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Everything posted by Kvistor

  1. Look, I agree that they're making a big fuss over a skin, but the reason being is to show that they do care about the fans, despite what we may believe to the contrary. It sucks that we had to wait for it (as well as waiting for other great species options *coughkeldorcough*, but at least they're working to change it. And that's harder to do now that the game has gone F2P and the income is smaller than a sub-model game. With that in mind, I found this somewhere on the way to this forum. http://static.fjcdn.com/pictures/Do+not+feed+the+trolls_5381eb_3248877.jpg
  2. Whatever happened to the Cathar race info? Wasn't that something they showed in the E3 video then suddenly took it out when they posted the "same" video on the TOR site?
  3. That was more what I was expecting, not hoping. It makes the most sense. Why make more populated servers stuffed as it is? Merge the groups that are smaller together to make something better. *shrugs*
  4. A decent amount ARE kids. Before server transfers were happening, I bit the bullet and started new characters on a more populated server and I have never complained since. If you don't like something, then help yourself out. Yes, BioWare should do something to fix the situation (ie their server transfers), but neither are you doing anything productive by just sitting around complaining/whining and waiting for something to happen. By the way, server transfers are not a simple click and drag operation over in Austin. It takes so much more than that to transfer one character over. That's why it's taken so long to get transfers happening and also why they aren't doing it for all servers. Seriously, you guys want your cake and you want to eat it, too. There's only so much that can be done with an MMO in its initial 6 months. Jeez. Even WoW had issues like this at launch. It was just lucky that it didn't have an already established mega-game to compare and compete with.
  5. Remember that time that this takes place centuries before the time of Galaxies? I remember that? Everytime that I log in. You should, too. It definitely feels like Star Wars in all aspects of Star Wars, save for space battles, but give BioWare time to have that unlocked in future expansions. And before you go on about how they should have had it out at release, remember that Galaxies had to wait until JTL to get space at all. So, while I acknowledge your opinion about how it doesn't feel like Star Wars, I cannot understand it. It has everything that one should come to expect from Star Wars, including a great line of storytelling.
  6. And I respect that aspect of your opinion. You don't like it, it ruins your experience and you are upset about that. Completely understood. However, you're asking BioWare to cater to small minority to change something that is dependent on community interaction in a MMO game. I'm sorry to say it, but you are more than likely preaching to the wind here. Yes, your concerns are valid to you, but they are not valid to a corporate gameplan which is to make the most customers happy at any given moment. For the longest time, BioWare was getting complaints about lack of content and world interactions. Now they've supplied that and more. But now new voices are coming in (albeit in much fewer numbers) saying that they need to have an opt in option. I grant you the reasons behind it and they have some validity, but you are asking for something that doesn't make sense in the long run. Numerous people are thrilled with this event and their playing of it in comparison to the few arguing against it or the tweaking of it is greatly winning. Again, while your concerns are valid to you and a small few that do not, under any circumstances, want to participate with the basic function of an MMO, community, they are not valid to the majority who are enjoying this new aspect of SWTOR. And the majority always rules.
  7. Griefing pro: gree - fing Definition: once known as: to hunt down opposing player and lurk around dead opponent's body resulting in constant loss of life and damage to armor and thus monetary status of said opponent new definition: when a player wants to be left alone and is bothered by anything other than what they want while playing single player in known MMO space EX: player is running around looking to kill a mob but another player beats them to it and thus is forced to wait for mob respawn EX: player is in an MMO and wants to play a single player game Griefing
  8. Psst... Come here, I have a secret for you. PvE stands for "Player versus Environment" Last I checked this world event (and the term "world") is part of the environment of the MMO. Again, I reiterate.... It's not a single player game, folks. You're trying to play an MMO as something that it isn't. As much as that is frustrating it's the way of the land. Deal.
  9. Sooo.... you like single player games that have multiplayer? If that's the case, why are you playing an MMO? I mean, BioWare did say it was an MMO, correct? What's the complaint? Don't like world events (something that is pretty common in the MMO space) in a game? Then simply do not play it. Or, if you like the other aspects of the games more, then keep playing. Either way, the complaints are most likely falling on deaf ears because they are from people who don't wish to be a part of a living world, the basic principle of an MMO.
