


This would have rewarded the 50's AND given others the choice to level to 50 or choose not to.

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If Bioware ticked you off... leave. Or consider what you do have... 15 dollars less than some subscribers.


*reality check*


No one in Bioware management, or production misses any sleep because someone thinks they aren't as loyal as others.


If anyone is playing this game out of some desire to be liked by gaming management... I suggest medication. Which is substantially more than 15 bucks.

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It's not the money, it's the principle. You don't call a player who played for 2 weeks in December, got to 50 then canceled for 3 months "most valued" and say you appreciate their support and loyalty or the person who got the game a month ago and got to 50. You commend those who stick with the company and pay month after month and don't cancel.


you should re-read what you quoted. I said the message was worded poorly.

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