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Tactics in 1.2?


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Neither is the 15% run speed increase with HEC.

actually this never worked as far as i know


The move speed Reduction with a 5 stack does not work. The damage increase is questionable though. I don't notice much diff between a 3 and a 5 stack. That said, therr is difference with no stacks.

i don't see any difference between 0 stacks and 5 stacks.

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It worked. Iv tested it before


ok. i only saw a lot of posts in the forums from people saying it didn't and some others confirming it as a known issue. actually you are the very first i ever saw posting it worked for him.


i never tried it on my own though.

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ok. i only saw a lot of posts in the forums from people saying it didn't and some others confirming it as a known issue. actually you are the very first i ever saw posting it worked for him.


i never tried it on my own though.


The run speeds works. I have tested it.


The damage works. It's very obvious to people who have run the talent regularly. The problem probably revolves around people not understanding other classes. There are numerous classes who can get very significant damage reductions against Pulse Cannon. Multiple specs have 30% reduction from AoE damage. Some classes get abnormally high internal / elemental damage. If you get Taunted, it goes down drastically. Etc. There's a lot of things that will drop it's damage a lot.

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The run speeds works. I have tested it.


The damage works. It's very obvious to people who have run the talent regularly. The problem probably revolves around people not understanding other classes. There are numerous classes who can get very significant damage reductions against Pulse Cannon. Multiple specs have 30% reduction from AoE damage. Some classes get abnormally high internal / elemental damage. If you get Taunted, it goes down drastically. Etc. There's a lot of things that will drop it's damage a lot.


Sorry, but you are wrong. Pre patch i was doning 2300+crits on 5 stacks to lvl 36 boss i had farmed for a week. After 1.2 the SAME gear, SAME build, and im doing 1500 to the same boss. Same goes with snare effect. IT's not applied.

Edited by Nezyrworks
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The run speeds works. I have tested it.

now after 1.2?

so one claims it doesn't, one says it does.


The damage works. It's very obvious to people who have run the talent regularly. The problem probably revolves around people not understanding other classes. There are numerous classes who can get very significant damage reductions against Pulse Cannon. Multiple specs have 30% reduction from AoE damage. Some classes get abnormally high internal / elemental damage. If you get Taunted, it goes down drastically. Etc. There's a lot of things that will drop it's damage a lot.


in my case it does not!


i tested it in a duell, my oponent just sitting there. i did it a lot of times and the damage was the same with 0 stacks as it was with 5 stacks. absolutely no difference.


a 50% increase is quite big, nothing you would not observe if you are hitting THE SAME target who does nothing while you fire at it.


if it indeed works for you than maybe the talent is only bugged some times. who knows. but it doesn't apply any damage with 5 stacks in my case.

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The run speeds works. I have tested it.


The damage works. It's very obvious to people who have run the talent regularly. The problem probably revolves around people not understanding other classes. There are numerous classes who can get very significant damage reductions against Pulse Cannon. Multiple specs have 30% reduction from AoE damage. Some classes get abnormally high internal / elemental damage. If you get Taunted, it goes down drastically. Etc. There's a lot of things that will drop it's damage a lot.



Ummm I just tested the run last night. It in fact.... Does not work. At least not on my server.

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Pulse cannon does less damage now. Pre-patch 1.2 my ticks critted for about 1800 with 5 stacks, now it only crits for 1400 with 5 stacks.


I am lvl 50, and tested this before and after patch 1.2 on corelia on the exact same mobs (imperial troops). The gear (mix of centurion and champion gear) I used before and after is also identical.


Other elemental attacks damage like ion pulse remain +/- the same.


Anyone has an explanation for this? Did they perhaps give those imperial mobs some aoe damage reduction?? Or is pulse cannon just weaker now and the devs "forgot" to mention it?

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The run speed on HEC appears to work fine, on several occasions I had people running away from me and I could outright run up behind them and catch them.


The snare on gut renders the whole tree more viable than it was before, in my opinion. Oddly enough, it seems to do it in the opposite way from what you'd expect--you're typically not snaring people to keep them in melee range, you're snaring them to be able to stay out of it.


I found myself shockingly squishy, much more than I'd been before(obviously, that's anecdotal but it sure felt that way). I very much miss the heal/DR cooldown reduction in assault by being tactics, especially without the heal on recharges cells(though the gut snare is a fair tradeoff).


Because of this survivability, I wasn't able to get a full cast of pulse cannon off all night--literally. I never noticed being directly interupted, but I either died or was knocked back every attempt I made with it. Part of that is my fault as I never tried it on a stunned, single target and instead was going for AE usage.


In terms of killing casters, the relative reliance on DoTs seemed offset by the interupt cooldown reduction, making it very possible to kill them.


All told, I'm not completely sure I'll stick with it, but it at the very least it seems more playable than it was, as a spec.