  10. ^This And this: http://www.podpocalypse.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/Haters_Gonna_Hate.gif
  11. How so? They've created something that is on a single planet, expressed the damage it is capable of and told people to stay away from that place unless they want to die. All other actions are those of the players. Sure the situation is from something BioWare made, but it's not their doing that people are bringing it on the stations and other places. To counteract what someone might say about "containment," the idea is meant to spread people helping each other out and interacting with the community. However, there are people in SWTOR that are looking to play this game without much interaction or without any sort of hindrance to their homeostasis of the game. Since this changes that they get po-ed and complain instead of trying to make the best of the situation or learn how to become a part of it. If you wish to not be a part of it, then you will have to avoid community areas, which are very important to an MMO. Deal with just your ship until the plague subsides and you can get back to business or avoid populated areas. Everyone is experiencing this. You're not a victim of chance and horrid scrutiny of BioWare. You are playing THEIR game and this was their design to make a world event in an MMO. If you take issue with it, then make your statement and move on. If you feel slighted over this little thing (and yes it is quite little in retrospect) then perhaps you're not meant to be playing an MMO and giving advice on how certain aspects should be implemented.
  12. That's a great idea. Then all those people who were on the planet when the random thing hits are stuck there until they figure out how to get off the planet. That is literally having BioWare grief you and those complaints would be even worse than the ones we're getting right now.
  13. The thing is, in a game system like this where your customer base is in the hundreds of thousands you simply cannot make all people happy. Therefore, you have to please the majority. It's simple business, make happy those who make you the most money. And sadly the minority never, ever gets counted in. Therefore, while yes, you are an important customer, BioWare still has to do one thing and one thing only, please the majority first and foremost. After that, they'll see if your claim can be implemented. If you really have too much of an issue with the service/product/etc then you are probably playing the wrong game for yourself.
  14. Wait wait wait!! I don't have a level 50 toon nor have I reached level 6 Legacy spe.... oh who gives a crap! I seriously do not reach either option but I am indeed enjoying that BioWare came up with a very intelligent way to include those who are not 50s but have been around for quite some time. Good on them. All those who complain here on out.... I blow my nose at you.
  15. I'm actually still here waiting for the patch to download while at work.
  16. So, who's too busy playing the game to care about this thread anymore? This guy. Servers are back online.
  17. After reading through this thread and seeing all the different types of reactions, I'm going to recant my earlier contention that BioWare/EA extend the free 30 days to all launch subscribers. Here's the reason why: this situation is already a problem and there is no way to fix it. Giving the "special" bonus to all launch-and-on subscribers will make the lvl 50s po-ed and will make those who started in January slighted. And taking the free 30 days from 50s in general is definitely off the table. Therefore, I suggest that BioWare/EA issue a PR apology. Realize that they made a mistake with their wording and leave the benefits as they are and wait for the waves to subside. Trying to make a change at this point will only make the storm worse. So, batten down the hatches and dig in for a sh*t storm and prepare for clean up once it's complete.
  18. Can I carry your school books, like, forever?? Thank you. I have too many alts and did not get the 30 free days. Am I going to miss that 50 cents a day? Nope. Am I hating BioWare/EA for this? Nope. Do I feel underappreciated as a customer? Nope. Game's still gonna be there and I'm still gonna keep playing it because I wasn't promised anything otherwise. Yes, it was a REALLY stupid PR move, but I'm not going to take it personally. But that's just me.
  19. Personally, I have been playing since beta and have no lvl 50s (mainly due to changing servers numerous times until I found one pretty well populated). While, yes, I do feel a bit slighted that I didn't get a free month of subscription I cannot help but not really miss it. I have shrugged it off because it wasn't anything I was promised from the get go. It was a free thing that was given for the sake of being to the lvl 50s and for two reasons: most lvl 50s are complaining about lack of endgame content and those who've played to lvl 50 have presumably explored ALL matters of content the game has to offer, therefore appreciating all that BioWare put into the game. Now, from a customer service standpoint I believe that BioWare/EA has completely shot themselves in the foot and may have started something they cannot finish. You want to make ALL your customers happy 100% of the time in the customer service business, and, let's face it, the video game industry is a customer service industry. BioWare/EA has failed to do that with this latest situation. It's rough and they are going to have to do a lot to make people happy. While I, personally, am not one of those demanding compensation, I do know that my personal feelings are not the reflection of the whole, which seems to be leaning towards anger/frustration/resentment. Therefore, BioWare/EA, if you really want to keep a majority of the casuals and alt-aholics in SWTOR, then I would suggest giving that free month of service to those who have held the game throughout launch and without unsubbing since said launch. That would greatly show how you appreciate the "loyal customers" of SWTOR.
  20. But you didn't order a bottle of wine. You ordered a video game. And you got a video game. It has the story, multiplayer, progression, exploration and more of what was promised. If you want to stick with the wine analogy here: You bought a bottle of wine knowing it was the distiller first make of wine, ever. You expected the world of this wine, without the distiller promising such. When you got a mediocre wine that wasn't the world that you expected you got angry and started demanding. I understand the frustration behind most people's angst. This game isn't the best out there. But it shouldn't have been expected to be. People hyped it up to something more than it was going to be and they let themselves down. Yes, it's frustrating that the servers had to be taken down in an emergency, but you're not losing anything out of it, are you? You aren't. You're getting this day of gameplay back on BioWare/EA. So, stop with the demanding for something you weren't promised and find something else to do of the million other things the world has to offer in the meantime.
  21. So you want to be able to show up, do horribly and still get something just for showing up? That basically a win would only give you pride because losing is always a netted gain? Nothing meant as offense meant directly at you, but seriously people? Have we seriously taken the "everyone is special" crap to the next level? I mean, I was a bit perturbed by not getting money for losing a match, but I also knew that there were two other reasons I played WZ: to play with other players and TO WIN!!! I don't go in thinking, "golly gee, I hope that I win so that my feelings don't get hurt or that I'm not wasting my time gaining valuable lessons in tactics or how to better play in a PvP server." I go in thinking, "Hey, I hope I win." The end. If I lose, then I lost and I'll try better next time. Stop thinking that you deserve something at every friggin corner of everything!!! These people work hard to bring you this game. You have the game now and you have other means of making credits. Don't like it? Don't know what to tell you. Get over it.
  22. Signs at the Forums read: "DON'T feed the Trolls" Just like at the zoo, people never pay attention to these signs.
  23. Sorry bout that. Edited. Thanks.
  24. I point to your earlier example... So, Master Windu was a powerful Jedi that couldn't be defeated in open combat by droids because he held his weapon. But two others, who were also Masters on the Jedi Council, were disarmed the numbers are suddenly applicable as a means to excuse a Master losing? It's still open battle right? Let's go to your other arguments.... First, by definition a headbutt is melee combat. Second, YES! I do believe that Sith can be defeated by non-Force users, especially highly trained soldiers/warriors. We've seen this in the movies, which you are ignoring/finding ways around admitting. In addition, Bounty Hunters (such as Boba Fett) are KNOWN to be Jedi killers (it's their frickin' nickname for @#$%@ sake!). Hmmm... Non-Force users killing Force users... that's a strange, unbelievable predicament, but still one that has been proven in lore (aka CANON). Ultimately, the fact that the canon has shown that non-Force users have the means of defeating Force-users could very easily imply that heavily adept Force users have the means of defeating other Force users as well. The ironic part here is that you're playing such a powerful Jedi that can achieve almost anything because he believes/knows that he can, but you (the real person) do not believe he is capable of doing this. Somewhere Yoda is going, "That is why you fail."
  25. Actually, a few other Masters were there, Plo Koon and Ki-Ad-Mundi were also there. They were both Council members and, if you recall from the part of the scene where they had the pause in the action, they were both disarmed. These were also the same Masters we saw defeated under Order 66 in Episode III (Plo by fighter pilots, Ki by Clones), amongst all the others defeated by non-Jedi. Therefore, Masters are not unbeatable. Satele is a powerful Jedi Master, who was almost defeated by a Lord Malgus, until that Trooper (cannot remember name) came to her aid. In addition to that, this same Trooper took out 3 Sith on his way to Malgus, and later knocked him on his butt with a concussion grenade, after melee combat. In addition, Obi-Wan's "trial" was not General Grievous, it was Darth Maul. Your arguments have gaping flaws. Please, reconsider your position based on this "new" information.
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