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Excuse me, excuse me...Why are we discussing Tactics? It's still terrible *wink+troll face*. But seriously, shhhhh.


Ok, on an actual serious note, I am noticing lower damage output on pulse cannon. I am guessing this is because the damage is being spread out over more ticks as stated before. The 5 stack holy grail I am not seeing the 50% damage increase on OR the slow so sadly that must be broken.


Total damage overall still feels good and for myself has bumped up. I was topping damage charts in WZs before, but now I'm starting to do it by a bit of a margin.


Survivability...well, I can't speak on that but I'll just say that if you know what you're doing people will hate your guts and target you a lot. But even when the enemy team is trying to 2v1, 3v1, 4v1,5v1 me, that's enemies out of the fight and you better believe I'm beating the hell out of their healer as I go down.


One thing to note with the 15% run speed increase. It does NOT stack with sprint or HtL, which I'm sure most of you know, but for awhile I thought it did. Once that fact came to me I realized it probably does work.

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Terrible spec still... can't do anything to half competent healer, squishy as anyone and if ignored, you run around meleeing ppl with low 2-3k crit that literally just "tickles"


The infamous uninterruptable cannon can be easily walk away from (no ensnare applied) and stun/knockback.


I'll go back to being more survivable shotting from 30 meter away and guarantee 10k crit rotation from afar.

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Between intelligent use of LoS/Obstacles, Hold the Line, Neural Surge, Cryo Grenade and all the other slows and stuns flying around from my teammates I have no problems landing many more successful Pulse Cannons than unsuccessful. I even use Harpoon to great effect on sorc/merc heals. Just pop HtL, then harpoon them in and pop pulse cannon. The first thing they always do is try to knock me back. Meanwhile, I am burning them up.


I am loving the new WZ, as well. The imps stack up in those little houses and like the Big Bad Wolf I blow that mother down. You can LoS it just right and get half your pulse cannon cone shooting in there and they can't even see you, lol. HtL is also great for zipping between the nodes when combat can't be dropped.

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i totally agree, kiting is the key. though it may sound stupid but how do you kite with hec? with 1.2 you have the slow on gut for 6s but before?


i wasn't tactics prior 1.2 so maybe i miss something.


anyhow, if you feel fine without ion cell so be it. i feel better with it. i do not miss the 8% dmg not even a bit but i feel the difference in survivability a lot not having ion cell.


though, as i mentioned currently mitigation seems to be broken anyway.


Don't you get a 15 percent runbuff in the tactics tree?

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Don't you get a 15 percent runbuff in the tactics tree?


no. didn't i mentioned i play with ion cell?

anyhow, that 15% are not enoguh for kiting. the time you need to get out of their range is enough to finish their cd to slow you down again.


it can be hard to get out of range even with a 50% slow. either your server works differently or your opponents are damn slow at reacting if the 15% run speed helps you to effectively kite against a good opponent.


edit: btw. some are claiming that i does not work for them. some say it does.

Edited by me_unknown
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no. didn't i mentioned i play with ion cell?

anyhow, that 15% are not enoguh for kiting. the time you need to get out of their range is enough to finish their cd to slow you down again.


it can be hard to get out of range even with a 50% slow. either your server works differently or your opponents are damn slow at reacting if the 15% run speed helps you to effectively kite against a good opponent.


edit: btw. some are claiming that i does not work for them. some say it does.


It all adds up.

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It all adds up.


what adds up. there is only a 15% increase. while you are slowed even more. don't tell me that you menage to get out of their range in less than 6s only with a 15% speed improvement.


6s and then you are getting slowed again (if not, than your opponent sucks!).


if you can kite with 15% run speed increase than you can do it with 0 tooo. and if this is the case then your opponent simply sucks.

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I wouldn't be surpised if there was a stealth nerf that makes it only work in HEC. I'll test it with Ion Cell sometime tonight.


you mean the pulse generator? this i tested with all 3 cells. that talent doesn't work with any of them. the run speed of course works only with HEC as the tooltip says, though as i mentionend... never tested and used as i do not intend to run with anything else but ion cell.


though, the broken mitigation currently makes you feel naked anyway. could omit it so.

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I ran a damage meter against the PVE training dummy you get with the legacy. I play a vanguard and the stacks are working. If I don't have 5 stacks I get crits of 1.4k on the dummy. If I have 5 stacks I get 2k crits. I used the damage meter to compare both Assault and Tactics. They are pretty much close to equal right now for PVE dps. Assault edges out the tactics tree by just a tiny bit.


Initial burst with all stims and adrenals I get above 1500 dps for the first 30 seconds. After 3-4 minutes the dps averages out between 1200-1300 dps for both specs.


I'm a bit disappointed as a sage in my guild with less gear can do about 150 more dps. Keep in mind this is only with the PVE training dummy. I can't afford the pvp one yet.

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